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D&D 5E Swimming in Armor

Can someone point me to any 5E rules about swimming DC, especially in armor? I can't find it in the PHB or DMG...

Just some generic text that swimming is an athletics check in the PHB under athletics skills. Even then I don't find a DC for swimming in a gentle river and what effects armor might have (maybe disadvantage if the armor has a stealth disadvantage?)

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Can someone point me to any 5E rules about swimming DC, especially in armor? I can't find it in the PHB or DMG...

Just some generic text that swimming is an athletics check in the PHB under athletics skills. Even then I don't find a DC for swimming in a gentle river and what effects armor might have (maybe disadvantage if the armor has a stealth disadvantage?)

Short answer: There are none.

Long answer: I had stealth-disadvantage armor grant the same penalty to athletics for long-periods of swimming.


You won't find set DCs for wilderness hazards, or specific rules for what is and isn't possible while wearing armour. Fifth edition isn't as simulationist as previous ones.

That said, if a player tried to swim in armour, well, if it was the sort of swim where anyone who attempted it would need make a check, I'd give the armour wearer disadvantage.


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Can someone point me to any 5E rules about swimming DC, especially in armor? I can't find it in the PHB or DMG...

Just some generic text that swimming is an athletics check in the PHB under athletics skills. Even then I don't find a DC for swimming in a gentle river and what effects armor might have (maybe disadvantage if the armor has a stealth disadvantage?)

PHB, p 182, each foot of swimming costs 1 extra foot. In gentle/smooth water, no check is required. In rough water, the DM might call for a STR (Athletics) check. Other factors may call into question a character's ability to make progress or stay afloat while swimming, including seaweed or other creatures interfering, although personally I wouldn't make wearing heavy armor one of them. I'd also keep in mind that disadvantage on such a check is the penalty for non-proficiency with armor worn.

Hows this sound?

For a medium sized river with a moderate current, DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check.
Medium armor grants disadvantage, speed is no more than 10 ft.
Heavy armor grants disadvantage and a -2 penalty to the check, speed 0 (just staying afloat).


Nothing in the rules, I don't have a house rule since many people say that swimming in armor would be no worse than swimming in clothing.

Nothing in the rules, I don't have a house rule since many people say that swimming in armor would be no worse than swimming in clothing.
I've had to swim in clothes, and it's noticeable different than in a swimming suit. What experience swimming in armor do those who say it doesn't matter have?

Throw on 40 pounds plus a quilted cloth under that that would fill with water? I don't buy it.

Plus, if swimming in armor wasn't a problem, then how come historically sailors don't wear armor? How come modern body armor has quick release pulls for dumping it if you fall in water?

Regardless, at my table, swimming in armor is a problem. I just have to figure out rules that are simple, and reasonably believable.


I've had to swim in clothes, and it's noticeable different than in a swimming suit. What experience swimming in armor do those who say it doesn't matter have?

Throw on 40 pounds plus a quilted cloth under that that would fill with water? I don't buy it.

Plus, if swimming in armor wasn't a problem, then how come historically sailors don't wear armor? How come modern body armor has quick release pulls for dumping it if you fall in water?

Regardless, at my table, swimming in armor is a problem. I just have to figure out rules that are simple, and reasonably believable.

Full plate armor weighed around 33-55 pounds, although there were certainly examples that were heavier. When sailors didn't wear armor it was because of cost, or because no one was wearing armor anymore. My viking ancestors and many warriors before firearms became commonplace would disagree that sailors never wore armor.

I don't think that swimming in armor would be that much worse than swimming in, say wizards robes.

It's your game, do what you will. But there are no rules for it and the myth that someone in armor could barely able to move was just that ... a myth.

[MENTION=6801845]Oofta[/MENTION], I didn't talk about the myth of barely being able to move in armor. And the 40 pounds of armor I mentioned is right in the range you gave. Which matches the weights in the PHB too.

I haven't studied viking armor, but I've always been under the impression it wasn't much more that studded leather. Which is light armor, and per my rules would impose no penalty.

To be fair, I decided to do a little Google to see what I can find:

Here's a guy swimming in a chain shirt (medium armor, PHB says 20lbs) without the padded undergarmet in calm water. Notice he was able to do so, but obviously it wasn't a trivial affair.

Here's a guy in full chain not even trying to swim and really not even floating. Sounds pretty close to what I'm suggesting; penalty, disadvantage, no movement (floating / treading water only).

Here's Mythbuster's trying full plate as a shark protector. He mighted have been weighted since he has scuba on. No conclusions from this.

Swimming in samurai armor, not easy, but possible in calm water. Seems to fit with my rules, IMO. Note here's more info onthis video, and the discussionthat a special stroke was developed and used; http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/swim-samurai-33-lbs-medival-armor-article-1.1178426

Here is full plate, which clearly shows this guys inability to swim in it in calm water. Note, it may look like he's floating, but he's standing. Watch when he tries to float, and instead sinks within seconds.

Is there still any reason to think swimming in medium or heavy armor wouldn't impose a penalty? (Maybe wizards robes would too, but that's not what I was asking about.)

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