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Sword Coast Legends Survey; Plus Ranger Feedback Results!

Interesting stuff on the ranger. But a whole survey on Sword Coast Legends. Hm. I don't even know what it is, really. And said as much when I answered.

Interesting stuff on the ranger.

But a whole survey on Sword Coast Legends. Hm. I don't even know what it is, really. And said as much when I answered.


I wonder if there is a link between SCL and Ranger "Disappointment".

Can anyone answer these questions?

Can the ranger in Sword Coast Legends track?

Can the ranger in Sword Coast Legends spot ambushes?

Can the ranger in Sword Coast Legends set up ambushes and contribute to stealth mission?

Can the ranger in Sword Coast Legends calm and befriend animals?

Can the ranger in Sword Coast Legends affect and speak with plants?

Can the ranger in Sword Coast Legends detect natural traps?

Can the ranger in Sword Coast Legends alter his or her fighting style to better defeat certain enemies?

Can the ranger in Sword Coast Legends alter their weapons and armor with either magic or natural elements?

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First Post
I think they are under the mistaken assumption that there's a much larger crossover between the tabletop crowd and the CRPG crowd than is really there. My experience has been that the venn diagram where tabletop and computer gaming intersects is really thin....on the other hand, if they want positive feedback on the game I don't know where they can turn to, because the regular CRPG crowd seems to be even harsher toward the game than the tabletop guys like me who are just unhappy its not an actual model of D&D 5E with turn-based combat.

Don't get me wrong, While I'm not a fan of SCL yet, I do think of myself as a fan of both table-top RPG's and CRPG's. I don't think it's wrong to assume there's some overlap, but the problem is if you're looking to poll people who played the game, it would make more sense to present the poll to people who are more likely to own the game. The main question you're really answering by putting this poll on dnd.wizards.com is "How many of our WotC website visitors actually played SCL." That might be a useful metric for demonstrating how effective (or ineffective) WotC marketing is at selling to that particular demographic. It doesn't seem like an effective way of reaching the actual SCL players though.

Why is this is their priority right now instead of what we think about SCAG or October's Unearthed Arcana about Runes and Prestige Classes? I suspect that there is no sensible explanation, as there's probably not a lot of analysis or oversight into how these surveys are designed and used. As time goes on the surveys seem more and more like something WotC remembers they should be doing, but they don't exactly remember why.


I crit!
Buried in their forums nspce talks about the survey and urges folks to go take it. Last I checked only a handful of people responded. Far fewer responses than in this thread.


Jedi Master
And what can you get out of it that you can't get out of just buying or befriending an animal, that is actually worth an entire subclass devoted to it, given the fact that it will just stand around in combat while the guy who bought the elephant and mastiff is riding around on an independently acting rampaging combat elephant while he reigns arrows down upon his foes?

Oh, and by the way--you can just buy your own elephant and mastiff too. So now you get to add a panther that stands around like a drone. I wouldn't even spend a feat on that, much less a subclass.

EDIT: That came out snarkier than intended. I was just attempting to illustrate a point with a tad bit of humor, not be insulting.

No insult taken :) I guess my pov comes from seeing a well played beastmaster ranger in a campaign, where she acted as an Army Ranger with drone support, getting us through wilderness behind enemy lines. Every morning she would send out her hawk to scout enemy troop movements so that we could avoid them, find smaller guard posts that we could sneak up on and surprise attack, sources of water and places to hide, etc. She also used it to send messages back to base regarding our process and to get new objectives back. She rarely used her hawk in combat, but the number of times we've were able to get surprise on our enemies because of her probably gave her the best DPR in the party, especially since we had a Rouge Assassin as part of the group (A Shadow Monk and a dex based Oath of the Ancients Paladin rounded out the party).

The Beastmaster isn't going to be the perfect PC in every campaign, it is very, very niche, but if fills that niche exceptionally well. IMO, not every class or subclass has to fit every campaign or play style, they just need to be fun to play for the people who want to play them.

Lord Twig

While I am very happy that WotC is going for a magic and pet Ranger, I am worried about the possible execution of the class.

Honestly the spell casting the Ranger currently has is good, but needs to be more flexible, so the Ranger can focus on survival one day and load up on combat spells the next. Bonus spells from subclasses would also be a good addition and would balance them with the Paladin, which currently gets far more spells prepared and all of their spells available to choose from each day.

For the pet, it needs to be controlled by the player and independent from the Ranger character. One of the major problems with the current Beastmaster is the requirement to sacrifice the Ranger's attacks to allow the beast to fight. They should act on the same initiative for simplicity.

If the animal companion's is worth one attack, then the simplest solution is to just not give the Ranger Extra Attack at level 5.

Then at 11th level you can give them an ability that allows either the Ranger or animal companion to get an extra attack on an enemy that has already been attacked by the other. This would emphasize the fact that they work better as a team. This would about equal the 3 attacks that fighters get at that level. At 20th they could both get an extra attack if they are on the same target.

The pet definitely needs to be more durable. If they don't want to pump up hit points they can add things like evasion or resistance to damage. Dedicated animal companion healing and revivify spells for the Ranger would be good too. An animal companion should be replaced, but it should be a big deal.

Final note: The Bonus Action as a limiter is overused. It should not be required here because all that does is limit two-weapon fighting, something that people want for the Ranger (myself included). It also conflicts with Hunter's Mark. Archery should be supported as well, but the current spell list already does that.


First Post
This is what I said in the survey (having ticked up that I haven't played Sword Coast Legends)

What would make you more likely to play Sword Coast Legends? *

Tying it into Steam is one problem. I don't let the Steam client anywhere near my computers. It's too invasive. It's a security risk that I'm not prepared to take.

I would need to buy a new laptop to run SCL because this one has a graphics chip that doesn't remotely meet the SCL specs. It's less than a year old, does everything I want to do and I'm not planning to replace it for several years. Sorry, but spending, say, $600 just to play a $40 game makes no sense.

My broadband connection is ADSL with around 5Mbps download speed but around 500kbps upload. Most domestic ADSL connections are balanced at 10:1 like that. It's fine for what I do. If I wanted to host an SCL game over the internet, would 500kbps upload bandwidth be enough? I don't know. The published spec doesn't say. Why doesn't it say? Presumably because nSpace haven't measured it and it didn't occur to them that it might be important. What kind of software developer creates multiplayer game and doesn't even test the bandwidth requirements? Amateurs living in Cloud Cuckoo Land, that's who. Would I buy a game from such people? Nope.

I understand that SCL isn't 5e (or any other edition of D&D) so my 5e characters can't be ported into it - the attributes don't correspond. Okay, they apparently had to compromise to make it work as a video game and that's fair enough but it means that I wouldn't be able use it like a VTT to play 5e remotely with distant friends. In other words, it's no use for playing D&D the way we play it.

I might be misled by the hype, but it doesn't appear to be possible for the DM in SCL to improvise the narrative or for the players to contribute to it. It doesn't support TotM style of play, but concentrates on computerizing just the superficial miniatures-and-battlegrid aspects to the exclusion of very much else. That's okay as a video game but what I enjoy most about playing D&D is the collaborative story telling aspect. We weave worlds out of words and everyone contributes. If we recorded our sessions, they would come out more like a novel than a video. I think, if we tried to use SCL, it would just get in the way.

Obviously, from what I've said above, I'm not the typical customer that SCL is aimed at. Nspace's problem seems to be that almost no-one else is, either.



yes. I think the first question is if you've played it. Then there is a question that is a text entry form.

Many thanks. I may have to sit down and write that one out. Because with Sword Coast Legends, it was like they actively trying to drive me away from playing it. Heck...that's pretty much the way I feel about most of their marketing.


First Post
It is totally up to each gaming group to decide how much the player has control over it.

And that's true whether you have a 'pet' as an NPC, or the current Ranger's animal companion. The book doesn't force a specific degree of control, it never mentions that. Even now, it tells you that the Ranger commands the animal companion, but it doesn't say much about the details or how much it obeys.
The control is in how clear the rules are for any side of the table, otherwise the DM has the advantage. But that goes into an entirely different discussion, so I will abstain from any further comment.

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