

Sorry for asking so many questions. Have a character who is considering basically an engineer/technologist/gunsmith (last two are from zeitgeist). He basically wears a power armor he invented. I'd like for him to be able to help out the party with some tech but there aren't really exploits that help with that. Most crafting exploits that allow upgrading only work for you and the crafting/artficing rules work for magic but not tech.

I am thinking of allowing an exploit that reduces player cost of upgrades so long as the inventor is involved in the crafting (and has the particular skill)...

I'm also wanting to incorporate the artifice rules from O.L.D. but from a tech bent... any suggestions.

Any exploit suggestions?
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After looking through some of my EONS material I stumbled across the Reputation and Credit add on that has a value table (w/ listed difficulties to borrow) that I think might repurpose nicely with the Builder Exploit.
Change: Builder. Assuming raw materials are available, you can make an item of equipment in one day by rolling a LOG check vs. the item's value.

to: Builder. Assuming raw materials are available, you can make an item of equipment in one day, per 1000 cr value, by rolling a LOG check vs. the item's value difficulty on the Credit Value table.

So the Engineer building a jet pack (2,500 cr) would roll versus a DC:21 and spend 3 day creating it. At perhaps half price or some such...

If the Engineer wanted to build something entirely revolutionary like:

<From Eons Specialist Armor>
Guardian A9 Energy Sheath. A faint blue glow surrounds anybody using an energy sheath. About half an inch thick, the sheath is weightless. A9 energy sheaths can only be used for an hour before requiring recharging, which takes an hour.

but cut down or eliminate the recharge time. I might require that you have spent for the Breakthrough from a College Career Doctorate. If you did spend an exploit for it I would say the benefit should be something big... just futzing with up or down an hour on the standard recharge should just involve some difficult rolls. IMO.

Does this sound doable to you all?

I am most likely over-complicating things... but this is what I worry about : )


Well, that was fun
Staff member
You're basically handing out a perpetual free 1,000cr per day for the cost of one exploit? Your PCs won't need to adventure.


Perhaps if I just used Magic but called it Technology.
Didn't require the Magic stat used Log instead.

Renamed the Magic skills:

Bio-warfare (Inflict)
Weapon Design (Evoke)
Spatial Research (Move)
Psy Ops (Compel)
Holography (Illusion*)

I could just use the artifact creation rules then. Permanent devices at +5 MP cost would be the most easy to model (since no worrying about charges).

Would either have to tweak or drop Secrets. Since the character can't spontaneously create a spell... might be an even trade-off. There would be the worked-into-the-system creation costs.

Just thinking out loud at this point...


Reskinning magic sounds like an awesome idea.

Alchemy or Herbalism would also make good models. If yrtalien wants his technologist to produce a temporary-macguffin-of-the-day, choose Herbalism as the model. For a temporary-macguffin-of-the-hour, choose Alchemy.

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