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SWRPG thoughts for a newish DM


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So me and some friends are going to get a StarWars PnP campaign going, naturally thinking of using SWRPG (Although i heard there was a straight DnD rules adaption around?). Anyway was just wondering what peoples impressions of the current system are etc.

Im going to be DMing, not sure if we're going for a low level Jedi campaign (ie. Padawans on the run around the fall of the republic period) or maybe a nonforce character campagin (Ie. smugglers caught in the same transition period). I have a very strong SW knowledge base (I love the book si have about 80 at home hehe total star wars geek) so universe knowledge shouldnt be a big problem.

Anyway just looking over the ruleset now. Interested in peoples thoughts on playing Jedi within the system, lightsabre fighting (ie dmg and cutting off limbs, jedi taking on 20 battle droids and 3d space combat. From my first impression it seems alot like 3.5e/ d20 rules with some obvious differences (vitality points, force points etc).

Anyway would love to hear peoples thoughts on the system, if they dont like it how the recommend running a star wars game etc. I have my eye on the new SAGA edition coming out but we want to get our game going before i can get my copy (ships to Australia by start of june only. stupid amazon)

Thanks guys!


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Jurble said:
So me and some friends are going to get a StarWars PnP campaign going, naturally thinking of using SWRPG (Although i heard there was a straight DnD rules adaption around?). Anyway was just wondering what peoples impressions of the current system are etc.

Im going to be DMing, not sure if we're going for a low level Jedi campaign (ie. Padawans on the run around the fall of the republic period) or maybe a nonforce character campagin (Ie. smugglers caught in the same transition period). I have a very strong SW knowledge base (I love the book si have about 80 at home hehe total star wars geek) so universe knowledge shouldnt be a big problem.

Anyway just looking over the ruleset now. Interested in peoples thoughts on playing Jedi within the system, lightsabre fighting (ie dmg and cutting off limbs, jedi taking on 20 battle droids and 3d space combat. From my first impression it seems alot like 3.5e/ d20 rules with some obvious differences (vitality points, force points etc).

Anyway would love to hear peoples thoughts on the system, if they dont like it how the recommend running a star wars game etc. I have my eye on the new SAGA edition coming out but we want to get our game going before i can get my copy (ships to Australia by start of june only. stupid amazon)

Thanks guys!


Hi, I've DM'd and played in SW campaigns. Here are some thoughts:

1. We used limb removal (from lightsaber or other attacks) to give a character a second chance. If the character was reduced to -11 wounds, the player had the option of losing a limb and getting back 10 wounds. Characters with -21 wounds could lose two limbs and get back to -1 wounds. Basically 10 wound points washed way per limb lost. You couldn't lose the same limb twice.

2. I wouldn't limit characters to non-force users. You might as well be playing Traveller or D20 Future if you don't have force users. Somebody always wants to play a jedi, so you are guarranteed at least one of your players will be dissatisfied cuz he/she can't play a jedi.

3. As for jedi taking on boatloads of droids, it works fine with vitality and wounds. You only lose wound points with critical hits (which is rare for droids to score) or if you run out of vitality...and things have gotten hairy at that point.

You'll have a blast. The wp/vp system works fine.

In a rush here, but if I think of more, I'll post.



Welcome to the game... These are my thoughts on the game:

- The rules are okay, but when they get in the way, we just hand wave them. We do this a lot in space ship combat, mostly because I want it to be faster and furiouser than the rules allow. I don't know how rules-lawyer your group (or you) are, so YMMV.

- I came into the game with only movie knowledge and a love of the pulp genre. I'd also say that if the "universe" gets in the way of your story, you may be doing something wrong. Though if you and your players are looking for an immersion experience in that universe, maybe you're not.

- The thing I love about the game is its ability to allow very episodic adventures. There aren't a lot of published adventures for it, there's only one "adventure path," so it's wide open for a quick story, lots of action, and some intrigue/mystery for spice. Seems to adapt well to various pulpy stories.

- The supplements are high quality, packed with goodness and I haven't run across too many that don't have at least something useful.

- The think what I haven't liked so much about the game is probably inherent to the d20 system (which I like, don't get me wrong). I don't feel like d20 fits the genre. Too many rules, really (which I solved as above...with lots of hand-waving). We started a campaign using the Savage Worlds system and I thought it fit better, but we've since come back to d20 (this week, in fact). It may be our group just hand-waves on the same frequency so the underlying system isn't a huge problem, but I've played in other groups where it took way too long to do something exciting.

Anyway. Overall, I like the system. I'm actually pretty interested in the SAGA edition, as well.


I've run and played in Star Wars D6, D20 and using Mutants & Masterminds (1st Ed). I'd have to say that of these three, the M&M rules best fit the 'flavor' of Star Wars. I don't particularly think that D20 is the best ruleset for space fantasy; point buy / flexible systems seem to model the characters and action better.


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Insight said:
I've run and played in Star Wars D6, D20 and using Mutants & Masterminds (1st Ed). I'd have to say that of these three, the M&M rules best fit the 'flavor' of Star Wars. I don't particularly think that D20 is the best ruleset for space fantasy; point buy / flexible systems seem to model the characters and action better.

I've haven't tried it yet, but it strikes me that True20 would probably work really well for a Star Wars game...


First Post
hmmm ok cool thanks guys :) Any suggestiosn for the space combat rules if there are better ways of handling it? (are the inherent SWRPG spaceship combat rules good?) Also do they work 3d decently or is that abit of a pain?

Lastly how does it work having a group mixed Jedi and non-jedi? Say a lvl6 scoundrel and a lvl6 jedi guardian etc, would they be of similar power level or would the jedi bat away the scoundrels blaster bolts and open him up from shoulder to hip?

Basically with that last would you recommend avoiding a mixed jedi/non jedi group or encourage it?

thanks for the help guys :)

Wraith Form

My big gripe about SWRPG is the lack of adventures. I'm not saying there are none, but they're few and far between. Pre-written adventures are important for 1) new DMs (myself included) and/or 2) people with little time or creativity to write their own.

Everything else about the game seems cool.

Wraith Form

Ranger REG said:
WotC could flood LFL with a whole bunch of adventures to approve.

After all, it IS a licensed product.
Yeah. That'd be great for those of us who like pre-published adventures. (Like me.) And I have 'disposable income' that I'm willing to drop on decent adventures.

Heck, even short "framework" style plot outlines would be handy, inexpensive, and provide a creative spark that the DM could, if desired, turn into full-fledged campaigns.

(hint hint, WotC)

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