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System recommendations for modern weirdness?


Front Range Warlock
What I'm looking to run is a modern-day fantasy adventure with PCs as average folks and the thing from myth and legend (as well as pure fantasy) slowly seeping into the real world. Something a bit like Poltergeist: The Legacy or Friday the 13th: The Series with elements of Pan's Labyrinth, I guess. So far, the following systems have been recommended:

  • Call of Cthulhu (Third Edition)
  • d20 Modern (plus Menace Manual and Dark*Matter).
  • World of Darkness (plus Antagonists, Mysterious Place, and Urban Legends)

Now, I'd prefer to do this with as few books and/or as little weekly prep time as possible, so systems that get me near both of those goals win points (I already own HERO FRED and JAGS Revised but they both require me to build everything from the ground up, so they're both out, I'm afraid). What suggestions do you have to offer?

[Note: I am 99% opposed to using True20 or C&C, so please, for the love of god, don't recommend either without some stunningly brilliant justification as to why how/either would be appropriate. Thanks!]

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Front Range Warlock
nasrat said:
I've heard good things about GUMSHOE, firstly via esoterrorists but then there are a few new things coming out that I'm looking forward to - Unremitting Horror should be great


There is a thread dealing with the system and Trail of Cthulhu here:


I've not actually run it so can't comment on amount of prep compared with D20 Modern, but it might be worth a look.

Well, at the very least, both Esoterrorists and Fear Itself are much, much, cheaper than d20 Modern -- so they may be worth a look at that ;)


First Post
Well if you don't like True20, its almost certain you won't like D20 modern, since they are very similar. So, you might want to find a Borders bookstore or somewhere with a copy of D20 modern, and settle down to peruse it before you buy. Or, check the Modern SRD online, of course.....


Front Range Warlock
The_Gut said:
Well if you don't like True20, its almost certain you won't like D20 modern, since they are very similar. So, you might want to find a Borders bookstore or somewhere with a copy of D20 modern, and settle down to peruse it before you buy. Or, check the Modern SRD online, of course.....

Actually, I've already owned d20 Modern once and consider it my favorite version of d20. I honestly see very few similarities with True20.


I'd go with d20 Modern myself, mostly on the strength of all the 3rd party support specifically kicking around for it that would add even more ability to convey mysthic weirdness.

Both my own Blood and Relics and the Distinguished Competition's Thrilling Tales could be of use here.

Also, modern is basically built for normals slowly growing into heroes, which is a good strong fit with what it sounds like you have planned.

I also own the d20 CoC and it's also a top notch choice, especially if you want the campaign to take place in the 20's, where the vehicle and weapons in the book are from.

Still, if it were me, Id use d20 Modern. As the campaign progresses and you want to add/tweak things (and as you see where the PC's interests lie), you can't beat the amount of stuff for d20 Modern that is ready for plug and play that can be had very, very cheaply.



jdrakeh said:
Now, I'd prefer to do this with as few books and/or as little weekly prep time as possible, so systems that get me near both of those goals win points

Well it may seem like a odd shoice but Spycraft 2.0 definetly meets the criteria above. Along with the core book I'd recommend these PDFs


converts d20 modern classes into spycraft


converts spells from the SRD to spycraft


You might want to have a look at "Don't Rest Your Head", although that is more about the ordinary folk suffering insomnia and going through a doorway into a city that ordinary folk don't even see.


Front Range Warlock
Particle_Man said:
You might want to have a look at "Don't Rest Your Head", although that is more about the ordinary folk suffering insomnia and going through a doorway into a city that ordinary folk don't even see.

Eh, I own it, though it's not at all geared toward what I want to do given that its mechanics are very much focused on supporting the premise that you mention. Unlike, say, d20 Modern or even OGL Horror, the focus of Don't Rest Your Head is very, very, narrow.


I'll second the GUMSHOE system, especially over old CoC, and I'd put in a strong vote for Conspiracy X if you were doing something more X-Files-esque.

The real question -- do you expect to have a hard time convincing players to try an unknown system? That may aim you towards d20 or an independent game.

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