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Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn '08

Jerrand Redband

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Cyian follows behind the half-orc and dwarf, he looks nervously over his shoulder as he hears Soocula's chair scrape back. He takes a seat and keeps his eyes on his helm and tankard in front of him. When Alvar mentions the money his head turns toward the well dressed man."1500 crowns," he almost shouts. "I would have to play..." catching himself he gives a quick cough. "Yeah," his back stiffens and his voice gets alittle deeper,"Have to play bones for a year to make that." He goes back to studying his helm and ale.

Sense motive= 16

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[sblock=in the back room]

ooc: Yes, taking 10 on the sense motive is fine. The whole "divide it up how you wish" thing is my way of passing the buck making you guys decide in character whether to go ahead and get started or wait for more recruits.

"Grave robbing? If the house actually stands where the journal describes, that means there's a pretty good chance that it and all of its contents belong to me. I can hardly steal from myself, can I?"



[sblock=in the back room]Gildrim's accent becomes a little stronger. He points a stubby finger at Alvar Thorne. "A grae belongs tae th' bodie restin' in it. Ye've nae richt tae tak' th' stane frae a tomb tae mak' a wall, e'en if yer hoose is fallin' doon." He harrumphs. "But Ah've seid ma bit. Ah'll brin' ye th' ashes ay yer forefaither. Truth be tauld, Ah'll be bringin' aw th' urns Ah kin fin'. Yer fowk will want tae stay restin' thegither."

Gildrim turns to look over the others in the room. "Ye twa leuk uissfu in a barnie," he says to the large human and half-orc. "Ye leuk... weel, ye leuk... ye leuk ready fur anythin'," he says to Cyian. "Noo, Ah'm a follower ay Grendath an' He's gien me a wheen ay tricks. But Ah'm nae priest. Ah kin heal wee clouts an' cuts an' bruises, but Ah cannae dae much fur a spear in th' belly. We're wantin' a proper healer."

OOC: a forest gnome druid Erf Rasbaer has just been posted - he seems like he could be a useful addition.[/sblock]

Jerrand Redband

First Post
[sblock=in the back room]ooc: sorry didn't know we were to hide things if we were in the back room i believe a healer would be a very good ideal how do we invite him in?

Cyian beams at the dwarfs compliment.ooc: if that's what it was Cyian is taking it as such. "Yeah, we're ready for anything let's go."[/sblock]
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[sblock=In the back room]
Jerrand Redband said:
Cyian beams at the dwarf's compliment. "Yeah, we're ready for anything; let's go."
"Grendath's hairy...! Hem... hem... Laddie," says Gildrim, "yoo're as flighty as a yearlin' goat. Yoo're twice as eediotical as yoong Jerrain' wha ran it oot ay haur chasin' orcs nae an hoor ago. Thaur's mair tae hear frae Thorne haur. An' maps tae leuk at. An' preparations tae mak'."

Turning to Ter-Raen, Gildrim asks "Can ye nae sit oan heem an' keep heem quiet?"[/sblock]

Jerrand Redband

First Post
[sblock=in the backroom] Cyian:....

ooc: he's speechless because i can't stop laughing great post Trouvere just what i was looking for lol lol lol lol lol lol can't stop[/sblock]


First Post

[sblock=in the back room]ooc: yeah give him what for Trouvere it was funny but i think that's the kind of reaction my brother was looking for he thinks he can start in party fighting and not have anyone be evil just annoying. O.K. back to the game I am very interested in going on this quest and think we should have a healer also. And I need approved

Soocula finally draws towards the table and sits his mug down drawing all eyes up at him."It is most unwise to start any campagin without the proper people or equipment. So tell us more about what this area is like and might an advance be in order to outfit ourselves, and show your good faith?" Soocula sits so as not to strain anyones neck.[/sblock]


First Post
Erf finished tending to a dripping and despondant Wolf Hound and anxiously told the stable boy,

"He likes it if you scratch behind his ear see, and he can stay up as late as he wants, but if you see him lickin' in certain areas distract him witha bit 'o' meat here if'n you'd be so good - I'm tryin' to teach 'im manners and whatnot."

Turning back to the massive dog, whose posture indicated a sulk, Erf waggled a finger and admonished,

"'N as for you Fenenn you be nice to me new friend here and don'cha do none of yer complain'in. Don't be givin' me no puppy dog eyes young fella me lad you've had your dinner and then some 'n I'm off to find mine and a bitte work so I can afford to feed ye big galoot!"

So saying Erf petted Fenenn, who bestowed a half hearted lick upon the gnome in response, grinned at the stable boy, glad of the proper etiquette advise the lad had bestowed upon him and entered the tavern proper.

Waving as much so would people would notice him as in greeting Erf made his way to the bar, scaled a barstool with practiced ease and positively beamed at the barman.

"'Ello there Master John, I'm Erf Rasbaer - means Friendly Greentree in Gnome - a Druid looking for a bitte work preferably where I might do some good. I'm mostly for the healing myself, but me honkin' big Wolf Hound Fenenn's a good sort to have at ye side in a fight."

Erf looks thoughtful for a moment before adding,

"I'm a Forest Gnome by the way, in case any of you fine folks was wonderin'"

And indeed Erf is a tiny even for a gnome barely standing over two feet tall, and he's green, at least a sort of mottled browney green with a incongorous grin splitting his little face and a pair of overlarge black eyes twinkling in the firelight.


The door to a private room at the back of the tavern's main space crashes open and a dwarf pops his head through.

"Last chance!" he bellows. "We're wantin' a healer, an' a body wha's in wi' a guid god, an' kin cast proper healin' spells!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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