Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn '08

Walking Dad

First Post
Midias Sunchosen, cleric of Hyrag 1

... Midias Sunchosen. My name is Julien Zani. What does a cleric Hyrag seek here amongst the unemployed? ...

Midias stands up and moves to the shaper's table. "Well met, Julien Zani. Thesame as everyone else I fear... Employment. I'm a wandering priest, letting the wisdom of Hyrag choose my path."

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Karl finishes his meal and ale. He turns to Julien and says, "Make me an offer of what it would cost to create a miteral chain shirt to save my scrawny hide."

[sblock=Dire Tadpole] how much gold and craft points would it cost to make a set of mitheral chain shirt?[/sblock]

Dire Tadpole

First Post
Julien Zani, Shaper 1

Midias stands up and moves to the shaper's table. "Well met, Julien Zani. Thesame as everyone else I fear... Employment. I'm a wandering priest, letting the wisdom of Hyrag choose my path."

I have spent some time with the clergy of Russna, I feel that I can understand at least a little the thrist for knowledge which drives them. But I don't know Hyrag nor his wisdom. In which direction do you expect Hyrag to direct you?

Karl finishes his meal and ale. He turns to Julien and says, "Make me an offer of what it would cost to create a miteral chain shirt to save my scrawny hide."

[sblock=Dire Tadpole] how much gold and craft points would it cost to make a set of mitheral chain shirt?[/sblock]

Mithral is tricky... Julien stops, pondering for a second. With the right tools and a second pair of hands. I am sure that I can craft this armor. Consider this my offer. If you are willing to aid in its construction, I'll give you a discount. 825 pieces of gold.

[sblock=OOC]If I understand the crafting rules correctly the primary crafter must provide at least half of the craft points. For the Mithral chain shirt this means of the 110 craft points, Julien must provide at least 55, and Karl can provide up to 55.

Mithral Chain shirt has a craft DC of 20. Julien has a Craft Armor modifier of +7. If he purchases masterwork artisan's tools, and Karl take 10 on an assist other check. That modifer goes to +11, which would allow Julien to take 10 and meet the DC.

The materials to craft the Mithral chain shirt cost 550gp. I value Julien's craft points at 5gp per craft point. Thus if he provides 55 craft points, the total cost is 550gp + 275gp = 825gp[/sblock]


At an empty table, the wizard named Conuld stirs restlessly.[sblock=OOC]
Mithral Chain shirt has a craft DC of 20. Julien has a Craft Armor modifier of +7. If he purchases masterwork artisan's tools, and Karl take 10 on an assist other check. That modifer goes to +11, which would allow Julien to take 10 and meet the DC.
I believe raw materials cost only 1/3 of the list price, 366.67 gp for a mithral chain shirt. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take 10 on an aid another check.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I have spent some time with the clergy of Russna, I feel that I can understand at least a little the thrist for knowledge which drives them. But I don't know Hyrag nor his wisdom. In which direction do you expect Hyrag to direct you?

Mithral is tricky... Julien stops, pondering for a second. With the right tools and a second pair of hands. I am sure that I can craft this armor. Consider this my offer. If you are willing to aid in its construction, I'll give you a discount. 825 pieces of gold.

[sblock=OOC]If I understand the crafting rules correctly the primary crafter must provide at least half of the craft points. For the Mithral chain shirt this means of the 110 craft points, Julien must provide at least 55, and Karl can provide up to 55.

Mithral Chain shirt has a craft DC of 20. Julien has a Craft Armor modifier of +7. If he purchases masterwork artisan's tools, and Karl take 10 on an assist other check. That modifer goes to +11, which would allow Julien to take 10 and meet the DC.

The materials to craft the Mithral chain shirt cost 550gp. I value Julien's craft points at 5gp per craft point. Thus if he provides 55 craft points, the total cost is 550gp + 275gp = 825gp[/sblock]

At an empty table, the wizard named Conuld stirs restlessly.[sblock=OOC]I believe raw materials cost only 1/3 of the list price, 366.67 gp for a mithral chain shirt. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take 10 on an aid another check.[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]I was just getting ready to ask about the take 10 on aid another. I think I need to go pester that grumpy ol' codger tarag[/sblock]

"I can give assistance in minor work, but I am truely unskilled in things like the making of armor. I may have to find the ore skilled armorer, like the one i heard , oh what's his name? that over confident bard? Kelder, I think his name is. I heard Kelder the bard call Tarag Ol' grumpy butt, i think."

Karl Stands,"I will be seeing you guy soon." He exits to Tarag's forge.

Dire Tadpole

First Post
Julien Zani, Shaper 1

At an empty table, the wizard named Conuld stirs restlessly.[sblock=OOC]I believe raw materials cost only 1/3 of the list price, 366.67 gp for a mithral chain shirt. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take 10 on an aid another check.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Good call on the the Aid Another check. I guess the automatic +2 to the craft check was just too good to be true.

While normal crafting only require 1/3 of the price in materials, I thought the craft point system adopted by LEW required half the price in materials. I'll check in the discussion thread. I'd be happy with 1/3 the price.

[sblock=ooc]I was just getting ready to ask about the take 10 on aid another. I think I need to go pester that grumpy ol' codger tarag[/sblock]

"I can give assistance in minor work, but I am truely unskilled in things like the making of armor. I may have to find the ore skilled armorer, like the one i heard , oh what's his name? that over confident bard? Kelder, I think his name is. I heard Kelder the bard call Tarag Ol' grumpy butt, i think."

Julien answers, While I personally enjoy crafting and creating new things, I recognize that sometimes it is simply easier to hire another to perform skilled work.

Even, if you go with another, consider this advice: If the craftsman is willing, you may receive a discount for giving assistance in the craft.

[sblock=OOC]Julien's earlier statement remains valid. With the right tools and assitance from Karl he should be able to craft the armor.

Karl's assistance was not only the Aid Another check it was the craft points he would contribute. Julien can still hit the DC 20 check if he purchases a +1 craft(armor) skill shard. This would put his check, if he takes 10, 10+7+2+1 = 20.

But then this is just me rambling... Go bother the grumpy ol' codger[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]1. While normal crafting only require 1/3 of the price in materials, I thought the craft point system adopted by LEW required half the price in materials. I'll check in the discussion thread. I'd be happy with 1/3 the price.

2. Julien can still hit the DC 20 check if he purchases a +1 craft(armor) skill shard.

3.Go bother the grumpy ol' codger[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC]1. In LEW we do use the one third materials price for mundane items. It remains one half for magical items.

2. Craft (Armor) skill shard? Haven't heard of these. Must check them out. What's the source?

3. Grumpy ol' codger? Hmmph! ;)[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]Skill shards, psionic items that anyone can use.

As for "ol' grumpybutt", I can hardly imagine Keldar would ever have expressed such a sentiment. Karl must be misremem- hey, there's a shoe! It looks like your size.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Dire Tadpole]OK, I've just read the description of psionic shards in the SRD. They sound great but the effect only lasts for one minute. To make a successful Craft check, I'm pretty sure the effect would have to be continuous over 8 hours (which is the assumed period of time for the creation of an item). So, a skill shard wouldn't cut it!


Walking Dad

First Post
Midias Sunchosen, cleric of Hyrag 1

I have spent some time with the clergy of Russna, I feel that I can understand at least a little the thrist for knowledge which drives them. But I don't know Hyrag nor his wisdom. In which direction do you expect Hyrag to direct you?

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