Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Vashik nods in turn to Riayek then to Les.

A master of the arcane indeed. Also no stranger to hardship and adventure, my body is a testament to that.

These last words raise Vashik's voice to a near shout, before he takes a calming breath and continues.

As for offending me, your words harm me no more then a pebble striking a troll. Now dispense with your flowery speech and speak true, simple words.

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Dawn Raven

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The Gith looks at Cross and can’t help but let out a short giggle. Really? I think you just hang out with the wrong people. A gaunt and stretched smile spreads across thin lips as Les looks at the tiefling’s tail and horns. She motions him to sit back down and takes a long look around the table. There are enough of us at this table to tackle two clients. That really is an issue. However, let’s forget this for a moment and rather exchange tall tales and stories over a few drinks.

Les pauses as she turns away from the table, her mouth open to yell to the barkeep just as Vashik responds. Truly, what is with this rancorous tone you take? I am finding it hard to avoid a polemical conversation. And as for my rhetoric, I much prefer it over your laconic words or any traditionally phlegmatic accumulation of poorly enunciated words. Indeed, I ask nothing of your hubris so ask nothing of my idolatrous attention to vocabulary.

Two yellow eyes narrow at the wizened magician and a stray braid of silver and black falls over the scar on Les’s cheek. She briefly considers that her impetuous words will in no way affect the implacable individual, but she finds it difficult to care. But then, she was not here to make friends. Les doubted very much that anyone at this table would offer her a helping hand were she to be stuck in any trouble. Who has that sort of kindness for strangers?

Images of her days as an oar slave glitter across the horizon of her mind’s eye before being replaced with more recent images of the Barracks and her slow acceptance into Daunton’s culture. The brief pleasure from seeing another exotic figure at the table had been replaced with a mercurial distaste. Perhaps it was simply her own swift mouth that caused such bombastic diatribes, but Les was finding that a halcyon conversation was not quick in approaching.


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Vashik's lips turn up in an almost imperceptible smile, and he begins a wheezing, sputtering chuckle.

If you find my words phlegmatic and laconic perhaps you would care to subject yourself to the touch of shadow, and feel the very life torn from your body. Imagine being stripped of your lifes accomplishments and tell me you would not find life deserving of some rancor!

Vashik seems on the verge of violence when a coughing fit doubles him over. He daubs the small flecks of blood from his lips, allows several slow rattling breaths and then leans in to whisper to Les.

While we all have our share of hardships, you cannot imagine the pain I have endured in my life. This withered husk is a mere shadow of my former self and I will be restored, and if you can help me further that goal then I'd drag you back from the hells without a thought. If not stay out of my way.


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Kruk lifts his head up and casts a stern stare at Vashik. He then nods his head in agreement and states, "Your statements are blunt and to the point spell caster...I like it." He raises his ale to him to salute him and then takes a long drink then says, "I hope you speak the same for the rest of the us."

Dawn Raven

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A look of concern flits across the Gith’s face and she almost reaches out to steady the coughing old man. By Melora, what happened to this man? She tilts her head slightly to the side and props it up on her hand, yellow eyes staring at him. I prefer not to deal with things I don’t understand. Of course, that typically includes anything that’s going to eat the life from my bones. But earthly pains I’ve felt and seen enough of.

Still not speaking, the Gith’s eyes have an intense concentration as her mind wonders what to think of this wizard. Her eyes briefly narrow and her thoughts focus on two words: He’s dangerous. He wouldn’t think twice about sacrificing anyone here to the darkness if he could get what he wanted. I wonder if he already has… His enervated form and irascible manner would definitely lead to noxious danger. Les wonders briefly if she should respond as she truly wants to. She knew she was being obdurate, but the man’s choice of words had not helped. I am not here to offer kindness. I am not here to help anyone here with their life’s choices beyond supporting them in any endeavors we are thrown together in. I am here to explore and to seek fortune. I am here to find my own way to my own goals but have no desire to share them with anyone here.

These words and more floated about her mind, burning with a desire to upbraid the old man. However, finally, she quiets them. She should say something, perhaps warn the others at the table about her conclusions. But she won’t. They can make their own assumptions. There was no reason to permeate presumption or continue this diatribe.

I do not suppose to guess as to what you have endured in life. As such, please take the same approach to myself. I seek this gathering for teamwork. A coordinated group is much more effective than a discordant band of strays. If, by chance, I end up working with you in the future; I hope you keep that in mind.

Kruk’s statements draw a brief look of amazement from Les. He doesn’t see it at all does he. This man would walk over our souls for what he wants… The Gith closes her expression and turns to look at Cross.

Well, I have to say thank you for the drinks. I suppose it is my turn now. She smiles at him and again motions him to stay seated. She turns her head sharply and whip across her face. Her thus far quiet words are replaced with a commanding and stern shout. Barkeep! Wine and beer for all here, please! Its like a desert over here, be quick!


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What interest have you in my name day small one?

"But... I thought Les Ghental said name days were not used here? Or maybe your people use them but hers do not? This is confusing..."

"Ah, my birth date. I don't mind, I was born some 44 years ago, but I know not what the day of the year would be on the local calendar, nor do I know the time of day. May I ask, what exactly are you trying to determine?"

"The group must have harmony for success! I need to be sure that every member has... uh, readings... forgive me, I do not know many of the terms in this language. I need to be sure that every member has readings that fit with the whole, and that none has a terrible fate lurking in their future."

Rabbit is interrupted by the arrival of others. "This is getting crowded." He starts shuffling his papers out of the way. "And my calculations are complicated. I do not think this will work. I will need to find another way..."


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"I need to be sure that every member has readings that fit with the whole, and that none has a terrible fate lurking in their future."

Rabbit is interrupted by the arrival of others. "This is getting crowded." He starts shuffling his papers out of the way. "And my calculations are complicated. I do not think this will work. I will need to find another way..."

That is probably for the best, my new friend. For even though a ship's navigator will plot a course by the stars... he will only turn to the celestial heavens, for guidance, in the darkest of night.


Dawn Raven

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"But... I thought Les Ghental said name days were not used here? Or maybe your people use them but hers do not? This is confusing..."

The group must have harmony for success! I need to be sure that every member has... uh, readings... forgive me, I do not know many of the terms in this language. I need to be sure that every member has readings that fit with the whole, and that none has a terrible fate lurking in their future."
We don't. At least not where I come from. Although it is surely different across the Isles. And Seven Rabbit, do not worry about that now. I doubt everyone of this group will partake in the same adventures. We are far too many for that. Take out your charts when work comes our way. Until then, let us hear a story from the Valley of Bone. Regale me with something from your homeland. Then perhaps I will tell a story of my own.


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Merenwen watched the group quietly. Leaning back softly against a table her discomfort in this environment was plain, oh how she wished she back among the woods, forests and natural environments of the world. There she could spot and explain things others didn't even know existed, she could hunt and forage to stay alive, explore wonderous waterfalls, valley's of death and doom... here however, here she didn't understand how to react, her societies social practices were far different than others. Her hand located her wax in her backpack and she slowly applied it to her bow. Listening politely, for a moment her face lit up as Seven Rabbit complained about his star charts. Her soft ghostly voice held longing and passion as she was brought out of her silence.

"Ah Seven Rabbit, i could show you such mountain peaks. High than the Dragon can fly they are, tips lost in cloud so that only on the clearest of days can you see the top... Climb up even a quarter of the way and you remove yourself from civilisation, from the light and noise of sentient settlements." The elf's purple eyes danced with vibrant passion as her voice grew in strength. "There at night, resting on a ledge of hard rock one can see the heavens of the world clearer than any crystal glass can show them, sometimes a blue-green cloud of dust high above flickers and flips. It has many names in different cultures..." Merenwen seemed to pause for a second, her mind remembering paths she had tread, wonderous landscapes.


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"Mountains? I come from the mountains as well. Mine are made of gold." Seven Rabbit drifts off into thought for a moment, then shakes his head. "I would like to see the heavens from your mountaintops as well some day."

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