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Tee Pee Kay


Well, I had my first TPK in a long time on Monday night. We were playing Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. There's mild spoilers for it below. You've been warned!

For the past few sessions of RTTOEE, the players have been a bit too arrogant for their own good. They charged ahead, brought down 4 or 5 encounters worth of monsters on their heads at a time, but managed to survive through a bit of luck and by having 6+ players present. Tonight, they tested their luck once more and came up short.

The most frustrating thing is that they seemed to finally start to understand that the temple is divided into factions, and that they could do a lot of damage by turning the factions against each other. The week before, they had raided the earth temple and left signs that the leader of the guards at the gate had led the attack. They also dragged away fallen corpses to prevent any speak with dead castings, since they knew they were going against clerics.

So, I walked into Monday's session convinced that they were going to do something clever. I even set them up - while they camped near the gate, the Earth temple sent an emissary to beg for parlay. They missed the opportunity by sending him away, but they managed to keep up the facade that they were working with the guard commander.

Unfortunately, things totally fell apart. After a few recon missions, they saw that the earth temple had used stone shape to fortify their tunnels and had posted guards. Later, another emissary came and demanded parlay. Again, they sent him away.

As they started to make plans, it totally hit me that they were going to launch *another* assault. They didn't even try to plan anything other than an attack - the first words out of their mouths were "OK, how are we going to attack these guys?"

Nothing else! Just an attack - they assumed they had to go in guns blazing.

After about 30 minutes of arguing - they can't really make plans for anything, even ordering pizza is an epic battle - they decided to, in essence, charge forward.

That didn't work so well. Now they're all dead.

So, that's my first TPK since 1993.

The last one was a lot funnier - it was a Forgotten Realms campaign, 3rd level PCs. They were chasing a cleric of Bane and his ogre bodyguard up a steep, upward sloped passage. At the top, there was a big rock that the ogre pushed down the slope. Before the rock went rolling, the cleric used his last spell - silence 15' radius - on it. Since the party had just fought an illusionist, they immediately assumed that the big, crashing, SILENT, boulder heading towards them was an illusion. They all decided to just keep running forward after the cleric.


That ended that campaign pretty decisively.

This TPK was nowhere near as fun - it was just a slog to their eventual doom. They had two chances to escape, but I think they were simply overconfident. As I've seen other people say, some 3e players just need to learn that a withdrawal is sometimes your best option. The annoying part is that they've tried 2 other frontal assaults in the Temple, and both times they came within a whisker of a TPK.

I'm afraid they'll never learn...

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Oof, I'm sorry. I can't believe they sent away the emissary -- that was really a bad decision. I know some of your players, and I know how stubborn one or two can be; I wonder if they earned anything?

Which makes me wonder if you're continuing the Temple, or going on to a different game for your next campaign. Any thoughts?


First Post
Ouch not the splitting up TPK. I brought my fiancee into the gaming fold about 3 years ago. Now whenever we see a movie where the characters split up I see her cringe and say " Dont split up, the DM will pick you off one at a time that way".


First Post
Ahhh, death by stupidity...

At least by the sound of it they didn't then try to blame you for it, I only had that happen once, but gods it is annoying. (I chewed them a new one, which I almost never do... Their argument consisted of 'You're the DM, its your job to see that we don't get killed this way!'... Mine was ' You deliberately woke a Great Red Wyrm! You tried to demand that it serve you! You couldn't even get past it's armor on less than a natural 20! And you say I shouldn't have had the dragon kill you with one breath? Gah!' ) They didn't even need to go there in the first place, they just thought that it would be 'cool'... they travelled 60 miles in order to wake up an ancient red wyrm. At third level...

The Auld Grump, my second game of 3.0...

Stone Angel

First Post
Yeah I hate then when you have players that are stubborn like this then they bite off more than they can chew then they blame it on you! "Well we just weren't supposed to win" No moron you just can't win by force all of the time.

*Bangs head against wall

The Seraph of Earth and Stone

Hannibal King

First Post
Oh you should check out my thread on arrogant players


What I don't mention in my thread is that I am concerned the players arrogance will most likely get them a TPK if they don't pull back a little

I can count at least 10 TPK in my 15 years of DMing experience. Unless I am mistaken all of them were by players either a) making stupid mistakes or b) overestimating their abilities and underestimating those of the enemies.

Heck a party 6 4th level characters were killed by the Black Dragon in Forge of Fury! It's attacks were so well planned that the players were like the marines in that early scene in Aliens, shooting everywhere and hitting nothing.

Apparently they tell me their current characters will run if things get hairy, well we are playing the second half of the Shackled City module Flood Season this weekend. Chance of rain 20%, chance of TPK... hard to say.

The King


First Post
I have been in a rut, as a DM, for about 15 years. No. Make that 14.8.

I have always been loathe to kill PC's for ANY reason given that the player will not enjoy it and, mostly, because I, as the DM, have wanted to see their guys rise to higher levels so I can throw the cooler monsters at them. I konw, very sad.

For some reason, my tastes have changed. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's partly from my own desire to actually play in a game where death is an option (yes, when I'm PCing it's also diificult to die). But for whatever reason, I've changed.

So there's this guy, it was his birthday. His 'player' birthday. He brought his own lollies for us an' all. And his character dies at the hands of a Darkmantle while another of his comrades blocks the door, staring aimlessly at this guy going for it with this octopus, thinking, 'well, he can't die, let's just watch him kill it'.

3 rounds later, the guy's dead. This guy is a scammer of all scammers. He comes up with things out of the blue then shows me the page, etc. But no luck with the dice and three of his comrades stuck behind the guy blocking the door. It was all too much. :)

He died. On his birthday.

I feel like I'm a new DM.

Yet, they are still charging in no problemo. I'm going to bolster the monsters to maximum hp. That will level the playing field of their uber-rolled characters. Might even give all of the monsters a +2 str as well, as a circumstance bonus for being in the vicinity of mega-pc's (they like to choose their own method of rolling up :( ).

I'm a new DM and I feel invigorated :)

Death to ubers! Leniency to those who struggle. I want PC blood. :)


p.s. And Hannibal, apart from staged deaths or deaths of PC's who were trying to suicide, my count in 15 yrs is 2, but rising :)


First Post
Puffs out massive chest, bangs chest with fists like gorilla--thumpthumpthump.
My PC made it through RTTOEE! All of it!
Climbs up tallest tree in the jungle, throws coconut at sun.
King of the world! King of the world!

Tony M


First Post
I first read the title as Teepee Kay, like the Native American tent.

"Oooh! Yes, that bold red in stripes over your cheeks makes you look much more fierce. Perhaps some eagle feathers for your spear would really bring out the color in your eyes?"

EDIT: "Crisscrossing the plains on her pink stallion the Teepee Kay representative helps fierce warriors and homely squaws alike in their color and decoration decision. Your enemies will truly know fear when their scalps are dyed appropriately and hung at your waist beside this beautiful clutch-purse made of a bobcats bladder. And what would a raiding party be without some colorful rump paintings for your horse, designed specifically with their color tones in mind."

"Yes, next time you are clearing gourd growing land with an infernal blaze designed to deforest as much area as possible don't think twice about the white devil watching you, they are just on the lookout for the truly tony smudge bundle at your side. Jealous of your stylishly plucked eyebrows and agog at the delicately rendered ceremonial scars, each with matching bone jewelry."

"Teepee Kay, for all your raiding but pretty needs."
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