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Isida Kep'Tukari

Jalen Isadore
Female Human Cleric 7 of Ilmater

Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Deity: Ilmater
Region: Damara
Height: 5' 5''
Weight: 134lbs
Hair: Pale Blonde
Eyes: Golden Brown
Age: 25

Str: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Dex: 8 (-1) [0 points]
Con: 14 (+2) [6 point]
Int: 11 (+0) [3 points]
Wis: 20 (+5) [13 points, +1 level, +2 periapt]
Cha: 15 (+2) [8 points]

Class and Racial Abilities:
Extra feat at first level, 4 extra skill points at first level and one additional skill point at each level thereafter. Divine spells, ability to turn undead 5/day. +4 to turning check, additional 3d6 turning damage. Lame - Because of a beating take in her youth, Jalen cannot walk as fast as a normal person.

Hit Dice: 7d8+14
HP: 46
AC: 12 (-1 Dex, +3 armor) [touch 9, flat-footed 12]
Init: -1 (-1 Dex)
Speed: 25ft

Fortitude +7 [+5 base, +2 Con]
Reflex +1 [+2 base, -1 Dex]
Will +10 [+5 base, +5 Wis]

BAB: +5
Melee Atk: +6 (1d6+1/x2/B, Heavensent)
Ranged Atk: +4 (1d4/x3/50 ft./B, sling)

Concentration +10 [8 ranks, +2 Con]
Diplomacy +7 [5 ranks, +2 Cha]
Heal +13 [6 ranks, +5 Wis, +2 healer's kit]
Knowledge (religion) +6 [6 ranks]
Spellcraft +5 [5 ranks]

Nimbus of Light (human bonus)
Holy Radiance (1st level)
Stigmata (3rd level)
Exalted Turning (6th level)

Languages: Common, Damaran

Spells Prepared - Good and Healing domains
Save DC +5
0th - create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, purify food and drink, resistance.
1st - faith healing x2 (MaoF), bless x2, divine favor, santuary. (D) - cure light wounds.
2nd - ease pain (BoED) [cast], Estanna's stew (BoED) [cast], lesser restoration x2. (D) - aid.
3rd - blessed sight (BoED), remove blindness [cast], heart's ease (BoED). (D) - magic circle against evil.
4th - break enchantment, restoration. (D) - cure critical wounds.

Periapt of wisdom +2 - 4,000gp
Heavensent, +1 frystalline quarterstaff - 4,300gp
sling, 20 sling bullets - 2sp
+1 leather armor - 1,160gp
spruce altar case - 20gp
thurible of consecration - 5,000gp (BoED)
insence of consecration x8 - 2,400gp (BoED)
personal wooden holy symbol of Ilmater - 1gp
10 wooden holy symbols of Ilmater - 10gp (to give out to the faithful)
healer's kit x3 - 150gp
cleric's vestments - 5gp
vigil candle x10 - 100gp
hand-held silver candlestick - 3gp
bronze field brazier - 4gp
20 lbs of incense - 100gp
brass censer - 1gp
snuffing bell - 1gp
3 scrolls of cure moderate wounds - 150gp (2 are regional equipment)
5 potions of cure light wounds - 250gp
banner of Ilmater - 50gp
24 vials of holy water - 600gp
powdered silver for bless water x8 - 200gp
backpack - 2gp
bedroll - 5sp
trail rations (20 days worth) - 10gp
belt pouch - 1gp
Field Hospital
-2 mules - 16gp
-wagon - 35gp
-40 ft. long by 40 ft. wide by 8 ft. high tent with curtains to form eight cubicals and a 10 ft. wide private back area, along with a 12 ft. wide awning for a "porch", comes with tent poles - 200gp
-8 collapsable cots - 30gp
-20 winter blankets - 10gp
-10 ft long, 3 ft. wide collapsable table - 20gp
-9 1 1/2 ft. by 1 1/2 ft. collapsable tables - 90gp
-10 tin bowls - 5gp
-5 ceramic pitchers - 2gp, 5sp
-chest - 2gp
-20 towels - 10gp
-50 ft. hemp rope - 1gp
-sledge - 1gp
-12 wooden candle holders - 3sp, 6cp
-1000 candles - 10gp
-20 lbs. of soap - 10gp
-10 ft. pole - 2sp
-engraved iron stew pot with tripod - 50gp
-2 iron pots - 1gp
-Spoons, bowls, and untensils for 10 - 5gp
-5 hooded lanterns - 35gp
-8 common lamps - 8sp
-100 flasks of oil - 10gp
-rocks for fire pit

6gp, 4sp, 4cp

Appearance: Jalen is a slight girl who walks with a pronounced limp. Her blond hair is long, and she tends to wear it braided. Her face is open and heart shaped, with large golden-brown eyes that are full of kindness. Her nose is short, her lips are full, and her cheekbones are full. She's the kind of women that most would call "cute." When traveling, she wears a sturdy traveler's outfit in pale tan canvas and leather, with a red belt. Over it she wears leather armor that has seen a great deal of wear. The light brown cloak she wears over it is made from oiled canvas to keep off the rain, and inside it is lined with pockets. She carries a quarterstaff seemingly made of golden crystal in one hand.

When she is in her field hospital, she wears a peasent's outfit of a loose canvas shirt and trousers, with a red cord belt. Over it she wears an apron as well as a vest with many pockets. She also covers up her hair with a red kerchief when she's on duty. In all cases, she wears a carved and painted holy symbol of Ilmater around her neck on a braided cord of red leather.

Her holy robes she uses for ceremonies are gleaming white, full-length robes of fine linen, with red stitching at the cuffs, neck, and hems, and a tabard over it with Ilmater's symbol embroidered in it.

Personality: Jalen is a self-sacrificing individual who is always eager to help those who cannot help themselves. Kindness and patience are words that come to mind when someone describes her. She gives all she can give to others, and keeps very little for herself. Above all, she gives herself to others. A few years ago she was able to purchase and outfit an old faire tent to become a portable hospital, and since then has roamed Faerun, going to the smallest and largest of settlements to assist in healing the sick and the injured. If there is a hint of conflict or war, she will go to help tend to the injured there, as well as any hint of plague or sickness. She has subsumed herself in the aid of others, until it seems that that is all she is.

Background: Jalen was born in the wild northern country of Damara, in the small town of Shadow's Knoll. It was a small, insular town, used to taking care of its own problems. A small temple to Ilmater was all there was to tend to this little flock. The self-sacrifice of Ilmater was not particularly evident in this town, as everyone was supposed to simply go with tradition.

When a young boy and his mother moved to the town, they were viewed with suspiscion, simply for being outside of Shadow's Knoll. It became obvious that the boy was not entirely right in the head, and even the efforts of the aging priest of Ilmater could not help the young lad. But his peculiar mannerisms grated on the insular townsfolk, and they shunned the boy, Marl, and his mother.

Jalen was only ten years old when her life changed suddenly and forever. She was the daughter of the town blacksmith, Kellir, and his wife, the village midwife Andrea. She had already begun to learn the simple healer's arts from her mother, as her seven year-old brother Tiron began to learn their father's trade.

Jalen was coming home in early winter after gathering some wintergreen from the edge of the forest. She went to take a shortcut behind the baker's house when she heard faint cries. Looking down the alley she saw Marl being badly beaten by several of the older boys in the town, boys whose fathers has expressed contempt for the boy and his mother. Jalen knew that Marl was not much older than her beloved brother Tiron, and flew down the alley, shouting at them to stop. With that momentary distraction, Marl managed to get up and flee, leaving the boys incredibly angry at the loss of their prey.

They took out their anger on Jalen, beating her badly, crushing her feet, breaking her legs, and nearly causing her to die. The old priest of Ilmater was the one that found her, and it was he who cared for her and protected her in the temple. Her mother and father feared for her life, as the town would not tolerate those who didn't conform. Following the advice of the priest, her mother and father said tearful good-byes and shipped their daughter southward to a larger temple of Ilmater.

It was here that Janel had her first vision of Ilmater. Seeing a vision of a man far more badly hurt than her, but still with kindly eyes and a gentle manner, helped her get through her healing process without emotional scars. It was with this she developed the desire to help those others who had no one to stand up for them and help them. Delighted, the priests of Ilmater trained her as their own, and helped to set her on her path to heal and succor those that had no other to help them.

Jalen wrote to her parents while she was in the temple, and even visited them once she was ordained. However, the insular villagers were not too pleased to see her again, and she could feel their discontent. Despite her love for her parents and her brother Tiron, she has not returned to Shadow's Well again, though she writes often.

For one that is so giving, it seems odd that she should keep anything for herself. But in her long wanderings as a healer, she has sometimes been gifted by the church or those grateful for her healings. She usually refuses such gifts unless she can give them to the church, but on a few occasions the church has insisted she keep some gifts to protect herself, and hence her charges.

One was a pearl of wisdom, given to her by a priest of Istishia when she helped his village through a plague. Another was a set of magical leather armor, given to her by the family of a hunter for whom she conducted a funeral. The man had been lost in the woods, and Jalen was able to help ease his pain when he was finally found, and gave him the burial blessings even though the family could not pay much for the rite. One of her most sacred possessions is a quarterstaff made from a celestial crystal called frystalline. Strangely enough, this she found stuck in the earth of a long-forgotten path. Visions from Ilmater convinced her to keep it, and she uses it in her ceremonies to the Maimed God.
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First Post
Zinnias Miller
Male Human Paladin 7 of Ilmater
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Ilmater

Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 184 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown

Known Languages: Common

Strength: 14 +2(6 pts.)
Dexterity: 10 (2 pts.)
Constitution: 12 +1(4 pts.)
Intelligence: 10 (2 pts.)
Wisdom: 13 +1(4 pts., 4th level pt.)
Charisma: 18 +4(16 pts.)

Hit Dice: 10 + 6d10 + 7
Hit Points: 47
Armor Class: 20
Flatfooted Armor Class: 20
Touch Attack Armor Class: 10

Armor Worn: breastplate+2 (4,200 gp)
AC Penalty: -4
Maximum DEX bonus: +3
Armor Type: medium
Weight: 30

Shield Used: Heavy Steel Shield +1 (1,020 gp)
AC Penalty: -2
Maximum dex bonus: NA
Weight: 15

Save vs. Fortitude: 14 (7 base, +4 paladin, +1 con, +2 cloak)
Save vs. Reflex: 8 (2 base, +4 paladin, +2 cloak)
Save vs. Will: 9 (2 base, +4 paladin, +1 wis, +2 cloak)

Initiative Modifier: +3
Base Attack Bonus: +7

Melee Attack Bonus: +9
Ranged Attack Bonus: +7

Bastard Sword +2 attacks: +12/+7 damage: 1d8+4 / 19-20 x2 / Slashing / 6 lbs. (8,000 gp)


Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword)
Improved Initiative
Hands of a Healer
Weapon Focus (bastard sword)


Diplomacy +14
Handle Animal +14
Knowledge (Religion) +10
Ride +10
Heal +11


+2 bastard sword- 8,000 gp
heavy crossbow, 20 bolts- 52 gp
+2 breastplate- 4,200 gp
+1 large steel shield- 1,020 gp
+2 cloak of resistance - 4,000 gp
silver holy symbol of Ilmater - 25 gp
healer's kit x2 - 100gp
Bedroll - 5sp
Trail rations (15 days worth) - 7.5 gp
waterskin - 1 gp
Belt pouch - 1 gp
Flint and Steel - 1 gp
2 saddlebags - 4 gp
military saddle - 20 gp
backpack - 2 gp

1,556 gp, 5 sp

Paladin Mount:

Heavy Warhorse
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First Post
Paladins get 2 skill points per level (+1 for human), not 4 points per level. So you have two too many skills here.

Cannibal_Kender said:
Zinnias Miller

Diplomacy +14
Handle Animal +14
Knowledge (Religion) +10
Ride +10
Heal +11

Karl Green

First Post
Still working on background and spending the last of my money BUT here is Dra’vin

NAME: Dra’vin Frostblood

Sex: Male
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Level: 7th

AL: Neutral Good
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 149 lbs
Hair: Light brown/blond, with thin mustache
Eyes: Blue

STR: 14 (+2) [6pt]
DEX: 18* (+4) [8pt +1 level 4, +2 for gloves]
CON: 14 (+2) [6pt]
INT: 12 (+1) [4pt]
WIS: 14 (+2) [6pt]
CHA: 10 (+0) [2pt]

HP: 46 total

AC: 19 (21 with shield) total (10 base + dex 4+ armor 5+ shield 2+ magic)/touch 15/flatfooted 15


FORT: +8 (5 base +2 con +cloak)
REF: +10 (5 base +4* dex +cloak)
WILL: +5 (2 base +2 wis +cloak)

Init: +4* (dex + misc)

Base attack bonus: +7/+2 Grapple +9

melee +9/+4
w/longsword (masterwork) +10/+5 (1d8+2, crit 19-20/x2)
ranged +11/+6
w/composite longbow (+2 magical, wpn focus) +14/+9 or +12/+12/+9 with Rapid Fire (1d8+4, Rgn Inc 110ft, crit 20/x3)

Skills (skill ranks – total 80): Climb 4/+6, Concentration 4/+6, Handle Animals 4/+4, Heal 4/+6, Hide 10/+14, Jump 2/+4, Knowledge (geography) 4/+6, Knowledge (nature) 4/+6, Listen 10/+12, Move Silent 10/+14, Ride 1/+5, Search 3/+4, Spot 10/+12, Survival 10/+12

Feats: 1st level – Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit and damage within 30ft), Weapon Focus (+1 attack with Long Comp Bows), 3rd level – Precise Shot (no -4 for firing into melee), 6th level – Die Hard (can remain conscious to -10)

Race: Human
Racial traits: bonus Feat at 1st level; 4 extra skill points at 1st level; +1 skill point per level after that

Class: Ranger
Class features: 1st level – Favored Enemy (Giants; +2 bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motives, Spot, and Survival; +2 damage bonus against them), Tracking feat, Wild Empathy (+7); 2nd level – Combat Style: Archery (Rapid Shot, extra attack at best AB, but -2 to each); 3rd level – Endurance feat (+4 vs. environment/fatigue); 4th level – Animal Companion; 5th level – Favored Enemy (Monstrous Humanoids +4 bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motives, Spot, and Survival; +4 damage bonus against them), 6th level – Mayshot feat (as standard action, may fire 2 arrows at one target for -4 attack roll each or 3 arrows at -6 to each attack roll) and Fast Movement (+10ft to Base Movement Speed); 7th level – Woodland Stride (may move though any natural undergrowth, etc at normal movement rate)

Proficiencies: all Simple and all Martial weapons
Proficient with Light armors and shields (except tower)

Languages: Common, Elven, Orc

Equipment: Masterwork Longsword (315gp, 4lbs); Composite Longbow +2 (8600gp; 3lbs) 20 arrows (1gp, 3lb), 10 Alchemical Silver arrows (21gp 1.5lbs); Mithral mail shirt +1 (2,100gp; 10lbs); Darkwood Shield (257gp; 5lbs); Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4,000gp); Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000gp); Backpack (2gp 2lb), Bedroll (1sp, 5lb), Flint and Steel (1gp, n/a), Lantern, Hooded (7pg, 2lb), 1 Oil flask (1sp, 1lb), Rations, trail 7 days (3gp 5sp, 7lb in saddlebags), Silk Rope 50ft (10gp 5lb), Waterskin (1gp, 4lb), Whetstone (2cp, 1lb), Explorers Outfit (10gp, 8lbs), Light Warhorse (150gp) w/Bit & Bridle, Riding Saddle, and Saddlebags (16gp) 4 days of Feed (2sp, 40lbs) [16,272gp] <still need to buy some more stuff, mostly positions but…> Total Weight Carried: 54.5lb, Combat Load 34.5 lb (if shed the backpack which holds 20lb)

Gold: 2,728gp remaining (but still spending some)

Background: <coming soon>

Appearance: Average looking, with short blond hair and a light mustache. Dra’vin wears a simple traveler’s outfit that is worn but in good shape. His cloak is a dull green. He wears his mithral shirt under this shirt, his shield is normally slung over his back.

Personality: easy going but a bit shy and reserved. Dra'vin believes strongly in helping the weak and the poor, but he cares not for money or glory. He is just as happy if someone else takes the credit for any good he might do. He loves the forests and wildlands and often wanders alone within them if he can. He does not mind small villages or cities, and enjoys the company of others and peasants, etc.
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First Post
Tohav Greycrown
Male Human Sorcerer 7

Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Deity: Ilmater
Region: Waterdeep
Height: 5' 10''
Weight: 160lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Age: 22

Str: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Dex: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Con: 12 (+1) [4 point]
Int: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Wis: 8 (-1) [0 Points]
Cha: 21 (+5) [16 points, +1 Level, +2 Cloak]

Class and Racial Abilities:
Extra feat at first level, 4 extra skill points at first level and one additional skill point at each level thereafter.

Hit Dice: 7d4+7
HP: 23
AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +3 armor, +1 Deflection) [touch 13, flat-footed 14]
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +3 [+2 base, +1 Con]
Reflex +6 [+2 base, +2 Dex, +2 Feat]
Will +4 [+5 base, -1 Wis]

BAB: +3
Melee Atk: +3 (1d6/x2/B, Club)
Ranged Atk: +5 (1d8/19-20x2/80 ft./P, Light Crossbow)

Bluff +15 [10 ranks, +5 Cha]
Diplomacy +12 [5cc ranks, +5 Cha, +2 Bluff Syn]
Knowledge (Arcana) +7 [5 ranks, +1 Int]
Concentration +11 [10 ranks, +1 Con]
Spellcraft +6 [5 ranks, +1 Int]

Spell Focus (Evocation) (human bonus)
Lightning Reflexes (1st)
Spell Focus (Enchantment) (3rd level)
Eschew Materials (6th level)

Languages: Common, Celestial

Spells Known - +1 DC to all Evocation and Enchantment spells
0th - Light, Ghost Sounds, Ray of Frost, Prestidgion, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead
1st - Mage Armor, Sheild, Magic Missle, Protection From Evil, Sleep DC: 16
2nd - Blur, Scorching Rays,Tashas Hideous Laughter DC: 17
3rd - Hold Person, Fireball,Haste

Cloak of Charisma +2 - 4,000gp
[I}Bracers of Armor +3 [/I] - 9,000 GP
Ring of Protection +1 - 2,000 GP
Wand of Invisibilty (20 Charges) - 1,800 GP
3 Scrolls of Minor Image - 75gp
Backpack - 2 GP
Waterskin - 2 GO
personal wooden holy symbol of Ilmater - 1gp
10 Days worth of Trail Rations - 5gp
travelers outfit - free
Crossbow, Light - 35gp
20 Bolts - 2gp
Club - Free
Flint and Steel - 1gp
5 potions of cure light wounds - 250gp
Pipe and bag of high quality pipe weed - 50gp
bedroll - 5sp
belt pouch - 1gpField Hospital
Horse, Heavy 200 GP
-Saddle Riding, Bit and Bridle,Saddle Bags - 36 GP
Paper (20 Sheets) - 8 GP
3 Oz Ink -24 GP
10 Inkpens - 1 GP
Spyglass - 1000 GP
3 Bottles of Wine - 30 GP
639 GP, 5 SP

Appearance: Tohav wears his hair in a long ponytail. He keeps his hair and clothes looking good, but not so much so that he looks immaculate.
Personality: Tohav is easy going and will tolerete pretty much any non-evil followers of other deities. He differs from the normal Illmater follower that instead of focusing on healing and helping the injured, he puts more focus on stopping whatever is causing the pain when he can.
History: Born into a wealthy merchant family in Waterdeep, Tohav was attracted to the faith of Illmater by the exploits of his Uncle as a Paladin of Illmater. After trying to become a cleric during his formitive years, and failing at it, all hope seemed lost for Tohav. However, he began manifesting his powers. Convinced they are a divine gift from Illmater, Tohav is following in the steps of his uncle and using his divine powers for the good of the world. This has caused quite a bit of anger in his parents, who wanted him to use his powers to help the family buisness, not protect the weak and helpless and all that.
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List Defthand Male Human Rogue lvl 7

Original Character by Brother Shatterstone

Character Name: List Defthand
Character Race: Human
Character Classes: Rogue 7
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Favors Ilmater slightly over other good Faerûn deities.

Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5’8
Weight: 167
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

Known Languages: Common, elven, goblin


Strength: 14 (6 points)
Dexterity: 16 (8 Points, 4th level bonus)
Constitution: 14 (6 points)
Intelligence: 14 (6 points)
Wisdom: 12 (4 points)
Charisma: 10 (2 points)

Bold: After magical enchantment

Hit Dice: 7d6
Hit Points: 38
Armor Class: 21 [ BASE (10) + ARMOR (4) + DEX (3) + SHIELD (2) + NATURAL (1) + PROTECTION (1)]
Flatfooted Armor Class: 20
Touch Attack Armor Class: 14
Damage Resistance: NA
Spell Resistance: 0


Armor Worn: Mithral Shirt +1
AC Penalty: 0
Maximum DEX bonus: +4
Armor Type: light
Weight: 10

Shield Used: Mithral Buckler +1
AC Penalty: 0
Maximum DEX bonus: NA
Weight: 2.5


Save vs. Fortitude: 6 [BASE (2) + CON MOD (2) + CLOAK (2)]
Save vs. Reflex: 10 [BASE (5) + + DEX MOD (3) + CLOAK (2)]
Save vs. Will: 5 [BASE (2) + WIS MOD (1) + CLOAK (2)]

Special Save Notes:
Cloak of Resistance +2
Trap Sense +2

Initiative Modifier: +3
Base Attack Bonus: +5

Melee Attack Bonus: +7
Ranged Attack Bonus: +8


Short sword +1 Attacks: +9 / 1d6 +3 / 19-20 x2 / Piercing / 2 lbs. (2310 GP)

Mighty Pull Composite Short Bow +1 Attacks: +9 RS: +7/+7 / 1d6 / x3 / Piercing / 2 lbs. (2525 GP)

Weapon weight:[/b] 4 lbs.

Weapon Focus: Short Sword (Human)
Point Blank Shot (1st feat)
Rapid Shot (2nd feat)
Precise Shot (3rd feat)


Name/Total Mod (Ability) ** # Ranks taken
Appraise /5 (Int + 2) 3
Balance /13 (Dex + 3) 10
Bluff /5 (Cha + 0) 5
Disable Device /12 (Int +2) 10
Escape Artist /10 (Dex + 3) 7
Hide /13 (Dex + 3) 10
Listen /11 (Wis + 1) 10
Move Silently /13 (Dex + 3) 10
Open Locks /13 (Dex + 3) 10
Search /12 (Int + 2) 10
Sense Motive /5 (Wis + 1) 4
Spot /11 (Wis + 1) 10
Tumble /9 (Dex + 3) 6
Use Magic Device /5 (Cha + 0) 5

[CC] Cross Class Skill

Special Abilities
Sneak Attack 4+6
Trap finding
Trap Sense +2
Uncanny Dodge


Equipment & Gear:
Heward’s Handy Haversack
* Rope, Silk (50 ft )
Explorer's Outfit
* Grappling Hook, Collapsible
Backpack (2 GP) 2 lbs.
Rope, Silk (50 ft ) 10 GP
Explorer's Outfit (8 GP) 10 lbs.
Grappling Hook, Collapsible
Flask, metal: empty (2) 3 lbs.
2 Oil (flask) (2 GP)
Ink I oz (8 GP)
Inkpen (3 SP)
Flint and Steel (1 GP)
Mess Kit (6 SP)
Pouch, Belt (1 GP) 1/2 lbs.
Parchment (5 sheets) 1 lbs.
4 Sack (2 CP) 1 lbs.
Whetstone (2 CP) 1 lbs.
Piton (10) (1 GP) 5 lbs.
Waterskin (x2) (2 GP) 4 lbs.
Hatchet (5 SP) 2 lbs.
Case, Map (1 GP) 1/2 lbs.
Chalk (6 pieces) (12 CP)
Sewing Needle (5 SP)
Crowbar (2 GP)
Thieves’ Tools, Masterwork (100 GP)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (750 GP)

Magical Item Slots
Neck: Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Clock/cape/mantle: Cloak of Resistance +2 (4,000 GP)
Left: Ring of Protection +1

ARMOR WEIGHT: 12.5 lbs.

Carrying Capacity 14 STR Light: up to 58 lb. Medium: 59-116 lb. Heavy: 117-175 lb.


PP: 0
GP: 10
SP: 3
CP: 0

Base Speed: 30 feet

List is a little above average in height and has blonde hair and blue eyes but even with these unique features his an unassuming man who most simply look over. When not in his armor he dresses in simple clothing that does little to change this opinion of him.

As common and unassuming that List physical is his personify makes up for, quick witted and with the habit of being a bit bold and reckless. List credits his lack of serious devotion in a single deity, in favor of most of them as saving his life more than once. He has two deities that he truly looks upon, Ilmater and Sune. Sune is there for the life style and the Sunite priestesses he so adores but outside of temple life and parties Ilmater is his true calling. List is always willing to help the commoner in need, or to make life better as a whole for all.

Background: Added 18-Jun-2004 - GW
List grew up in the city of WaterDeep, where he earned the apellation Defthand at an early age. List was raised in an orphanage early on, but was kicked out for unruly behavior. He did not like seeing the smaller children bullied by a few thuggish boys who managed to keep themselves from being caught, or somehow had the approval of the orphanage manager. Life on the street was rough, and List fell in with a small gang of youngsters, managed by a headman for the local theives guild. List had an quick hand with opening locks and disabling traps, which soon had him working with much older rogues. After being blamed for a botched robbery attempt, and beaten near to death by the rogue running the job, List was found on he streets by a small group of clerics of the church of Ilmater. He was brought to the local church for healing, rest, and not a little church indoctrination. While he is not converted completely to Ilmater worship, this did have an affect on the young man, who has come to seek out those faithful to Ilmater and help where he can.

List has earned what wealth he has, through taking from those that are well-off and fencing what was taken. On occasion this has meant that List has purloined an occasional magic item, which he uses himself if possible, but normally sells for the cash. Beyond living expenses List normally gives the greater share of his earnings to orphanages and sometimes churches. If an orphanage is of good standing and treats the children well he gives money directly. If it seems there is a problem with the management, List works towards improving the lot of the children. Having new beds made and delivered, or late night visits to threaten headmasters who treat children ill. Some way is found for money to improve the lot of the children and not line the pockets of the mis-directed management.

List is adventuring now, to increase his earnings, and to do some good in the process. Raising dozens of kids gets expensive.
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