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Tarasque: Have you ever encoutered one?


I had a tarrasque non-combat encounter in my Rebirth campaign. The beast was asleep and the players had to figure out a way to cut one of its internal organs without waking it up (and without the tarrasque's regeneration closing the wound up).

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I've used it as a DM atleast twice.

The first time was a spontaneous adventure at a Con back during 2E. A wizard had taken control of it to destroy Waterdeep. The characters were supposed to find the wizard and disrupt his control, but they opted to attack the Tarrasque. It was a total wipe, starting with the groups monk having the "brilliant" idea of letting himself get swallowed to try and beat the things brains out (called shot) from the inside. He obviously forgot about the things Vorpal bite (I remember tellingthe aghast monk, "You wanted to do called shot to the brain, so I decided he could do a called shot to your neck.")

Second time around, my home group passed through a portal in the Demonweb that led to the deepearth chamber where the Tarrasque sleeps. They had to quietly sneak across the room to reach the "door" that led to Lolth's spidership?


Yes, I've encountered one at the end of a campaign a while back. And yes, we defeated it, if I remember though, I think it required a wish or two to be cast.


Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
I threw a paragon tarrasque at an epic one-shot I ran years ago. They did the smart thing, and negotiated with it instead of fighting it. (Paragon template gives a huge bonus to INT.) Fun role-playing!


We "encountered" several as part of a send-off 2E game for one of our players. In game all our highest level characters knew each other, so the idea was that his character was going away also. So they all got together for one more night of craziness. His character wanted to go tarrasque hunting! Finding them amongst the various planes is fairly easy at that level - my character was a 27th level wizard (with several level of bard and thief also).

We were going to make it a contest where we'd each take it on solo and judge each other on how well we did, with an emphasis on style and speed. If anyone needed to be rescued by the others they would automatically lose. And we wouldn't use the finishing wish, so we could just come back the next day for the next person's turn. Well, my character never really liked the departing character anyway (neither did the others- the player was ok, but his character was an over-the-top munchkinny ball of ridiculous) so I hatched a plan to ruin the contest and volunteered to go first.

I "won" in two rounds. Round 1: teleport next to it (an at will, free action for me) and slapped it with Otto's Irresistable Dance! Round 2: make it permanent (with a command word to break it) with a Wish. Now I had a dancing 50' death machine. (I like to picture it doing an irish jig!)

I followed this up with enough uses of my Wand of Size Alteration to get it down to 2 inches tall- and made that permanent with a Wish as well (keyed to the same dispelling command word). Finally I scooped it up into a glassteel jar to carry in my bag of holding as the ultimate insurance policy/distraction.

Even though I ruined the contest, the others voted that I'd won on style points.:lol:



I used one as the DM in 1E in the mid 80's. The confrontation was the end game in the arduous task of collecting the pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts.

The last part was in the belly of the Tarrasque itself!

The group was known as the Thunderlords, due to one of its members wielding the hammer of thunderbolts!

The party consisted of:

Eruze Solnor 14th level Human Fighter
"Archer" (real name was a secret, went by this pseudonym), 9 Level Cleric/8 level Fighter/ 8 level Magic User, Half-elf
Erik Stoneheart 12 level thief/ 9 level fighter Dwarf (wielder of the hammer of thunderbolts).
Houdin Spellbinder 12th level Magic User
Cantum, the voice of Pelor 16th level Cleric

To even prep for such an encounter was in itself a mini-campaign, since they needed to quest for the wish spell to end it as well as other potent magical artifacts to survive the ordeal.

The battle was brutal, I didn't pull any punches. Archer was swallowed alive and died within, although he wasn't digested....

Erik Stoneheart lost his right arm and died of the shock....

Houdin cast all the spells he knew and ultimately had to become invisible and hide, lest he be eaten... Although he does bear the ring with one wish in it....

Cantum, voice of Pelor, lost his mighty mithral armor and holy magical shield, ripped to shreds by the beast, hanging on for dear life.

In the end the mighty Eruze Solnor went toe to toe, his platemail of etheralness keeping him alive, his prodigious amount of hit points being worn down finally lands the final blow to knock the beast unconscious.

The invisible wizard casts the one wish from the ring to slay it forever! From its belly they recover the last shard of the rod, precious gems and enough hide to later forge one +5 shield to replace the priests lost one!

Probably their grandest battle....

..except for that battle with Lolth's giant adamantium spider, but that's another story.... ;)



My players just recently found a sleeping one. The plan was for them to lead an exodus from the local village away to a dwarven stronghold. Instead, they lowered themselves onto the sleeping tarrasque. Since this is the best PBP group I've ever had (nearly a year with only losing 1/6 players), I threw them a bone and put a portal next to the tarrasque. However, I have a treat for them through the portal... won't post what just in case one wanders this way.


First Post
Only as a local legend, in an area of my game world named Provencal. Legend had that it would arise from the sea, the offspring of the Mother of Serpents and a stallion of the nightmares. His appearance was one of the sign of the End of Days.

He had been expected more than six hundred years earlier, but has yet to appear....

Other legends say that a maiden pure had tamed the beast, but the citizens of a local town had killed it with stones and clubs, it died unresisting.

Yet another names the beast Mantichora - Manslayer, and that it was soothed by music so that it went back to sleep, to awaken when the next millennium dawns. That beast has made an appearance, but is not the Tarasque. It was taken, chained and asleep, to the city of Aker, in the Holy Lands.

As I mentioned on another thread, when the Kongzilla statuette was mentioned I kind of wanted to use the figure for the Tarasque.


The Auld Grump


As the ultimate encounter of my World's Largest Dungeon campaign, the party had to defeat the Tarasque (and a few other things) to escape. They had a trumpet Archon helping them.

They actually killed it and ended the encounter with full hit points. Pretty lame and disappointing actually. Big T would go nuts on a PC, someone would tap the PC with a Heal spell and then they just beat the thing to death.



First Post
Nope, never. I think it's cooler if it never actually makes an appearance. I'm not a fan of its game stats in any edition.

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