tactical advantages in combat?


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Do you prefer your players to think out combat? I am blessed to have a group that filled with thinkers. These players try to roleplay out scenarios and use creative ways to solve problems. However, one of my players noted after reading the Complete Warrior that he was dissapointed with the "tactical feats." I'm considering creating several homebrew feats that give additional advantage for tactics used in combat (height advantage, etc) but at the moment lack any knowledge on the subject. Is there any book of warfare (already looked over Art of War) or any ideas on what basic advantages a general would look for in combat?

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Viktyr Gehrig

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You wouldn't want a general's book of tactics for D&D. Think more along the lines of Lieutenant or platoon Sergeant-- the guys giving orders to a handful of guys at a time. That's more relevant to your average D&D game.


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If you already looked over Sun Tzu's Art of War, and need more ideas you will be gravely disappointed. It is the basis of any major War College teachings of tactics which are not unit specific. (i.e. Armour, Arty, Inf, Air, etc.)

Now for smaller engagements, most of Sun Tzu still holds true. Their are some very good guerrilla warfare texts which have been written, some so good they are on government "watch lists".

But if you mean typical fire team vs. fire team DnD combat, Intelligence, Initiative, Cover, and attack with Overwhelming Firepower will get one through most days. ;)


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redwing said:
I'm considering creating several homebrew feats that give additional advantage for tactics used in combat (height advantage, etc)

Being on higher ground gives a +1 bonus to melee attacks, and I think a bonus to range increment equal to the height difference, though I'm not sure about that. I am certainly a fan of tactical feats, but many good tactical options already exist in the game; see tables 8-5 and 8-6 on page 151 of the 3.5 PH for other bonuses.

If you do come up with some tactical feats, be sure to post them here; I love feats, especially tactical ones.

If you want more books on strategy, you could pick up Roots of Strategy, edited by T. R. Phillips; it has Sun Tzu, Vegetius (trenches must always be an odd number of feet wide?), De Saxe, Frederick the Great, and Napolean. I haven't finished it, but it certainly looks interesting. I have other books on strategy, which I'm going to start on after I finish Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. These books tend to be advice to commanders and such however; you sound more like you would want books on sword-fighting or martial arts (of which sword-fighting is a sub-category, but eh), as they might contain more tactical information. You could try The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi, which is about sword-fighting but also tries to expand the ideas to armies; it's been a while so I don't remember how well it does that.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Yeah, post the tactical feats! I guess in the Home Rules forum, but still! I really liked the idea of the tactical feats from CW but wanted more variety, so.

Oh, and being on a horse gives a bonus as if you were on higher ground. I've been making a mounted character and they really have some good tactics.


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Actually back on topic as a player I tend to reflect the fact that I spent years playing tabletop wargames with figures including skirmish games with a 1:1 figure to personnel ratio so I'm very used to thinking in terms of tactics.

Generally most military type tacitical manuals could be adapted, though modern ones tend to be based exclusively on firepower rather than having elements moving into contact, possibly Policing ones for SWOT teams would be more suitable.

Basic principles: make use of cover, use firepower to cover moving elements, try to get local superiority of force (numbers/firepower), try to retain a mobile reserve.

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