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Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Ingot replies, "Are you from the Empire, then? I have noticed that people from there seem to have a more... relaxed attitude towards worshipping the gods. Not everybody around here agrees that it's fitting for me to be a cleric of Vulkar."

Dextyr replies, “Yup, born and raised, but I had the need to get out and see the world you could say. As far as the gods go, I guess you could say that although I have a couple of favorites, I will say a prayer from time to time to all of them when the need arises.” Dextyr then looks Ingot straight in the face and states “..and as far as anyone telling you what you can and cannot do, well they can all just shut their yaps…Never let anyone tell you that you cannot be who you are Ingot”. Dextyr calms himself a bit after getting himself worked up with that last statement, and the lighthearted grin returns to his face.

"Indeed, I can feel it cutting the grease that had built up in my esophageal chamber. It's actually quite enjoyable!"

“Hahaha, cuts the grease…that’s perfect. I’ll have to write that one down. You don’t mind if I use that line in the future do you?...Haha, that’s a good one”

...Spent me life on that ship... if Stahbur ever gets a chance t'find the scallywag what done it... (he pulls out a mean looking serrated boarding knife from a hip sheath) ... well, he won't be sabotagin' no more ships! H'har harr!...

“Well I am truly sorry to hear that you are now homeless Stahbur, and I hope that you and your frightening looking blade cross paths with whoever was responsible for the incident on the Serpent” Dextyr replies glancing at the menacing oversized dagger.

"Greetings, I am Blade, servant of Maros and seeker of his foes, I am looking for someone and have been lead here by my visions to seek out what is hidden." Blade says coldly, but confidently, with a voice that demonstrates this Deva will broker no insolence.

He will walk over to the nearest table of obvious adventurers, "I believe it is customary to order a drink for new comrades, I will do so now. What is your desire?" Blade asks the others.

“Greetings Blade” replies Dextyr as he raises and pulls another chair over to the table making room for the newcomer. “Why don’t you join us and we can share the drinks you are buying and please do tell, if you can, more about this person you seek. Perhaps one of us can assist you”

As the cloaked elf moves over to the far wall Dextyr waves a greeting towards him “Greetings Tristan”. It is then that Dextyr notices the tension forming between the two newcomers and decides to stay out of whatever it is that may be formulating between them.

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"I do not know who it is I look for, or why I was brought back, all I know is that Maros has a plan and I am to fulfill it. What do they call you?" Blade replies, accepting the offered seat, ordering a round of drinks, himself taking a glass of goat's milk.


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"Oh yes how rude of me. My name is Dextyr M'rgan, although I have been called a lot of other, not so flattering names as well" Dextyr replies with a grin. He accepts the drink as the waitress brings it by and quickly slams back the shot of liquid. “Ummm, I sure do enjoy the “grease cleaner” they serve here” Dextyr remarks with a laugh referring to the way Ingot described the liquor.

“I am glad that you have a plan then” he said to Blade, “Cause for myself, I’m just waiting for someone to walk through that doorway with a job and until then, I’m sort of plan-less…so to speak”

Lord Sessadore

Tristan raises his mug of water to Dextyr. "And greetings to you, Dextyr," he replies, a wide grin splitting his face. With a fluid movement he slides through the tavern to stand nearer the other patrons, noting the glare from the strange purple-skinned humanoid. The sharp-eyed elf also notes how that same person doesn't seem to move quite like normal ... when he's not doing something, it seems he is a statue. And that bugbear ... to think, this city allows his kind to walk around freely! I thought that cities usually at least got that right, if nothing else.

Resolving to not think on it too much - it wouldn't do any good to start something in the middle of this building, with people all around - he instead turns to the purple-skinned one with a slight smile. "And greetings to you, as well, ..." he trails off, implicitly asking the statue's name. I wonder how he'll react to that ... this should be fun! he thinks.

[sblock=OOC]Yup, Tristan worships Dayna, our equivalent of Artemis, goddess of the woodlands and nature. Like I said before, I'm pretty sure our two are quite different, haha.

Also, Kalidrev, nothing against you. Tristan can be a bit judgemental at times, and hasn't had the warmest relations with the bugbears he's met before ;)[/sblock]


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Slowly turning to regard Tristan, the deva's cold eyes settle on him for a moment, then after a few seconds, he says "I am known as Blade, oh servant of Dayna, I am the hand of Maros, here to punish his enemies for their crimes." with his trademark calm attitude, the disdain is evident when he says the name of the other deity.


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Ingot nods at each of the newcomers, seemingly unaware of the tension between them. "Thank you for your kind offer of a drink, Blade", it says with a smile. "This time, I think I will try... what he is having", indicating Tristan's mug of water.

So PHB2 is open now huh! :)

(Still at the beach, internet is spotty... may not be participating much.)

Lord Sessadore

"Well then, oh servant of Maros," Tristan says, imitating Blade's tone before changing to a more normal one, "it appears that the essence of our goals align, even if the specific quarries are not. Or maybe they are." With a wink at Blade, he turns to look quizzically at Ingot.

"This time?" Tristan asks the warforged. "How many times were there before I arrived?"

The elf takes a sip of his water, then turns back to Blade. From his expression, it's clear a question is coming. "Tell me ... who are the enemies of Maros? How do you commit a crime against him? Doesn't seem like the kind for such things, to me."


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“Well if the doctrine of Maros is anything like what the preachers of Aressus go on about, then anyone who wants peace rather than war and bloodshed would qualify” Dextyr replies, snidely.

“I have heard praises shout out to Aressus by many legionnaires and gladiators who wound up with their prayers being answered with their own blood and innards spilt on the ground around them” Dextyr pauses briefly and looks away for a moment, only to then look back at Blade “Sorry if that came across the wrong way. I didn’t mean any offence to you or your faith, its just…” and after a slight pause Dextyr stands up and strides over to the bar. “Barkeeper, I’ll have another. Actually make it three”


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"There are many who would draw the ire of the King of Combat. Have you ever seen a coward on the battlefield? One who turned and left his bretheren to suffer at the hands of their foes? Have you ever known assassins who skulk about in the shadows striking down a great leader whilst he slept, rather than face him on the battlefield? These are but a pitance of the crimes levied against Maros. Dextyr, you have it correct. There is no better way to die than on the battlefield, bested in combat by a worthy foe and with a blade in your hand. Would you rather lie at home after a number of years, having watched your body wither and age, becoming more and more decrepit as time passes whilst you muse about your past glories? Not for me or any true servant of Maros. We are not stupid, however, and don't willingly go into a battle we cannot win, nor will we throw our lives away for no reason." Blade says without taking a breath, then sips on his goat's milk.

Lord Sessadore

"Hmm. Ok," Tristan concedes. With a grin, the elf imitates Blade and sips his water, watching the deva over his mug.
[sblock=OOC]Haha, teasing Blade is fun! :p[/sblock]
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