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Tales of the Grey Coast (IC)


Plainclothes watch? They can't be after me, could they? No way ... I've been careful ... Anyway, they wouldn't come in such numbers just to arrest someone, right?

Herb says "The watch here are not usually shy about uniforms. Don't panic, but I have a bad feeling about this." He fingers his concealed sap.

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Hedowin snaps back to reality and looks around and notices the large groups of people suddenly moving into the square. "We could back to the bookstore, I think he has another entrance that faces away from the square." He offers.

"A bookstore with a back exit? Excellent. We should get moving..." Roxanne says before she's stopped cold by Jenna's voice.

Jenna lowers her head and her voice is cold - dead, "The bookstore. Good idea, Hedowin. Why don't you take everyone in there. I'll wait here. If they're after me, I won't run from them. If not... I'll be fine here. I'll keep an eye on Caramip."

"Jenna, NO!" Roxanne nearly starts crying again. "Please come with us...with me. Don't give up or give in now. Don't you want to have that chance to write your parents soon? Gods, that was probably a cheap shot and I'm sorry, but I don't want to lose you now that I've found you. A friend like you." Roxanne quickly adds the last part before Felix speaks up.

"Roxanne, Roxanne, slow down, I beg of you! You assume that they are here to kill. How are you certain of this? They may just be out on patrol. Acknowledged, it is strange of them to be present, but I am sure that there is a logical explanation for all of this."

"There may be a logical explanation. I'm sure there is. Though I don't assume they are coming to kill, many of them are holding something hidden in their pockets, maybe wands. So whatever they are coming to do involves force. And they are cutting off all the exits to the square as we speak." Roxanne quickly realizes that she's fighting a losing battle as Felix follows Caramip to question the approaching soldiers.

Herb says "The watch here are not usually shy about uniforms. Don't panic, but I have a bad feeling about this."

Herb's feeling is shared by Roxanne, and it's only getting stronger as the walkers get closer. "Herb, will you go with Hedowin and I to the bookstore, or stay here?" Turning to Jenna, Roxanne holds out one hand towards her and implores "Please Jenna, come with me. Don't make me choose between you and getting away because right now I'm not sure which way I'd go..."


Herb replies "I have a sudden urge to read up on theories of magic and the universe. To the bookstore, then." He tries to get up casually but quickly, pocketing his nuts. He won't take the lead, but he'll join the others if they go that way.


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Phoenix8008 said:
"Jenna, NO!" Roxanne nearly starts crying again. "Please come with us...with me. Don't give up or give in now. Don't you want to have that chance to write your parents soon? Gods, that was probably a cheap shot and I'm sorry, but I don't want to lose you now that I've found you. A friend like you."

"Herb, will you go with Hedowin and I to the bookstore, or stay here?" Turning to Jenna, Roxanne holds out one hand towards her and implores "Please Jenna, come with me. Don't make me choose between you and getting away because right now I'm not sure which way I'd go..."

“That was a cheap shot,” Jenna says evenly. “But I won’t hold it against you.”

She looks up at Caramip and Felix, walking rights towards one of the groups. She laughs suddenly and shakes her head, “I can’t run. How can I, when those two are staying? And me, a soldier?” She shakes her head, “What would people say? I’d be a laughing stock. They’d put me through hell if I went back.

Don’t even think about it Roxanne. Get away if you need to. You’re a good person. I’m not – and I’m not worth worrying about.”
She looks up at her, “Is it really that bad what you’ve done? You don’t seem like…” She closes her eyes a moment, then smiles. “Never mind. Good luck.”

She lifts herself up from the table and moves. She doesn’t follow directly after Caramip and Felix, trying to stay far enough that she won’t interfere or interrupt if they diffuse the situation, but close enough to come to their aid immediately if they are threatened. If possible, she’ll also pick an angle that would let her help any group that was attacked heading towards the bookstore.

She reaches down to rest her hand over the hilt of her short sword at her belt. As she does, she glances back at Roxanne, her lips flickering into the semblance of a reassuring smile.

A Crazy Fool

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Those of you who made sense motive checks above 15 realize that thes people show a singleminded determination, undertaking only one action at a time.

Caramip, Felix, Jenna:

(OOC: which major street are you walking towards?)

The group continues walking--still oblivious to the three of you. As you get closer, you notice that the bulges under thier cloaks seem bigger and thicker than wands--though they don't look like swords or other bladed weapons.

You notice that the commander of the guards in the square seems visibly worried by these newcomers. He is talking in whispers with his second in command. Both are doing a dreadfully poor job of appearing unfased. Some of the other regular soldiers are also fingering thier weapons nervously, anticipating trouble of some sort.

Hedowin, Herb, Roxanne:

Nobody opposes you, and many other people have the same idea as the three of you.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Caramip will head towards the most commanding, in-charge, and slightly nervous-looking fellow she can see. Nervous people tend to talk more. Once within casual talking distance, she'll smile broadly.

"Good morning commander, what brings you out in force this fine morning?"

A Crazy Fool

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OOC: I still need to know which street Caramip Jenna and Felix are headed towards.


OOC: None of the group looks nervous and there is no visible leader, so I will asume you talk to the closest.

"I wish to you a good day," says the person walking in front, almost mechanically.

OOC: Inteligence and sense motive checks for Caramip, Jenna, and Felix


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Felix notices the newcomer walks right by Caramip, with a mechanical, under-orders sort of tone. He whispers to Caramip through a pleasant smile. "These men are under orders to remain silent, Caramip. I doubt that any of them are interested in speaking. Might I recommend we move towards the city watch, to see if they know what is happening? They seem more nervous than most, and if they fail to recognize these newcomers, it is fair to assume that they come on an ill wind." Felix strides casually towards the commander of the guards, trying to appear as calm and pleasant as possible. "Good day, officer. You appear a bit... jumpy. Pray tell, exactly who are these newcomers marching into the square?" Felix hopes that the guards have an explanation.
[sblock=OOC]I arbitrarily assume that we are heading to the northernmost entrance, since that provides a fairly quick route to the alleys about Jowen's, in case things should sour. And the tables might slow down dashing guards somewhat, which also fits in with my contingency plan (hoping that I won't have to use it). My checks are Sense Motive 1d20+3=12 and Intelligence 1d20+2=4. Ouch, bit of brain drain there. Now, the question is, are those wands in there pockets, or are they just happy to see us? :)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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