[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


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Relic grows serious at Daylilly's angry words in his native tongue.

"Curse me for a fool ..."

He hesitates and switches to elven.

[sblock=Elven] "You are right to be angry, Daylily. Forgive me for using your honour against you. 'Tis a twisty knife honour. But I did speak true when I said I need your strength and your eyes while I adjust to this curse. But I would not do it with you angry at me. I have felt your hammer upon my ribs and I thought I would never breathe air again. I can only imagine that pain would be worse if you actually intended to hurt me. Their is no bond of words between us that hold you. It was a foul trick, one not even worth of mention. I do not release you from your bond, for none was formed. Bonds between friends are not forged on dirty tricks. So, if you count me friend do not hold anger against me. I will help this fat merchant with the help of the halfling. I'm sure it is an issue of little concern and not much danger. Perhaps if we find there are any faces in need of punching I can come and find you?"

With an apologetic look stopping himself before he pats Daylily on the shoulder again, deeming it unwise. He moves to go and sit at the man's table to listen to his story.

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The barmaid takes one of Saranna's coins, and gives her several coins of smaller denominations in return. "Your change, miss. What he's drinking doesn't cost much. Actually, it's the cheapest swill in the house."

Daylily seems surprised at the drink, but accepts it. "My thankings, Tiny Hunter," he says, then raises the mug, drinks it, and belches explosively.

At Relic's words, the barbarian nods. "Is well, then Elder Storyteller. I wills be the watching of you, as friend." He can't help but sigh and roll his eyes a little. "For whatevers silly paper bits we are to chasings."

OOC: Moving over to the adventure thread.


A low murmur is heard in the Inn. Somewhere in the mixture of the cacophony of a multitude of conversations between the throng of patrons, a soft sound, like a chanting, lives like a primordial thing oozing from the depths. Disorganized, at first, the chant wallows and mewls like a newborn, unsure of itself, its purpose, only barely differentiated from the chaotic blend of a hundred voices. Unspoken by anyone in particular, but more like the echo between the clinking of tableware, the scraping of chairs against the floor's waterlogged timbers, and the laughs and discussions of socializing, the chant slowly takes form, finds substance, growing from the din as another person approaches the Inn from without, like a seedling responding to the springtime dawn.

The Red Hand... The Red Hand... The Red Hand...

Kanli grabs hold of the door and strides in, arms stretched in beatific grace. He casts his glance over to Marla. The world-weary waitress looks back, rolls her eyes, grabs a mug off the wall behind the counter and tosses it toward the golden half-orc. He holds his hand up and catches the mug... somehow. He stands halfway across the room from it, yet his crimson hand holds the mug still. He brings the mug to his lips and drinks deeply. The mug seemed to be empty a moment ago, but now a bright red rivulet drops down his cheek as he swigs.

He wipes his mouth and sighs. "That mermaid with the red fish tail, she's out now, isn't she? Good. Wouldn't want to see her here, the Blood Goddess says she's trouble."


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From the table next to Rulkelp, Daylily turns and gestures to the halfling. "Oyuh, Tiny Hunter ... you want come chasing paper, then you is should come chasing paper. I ams think there is much paper to be chase." He exhales. "Is you can maybe make paper chasings time faster, so I can hits things sooner."


(( What adventure(s) is/are recruiting... Saranna is only 2nd level. ))

I think all recently approved adventures have completed their recruiting. From the Social Group Discussion it looks like jackslate45 would be willing to take you A Spiked Drink which is a level 3 adventure. So greater risk with a chance at greater pay off!


Saranna Surefoot 2nd-level Rogue

"I suppose it cannot hurt to hear what the man has to say." She hops off her seat and retrieves her pack and drink and joins the others in discussion.


First Post
after a bit of shopping, Veniarus finally returns to the Dunn Wright Inn. once there Veniarus dismisses his Eidolon, and pays for some food and drink and sits at a small table where he can relax near the fire side listening to the conversation inside the Inn.

Satin Knights

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Arianna (Mermaid Synthesist 1/Cleric of Tanager 1)

The door of the inn opens, and it is a mermaid on crutches in a sky blue cloak. She is smiling brightly, having finished her training at the temple and making a couple of big purchases. Seeing her coins go fast, she has come back looking for more work.

"Grog, will you bring me my chair, pleeease?"

"Huh" as he looks up. It's her. Grr. Shapeshiftr kin git it her self. Wait! She tips. "Juss a sekond" After finishing his current task, he bring out the merfolk chair from the back room.

"Thank you sweetie." as she hands him four silvers and sits down. "Wine and fruits and cheeses please" as she playfully flips him another gold coin. Grog returns to the bar and gives Marla the order.

Arianna looks around. Not much is stirring in the room now, but she knows that will change soon.

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