(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn II

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ao'Thuir of the Ghost Tribe, male Wood Elf Barbarian 1

"I am." ao'Thuir replies, in what you will come to know as his very curt manner. He checks that his weapons are still all there and follows Remi, Zumar, and the others out towards the docks.

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Kahuna Burger

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Pyrex said:
Remi nods to Zumar & ao'Thuir in turn,
"Zumar, ao'Thuir, it'll be good to have you along.
The five of us should be enough to strike fear into the black hearts of these dastardly pirates. Is everyone ready to head down to the docks?"

Katherine smiles at each new companion in turn. "Well met, ao'Thuir," she says in elven. Then in almost as fluent dwarven, "Your strength honors us, Zumar. Its good to meet all of you. I am Katherine DeSylvia. While I don't particularly strike fear into any black hearts, I'd like to think that I can help put you all in the position to do that striking. Are we ready then?"

OOC: I guess I'll make a post over at the adventure thread...


First Post
Shaking Remi's hand...Tis an Honor t'meet up with you sirrah....Well looks like we're off hunting pirates...without a scurvey crew....hmm whatever that scurvey word means anyway....always wanted to say that.....

OOC: off to the post I go.....


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"Looks as if there's a group going off on a boat," Telerin said as he sat down, keeping Whitefang close still, "I'm still exhausted from that last trip...and I don't think the sea would agree with me all that well."

Aranel thought back to her last trip on a boat and shook her head. It would have been fun had it not been for the storm...
"With the weather as it is there's no way the Lord of Hell could scare me onto a boat right now." She replied. "Well...ok maybe a small chance he could..." She shook her head again and patted 'Fang as she watched Remi and Katherine leave. "Goodluck..." She muttered.
"So now what should we do? That is 'we' if you can cope with my company." She grinned.


Living EN World Judge
OoC:A bit earlier than I wanted to do this, but...

Bron Bekkle enters the Red Dragon Inn, looking about as if he sought someone.

Taking a moment, he announces himself to the room and then takes a seat by the fire, the Barmaid already bringing him a cup of cinnamon tea, as she did whenever he showed his weather-worn face at the Inn.

Spotting one of the ever-present lads that wait for any odd jobs oe errands, Bron waves him over and tosses the boy a shiny Silver coin.
'Young Jordan, go and find me them flks what helped me a few days back, eh...the Elf lass, and the Bard, the feller with the Wolf and thet Tracker, I have need of their ears agin.'

"Don't mind your company at all," Telerin said with a smile as Whitefang edged over to Aranel and nudged her hand with his head...whimpering a little and giving her a big-eyed look.
Telerin grinned as he watched and noticed a young man walking around and eyeing them, "Seems we've got someone interested in us..."


First Post
"Hellooo 'Fang you gorgeous monster!" Aranel cooed leaning down to rub his sides vigerously before scraching his ear some more. "Is that better?" She asked him after a moment before hearing Telerin.
"Hm..? Somene looking for us-..?" Her hand went under her cloak and behind her slightly as she reached for her new crossbow. Still unsure of what to do with her old faithful...
Aranel was still smiling pleasantly as the young man approached, her hand still kept on Surprise the second.

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