• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Tasha: Now on D&D Beyond, Roll20, Fantasy Grounds

Today's the day that Tasha's Guide to Everything is as a hardcover available in North America. For everybody else, it can be found on various digital platforms for $29.99. Roll20 (preorder, but unlocking today $49.95) Fantasy Grounds ($29.99) D&D Beyond ($29.99)

Today's the day that Tasha's Guide to Everything is as a hardcover available in North America. For everybody else, it can be found on various digital platforms for $29.99.



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I don't know about anyone else, but I certainly don't want my players to build characters they don't want to play!

That said, I do like to set limits and provide guidance on what types of characters they can play given the themes of a campaign and/or the setting. I'm not above saying "No, you can't play that in this campaign," but I'll follow that up by helping the player find an alternative character that they will enjoy playing.

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I'm playing around with the new content on DnDBeyond, there are a few issues with the content not being added correctly which I will have to also post on the DnDBeyond forums if they haven't already been mentioned. Things I've noticed are the swarmkeeper subclass for ranger not granting the additional spells and the optional ability Primal Awareness feature should replace Primeval Awareness on the character sheet but has been placed in additional features instead of replacement features. It does still grant the spells though.

Edit: Looks like both have been added to the bugs for Tasha's. In some cases multiple times by different users. I feel like I can skip mentioning it.


Problem language. From Chapter 4. Your group’s enjoyment is paramount, so make these rules your own, aiming to match your group’s tastes.....So shut up DM. You wants and tastes has no say in this cauldron.
...During session zero, your role is to let the players build the characters they want and to help them come up with explanations for how their characters came together to form an adventuring party......
Sorry DMs Tasha's say the players rule and you drool. Insert DM vs players rant.
1) The DM is a part of the group, so their enjoyment is equally valid as a member of that group. In other words, the group as a whole decides whether things need to change to make the group as a whole happy.

2) Yes. Players get to choose the characters they play, from a list of available options. In most D&D games, that list includes everything official, but not all groups do it that way. See 1) above.

Frankly, it is a DM's market right now. There are a LOT of people that want to play D&D and not enough DMs to go around. That means a DM has the ability to set their own boundaries and indulge their own preferences and then seek players that are willing to living within those. That said, I'm not sure what it benefits a DM to overly restrictive. There's a certain point where if the DM is trying to constrain what the players can choose for PCs, they are likely to equally constrain what the PCs can do and how they can act, and at that point the DM should be working on their novel.

1) The DM is a part of the group, so their enjoyment is equally valid as a member of that group. In other words, the group as a whole decides whether things need to change to make the group as a whole happy.

2) Yes. Players get to choose the characters they play, from a list of available options. In most D&D games, that list includes everything official, but not all groups do it that way. See 1) above.

Frankly, it is a DM's market right now. There are a LOT of people that want to play D&D and not enough DMs to go around. That means a DM has the ability to set their own boundaries and indulge their own preferences and then seek players that are willing to living within those. That said, I'm not sure what it benefits a DM to overly restrictive. There's a certain point where if the DM is trying to constrain what the players can choose for PCs, they are likely to equally constrain what the PCs can do and how they can act, and at that point the DM should be working on their novel.
I think a lot of the time it can be the opposite. (Although constraints are insufficient - you need some kind of positive direction and incentives). You want the Players to create PCs that fit the campaign premise because that way there's no need for constraints once the game begins.


I'm thinking of making magical tattoos something more difficult to acquire than what we have here. For these, instead of just finding the needle and activating it, players will need to find a tattoo artist that can provide the tattoos for them. Sort of like Fell from torment.


I liked the Psionic UA with Psonic Soul and the Psi dice and the feats and such that activated off of it, much more then what we got here.

I'm actually gonna house rule an option where whenever one of the three 5E psionic classes reaches level 14 or their final ability gain, said subclass users can find, if they find one, a tutor to learn the Psi Talent Dice. So they have both that to fall back, should they use up all their Psionic Energy Die(from Tasha's), and their normal die.


I'm thinking of making magical tattoos something more difficult to acquire than what we have here. For these, instead of just finding the needle and activating it, players will need to find a tattoo artist that can provide the tattoos for them. Sort of like Fell from torment.
I'm actually thinking of introducing a wandering Tattoo artist(s?) in my games that have to be found.


Problem language. From Chapter 4. Your group’s enjoyment is paramount, so make these rules your own, aiming to match your group’s tastes.....So shut up DM. You wants and tastes has no say in this cauldron.
The DM is also part of 'your group'.
...During session zero, your role is to let the players build the characters they want and to help them come up with explanations for how their characters came together to form an adventuring party......
Sorry DMs Tasha's say the players rule and you drool. Insert DM vs players rant.
I'm not sure why that part is a problem?! You want to force players to play characters they don't want to?

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