• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Upcoming D&D video game Sword Coast Legends has been pushed back by three weeks. The PC release is now September 29th, with the console releases still being unchanged at "late 2015". However, a "headstart access" will be available from September 8th for anyone with a PC pre-order. Note only that, but pre-orders will now get the Rage of Demons storyline free of charge (thanks to Jeremy for the scoop).

Upcoming D&D video game Sword Coast Legends has been pushed back by three weeks. The PC release is now September 29th, with the console releases still being unchanged at "late 2015". However, a "headstart access" will be available from September 8th for anyone with a PC pre-order. Note only that, but pre-orders will now get the Rage of Demons storyline free of charge (thanks to Jeremy for the scoop).

At PAX Prime this year (a videogames convention in Seattle, August 28-31) there will be 25 machines running demos for anybody who wishes to try the game out. The preorder link is here.



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There are a variety of programs through which people can play games (typically beta or similar) before they're officially released, so I assume this is something like that.


So... it's delayed, but if you buy now or any time before the 8th you can start playing on the 8th?

That makes me think the delay has something to do with distribution and production rather than actual software problems. (DISCLAIMER: total rampant speculation)

That makes me think the delay has something to do with distribution and production rather than actual software problems. (DISCLAIMER: total rampant speculation)
It says the Rage of Demons campaign will be available, suggesting it's the other campaigns that are being delayed. Or they're doubling down to get Rage ready to tie into the AP and ready for "launch" with all the other content coming after (DM mode, other adventures, etc).


I just picked up the pre-order 5-pack of this for $149. It seems like quite the deal with the DM Digital Deluxe Edition and 4 extra copies of the basic game for your friends. It will be interesting to see what the DLC strategy looks like. The pre-order supposedly gives you the extra Rage of Demons DLC and then the Digital Deluxe version runs $20 more and gives you the Lost Mines dungeon tileset, some armor and weapons, special DM tokens, a soundtrack and the Beholder monster. I would love to know how much just the Beholder would typically run. Something like what they did for Little Big Planet or the Lego games would seem wise.

Aaaaand a week before the release, they push the release date back another month to October 20th:

While I respect the willingness to delay and not sacrifice quality just to release a product on time, missing two deadlines and a last-minute delay of a month is worrisome.
They're letting people who pre-ordered in as "Head Start" customers (https://swordcoast.com/content/head-start-three-updated-faq), but warning them the game is "very much a work in progress", which still makes it sound like a in-flux beta and not a game undergoing last minute polish.

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