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Tell me about "Shadowbane"


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Hello, I'm not sure how many that frequent EN World actually play MMPORPG games on their PCs. But just in case there were any, I thought I'd ask the question here.

That being, how is "Shadowbane"?

Now I've read some stuff from a couple of other sites that are geared specifically for PC gaming, but I wanted to get the low down from maybe those outside that crowd. PC gamers, yet....maybe from a different perspective.

Thanks. Just curious and making idle chit chat.

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Shard O'Glase

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This game is PVP exclusive isn't it?

I might get this, but I'm leery of a PVP exclusive game there are far to many jerks out there in my PVP experience to make it something I would want to do anything more than dable in.

And no I don't think a in depth guild sytem will help this, though maybe the ability to hide/disguise your level might.(which I understand is possible) Which is why I'm on the fence on this one.

Shard O'Glase

First Post
player vs player. It basically means some yaboo can run by and kill you for the fun of it. There really isn't a justice system or marals to the internet, some people whack each other jsut because they can. Some only whack those who look challenging or who they challenge, because against a human that's where the real challenges are. But I've been a level 20 weakling who gets whacked by those who con(usually a clor code that gives you an aprox imate diea how pwoerful those are compared to you. IN Dark ages purple means run the heck away, grey means its so weak you wont get XP) so high i don't have a chance in hell way too many times to beleive that's the norm.


Shard O'Glase said:
player vs player. It basically means some yaboo can run by and kill you for the fun of it. There really isn't a justice system or marals to the internet, some people whack each other jsut because they can. Some only whack those who look challenging or who they challenge, because against a human that's where the real challenges are. But I've been a level 20 weakling who gets whacked by those who con(usually a clor code that gives you an aprox imate diea how pwoerful those are compared to you. IN Dark ages purple means run the heck away, grey means its so weak you wont get XP) so high i don't have a chance in hell way too many times to beleive that's the norm.

Thing is, in SB, everything will follow you, if you make a name for yourself... Remember, there are only 3 cities you can go to run by NPCs... the rest are all PC controlled. Make a name for yourself, guess what... Your insta-kill in player cities. Makes life hard, considering that the only place you can bind is cities...


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Thanks for all the replies so far. Tsyr, thank you for the link to the previous thread on SB.

I was tempted to pick up SB even though I've heard bad things about it. But sometimes bad rumors are unfounded or based no other conflicting tastes or judgements. That's why I've been trying to get different takes from different people.

I don't mind PvP. So long as its fun. I don't even mind getting ganked by 10 guys while I'm strolling thru the woods. As long as I know someday, I can get back at one of them. Or if I find out that...an hour later they also got ganked by some other people seeking justice.

The thing I worry about the most is.....will I get bored with it? Will logging every night result in nothing cool to do?

Asheron's Call 2 is a prime example of this. The last MMPORPG that I played. Gorgeous game. Absolutely beautiful really. But damn, I was bored to tears. It was just outdoor monster hunting over and over. Broken up every 5 levels with a vault quest. Monotony should've be broken up with quests. Monotony should be the rarity not the norm.

I'm wondering, will I have fun in Shadowbane? Or is there indeed the potential to have fun, but to do so, you have to spend a ton of time on it? I don't have the much time on my hands. 3 hours once every 2 nights maybe. With maybe Saturday afternoon for 5 hours. That's at THE MOST I could dedicate to video games. After that, it interferes with the rest of my life.


First Post
I've been playing now for a couple of weeks. Levelling is VERY fast (I have a 33rd thief, 11th wizard, and 11th confessor) considering I had no practice in beta.

Grouping is pretty nice too. In AC2 (and all other MMORPGs), if you kill a creature alone worth 100xp, you would get 20xp (give or take depending on bonuses). In Shadowbane, in a group of 5, or 3, or 10, or whatever, each character would get the 100xp. Gold is split evenly (assuming the leader turns the option on), but loot itself goes to first come first serve.

Guilding is almost a necessity. At level 21, you are thrown out of the safe lands and you can be killed at whim (except in one of the three safe NPC run cities). At level 35, you must swear to one of the player run cities or be unaligned which would make you KOS almost anywhere you went.

Getting ganked can happen anytime, but so far, it has happened to me once. Remember that there is safety in numbers, and being in a good group will keep you alive much longer (and a scroll of recall will zap you right back to your bound city). Thieves are an issue, but having a scout in the group will remedy that.

While anyone can tell instantly what class you are, they can only tell ABOUT what level you are. If they see 2 of your class symbols when they click you, that tells them you are 20-29th level, no more (there is a way around this though).

The nicest thing about SB was mentioned before. Instead of a world overrun with ganking pk-er's, because people are responsible for their actions, and because player run cities are well organized, the pk-er's are on the run, and are usually the ones now whining about how the game is 'unfair'. It is ironic and VERY satisfying.

I won't go on about the great character diversity, skill sets, guild politics, and other cool stuff, but the game IS worth a shot (I just bought the strategy guide today).

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