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Tale Weaver's Vampire: The Masquerade Game Board


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University of Denver

At this last part, Clover found herself sitting up straighter. It was times like this that she was ashamed that she hadn't though to subscribe to some newspapers to read. She felt like the Internet left so much to be desired!
She smiled invitingly, trying to hide her excitement and manage to merely sound interested, "Really? Well that's rather... helpful. Would you be able to help me find the book and the articles? Also, where does the library keep the old University yearbooks? I'd like very much to see what students and faculty had to say about him when he was here. And yes, he left, I believe."

Yay! I feel like a genuine sleuth unraveling a mystery! ^.^*


The librarian leaves the desk for a moment and comes back with 2 newspapers, a few yearbooks, and a note on where to find the book. "I hope this helps." she says with a smile. "The book you are looking for is in the Biochemistry section upstairs, good luck!". You thank her and go up the stairs to find the book. You manage to find the title after a little searching, The Future Of Biochemistry...intriguing.

You sit down and take a look at the newspapers first. The first one has an article with the headline "Dr. Roger Liverman Says Goodbye To University". The article says basically what you already know from Prof. Jones about how Liverman left the school possibly due to some experiments he was performing. The only extra detail you get from this article is that Liverman left exactly two years ago.

The other article has the heading "Biochemist Dies In House Fire". It says that Jacob Prestor was slain in a fire in his house over the weekend and was involved in some type of biochemical research with local scientist Roger Liverman. There is a statement that Liverman himself made stating that Prestor was using the name David Champs. Anyone with information concerning David should contact the legal firm of Browning and Whitman.

The yearbooks don't reveal anything. Apparently Dr. Liverman was not the photogenic type and his photo is not in any of the yearboooks nor is any valuable information about him.

I'll need you to make a research roll with a -2 penalty if you are going to try to look through that book. You could just do what's called "take 20" where you spend a decent amount of time and get an automatic 20.

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Um... I'll do a quick search now, check out the book, and do a more thorough search later if need be.

Clover was practically on the edge of her seat, as though she were engrossed in some sort of fast-paced mystery novel. After looking through the newspaper clippings, she was surprised to see the mention of Prestor and his supposed alias.
She looked quickly over her shoulder to make sure that she was alone (not wanting to disturb the other patrons, of course!) then pulled out her cell and dialed, hoping that Koln would pick up.

[sblock=If Koln picks up]"Hi, Koln. I hope you and Ruby are staying out of trouble!" "What do you mean you destroyed another microwave?!?!" "Well, just make sure the clerk doesn't see." "What's that? Ruby's chasing sticks??" "..."
(lol, or something like that. Basically it all leads down to the next part...) [/sblock]

[sblock=If Clover has to leave a message]"Hi, Koln. Listen. I'm at the library and found out some interesting information. It actually has to do with Prestor. Apparently he and Liverman were working together on biochemical experiments. I'm going to sit here and try and read through a book that he wrote on the subject. In other news, he was in the newspaper yesterday! Listen, he said that apparently Jacob Prestor was also going by the name David Champs. I don't know if you've reached the houses yet, but if you haven't, maybe you should make a point to ask around about him. Obviously, their fates are intertwined. No? Right. Well, take care. And don't do anything I wouldn't do. Which I know might be tough. But make a genuine effort. Seriously. I don't feel like having to bail you out of jail or anything tonight, ok? Thanks. Bye." [/sblock]

After her phone call, Clover sighed and stood, crossing the call to settle down into a cushy arm chair. She pulled out the book and opened it, hoping to speed read her way to some sort of epiphany.

1d20-2 → [16,-2] = (14)
Speed reading for general info. She'll check the book out later for a 20 roll :)


First Post
After hours of searching you find a handful of houses that fit the antique description that Prof. Jones described. There are about 5 of them that you think it could be. But there can be only one!

Koln waves goodbye to Fred as they walk off the bus, awfully nice of him to let them ride for free, but he still cannot help but wonder what exactly happened that night...

"Alright Ruby, it should be one of these five old houses, so you know what we must do. You stand here and keep a look out while I very quickly but quietly run door-to-door popping and turning this key into each door to see which one works, go!"



*Click, Turn* The door creaks open giving Koln a small look inside. Koln is hesitant to open the door all the way until he can be sure there's no one in the first room, nor any alarm systems he should worry about.

Search/Spot Check
1d20+8+2[19,8,2] = (29)
Roll Lookup


First Post
University of Denver

Um... I'll do a quick search now, check out the book, and do a more thorough search later if need be.

After her phone call, Clover sighed and stood, crossing the call to settle down into a cushy arm chair. She pulled out the book and opened it, hoping to speed read her way to some sort of epiphany.

1d20-2 → [16,-2] = (14)
Speed reading for general info. She'll check the book out later for a 20 roll :)


This book is totally over your head. You can't make ends of anything as you flip through one page of gibberish to the next. At least you find out a little about Roger Liverman himself through the "about the author" section. He was born in Boulder and got his degree at the University of Denver. When this book was made he was still working in the Medical Center. He also had 2 dogs.


First Post
Old Denver

Koln waves goodbye to Fred as they walk off the bus, awfully nice of him to let them ride for free, but he still cannot help but wonder what exactly happened that night...

"Alright Ruby, it should be one of these five old houses, so you know what we must do. You stand here and keep a look out while I very quickly but quietly run door-to-door popping and turning this key into each door to see which one works, go!"



*Click, Turn* The door creaks open giving Koln a small look inside. Koln is hesitant to open the door all the way until he can be sure there's no one in the first room, nor any alarm systems he should worry about.

Search/Spot Check
1d20+8+2[19,8,2] = (29)
Roll Lookup

Gee Mike, these rolls are rather high :p

You walk around the neighborhood for awhile trying the key on the few houses you think it could fit. The houses are fairly spread apart and it takes you awhile. You stick the key in random doors mostly without incident save for that one house where the dog started barking and the homeowners yelled at you as you fled the scene. Somewhere in all of this Clover gives Koln the phone call.

It is well into the night (about 3am) by the time you get to the Emerson Estate. Koln notices the wires of an alarm system before opening the door. There is no way to know if the system is on or if there is anyone inside the house. He knows it would probably be best to find a way to disable the alarm first before trying to enter the house.


First Post
Koln calls Ruby over as they both crouch near the door, the wires in front of Koln, only a few but he studies them intently. He runs his fingers over them, feeling for the thicker ones, which would be the ones he does not want to cut. In his experience, the thicker ones are the emergency cables that, when cut or "disabled" by a dummy code on the keypad will alert the police.

"Ruby, I need your knife, and must warn you, we are about to do something incredibly illegal, but remember it is for the sake of that girl. The Law of God always overrides the laws of man, remember that. Even if it crosses ethical boundaries, the Lord's Will must always be done, now please give me your knfie so I can attempt to disable this alarm system."

Before Koln does, he looks around one more time, making sure they are unnoticed, and checks his phone to see if Clover called.

Search Check
1d20+8+2[5,8,2] = (15)
Roll Lookup

That 29 I rolled was actually a re-roll. My first roll for looking inside was another 30. Supposing me and Ruby are in the clear, can my "Repair" or "Demolitions" ability be of any use in disabling the alarm?
Last edited:


First Post

Clover felt her head spin, and she took a moment to rub her temples and try and comprehend what she had been skimming for the past few hours. But try as she might, she couldn't make heads or tails of what she had just read.
'Well, that's five hours of my life I'm never getting back...'
At 3AM, Clover finally shut the book and stood to stretch. She had broken down and read the "About the Author" page, if only to make her feel better about not being able to comprehend what the hell she had just read.
Oh well.
Packing up her stuff, she proceeded to the front desk to check out the book for futher inspection (heck: she had all night, after all) and left the library.
She considered giving Koln and Ruby a call to ask how they were doing, but decided--against her better judgement--that they were big boys and girls and could take care of themselves.
Instead, she headed back to the dorm.


First Post
Koln calls Ruby over as they both crouch near the door, the wires in front of Koln, only a few but he studies them intently. He runs his fingers over them, feeling for the thicker ones, which would be the ones he does not want to cut. In his experience, the thicker ones are the emergency cables that, when cut or "disabled" by a dummy code on the keypad will alert the police.

"Ruby, I need your knife, and must warn you, we are about to do something incredibly illegal, but remember it is for the sake of that girl. The Law of God always overrides the laws of man, remember that. Even if it crosses ethical boundaries, the Lord's Will must always be done, now please give me your knfie so I can attempt to disable this alarm system."

Before Koln does, he looks around one more time, making sure they are unnoticed, and checks his phone to see if Clover called.

Search Check
1d20+8+2[5,8,2] = (15)
Roll Lookup

That 29 I rolled was actually a re-roll. My first roll for looking inside was another 30. Supposing me and Ruby are in the clear, can my "Repair" or "Demolitions" ability be of any use in disabling the alarm?
Ruby quietly handed over her switchblade knife after she flicked it open. The whole idea felt wrong, but if it was the just ting to do in the end, then it's worth it.I have a 1 in demolitions and a 1 in repair if you need me to try too, heh ^_^;
She watched as Koln tried to dissemble the box with wires. She looked in her other hand, she had picked a bunch of clovers and thistles in the area for when they get back home. "I hope we are doing the right thing Koln.. she whispered.


First Post
The Emerson Estate

Koln calls Ruby over as they both crouch near the door, the wires in front of Koln, only a few but he studies them intently. He runs his fingers over them, feeling for the thicker ones, which would be the ones he does not want to cut. In his experience, the thicker ones are the emergency cables that, when cut or "disabled" by a dummy code on the keypad will alert the police.

"Ruby, I need your knife, and must warn you, we are about to do something incredibly illegal, but remember it is for the sake of that girl. The Law of God always overrides the laws of man, remember that. Even if it crosses ethical boundaries, the Lord's Will must always be done, now please give me your knfie so I can attempt to disable this alarm system."

Before Koln does, he looks around one more time, making sure they are unnoticed, and checks his phone to see if Clover called.

Search Check
1d20+8+2[5,8,2] = (15)
Roll Lookup

That 29 I rolled was actually a re-roll. My first roll for looking inside was another 30. Supposing me and Ruby are in the clear, can my "Repair" or "Demolitions" ability be of any use in disabling the alarm?

The skill you have to use is "disable device" which is like "disarm trap" in D&D.

You don't see anyone around. The streets are bare and it looks like all the lights are out in the houses nearby. Luckily this house in particular has a large yard surrounded by a brick wall so that nobody next door can actually see into the yard. Now that you're at the front door you notice that there is a large letter "E" in plated gold screwed onto the door.


First Post
The skill you have to use is "disable device" which is like "disarm trap" in D&D.

You don't see anyone around. The streets are bare and it looks like all the lights are out in the houses nearby. Luckily this house in particular has a large yard surrounded by a brick wall so that nobody next door can actually see into the yard. Now that you're at the front door you notice that there is a large letter "E" in plated gold screwed onto the door.

Using the tip of the knife he unscrews the plastic box over the part of the wires he needs to sever. "Let us pray Ruby, if it is not His Will then we must run. We are now vampires, so we should have little difficulty outrunning anyone after us. If we get separated, keep running and don't worry about me. If I succeed, stay close to me inside, I got straight As as a lad in stealth and reconnaissance... not so much in disabling devices though."

Disable Device
1d20 → [17] = (17)

Roll Lookup

As Koln briskly severs the thinner wires he smirks. "Breaking and entering... although it feels wrong, this is the Lord's Will. Makes me remember the old days..." He then quietly sings to himself as he severs the last thin wire, screws the plastic covering back in place and returns the knife to Ruby.

"Il y a Le Pouvoir,
Le Pouvoir,
dans Le Sang,
dans Son Sang...."

Translation: "There is the Power, the Power, Power... in the Blood, in His Blood..." By the way, what exactly does Ruby see in Koln again?

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