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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn I

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Turning twoards Milo, Khaz begins to speak "Milo, mind terribley if Me, Sturm, and that bard, If he still wants to go with us to Tiggles, join your little group?"

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Jade Solstar

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With abroad grin Torindel turns to Tiggle and says "Well now good bartender, it seems we have quickly gotten together enough adventurers to handle your task. It seems as of now it would be myself, Milo, Sturm, Khaz & Llolian thats five of us...t'would be nice to have one more if a brave soul still wishes to accompany us... When do you wish to leave Mr.Tiggle, on the morrow' ?"


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WhatKu said:
Turning twoards Milo, Khaz begins to speak "Milo, mind terribley if Me, Sturm, and that bard, If he still wants to go with us to Tiggles, join your little group?"

Zhumar ha-rumphs loudly with a deep throaty cough. "Sure ye aren't fergettin someone there, friend?"
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Hearing Torindel, Devlin turns in his direction, "I am newly arrived, so am unfamiliar with this 'task' our goodly bargnome has, would you mind terribly filling me in?"

Jade Solstar

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WIth a slightly shocked look Torindel smiles and says ""Oh yes thats right good fellow, and you would make six of us! Hey Tiggle, there is one I forgot to mention...Zumar is going to help us too. Looks like we have a full group of six...I think that would be enough. What ya' think Tiggle ? We are the ones working for you here...hehe Kinda nice to switch the tables, eh Tiggle!"


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"Well, since I had originally intended to join only because of my interest in the crypt," said Velbrik, "I think I shall back off from my original offer if you intend to take Tiggle's job instead - not that I don't wish to enjoy your company, of course. You have a well-rounded group of six as it is, and it's a fairly simple job, so it doesn't look like you'll be needing my aid. Good luck, then, and farewell."
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OOC: I made a typo and left out Zuhmar, but sincex Wiz is backing out, dosnt that put us at 6 anyway? I might have messed up though

Jade Solstar

First Post
Looking towards Velbrik, Torindel says "Now hold on a second there, Minstrel Velbrik, we would welcome your support and fine singing on this journey! Would you like to accompany us and then when we get back we can check to see if anyone has made it through the crypt and lived. Like I said earlier, ripe for the pickins' when we get back..."

[OOC-adventuring group for Tiggle's Quest: Torindel, Sturm, Milo, Khaz, Lloliam, Zumar and maybe Velbrik ? Shaping up nicely!]
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"Well, since I had originally intended to join only because of my interest in the crypt, I think I shall back off from my original offer if you intend to take Tiggle's job instead - not that I don't wish to enjoy your company, of course. You have a well-rounded group of six as it is, and it's a fairly simple job, so it doesn't look like you'll be needing my aid. Good luck, then, and farewell."

"Does that mean you'll be stayin' with us, then, Velbrik?" Troi asks.

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