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Teasers for Adventure Twelve - The Grinding Gears of Heaven

The maps are coming in.


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Interesting. Surprised the Arc of Reidia is less than 30m across. I thought it was planetary magnitude. Also wonder where Apet went.

Still, this is exactly what I was looking for. I'm hyped up and ready to go! Can't wait to explore the Zeitgeist multiverse in my spelljammer!



First Post
Interesting. Surprised the Arc of Reidia is less than 30m across. I thought it was planetary magnitude. Also wonder where Apet went.

Apet is #39, the weird gray cloud. Reida has shrunken, though it can be restored to its full size if somehow removed from the Gyre. Not sure if there's an official explanation, but it seems to me like when a plane enters the Gyre, it's either reduced in size or huge chunks of it are shorn away--possibly some metaphysical manifestation of its 'dying' status.


First Post
You're correct. The remnants of the planes in the Gyre are "worldmotes" about thirty miles in diameter. They're just fragments of the full planes, but they resume their planetary proportions when bound to the real world via the Axis Seal ritual.

By the way, you said your group is nearly to adventure 11. How are things going? Any tidbits you'd like to share?

I'm liking the way my players are starting to think in geopolitical therms, particularly the new King of Risur, who shows great enmity towards Danor (being a Deva veteran of 4 Yerasol Wars)

About adventure 10, they fought Father of Thunder and She Who Writhes, were absolutely scared about Ash Wolf (so they talked to it) and really loved Granny. The part with the traps and tricks of the gremlins is really fun. If you have a chance to expand it on the compilation, please do it.

The part of the island was ok but more on the political part than the fights. They are in pretty good terms with Pemberton and the idea of a dictatorship on Danor pleases most of my group.

The weakest part of the adventure was the conference in Danor, it look to much like the Obscurati conference 2.0 all over again and they were not particularly motivated to save a bunch of people who wants to destroy their nation. The Gidim revelation was a nice cliffhanger on the other hand.

Now, about to start adventure 11 I find there's a problem with Ber's possition about the invasion of Risur. So far, there's has been a lot of good faith between both governments all along the adventure path, also its stated that Obscurati agents didn't take control of the Bruse so I find difficult to justify why Ber is willing to attack its neighbour.

Mind control, or at least a subtle variant thereof. The whole world except Risur got whammied with magic that made people more cooperative with the Obscurati. Once Ob agents got to the Bruse and explained the situation, how there's a new world order and we all must band together to fix the problems caused by those disruptive Risuri agents, and yeah, war's not pleasant but it'll be best if we all strike at once, get Risur allied with us, and minimize loss of life with a protracted battle, well, it's perfectly reasonable that Ber would agree to join in, but the Bruse would look for an excuse not to. Heck, you might even have the executore who shows up to talk to the PCs deliver a message from the Bruse suggesting he's willing to call off his army if they can convince him war is not necessary.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll admit the final act was less thoroughly planned than the earlier adventures, but since this campaign started with spycraft and investigation, we wanted to include at least some subterfuge in the final four adventures.

Got it, read it, awesome... but Avilona has me confused, as it doesn't sync up with the previous campaign history as far as I can tell.

Previously, the explanation for weakened flight was that Ob agents accidentally damaged the planar connection to Avilona by messing with the flying ziggurat 200 years ago -- before that flight worked in the world, afterwards the five minute limit appeared and all flying animals too big to fly without magic were grounded. The idea that Avilona is naturally hard on fliers doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

(Also, are we ever going to get an explanation for Gale's ability to ignore all this and just fly with no time limit? Or did that happen and I missed it?)


Got it, read it, awesome... but Avilona has me confused, as it doesn't sync up with the previous campaign history as far as I can tell.

Previously, the explanation for weakened flight was that Ob agents accidentally damaged the planar connection to Avilona by messing with the flying ziggurat 200 years ago -- before that flight worked in the world, afterwards the five minute limit appeared and all flying animals too big to fly without magic were grounded. The idea that Avilona is naturally hard on fliers doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

(Also, are we ever going to get an explanation for Gale's ability to ignore all this and just fly with no time limit? Or did that happen and I missed it?)

These are both very good questions that I'd like to know the answers to as well. Though the players never exactly do figure out that the Ob were the ones who broke the ziggurat. But if Avilona has always had limited flight aspect, how did the world's flight magic go kaput 200 or so years ago suddenly?

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