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Tell me about your favorite character of all time.


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I have three:

1. The very first D&D character I created. Schwartz the Lawless (and before anyone smarts off with "I see your Schwartz is as big as mine") let me just say I chose the name because it's German for "black". I was big into the band WASP at the time, and the cover for the "Last Command" LP inspired the character...and it was BEFORE that movie came out...so nyaaaah. He was an anti-paladin from "The Best of Dragon Volume 2", and I played him for years. We had many a fine adventure in the name of Set, and was the luckiest bastard my DM had ever seen. We created a term called "Schwartz Luck", because just when things looked their absolute worst, I'd roll a natural 20 or a foe would fumble a save, giving The Lawless One the break he needed to really ruin someone's day.

2. Diehard--a DC Heroes character. No super strength, no flight, just completely indestructable. In a fight with Superman once, he had to take a cab back to the fight after landing some 5 miles away. He had the "Catastrophic Irrational Attraction to Danger" drawback, and was a complete loose cannon in our "Justice League Canada" campaign. Had a plasma gun made for him he called "The Whoppa" on which he'd painted (in liquid paper) "I Love Collateral Damage" (with the little heart for love).

3. Stormbringer--Another DC Heroes character. A sorcerer I ripped off completely from Elric. After being awakened from a magical hibernation by the other heroes, he joined the League, but had a passion for heavy metal music, and formed the greatest metal band in "our" DC Universe, selling millions of lp's and tickets to concerts. Throughout the course of the game, he gained a black sword that functioned like Elric's and learned he was just another incarnation of the Eternal Champion. He married another spellcaster in the game and left for the Realm of Faerie, where he still resides in retirement.

Good times, good times.
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Hand of Evil

Mine was a NPC and I was going to write stories about him. He was an elf named Min Daggerwing, that was raised by a dragon and developed some dragon like abilities (nature of magic and birth inprinting, thoughts I had) cause fear and damage resistance. Due to diet, raw meat, dragon milk, he was larger, stronger and robust than normal elfs. He was to be a ranger/low level wizard at the time and was a forest warden of a campiagn I was running called the Dragon Basin.


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That would be Meepo, from Sunless Citadel.
It was my first time dm:ing and the party really liked Meepo so he became a full party member.
Sadly, he was one of the many who was ripped to pieces by the brown bear in Forge of Fury.



Artfeil the gnome Bard (2nd ed kit - proffessor) who firmly believed that the world was only a construct that intelligent minds form so that they can interract. He was a tinker and his proudest inventions failed utterly. He made 5 tries at creating a wagon that would protect the horses (which kept getting killed.) One of them turned out to be a partical accelerator - It accelerated a pony.
Leaving only flaming hoofprints and sonic booms.

He never stopped trying. Eventually he got hold of an artifact that allowed him to selectivly disbelieve reality. This never worked out well for him. He retired at the end of the semester and made NPC Cameos during the next years game.


Sad. I've played games over half my life, and usually we had deep backgrounds and all that stuiff.... and I can't think of a single PC I'd call my 'favorite'.


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Okay, so now people have started including non-D&D PCs, so I have to include the other two I mentioned. ;)

Xcel was my superhero in a Champions game. I loved her because she was a brick, but she was a petite young woman. She could hurl an 18-wheeler, run 120 mph, and jump onto (or off of) a 5-story building. She had hyper-accute senses and incredible healing - she once was shot in the head at point-blank range, and 8 hours later she was fine. It was just so much fun playing her. She eventually discovered that she might have been the result of genetic experimentation by a secret organization, but before she could learn much more the campaign ended. :(

My RuneQuest character was Chusa Gor, an initiate of the vengeful goddess Babeester Gor. I modeled her after Zula, from Conan the Destroyer, but she was a lot bigger and meaner-looking than Grace Jones. Chusa was an Agimori warrior, which are basically a cross between Zulus and Watusis. She was 7 ft. tall and would never ride an animal. After she became a follower of Babeester Gor, she took to taking trophies from all her kills. She was festooned with severed fingers, ears, fangs, and scalps. She hated to sleep under a roof, and it was always fun to imagine the rest of the party staying at an inn while this very tall, fearsome-looking black woman slept outside on the ground. I always imagined having her get her teeth sharpened to points, but I never got around to it. Chusa eventually retired from adventuring and went off to serve a temple to her goddess at Snakepipe Hollow. :D


Too many to mention really, but there was one that I did enjoy playing: a fighter named Langdon Winghelm. I was in a group that talked constantly; they would never shut up, so I created a character that would not (or could not from their perspective) talk. During the sessions I would never say a word, used gestures only. One time we were on a castle walk-way and the DM passed me a note that said "a large red dragon raises its head above your party and you are the only one who sees it." As the dragon was getting ready to bite at the party my character finally spoke one word "duck". Amasingly the entire party dove to the stone as I rushed the dragon with my two handed sword (we were using a critical system and I actually injured it enough that it left). The DM was stunned that everyone did what I said without question or argument and asked them why they did it. One character answered for them all "Well, I was stunned for a second but since he had never spoken before and chose to at that time I figure it had to be important." That character never spoke again, except to NPCs away from the party, and the campaign ended when he was only at a single digit level, but I will never forget the look on the DMs face when everyone at the table acted like they were "hitting the deck."


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Not my PC, but I DM'ed him and had all sorts of fun... probably the best character I've ever seen played...

Campaign started off on Earth, circa 1300 and a low/no magic campaign. John was a simple human fighter/thief (back in 2nd edition, I bent the rules and allowed him to multiclass) who when doing his thief thing, was practical rather than looking for money. I don't know how many blankets, food and such he stole while leaving jewels and magic items behind... overall, very different... But things then got interesting.

With no or little magic, it gets very difficult to ran a game for characters of 5-7th level, so I opened a portal (actually a thunderstorm) and low a behold, the were in a new world and John, well, John was a halfling. He took to this like butter on bread and played a rather hyper little halfling... he took an ability (skills & powers, refitted the characters when they came into the new world in the middle of the campaign) so that he only needed 4 hours of sleep. He was also a tailor by trade and proceeded to embroider names and such into EVERYONE's backpacks and equipment.

He was also a little unstable. He opened up parley with a dragon by asking the dragon if he'd like a cookie (a standard opening line for John). He also convined a group of giants to let us pass the bridge for 200cp instead of 200gp (rolled for the skill and he rolled a natural 20!). We were in an enchanted forest and met up with some pixies and sprites, he "bonded" instantly with them and helped them pull all sorts of pranks and jokes on the party, eventually, he called himself "John, King of the Fairies".

Absoutely wonderful character who was not about fighting and loot taking (he was a horrible fighter... though there was one time he grabbed an ogre in the nads... natural 20 on a called shot, and a critical hit), he was role-played to exception. Never seen anyone like him... and he was never really converted over to 3rd edition, we had a TPK at the last session (planned) and he came back with wings...

Starting off, John was a Human Male Fighter2/Thief2, ending up, he was a Fighter5/Thief10. And the campaign lasted nearly 6 years.

Heh. One of my past gaming groups had an Elric in 2e. I tried to convince my old Call of Cthuhlu GM to merge our Stormbringer and CoC games, but it didn't fly. After all, who wouldn't want to see Elric take on the elder gods?

DungeonmasterCal said:
3. Stormbringer--Another DC Heroes character. A sorcerer I ripped off completely from Elric.


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Jyrdan Fairblade said:
Heh. One of my past gaming groups had an Elric in 2e. I tried to convince my old Call of Cthuhlu GM to merge our Stormbringer and CoC games, but it didn't fly. After all, who wouldn't want to see Elric take on the elder gods?

I think one good lick from Stormbringer into the hide of Great Cthulhu would overload the blade AND Elric... not pretty!

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