[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2011


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Tower's Shard

In Clifftop, a few blocks from the famous Clifftop Adventurer's guild, lies a popular spot called The Tower's Shard. The common street wisdom is that the Tower's Shard is a brewery and inn whose owner was a rich adventurer who died in the Last War and left the establishment to his servant, a warforged named Brews.

Brews, in little need of money, runs the establishment at the behest of his former master. The tavern has loose policies on weapons, wands, and other adventuring gear, which combined with a discount for adventurers who can tell a good tale, makes the Tower's Shard a popular stop for rising adventurers who are low on coin but high on spirit and eager to pursue conversation with other adventurers.

True to his name, Brews is a master brewer, and is widely known for his Grilled Red Herring, and a special mixed drink he calls the McGuffin. Brews quite enjoys listening to tales of adventure, and he is able to sit and listen to adventurers' old war stories for hours on end and remain fascinated, a quality which endears him to the more long-winded sort of adventurers particularly. In return, Brews only asks that each newcomer introduce themselves so that their tale can be remembered by all.

Brews straightens his collection of the Sharn Inquisitive as the newcomer's make their acquaintance.

Old Tavern: Here

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Walking Dad

First Post
Varis d'Lyrandar , Half-Elf Bard 5

Varis is still confused but gathers around a table with the others.

Level 3 dragonshard that increases lightning damage (I think it was the Eberron)

[sblock=Mini stat block]

Varis d'Lyrandar
Perception: 19 Insight: 19 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 17 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +2
Hit Points: 49 / 49 Bloodied: 24
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +2 vs charm, illusion, sleep
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:12 Surges per day: 10 / 10
At-Will Powers: Lightning Longsword, Vicious Mockery, War Song Strike
Encounter Powers: Burning Spray, Shout of Triumph, Inspire Competence, Impelling Force, Word of Friendship, Majestic Word 2/2
Daily Powers: Stirring Shout, Song of Discord, Extra lightning damage


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On Puget Sound

First Post
Ryk Tavishny, halfling ranger-5 - or 6 - , and Spring

A tall, muscular halfling strides in, followed by a greenish-brown clawfoot dinosaur. He smiles and waves at Brews. Did you hear? We won the race. And the assassins after the race - that is a strange custom, but we won that too. Two chickens, please. Yes, one raw and one roasted, like last time, and an ale as well if you will.

He looks around and notices that the room is full of strangers.

I am Ryk Tavishny, and this is Spring. He's a clawfoot, and he won't bite any as don't deserve it. Neither will I.

Ryk is dressed in good quality Talenta style hunting gear. His leather battle harness is festooned with pouches, clips and ties that hold weapons and gear organized and ready for quick use. Some scratches and bruises are still evident, but he's bathed and rested since yesterday's battle with the assassins ( see this article for the story).
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Walking Dad

First Post
Varis d'Lyrandar , Half-Elf Bard 5

"I greet you, Ryk Tavishny! I met recently another one of your kind, an older warrior, riding a white beast." Varis greets the newcomer.

Level 3 dragonshard that increases lightning damage (I think it was the Eberron)

[sblock=Mini stat block]

Varis d'Lyrandar
Perception: 19 Insight: 19 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 17 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +2
Hit Points: 49 / 49 Bloodied: 24
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +2 vs charm, illusion, sleep
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:12 Surges per day: 10 / 10
At-Will Powers: Lightning Longsword, Vicious Mockery, War Song Strike
Encounter Powers: Burning Spray, Shout of Triumph, Inspire Competence, Impelling Force, Word of Friendship, Majestic Word 2/2
Daily Powers: Stirring Shout, Song of Discord, Extra lightning damage



Son of Meepo

First Post
Lucien Lightstep, Halfling Thief 4

The sleepy halfling looked up from the table and eyed the newcomer.

"I'd think with a name like Clawfoot it's not his bite I should be worried about."

He then took a sip of his drink and set his head back on the table.

On Puget Sound

First Post
A white one? That is unusual. Was this here in Sharn?

You'v never seen a clawfoot hunting? They jump on their prey, then bite and pull while standing on it until it's torn in half. Spectacular to watch from a safe distance. You should visit the Plains, get in touch with your roots.

Walking Dad

First Post
Varis d'Lyrandar , Half-Elf Bard 5

A white one? That is unusual. Was this here in Sharn?

"Not here, but I think he frequents this tavern sometimes. An older halfling, named Haltor on an older clawfoot. Moves like a veteran." Varis explains further.

Level 3 dragonshard that increases lightning damage (I think it was the Eberron)

[sblock=Mini stat block]

Varis d'Lyrandar
Perception: 19 Insight: 19 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 17 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +2
Hit Points: 49 / 49 Bloodied: 24
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +2 vs charm, illusion, sleep
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:12 Surges per day: 10 / 10
At-Will Powers: Lightning Longsword, Vicious Mockery, War Song Strike
Encounter Powers: Burning Spray, Shout of Triumph, Inspire Competence, Impelling Force, Word of Friendship, Majestic Word 2/2
Daily Powers: Stirring Shout, Song of Discord, Extra lightning damage



One moment there was nothing at the door. On the other there was a shadow.
"Darksun" it told startled bouncer as it glided inside.

After a moment pause, it came over to the bard and halfling. Removal of the hood reveals a drow with shiny black eyes and skin as if covered in oil.

"Hello, Ryk. I was thinking you'll stay more with Jorascos, them being from your Plains. Good to see you are well. And you Spring." drow offers some kind of meat to the dinosaur

"I am Bellegon Darksun, messanger from Droaam." he tells toward D'Lyrandar

On Puget Sound

First Post
Bellegon! Good to see you again. That was quite a day, eh? And yes, I am renting a room in Little Talenta, the food there is familiar. But most Jorasco have never hunted the sea of grass; they are city-dwellers. Ryk looks down at his wrist, which shows a couple of indistinct black marks. Most, but perhaps not all.

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