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Tears for Twilight Hollow IC


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Searching for another entrance, the party doesn't find another staircase down. Moving amongst the tumbled stones, the party realizes that once there must have been a very tall tower here.

Dra'vin crosses the tracks of the Centipede again. The tracks of the centipede lead to the northwest. Dra'vin estimates that this Centipede is probably fifty to one hundred feet in length and almost certainly poisonous.

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"Giant poisonius centiepede eating us or falling down and breaking our necks. Choices are so hard. I vote one of us tries to go down the crack. Other than Jalen, because we will need her to prevent whoever goes down from dying if they fall."

Isida Kep'Tukari

"I would hope the centipede doesn't come back right now, I really don't want to fight something like that. I'll wait and watch for now, but you might need me down there. And I'm small," Jalen says, going to kneel down by the crevice to help ease the others in.


List male human Rogue

"Hmm, maybe it's a glowing Carrion Crawler, I don't fancy getting stuck in there with it." List will lay his shoulders in his shield if possible, to make passing in the space as easy as possible. The shortsword is unbound for a quick draw after getting in the hole. Bow and arrows will be left up topside. "wish I'd found another way down."


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List slides through the tight crack easily, making the others wonder how List learned to do contortions like that.

Although the others can't see past his body into the hole, List can see that this was once probably a staircase. The light from around the corner is no longer around the corner.

Two glowing balls of light have shot up the stairwell and are circling List's body. List has taken eighteen points of electrical damage in burns from the glowing lights.

List is the only person inside the crack (besides the two glowing lights). The other PCs can see that the lights are closer, but have difficulty doing anything so long as they are outside the crack.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Assuming List makes some noise to let them know he's in trouble, Jalen with throw herself headfirst down the hole.*

"List!" she cries, her voice urgent.

*If she can touch him, she will call out to Ilmater, asking his mercy in her time of need.*

[OOC - Dropping Estanna's stew for cure moderate wounds.]


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*assuming I can see between the gaps of list and Jalen, or I have a higher init than Jalen*
Moving his hands in arcane patterns and muttering words of power, Tohav fires two blasts of intense heat at one of the balls, trying to see if they can be harmed.

Casting Schorching Rays. 2 Rays, 4d6 each, at one of the balls.


List male human Rogue

Yelling loudly with the shock, List will do his best to bring the sword to effect against one of the creatures. "Some kind of light creature!!"


First Post
List swings his sword at one of the balls of light, but it dodges out of the way.

Tohav flings two bolts of fire into the crack at one of the balls that is almost motionless. The ball of light dodges at the last moment, and both rays miss. One bolt of fire impacts on wet vegetation. The other burns List for fourteen points of damage. Tohav is left with the thought that the balls of light are intelligent, malicious, and toying with him.

Jalen wedges herself into the crack. Although unable to move throught it as easily as List did, she is able to stretch her arm and touch List. Calling out to Ilmater, holy power flows from her fingertips into List's body, healing List for 17 points of damage.

The two balls of light ignore List and shock Jalen who is unable to dodge for nineteen points of damage.

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