[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


First Post
Tahn remains still and quiet while Zelenna speaks of her goddess. He nods thoughtfully as she finishes. "Noble ideals, well worth following. In my homeland we call her Qan, and she likewise embodies the best of us. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of visiting your home of Tal Hallow. It sounds more welcoming now that it is under new management" He quirks a smile before taking a sip of his drink. "Perhaps I'll have an opportunity to visit one day. In the meantime, here we are in Venza. No doubt there will be many a downtrodden individual in need of your aid."

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Thy wounds are healed!
Enter the downtrodden...

As the patrons of the Dunn Wright continue their congeniality the door opens once again. And in walks a man wearing the plain brown robes of a bureaucrat over his thin frame. Following the thin figure is a short portly fellow. The second mans beard (bushy and with no mustache) and clothes tell everyone he is a farmer from outside the city district.

Walking self importantly straight to the bar, the bureaucrat leans down to whisper to the barkeep. The farmer stands holding his floppy hat in his hands and looks about nervously. The barkeep points to Markas and nods.

Immediately the thin man moves to stand before Markas. "Guardsman Shieldheart," he starts to say. "That is not my name," Markas answers not looking up. "Not... anymore."

"But you were Guardsman Shieldheart? Memeber of the Watchers of the Walls, were you not?" he asks almost as if he doesn't believe it himself.

"And who wishes to know if I was or wasn't a memeber?" Markas asks back slightly annoyed.

"I am Fallson Hev of the Land Owner’s and Cultivator’s Guild, we wish to hire yo..."

"I am not interested." Markas interupts.

"We will pay you well fo..." Fallson tries to say.

"I am busy. And I have to go." Markas says standing and draining his mug. His face says his beer went warm again, but he just gathers his gear and heads for the door.

Fallson watches as the warrior leaves shaking his head before walking back over to the bar. The farmer follows a worried look on his face, his hat amost crumpled to a ball in his hands.

"What now, ye lordship?" the farmer asks humbly to Fallson's back. Fallson doesn't order a drink but turns back to face the farmer and the room. As if noticing everyone about the tables and at the bar for the first time he takes in the sight slowly.

Fallson sees exotic weapons and armor, spell pouches and symbols to the gods and smiles.

*hrmph, hrmph*

Clearing his throat Fallson doesn't address the little farmer but the room as a whole, his voice carrying. "Is anyone here interested in hearing of this poor farmers plight? Interested in earning the gratitude of the L.O.C.G. and some coin besides?" he asks with a large smile on his face.

[sblock=OOC] Would have started sooner but wanted to wait till the character interaction was complete. But the post above was to good a cue to pass by LOL. Ready to recurit for Kobold's Keep :D [/sblock]
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
. . . poor farmer . . . plight . . . coin . . .

Pari's wandering mind comes home as the words of the Guild representative penetrate. He looks up.

"What's that? Hmmm?" He hops down from his stool and strides over to the man. "Tell me more, please."


To Tahn with a smile, "Ral of course, is a male Consort of Annaya our female Ruler."

The gnome watches the exchange between the bureaucrat and someone who used to be Guardsman Shieldheart. As the bureaucrat takes note of others in the room after the ex-Guardsman depart, Zelenna looks unimpressed at how he looks to take advantage of others. She sighs though and agree with the fellow gnome, "Aye, I will listen to what troubles the good farmer."

She then motions the farmer forward, "Come, tell us what has befallen you, my good man?" (Diplomacy 1d20+6=19 to convince the farmer to come forth should he have any reservations, with the bureaucrat about.)


First Post
With a smile, Tahn says "Timing is everything." He turns his chair to face the city official and the farmer. He makes a note of the mans name and position to be looked up later. He waits patiently for the speaker to begin, his interest piqued.


Thy wounds are healed!
The farmer smiles at the female gnome and says, "Ye look jus'n like me Betsy back home." He then turns to look at Fallson, the bureaucrat gives a nod of permission but says nothing.

"Me name be Farmer Jezz," the little round man says straighting alittle. "An'a me farm be in troubles. It been attacked by little demons twice now. An'a they will be back again I just knows it."

Farmer Jezz looks worried about that and looking down at the floor and his hat he speaks sadly, "They done killed me best cow and stole some of me tools out the barn, the first night. On the second is when I saws 'em." His voice picks up but is still a whisper as if he is sitting around a campfire telling a ghost story.

"Short, so short like ye," he says pointing to Pari. "Red demons with tails and horns and a yipping like stray dogs. Scared away all me help dae did. They comes out dae woods, a score o' dem, an'a head straight to the barn. I had it locked and still they broke ins. They took the rest of me tools and in the mornin' I was missing two sheep and a couple chicks. If dae do nay stop they will take everthing o'mine."

The farmer stops talking and wipes his arm across his nose in a snuffle. Fallson comes up and puts a reasurring hand on the man's shoulder. "We will not allow that Farmer Jezz your farm is a much needed asset to the L.O.C.G. we will find help for you and your farm."

Ok I based the story off his Perform roll of Roll Lookup = 5 So had him rush it. Had it beeen higher I would have gone into more detail.

Anyone with Knowledge(arcana) can make a know monster check DC12 due to poor story telling. LOL

A Knowledge(nature) DC10 can inform you that they are not normal creatures so may truly be demons as the farmer has said [/sblock]


Zelena listens to the story (Know (arcana) 1d20+5=6 Clueless, even though I hatred of reptilian critters, oh well) "That is most distressing news. The beasts you describe sound familiar, but I cannot place them. But, I will offer my aid to discovering what is doing this and putting a stop to them!"


Fury has been listening from his spot at the bar. Finally he stands up and approaches the farmer while ignoring the bureaucrat. He never liked bureaucrats and figures it's safer to pretend this one isn't there. Placing one hand on the farmer's shoulder he looks the fellow in the eye and says, "Farmer Jezz." He tries to smile and reassure the man but he isn't particularly skilled at social matters. "I, as a representative of the Red Hand Society, will do what I can to help you." He lets his hand fall to the hilt of his rapier and gives a predatory smile. "Just point me in the right direction."


A tall, fair man walks into the tavern. His clothes are trimmed in fur, which if his blond beard was not clue enough, signals him as a resident of the lands far to the north. he walks to the bar, past the gaggle of people surrounding a farmer and orders a large tankard of ale. As the bartender asks his name he replies "Mordjn, I am a wanderer from the north. Any excitement around these parts?" He downs that ale quickly to wash away the dust of the road before ordering a second that he can linger over. He turns and survey's the others in the bar as he drinks.

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