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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


Saranna Surefoot 1st-level Rogue

The halfling woman departs the backroom with a strange looking male gnome in tow and exit the Inn. It is about an hour later when the pair return and re-enter the back room.

It is a few hours before the halfling comes back out and walks out the front door two large books in hand. She finds a messanger and hands over a few coins with a message for the delegation from Iradys. She come back and gets a drink and disappears upstairs.

When morning arrives Saranna is one of the first down in the main barroom and has a full breakfast reading one of those large tomes from the previous day. Once several others arrive and the strange gnome makes an appearance she packs things up and departs the inn with them.

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As the odd quintet departs, the gnome whistles happily to himself, winking at Marla, and even Grog, clearly pleased about whatever it is that gnomes dressed in leagues of brightly colored, over-sized clothing get excited about. As Arianna opens the door, he ducks under her arm, speaking thanks for her "magnanimous gesture," when it's doubtful that any such gesture was her intention.

Satin Knights

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Arianna (Mermaid Synthesist 1)

After a good night's sleep in her room, the mermaid comes down the stairs gently on her crutches to the common room for breakfast. After a couple whispers to Grog and tipping with a few silver coins, Grog carries her special chair from the back room out front. Joining Saranna, she has a delightful meal. She stows away several cherries, grapes and strawberries in a pouch for a snack later.

Once everyone has gathered and is about to depart, "Excuse me, I just need a couple minutes to get dressed." Getting up, she makes her way down a back hall out of sight of the other patrons, singing a soft lullaby like tune in an odd language.

A moment later, a blue, lizardfolk-like demon comes out of the hall, also singing a soft lullaby. Grabbing the mermaid's backpack and weapons except for the spear from beside the chair, she finishes dressing for battle. Finally, she puts on her cloak over she has to hide most of her secrets from the general town folk. Slinging her spear, she is now ready to face the wondrous dry world.

Turning back, "Thank you Grog" with wink.

Shaking his head, "VVomen."

Arianna giggles as she escorts the well dressed gnome out into the world.
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Zelena Adu (2nd level Cleric/ 2nd level Bard)

Zelena walks into the the common room, "A nice steak, raw, if you will!" she calls out to the barkeep. "A nice bowl, make that a bucket, of fresh water too, please." After some odd looks the gnome retrieves the food and bucket and exits the tavern. Outside she places the meal and drink before a riding hound, "There you go girl... eat up."

The gnome returns to the Inn and picks out a table, "Some roast bird, with vegatables. Along with a glass of wine, please." She then sits back and looks about the near vacant establishment, "Kinda slow... Everyone out adventuring?"
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Kanli the Mad (Aberrant Sorcerer 4 / Bones Oracle 1)

The golden half-orc Kanli, known by reputation if not by manner, enters the tavern, dressed all in silver and red. Over a red, ruffled waistcoat, the self-styled Bloody High Priest of Venza now sports a light, silvery breastplate, to match his silver greataxe and metal kilt adorned with ruddy handprints. He wears a large garnet pendant proudly.

Seeing the place quiet, he approaches the gnome priestess. "Ah, the lovely Lady Zelena! How wonderful it is to see you again! It feels like just yesterday we were combatting an undead scourge, rescuing each other from pits and being burned by little skeletons. The Hour of the Unliving waxes upon us, when stones sing and clay warbles. How fare you?"


First Post
Krag (Half-Orc Paladin 3)

Krag takes a seat near the bar. He was tired. Slaying necromencers was sure hard work after ordering a large ale Krag spots the sore thumb-esq silouette of Kanli he walks over to the Half-Orc and takes a seat closer and makes small talk.

Krag is tired after long trip.
He yawns widely.

Hello tiny giant lady. He nods to Zelena.

Krag will go Sleep. - if tavern burns, YAWN, come get him.

With that the massive Half-Orc will rest for the night.

Blood and Honor

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"Thats a good dog. Enjoy your meal friend." A man can be heard playing with a dog just on the otherside of the door moments before it opens. In walks a man with long blonde hair and at least a days worth of growth about his face. His redish-brown cloak hides a large portion of his body but a breastplate and the handle of a greataxe can be seen. Moving his cloak back into place he makes his way to the bar.

"Do you know of anyone presently in need of a skilled scout or escort?" The man asks the half-orc behind the bar.

"Work comes through on a regular basis, but not at the moment." Grog answers the mans question. "Now are ya goin to buy a drink or what?"

"An ale would be nice and a meal would be better."


"Merry meet Kalni. I am quite well thank you." the gnome smiles, "Some new armor I see. I too have made a new purchase." the gnome takes up a small mithral battle axe and places on the table and smiles at the golden skinned half-orc.

"Merry meet to you as well Krag." she waves as the half-orc paladin makes his way for some sleep, "Merry part my friend."

As the new half-orc enters the establishment the gnome smiles as she removes her axe on display for Kalni and says to the newcomer, "Merry meet, I am Zelena Adu."


"That is a lovely axe indeed!" Kanli replies. "That should serve you well."

Kanli turns to the newcomer. "Welcome, please, come, sit here at the bar, or if you wish, I have a special table reserved for myself and my compatriots if you are interested." He gestures toward a large table, emblazoned with a red handprint. Seeing the number of red handprints on Kanli's outfit, axe, and cloak, it is clearly a motif he welcomes.

"Zelena and I could regale you with a tale of death and lost love, putting the romance back in necromancy, as it were, but I'm sure we would love to hear your tale. What brings you here, to the Dunn Wright Inn?"


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Yoshiki Akita (Human Monk 3)

Quietly opening the door, a short man walks into the Dunn Wright wearing just some loose robes and sandals with a bag strapped to his back. He carries no weapons and wears no armor in stark contrast to most of the clientele in here. Those who have seen him before will notice that he seems in a much better mood than the last time he was here.

Seeing some people he recognizes, a small smile appears on his face. He heads over to where Krag, Kanli, and Zelena have gathered. "We meet again so soon." He gestures to Maria, the local barmaid, to come over. "Can I join you?"

When Maria makes her way over, "I'll have an ale and a plate of whatever is today's special." As the barmaid walks away, he turns back to the group. "Any word on any new job offers?"

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