OSR Swords and Wizardry Complete Revised Kickstarter pre-launch.


I crit!
I have fond memories of Swords and Wizardry. I thought folks would be interested in this new version. That cover is amazing. I'm not sure I need this but I hope it does well.

Cover image of the kickstarter showing the Erol Otis cover and the delux cover and a couple pages with the Assasin class.

The pre-launch page for Swords & Wizardry is now UP! Sign up there so you'll get notified when the Kickstarter launches. Please share this link around, if you're a fan of Swords & Wizardry!

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Swords and Wizardry is the Best OD&D clone.
OSE is the best BX clone.

Yes there is some overlap but two very different games.
Well, "very different" to hardcore folks.

I think from the general public's standpoint, or for folks who haven't yet dove into the OSR scene, the two are largely interchangeable: two well-supported and well-respected retroclones that one can pick up and find tons of material to play with, in addition to being immensely hackable.

It's hard to go wrong with either one of them, if one wanted a well-supported OSR game, but I think only a very narrow slice of fandom would play both of them on an ongoing basis. I think most people would just pick a lane and stick with it.


Anyone here back this? If you have care to try and convince me?
I don't personally have plans to play it, but I might buy a copy as it's pretty cheap and I enjoy looking and sometimes scavenging rules from various systems. My current group thinks we're playing Pathfinder 2E, but I'm running a AD&D module and lots of what's happening behind the DM screen is BECMI. :)

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