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Tell me about your fey court


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Are there any unique faerie courts out there are all they all like the Court of Stars or whatever seelie/unseelie device Changeling: The Dreaming uses? Does Titania and Oberon reside?

What kind of politics come out of your fey court if any?

Tell me what you use, if different from the regular flavors.

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In my campaign, the Feywild is being devoured by an external threat that's probably related to the Shadowfell. Many fey have fled to the mortal lands as a result. Others figure that they'll have plenty of time to leave - the Feywild is infinite, right? - even as an army of fey musters to oppose the threat.

Bold or Stupid

First Post
Are there any unique faerie courts out there are all they all like the Court of Stars or whatever seelie/unseelie device Changeling: The Dreaming uses? Does Titania and Oberon reside?

What kind of politics come out of your fey court if any?

Tell me what you use, if different from the regular flavors.

I'm using the standard fey court in my D&D game with one change. Above the court sit the gods of the fey. Known as the five these beings are the divine patrons of the Feywild and all Fey races. They rule over time and the seasons and some myths suggest that they made time and mortality affect all beings in the world, feywild and shadowfell, thus they are cursed for making races mortal and blessed as that very weakness gives those afflicted by it a need/drive to achieve.

They are:-

Seluna - Lady of Winter and nightime, Goddess of Rulership, Politics and Oracles. Some call her the sister or mother of Lloth and Sehannine (Elistraee).

Iblis - Lord of Spring and Morning. God of Change and the Weather. Patron of lycanthropes and Warrior Fey.

Islot - Lady of Summer and Noon. Goddess af beauty, sensuality and the arts. Patron of the beautiful fey and bards.

Jadrick - Lord of Autumn and Evening. God of Hunting, Archers and Killing. Some assassins claim him, but many see him as benevolent he is patron of Hunting Fey.

Ielenia - Lady of festivals, mealtimes and times you can't quiet decide on. Goddess of Illusions, Mischief and Food. A popular patron for Feypact warlocks and all those who can't fit in.

A major note is that all of these were PCs who inherited the positions of the Fey Pantheon during a Planescape Campaign.


In my last 3.5 campaign, I had two coterminous planes that existed alongside the prime material plane. Prime material places and societies were very loosely mirrored in these parallel realms. One was a reflection of the prime plane called the Aurora and was effectively a faery land populated with elementals and fey creatures (in the guise of the seelie court). The other was a shadow of the prime called the Umbra and was a twisted place populated with goblinoids and undead spirits (in the guise of the unseelie court). The prime material plane was a buffer between these two opposed planes that served as a no-mans-land through which the fey and the goblins moved secretly while performing reconnaissance and leading raids into enemy territory. Although residents of the prime occasionally bore witness to these skirmishes, they remained largely oblivious to the war or the fact that their world was a disputed battleground called the "Twilight Realm". The Faery Queen of Aurora was Ana, a goddess of light and dreams while the Goblin King of Umbra was Beng, a god of darkness and nightmares.

In a tropical swashbuckling campaign I'm currently involved in, the DM adopted some ideas I offered up concerning the fey. Their society is divided up into four (or five) courts; each tied to an element. The folletto and marzulines (sylphs) are the master and mistresses of the Court of Winds, the Fauns and Silvani are the lords and ladies of the Court of Earth, while the tritons and nereids are the kings and queens of the Court of Waves. The fourth is comprised of noble Salamanders who are masters and mistresses of the Court of Flames and whose realm lies in active volcanoes. Most of these races already exist in one form or another as 3e D&D races; switching their types to fey is all that was needed to make them fit their new roles. Simple-minded elementals are tied to their respective elemental court and serve the noble fey as as serfs, laborers and warriors. Unaffiliated fey races (such as the brownies, red caps, pookas and gremlins) represent bastard offspring of the main four courts. They along with exiled outlaws, oath-breakers and disowned noble fey have banded together and secretly take refuge in humanoid villages and cities. They've grown so numerous over the centuries that they've formed a (relatively) new upstart fifth court which threatens the old order. The noble fey refer to these upstarts as the Forlorn, while they themselves call their urbane society of fey the Court of Gold.

My character in the latter game has some uncertain fey ancestry and I left it to DM to decide the exact details of it for himself. During game play it's come to light that my character is a halfling/fey bastard child of the ruling monarch of the Court of Winds, Count Basadone. Without bothering to inform my character, Basadone saw fit to promise my character in marriage to the daughter of the leader of the Court of Gold in hopes of bringing a measure of peace to the warring courts.
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My campaign focused on a colony setting up shop on a dark jungle continent. There was lots of power plays in the area, between various supernatural powers.

One of which was the Parliament of the Emerald Frond. The Parliament was comprised of wood elementals, plant-fey, and a few other odds and ends.

Primarily they were very "survival of the fittest", fairly ruthless and always betting on the victor of certain circumstances, but they were still fey.

Sadly, the PCs left the continent so I didn't get a lot of opportunities to flesh out the Parliament.


I've opted away from the standard model, though not entirely.

My setting has the Fey more like Hellboy 2. The Sidhe Courts are organized around the seasons, and in their own Realm one court rules while its opposite is moved into the Mortal Coil. Right now the Winter Court is laying claim to the world, and a long, bitter winter is soon to come... though it's still a cold autumn, with a cursed harvest, etc. (Nature ain't doing so hot right now). Deep in the Other World, Summer is holding sway, but mortal PCs likely can't get there.

However, rather than a Plane, the Fey are organized around small pockets; travel in this otherworld is possible, but I'm going for more of a Neil Gaimen feel, or David Bowie, than I am FR's happy-clappy woodsy realm. For example, I'm going to use the info from Thunderspire Labyrinth, but have it ruled by some Eladrin Nobles. As well, all sorts of non-human creatures dwell in these pockets, with non-mortal ethics deciding how things are run. Strange bargains abound, for instance.
Also, Eladrin are very pale, and not as nice as Tolkien. We had one in the party (but the player was soooo nice, so it didn't come through; but we like him anyway), and I'm about to bring in a host of them to meet the party. As an added bonus, when in Fey Zones, if you will, Eladrin and Elves (and goblins and dwarves; fey, basically) don't age.
In general I'm trying to have the Fey Courts look more like a DiTerlizzi picture, or Mignola, with all sorts of creatures that hang out there (minotaurs, goblins, Trulls (goblin-like artificers; troll name was taken), eladrin, salamanders, gnomes, human wizards, etc.).
This to contrast a regular setting that feels like Gears of War or Artesia: brutal, pointless mortal world with lots of mud and moral ambiguity.


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My Fae court is based heavily off of the Dresden Files. It is divided up into Summer and Winter, each being ruled by three queens: The Queen Who Was, Who is, and Who Will Be. In addition, there are many unaligned Wyldfae.

I feel no guilt for using Butchers work in my game. :p


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I feel no guilt for using Butchers work in my game

It's good work and he's a good writer.

My Fey World is actually another world, geographically identical to our world, but inhabited by entirely different creatures and plantlife and so forth.

The Sidhle (Elves - although all non-human races, giants, elves, etc. live in this other world) have the largest and most advanced kingdom (their capital is at Samarkand) in this Other World and they have a highly advanced magical "technology." (It doesn't work like tech but can often have effects like a technology, so I use that word for convenience.)

The technology causes mutations in living things however, if used often enough, and can sometimes result in mutated elves and player characters (Korruhn) and also in monsters (Korreupt). So the Sidhle are looking for new forms of magic and since they can cross into our world they have become interested in human religion and thaumaturgy (wonder-working, or what is more commonly known in most games as clerical magic, though it works differently than most clerical magic, because God controls how it works not the cleric) which they see as a possible replacement to their elturgy (their arcane magic). (There is no Arcane magic in our world, and no Divine magic in their world.) The Court at Samarkand also has access to secret magical technologies and devices and artifacts which only they know about (such as telescopic "chairs" which compress distance, or allow them to see short distances through time, or even into our world, to name one such artifact) and so the priest king uses these devices when trying to make decisions on what to do. Though some suspect these secret technologies exist, and who controls them.

Because of all of these things there is a great deal of religious, political, social, and cultural intrigue, as well as intrigue among various city-states and nation states, and even among races. The Eladarin are extremely opposed to Sidhlen experiments with human religion and thaumaturgy. Some races are neutral on the matter, others supportive. The leader of the Sidhle also wants to promote good relations between humans and his kind and to promote in his world what might be called democratic virtues to us, and to slowly transform his kingdom into a Republic. Other races are less than enthusiastic about humans and/or about political reform.

There are no courts, per se, rather there are a series of groups and organizations and powers and individuals all with their own thoughts and agendas concerning arcane magic, how monsters are created, how to relate to humans, how to relate to God, how to relate to other races, thaumaturgy, politics, culture, and so forth. It all mixes together.

The humans consider the Sidhle and their leader the likely Kingdom of "Prester John."
Although some humans consider the Sidhle and the races of the other world to be monsters, or even demons. Agents of evil, corruption, or outright satanic.

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