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Swords and Socialites Part 1: The Forgotten Forge


"I believe that he used an axe, not a scimitar. Perhaps your old friend has gotten ahead of us. If not then maybe he wont bother us at all, given your history together." replies Koren.

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On the warforged's body you find a travelling cloak, rapier, and light crossbow, in his backpack you find a case of ten bolts and thieves tools.

If you continue past the valves the path ends in a T intersection. Both left and right are currently dark. The shifters ran off to the left.


Koren pulls out the map that their employer had given him looking for any clue about where they had to go next. "Which way next?" He says to the others as he looks left and right down the two corridors.

Thinking back...
"This map shows the way to Dorasharn Tower. Somewhere beyond the E-213 Valve Cluster you'll find a sealed door with the same mark as the one on Bonal's journal. Open the seal, and the tunnel beyond will take you to the long-forgotten level far below, where the foundry resides."

"There should be a sealed door somewhere beyond this valve cluster. Lets see if this journal has any more clues." he says getting out the journal.

[ooc: I am pretty sure he has the map... ]
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Koren gets out the map and journal and checks his directions. As best as he can tell, turning right at the t-juncture should get you to a passage that dead ends at a the door where the map dead ends as well. At that point, you ar eon your own.

The four of you walk carefully down the sewer line, eyes and ears even more closely looking out for ambush. You walk over a grate set into the floor and are finally on dry land for about twenty feet when you approach a circular metal hatch, set into the tunnel wall and engraved with arcane runes. The passage continues on, but this looks to be roughly where the map Elaydren gave you indicates. In the middle of the hatch, a glowing circle of mithral depicts the same icon as on Bonal's journal-the ancient symbol of House Cannith, a stylized anvil and hammer.

((OOC: It looks like we've lost Karl. I'll NPC Grim until the end of this adventure and then we'll start looking for someone else. Sorry for the delay, I guess I just kept on hoping))


Koren approaches the door, examining the runes and looking for any kind of a key hole or way to open it. "This looks like the right place, it even has the symbol on this journal, the ancient symbol of House Cannith. Can any of you detect a way past this barrier?"


(OOC: I have Knowledge: history +3 and Knowledge: religion +3. Either of these help at all?)

Tiberian steps up to the glowing icon uncertainly and peers at it for a minute or two. He scowls.


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Tiberian: [sblock] Knowledge History: You know that this symbol is no longer in general use for House Cannith, and that this area must be very old to bear it...the same goes for the journal Koren is holding out.[/sblock]

Lancel: [sblock] You find no traps on the door. You do notice the tiny mithril threads running throughout the old Cannith symbol glowing with some sort of magical light. [/sblock]


"Hmm... no key holes or anything. I wonder if the journal has any clues how to get in." Koren opens the book and thumbs through it to see if there is anything about the door in there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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