• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Tarumen, Land of Earth and Sky


First Post
Zan - Half elf monk

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"Mercy me, it appears I have a veritable flood of heroes to help our town's plight. I thank you. Please, introduce yourselves," an older woman asks. She carries herself with authority and stands proudly facing the others in the room.

"Hello I am Zan happy to meet you all! Lets say we form some sort of plan tonight to catch the beast and then tomarrow we'll head out looking for it."

*Zan looks around for any response from the others*

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Erland M. Grauhim - Human

"Erland M. Grauhim, at your service," he says, bowing. "It does seem we've assembled quite a group here. A heads up, for the both of you--" --he guestures at the two newcomers-- "whatever's causing this seems to be either a shapechanger or a summoner, since each attack has been by a different kind of creature."


First Post
Cerithea smiled. "I am Cerithea and I will admit, I am more of a cleric than a ranger. Howsomever, we really can't begin to plan anything until we learn more of the creature or creatures making the attacks. That means, looking for tracks and trying to find it's lair."


Throreth, Elvish Diviner and Alchemist

*As Throreth approached the magistrate's vine covered dwelling, he saw two figures entering before him. Both carried themselves with the ease and confidence that only time and experience brings and he wondered briefly if he still had that same composure.*

If all you are going to do is second guess yourself, you will truly be no help to those who need it…

*Stopping in front of the building, Throreth thought about taking the time to unhook the horses and feed them, but knew that speaking to the magistrate was a more pressing manner. Wrapping the leather reins around the hitching post, Throreth straightened his clothing as best he could and pushed open the door.*

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Throreth finds the stone slab door already open, and walks into a rather interesting converstaion. There is one female elf, two half elves, one bearing a hawk, the other in loose garb with no armor, and a human wearing studded leather armor with a hawk on his arm. Magistrate Marissa greets you and brings everyone quickly up to speed on the possibility of a druid or some kind of summoner attacking people around the village.*

Cirlioniel: [sblock]Magistrate Marissa seems to be deeply worried about these attacks, more so than you would think even for her being a concerned leader. Perhaps she has a personal reason for being concerned. Maybe a relative or friend was attacked.[/sblock]


Frukathka said:
"Lady, I have never known my parents. I was raised by a pack of wolves since I was a baby."

*shakes head*

"I am sorry to hear that your son is missing, and I will try to look for him in my travels, but now I must be going."

*Turns around and heads back to the Merchants District*
*Durel returns to the Merchant's District. At one end of the clearing he can see a large stone structure covered with purple-flowering vines. Two guards stand at the door, which is currently open. A group of people is inside talking animatedly.*

*To your right, two women haggle over the price of some herbs, while some children play nearby with some game involving knucklebones and sticks. A booth nearby is selling fresh breads and honeycakes, and is strung with netting to keep away birds and small animals. A bold chipmunk sits next to the bottom of the netting and makes chipmunk remarks, obviously put out that he can't get to the bread. A faint clanging on the far side of the square reveals the presence of a smithy, and outside it is a booth doing a brisk business in bows and arrows, as well as staves and swords. A leatherworker selling armor next to him is getting just a much business. A tanner is set a bit downwind of the city; you can see the stretched hides being set out to dry and cure.*

*A bevy of young women selling fine embroidered goods is near the purple-flowered vine building, and they chatter like magpies as they work at their frames. On the opposite side is a smaller stone building with a stall in front, swathed in dark fabric that is appliqued with the moon and stars. An eye dominates the top of the structure; the symbol of a fortune-teller.*


Throreth, Elvish Diviner

*Slightly overwhelmed by the number of people in the room with him, Throreth tries to recover his manners as quickly as he can and bows slightly to those assembled in the room.*

"While I have heard many times that dangerous news travels fast, I did not know it could travel this fast. I am Throreth, a minor worker of the mystic arts and even more humble alchemist. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

*After speaking, Throreth listened as the Magistrate quickly explained the happenings in her town, Throreth's mind began doing a mental inventory of his supplies. While a rogue druid or spell caster did seem to be the most obvious of choices, the possibilities were endless as to who, or what, could be truly behind this.*

"I have traveled many miles to offer my assistance to you Madame Magistrate, and I do not intend on withdrawing that offer now that I have arrived. If you still need my assistance with all those who have assembled here today..."


Cirlioniel ned Uirlianelen

Pesonally involved, or personally responsible?

"Madam.., if you could ..please.. give us.. an account.. what.. and where it.. with ...the... dates..it ..happened."

*He bowes his head light to the others*

"It`s.. my pleasure... to.. meet.. you, may I Introduce.. to... you Cyorel"

*Reacts with a cry*


First Post
Zan Half elf Monk

"Well it seems to me that we should amass a list of things to do and deligate what can be done tonight and who should do it."

Zan begins to pace and think and the continues his statement

"We need to find it so anything that can be used to track it would be good. We need to capture it so we may need rope or a net or possibly some kind of cage. We all look equiped enough..."

Zan looks around.

"Anything else we need? Possibly a guild of some sort one that may have survived an attack?"


First Post
"Perhaps Cirlioniel and I could see the places where the attacks happened? We might be able to find traces of the creature or creatures comings and goings." she said, looking at the more experienced ranger expectantly.

Isida Kep'Tukari

"There was... there is a women who survived the attacks, though her son was not as fortunate. She was attacked by some kind of wolf, though she described it as being larger than normal, with reddish fur and green eyes. It was several hours' travel due north, at the edge of a large marsh," Marissa says. "She was one of the more recent victims, and two of the last three were around the marsh."

Voidrunner's Codex

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