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Temp RG for LR's Vampires of Waterdeep


Wollf Henger

Wollf Henger

Aranea (3HD +4LA), rogue 2, warshaper 4, character level 9 ECL 13
Medium magical beast (shapechanger)
CG, Patron Deity Shandukul

32 point buy
Str 10=16 +2 level +4 morphic body = 22 (+6)
Dex 10=16 +4 racial = 20 (+5)
Con 10=16 +4 racial +4 morphic body = 24 (+7)
Int 0=8 +4 racial = 12 (+1)
Wis 2=10 +2 racial = 12 (+1)
Cha 0=8 +4 racial = 12 (+1)


Str 22 (+6)
Dex 20 (+5)
Con 24 (+7)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 13 (+1)
Cha 12 (+1)

HD 3d10 (aranea) + 2d6 (rogue) + 4d8(warshaper) +9x7(63)
hp = X

F +3 (ar) +4 (war) +7(con) = +14
R +3 (ar) +3 (ro) +1 (war) +5(dex) = +12
W +1 (ar) +1 (wa) +1 (wis) +2 (IW) = +5

F +14 R +12 W +5

Combat Reflexes, Iron Will (B), Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Multiattack,

Aranea: climb 6 ranks, listen 6 ranks, spot 6 ranks
Rogue: Tumble 8 ranks, search 8 ranks, spot 1 rank, listen 1 rank
Warshaper climb 4 ranks, balance 6 ranks, search 1 rank(cross class),

Skills: Araneas have a +2 racial bonus on Jump, Listen, and Spot checks. They have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks even if rushed or threatened.

Balance 6 ranks +4 dex = +10
Climb 10 ranks +6 st +8 racial = +24 and can always take 10
Jump +7 str +2 racial = +9
Listen 7 ranks +1 wis +2 racial = +10
Search 9 ranks +1 int = +10
Spot 7 ranks +1 wis +2 racial = +10
Tumble 8 ranks +5 dex = +13

Languages Common, Sylvan, Elven

BAB +3 aranea, +1 rogue, +3 warshaper, = +7

Grapple +7 BAB, +6 Str = +13

Initiative = +5

AC = 20 (+5 dex, +1 natural, +4 deflection,) touch 19, 15

Attack +7 BAB, +6 str = +13
Attack +14 adamantine wounding mace +1 d8+7 and con or +14 cold iron holy spiked gauntlet d4+7(+2d6)

Full attack +12/+7 adamantine wounding mace +1 d8+7, +12/+7 cold iron holy spiked gauntlet d4+4(+2d6), +11 bite d6+3 and poison DC 18 d6 str/2d6 str

Low light vision, darkvision 60ft.
Natural bite in hybrid form 1d6 base +poison
web, change shape, spells
Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 18, initial damage 1d6 Str, secondary damage 2d6 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Spells: An aranea casts spells as a 3rd-level sorcerer. It prefers illusions and enchantments and avoids fire spells.
Spells Known (6/6): 0— detect magic, open/close, prestigitation, ray of frost, read magic; 1st—disguise self, expeditious retreat, mage armor.
Web (Ex): In spider or hybrid form (see below), an aranea can throw a web up to six times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets of up to Large size. The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement.
An entangled creature can escape with a DC 13 Escape Artist check or burst the web with a DC 17 Strength check. The check DCs are Constitution-based, and the Strength check DC includes a +4 racial bonus. The web has 6 hit points, hardness 0, and takes double damage from fire.
Change Shape (Su): An aranea’s natural form is that of a Medium monstrous spider. It can assume two other forms. The first is a unique Small or Medium humanoid; an aranea in its humanoid form always assumes the same appearance and traits, much as a lycanthrope would. In humanoid form, an aranea cannot use its bite attack, webs, or poison.
The second form is a Medium spider–humanoid hybrid. In hybrid form, an aranea looks like a Medium humanoid at first glance, but a DC 18 Spot check reveals the creature’s fangs and spinnerets. The aranea retains its bite attack, webs, and poison in this form, and can also wield weapons or wear armor. When in hybrid form, an aranea’s speed is 30 feet (6 squares).
An aranea remains in one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, nor does an aranea revert to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell, however, reveals its natural form if it is in humanoid or hybrid form.[/SBLOCK]

1d6 sneak attack, trapfinding, evasion[SBLOCK]
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. Rogues are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
Sneak Attack: If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The rogue’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.
A rogue can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Trapfinding: Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20.
Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
A rogue who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.
Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.[/SBLOCK]

Morphic immunities, immune to critical hits and stunning
Morphic weapons, as move action grow a natural weapon or improve one by one size
Morphic body, +4 to str and con
Morphic reach, increase reach by 5 ft
Morphic healing, fast healing 2, full round concentration check (DC = damage taken) to heal 10.

32K Ring of protection +4
20K +1 cold iron holy spiked gauntlet
21K +1 wounding adamantine heavy mace
04.5K wand of knock 50 charges
20K ring of invisibility
08K Silver shortsword +1 animal bane
02.5K Bag of holding Type 1
Silver holy symbol of Shandukal
Travelling clothes
22,000 gp

[SBLOCK]Wollf was a restless spirit always wanting to climb the nearest mountain and see what was on the other side. This led him to adopt Shandakul as his patron deity and journey out of his native forest lands to explore the worlds as he explored the powers of a shapeshifter. His humanoid form was that of a lean human and he travelled the roads as one, developing along the path of warshaper shifting mastery. While travelling through the northlands he was ambushed by a Malarite werewolf who was seeking to create a band of infected followers. Spying Wollf's holy symbol the werewolf thought it would be most amusing to turn such a follower into a werewolf slave of a malarite. While the attack incapacitated Wollf temporarily the fact that he was not actually a human made him immune to the lycanthropic disease and his morphic healing allowed him to recover from the ambush quicker than the werewolf anticipated. Now it was the werewolf who was taken unawares and ended up fleeing after the warshaper turned the tables on him. This led to the two becoming blood enemies and hunting each other back and forth across the northlands. While Wollf has managed to kill some of the werewolf's infected minions and has clashed many times with him personally, the two have not been able to dispose of each other as of yet. Wollf has recently tracked the Malarite south to Waterdeep and is cautiosly exploring the city looking for his nemesis.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK]Wollf Henger appears as a lean, tall, dark-eyed man with a somewhat athletic and rugged physique. He wears his black hair long but is clean shaven. He favors dark travelling clothes including a broad scarf and wide brimmed hat. At his waist he bears a short sword with a wolf head pommel and a vicious looking heavy mace while a spiked gauntlet covers one hand.

When he shifts his back hunches slightly and he grows black hairs all over his body. His face transforms into that of a spider with multiple eyes and large black mandibles dripping venom.

When in extremis he will shift into the true aranea form, that of a medium-sized spider with inhuman arms extending below the mandibles.[/SBLOCK]

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok, I have three possibles, two clerics and a fighter/divine disciple. In order of preference (though all would be interesting to play, and I have crafted all with care) I have:

Silence - NG female human cleric of Lathander 6/Radiant Servant of Lathander 7 (Radiant Servant of Pelor from Complete Divine) [sblock]Silence
Female Human Cleric of Lathander 6/ Radiant Servant of Lathander 7

Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Deity: Lathander
Region: The Dalelands (Featherdale)
Height: 5' 10''
Weight: 153lbs
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Age: 33

Str: 8 (-1) [0 points]
Dex: 8 (-1) [0 points]
Con: 13 (+1) [5 points]
Int: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Wis: 24 (+7) [13 points, +3 levels, +4 periapt]
Cha: 20 (+5) [10 points, +4 headband]

Class and Racial Abilities:
Extra feat at first level, 4 extra skill points at first level, 1 additional skill point at each level thereafter. Divine spells, aura of good, proficient in simple weapons, all armors and shields (but not tower shields), turn undead, Sun, Good, and Glory domains. Extra greater turning 8/day, radiance (radiance of illumination doubled, spell treated at one level higher), turn undead (12/day, as 14th level cleric, +9 total to the check, additional +1d6 damage), divine health (immune to all diseases, including magical ones), maximize healing, aura of warding (Silence and all within 10 ft. gain +2 to Will saves), bonus domain (glory).

Hit Dice: 6d8+7d6+13
HP: 79
AC: 15 (-1 Dex, +5 armor, +1 ring, +1 luck) [touch 11, flat-footed 15]
Init: -1 (-1 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +16 [+10 base, +1 Con, +2 from cloak, +2 vow, +1 Luck of Heroes]
Reflex +8 [+4 base, -1 Dex, +2 from cloak, +2 vow, +1 Luck of Heroes]
Will +24 [+10 base, +7 Wis, +2 from cloak, +2 vow, +2 Radiant Servant, +1 Luck of Heroes]

BAB/Grapple: +9/+8
Melee Atk: +9/+4 (1d8/x2/B, +1 radiant heavy mace)
Ranged Atk: +8 (1d8/19-20/x2/80 ft./P, light crossbow)

Concentration +17 [16 ranks, +1 Con]
Heal +25 [16 ranks, +7 Wis, +2 vow]
Knowledge (religion) +19 [16 ranks, +1 Int, +2 vow]
Perform (wind instruments) +15 [16cc ranks, +5 Cha, +2 MW instrument]

Luck of Heroes (bonus regional feat)
Devout Faith (1st level) (BoHM)
Vow of Silence (human bonus 1st level) (BoHM)
Silent Spell (3rd level)
Extra Turning (6th level)
Still Spell (9th level)
Sacred Healing (12th level) (ComDiv)

Languages: Common, Celestial

Spells Prepared
Save DC +7
0th - create water, detect magic, detect poison x2, mending, read magic
1st - Silent detect magic x2, Silent light, Silent purify food and drink, Silent resistance x2. (D) – protection from evil
2nd - Silent bless x2, Silent cure light wounds x2, Silent protection from evil x2, Silent shield of faith. (D) - aid
3rd - Silent align weapon x3, Silent lesser restoration x2, Silent remove paralysis. (D) – searing light
4th - Silent lesser telepathic bond (ComDiv) x2, Silent flame of faith (ComDiv), Silent prayer, Silent mass lesser vigor (ComDiv). (D) – holy smite
5th - Silent cure critical wounds x2, Silent neutralize poison, Silent recitation (ComDiv). (D) – flame strike
6th - Silent break enchantment, Silent Still freedom of movement, Silent mass cure light wounds. (D) – bolt of glory (ComDiv)
7th – Silent heal, Silent mass bear’s endudrance. (D) – sunbeam

Periapt of Wisdom +4 – 16,000gp
Headband of Charisma +4 – 16,000gp
Metamagic rod of Silence (greater) – 24,500gp
Metamagic rod of Silence (regular) x2 – 22,000gp
Metamagic rod of Silent (lesser) x2 – 6,000gp
Warding Word (ring of protection +1, 2,000gp)
Tymora's Favor (cloak of resistance +2, 4,000gp)
Sun Striker, +1 radiant (AaEG) heavy mace – 18,312gp
Lathander’s Shield, +1 sacred (ComDiv) chain shirt – 9,250gp
Ring of feather falling – 2,200gp
Light crossbow and 30 bolts – 38gp
Heward's Handy Haversack (2,000gp)
Belt pouch 1gp
Traveler’s outfit (free)
Golden holy symbol 25gp
Signal whistle – 8sp
MW recorder – 100gp
~Bedroll 5sp
~3 healer’s kits 150gp
~ Everburning torch 110gp
~ Waterskin 1gp
~ 50 ft. silk rope 10gp
~ Silver dagger 10gp
~ Paper (10 sheets) 4gp
~ Ink (two vials) 16gp
~ Inkpen 1gp
~ Trail rations (20 days worth) 10gp
~ Cleric’s vestments 5gp
~ Cold weather outfit 8gp
~Slate and 100 pieces of chalk 2gp
~Diamond worth 5,000gp for raise dead
~4 doses of crushed diamond for undeath to death – 1,000gp
~6 carved wooden shingles with the following messages carved on them
”My name is Silence. I am a priestess of Lathander, a healer and foe of undead. I have taken a sacred vow not to speak.”

“I took my sacred vow because when I was young I heard angels singing. The echoes are in my head still, and if I speak I will lose them. I remain silent to show my reverence that they would sing to me.”

“If there is anyone here who is hurt or sick, let them come to me or direct me to them, for I will try to heal them.”

“Can you direct me to the closest Temple of Lathander?”

“Can you direct me to an inn?”

“Pardon me, what is the price for a room, food, and stabling?”

“My signal whistle. One blast to summon help, two for non-urgent assistance, three to run away.”

191gp, 2sp

Silence is an older human woman, not quite middle age, but past the first blush of youth. Her light brown hair is long and worn loose most of the time. She wears cream-colored robes of a conservative cut, and a golden holy symbol of Lathander around her neck. She has a delicate build, but does not shy away from the armaments of battle when necessary.

Personality: Silence is a giving and caring individual, expressive in gesture and expression. She is very tolerant of the differences of others, reserving judgment until she has seen them in action, for actions speak far louder than words. She has been known to express her feelings through music when words fail her, using faint echoes of her angels’ song as a guide.

Background: When Silence was a little girl, she became lost in the wilderness far from her parent’s farm in late autumn. Wandering far as children are apt to do, she was unable to find her way home. For many days she wandered, her only companions the creatures of the forest. Miraculously she was not hurt by any predators, and the sun always shone down strongly upon her to keep her warm. On the fourth day, weak from hunger, she laid herself down upon a sun-warmed rock to rest. She awoke to the sound of glorious music, as divine as any she’d ever heard. She turned her face to the sun, and saw that beautiful angels were singing to her. She followed their voices, and soon found herself back on her family’s land.

Her parents were ecstatic with joy when she returned, but immediately noticed something strange. Their daughter would no longer talk. The village priest and healer could find nothing wrong with her that could account for that, and took it upon himself to teach her reading and writing so that she could explain. She wrote that she had heard the voices of angels, and their echoes rang in her head still. But if she spoke, she would lose the echoes, echoes she wanted to hear badly. The priest gladly took her under his wing when she wrote that she felt that if she served Lathander, one day would be able to hear the angels again.

She has spent the past twenty-four years serving Lathander as a Radiant Servant, and still feels she has much more to do to be prepared for the angelic choir. She has begun to seek out great evils to pit herself against, as well as spreading healing to all she can.

To combat the limitations of her vow, she has taken to carrying around a set of six thin, flat shingles, onto which she has carved some commonly asked questions and answers. She also carries a slate and chalk to cover anything not on her shingles.

Feat Explanation for DM: [sblock]Devout Faith [Blessed]
You take your religious beliefs very seriously—and gain blessings for your devotion.
Prerequisite: DM approval
Benefit: No more than once per day, for up to 10 rounds, you gain the effects of a bless spell (+1 bonus to attack bonus and saving throws against fear)—but only when your deity or his servants choose to bestow the blessing upon you. Thus, activating this feat requires no action on your part, but you cannot know when and if the feat comes into play (the DM decides). The will of gods is difficult to fathom, and should never be questioned, at least by the faithful.
Special: You can gain this feat only if the DM decides that your character truly obeys the teachings and tenets of her faith, and if her patron deity or deities approve of her actions. If this changes at any time, you lose the benefits of this feat and any feats for which it is a prerequisite.

Vow of Silence [Blessed]
You pledge not to make a sound, and in return you gain new insight, for there is wisdom in silence.
Prerequisite: Devout Faith†
Benefit: You take a vow not to speak or otherwise make any verbal noise. For as long as you keep your vow, you gain a +2 insight bonus to all Wisdom- and Intelligence-based skill checks and on all saving throws.
Special: Should you break the vow, you lose the benefits of this feat and must atone using an atonement spell. After atonement you can retake the vow and, after complying with its mandates for one week, you regain its benefits. Note: This is a very difficult feat for PCs to keep, and might be a challenge to play. DMs may wish to restrict it to NPCs.[/sblock][/sblock]

Evendur Tallstag - LG male human fighter 8/ divine champion 5 of Helm: [sblock]Evendur Tallstag,
Male Tethyr human fighter 8/ divine champion 5 of Helm

Region: Tethyr
Alignment: LG
Height: 5' 9''
Weight: 175lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Age: 22

Str: 23 (+6) [10 points, +4 belt, +3 levels]
Dex: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Con: 16 (+3) [6 points, +2 amulet]
Int: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Wis: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Cha: 14 (+2) [6 points]

Class and Racial Abilities: 1 extra feat at first level, 4 additional skill points at first level and 1 additional skill point for each level thereafter. Proficient in simple and martial weapons, all armors and shields. Lay on hands (10 points), bonus feats, sacred defense +2, smite infidel, divine wrath.

Hit Dice: 8d10 + 5d10 +
HP: 121 (DR 3/- from adamantine armor)
AC: 29 (+11 armor, +1 Dex, +5 from shield, +2 from ring)
ACP: –6
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30ft (20ft in heavy armor)

Fortitude +16 [+10 base, +3 Con, +3 from cloak]
Reflex +7 [+3 base, +1 Dex, +3 from cloak]
Will +6 [+3 base, +0 Wis, +3 from cloak]

BAB/Grapple: +13/+19
Melee Atk: +24/+19/+14 (1d10+12/19-20/x2/S, sun blade)
Ranged Atk: +15 (1d6+4/x3/70 ft./P, +1 mighty composite shortbow [+4 Str bonus])

Climb +9 [7 ranks, +6 Str]
Intimidate +19 [17 ranks, +2 Cha]
Jump +6 [6 ranks, +6 Str]
Knowledge (religion) +9 [8 ranks, +1 Int]
Listen +5 [10 cc ranks, +0 Wis]
Spot +5 [10 cc ranks, +0 Wis]
Swim +9 [6 ranks, +6 Str]

Furious Charge (bonus regional feat)
Power Attack (1st level)
Weapon Focus – bastard sword (human bonus 1st level)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency – bastard sword (fighter bonus 1st level)
Improved Bull Rush (fighter bonus 2nd level)
Cometary Collision [PHII] (3rd level)
Weapon Specialization – bastard sword (fighter bonus 4th level)
Heavy Shield Specialization (6th level)
Greater Weapon Focus – bastard sword (fighter bonus 8th level)
Cleave (9th level)
Improved Initiative (1st divine champion bonus feat)
Quick Draw (2nd divine champion bonus feat)
Greater Weapon Specialization – bastard sword (12th level)

Languages: Common, Chondathan


Sun blade – 50,335gp
Adamantine full plate +3 – 24,000gp
Heavy steel shield +2 – 4,170gp
Belt of giant’s strength +4 – 16,000gp
Cloak of resistance +3 – 9,000gp
Ring of protection +2 – 8,000gp
Heward’s Handy Haversack – 2,000gp
Amulet of health +2 – 4,000gp
Blue Quartz Eagle – 5,400gp (Races of Faerun)
+1 mighty (+4) composite shortbow – 2,675gp
60 arrows – 3gp
Boots of the winterlands – 2,500gp
Everburning torch – 110gp
Silver holy symbol of Helm – 1gp
Leather armor – 10gp
100 ft. silk rope – 20gp
Traveler’s outfit (free)
Belt pouch – 1gp
Explorer’s outfit x2 – 20gp
Courtier’s outfit with jewelry x2 – 160gp
4 vials antitoxin – 200gp
Flint and steel – 1gp
Really nice bedroll – 1gp
Waterskin – 1gp
2 daggers – 2gp
10 potions of cure light wounds in a flask – 501gp

79pp, 3gp

Appearance: Evendur is a fairly tall well-build man in his early twenties. His shoulder-length, wavy dark brown hair is usually worn loose, and his dark blue eyes are kind in a pale face still mostly unlined by weather and time. He wears a massively heavy suit of full plate armor and bears a faintly glowing bastard sword at his hip. A glittering holy symbol of Helm lies on his chest, just under the clasp of his cloak.

Personality: Evendur is a friendly young man, very helpful towards good and upstanding citizens, and always ready with a kind word. He enjoys the good things in life, fine ale and wine, good food, and friendly company. Though he holds himself to a fairly high standard of behavior, he tries not to evangelize to his companions at the drop of a hat.

Background: Evendur was a bit curious for the typical Tethyr; he was terrified of horses. Most if not all young men that showed an aptitude for combat learned the way of cavalry, but young Evendur had been kicked in the head by a horse at a young age and remains scared of them to this very day. His father could not wean him away from his fear, even though more than a few passed through their village during any given day. In an attempt to make up for his fear, he attempted to master an unusual weapon, to become the best in the region (if not the country). He chose the versatile bastard sword.

The son of a baker in farming town, Evendur spent much of his childhood running half-wild in the woods and ponds around Yeth’s Rest. He grew very strong and straight, but the childhood incident with an irritable mare scarred him for life in the equine department. His own determination saw him through his weapons’ training, horse or no horse, and then he lit out for the road to adroitly avoid any taunts about him.

He traveled far to the north, plying his trade as he went for merchants, caravans, minor nobles, and even priests. It was a priest of Helm, the watchful protector, who turned his life in a whole new direction. He spoke of Helm’s dogma to the young Tethyr as they traveled, how he watched and protected without complaint, how he guarded the weak and helpless, how his trust could never be betrayed. Evendur liked very much what he heard, much more so now than when he had heard it as a young boy. Helm’s teachings and his own feelings marched step-in-step, and by the time the priest had been delivered safely to his temple, Evendur asked to be taken in and taught.

Evendur spent the next few months learning more of Helm’s faith, and was eventually consecrated as a divine champion in Helm’s name. Evendur has spend the last year and a half on missions for his church, which has recently led him to Waterdeep. He has been told there is a person there that needs protection badly, and Helm’s church owes them a debt. Evendur is to repay it, and he is more than glad to do so.[/sblock]

Diamond - NG female urdunnir (orecutter dwarf) cleric 9 of Dumathion [sblock]Diamond
Female Urdunnir Cleric 9 of Dumathion

Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Deity: Dumathion
Region: Urdunnir
Height: 4' 3''
Weight: 179lbs
Hair: Dark Gray
Eyes: Dark Gray
Age: 62

Str: 16 (+3) [4 points, +4 belt]
Dex: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Con: 14 (+2) [4 points, +2 racial]
Int: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Wis: 22 (+6) [10 points, +2 levels, +3 periapt]
Cha: 14 (+2) [6 points, -2 racial, +2 cloak]

Class and Racial Abilities:
+2 Constitution, –2 Charisma, Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. However, dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations), Darkvision 60 ft., Stonecunning: This ability grants a dwarf a +6 (due to Cavern granted power and Stoneshaper regional feat) racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up. Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves may treat dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes as martial weapons, rather than exotic weapons, Stability: A dwarf gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground), +4 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects, +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids, +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class, such as when it’s caught flat-footed, it loses its dodge bonus, too, +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items, +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal. Stone walk – can pass through stone or earth as if it were air, and can carry twice their own body weight with them (but cannot breath while in stone or earth). Stone Shape – at will as an 8th level sorcerer. Shape Metal – at will as an 8th level sorcerer once per round (5 cubic ft of metal). Divine spells, Cavernf and Metal domains, turn undead, proficient with light, medium, and heavy armor, as well as shields, proficient with simple weapons.

Hit Dice: 9d8 + 14
HP: 66
AC: 30 (+11 armor, +5 shield, +0 Dex, +2 deflection, +2 natural)
ACP: -5
Init: +0 (+0 Dex)
Speed: 20ft.

Fortitude +8 [+6 base, +2 Con]
Reflex +3 [+3 base, +0 Dex]
Will +14 [+6 base, +6 Wis, +2 Iron Will]

BAB/Grapple: +6/+10
Melee Atk: +13 (1d6+1/x2, shortspear or sickle)
Ranged Atk: +5 (1d8/x3/100 ft./P, longbow)

Craft (stonemasonry) +10 [4 ranks, +2 Int, +2 racial, +2 Stoneshaper]
Craft (armorsmithing) +7 [3 ranks, +2 Int, +2 racial]
Craft (weaponsmithing) +7 [3 ranks, +2 Int, +2 racial]
Concentration +14 [12 ranks, +2 Con]
Knowledge (history) +14 [12 ranks, +2 Int]
Knowledge (religion) +14 [12 ranks, +2 Int]
Listen +6 [0 ranks, +6 Wis]
Search +2 [0 ranks, +2 Int] (+8 to notice unusual stonework)
Spot +6 [0 ranks, +6 Wis]

Stoneshaper (bonus regional feat)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency [heavy warhammer] (Metal domain granted feat)
Weapon Focus [heavy warhammer] (Metal domain granted feat)
Stoneblood (1st level)
Sacred Healing (ComDiv) (3rd level)
Iron Will (6th level)
Spell Penetration (9th level)

Languages: Dwarven, Undercommon, Common, Terran

Spells Prepared
Save DC +6
0th - 6create water, detect poison x2, guidance, purify food and drink, read magic.
1st - 6bless, divine favor, hide from undead, protection from evil x2, remove fear. Ddetect secret doors
2nd - 6aid, remove paralysis x2, lesser restoration x3. Dheat metal
3rd - 4detect metal and minerals (RAC), remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease. Dkeen edge
4th - 3death ward, neutralize poison, restoration. Drusting grasp
5th - 2break enchantment, wall of dispel magic (UND). Dpasswall

Platinum (MaoF) +2 impact warhammer – 15,312gp
Fever iron (MaoF) +3 full plate – 12,650gp
Copper (MaoF) +3 heavy shield – 11,170gp
Wand of cure light wounds – 750gp
Wand of cure moderate wounds – 4,500gp
Periapt of Wisdom +4 – 16,000gp
Cloak of Charisma +2 – 4,000gp
Ring of protection +2 – 8,000gp
Heward’s Handy Haversack – 2,000gp
Belt of Priestly Might (MaoF) – 40,000gp
Three diamonds worth 5,000gp (for resurrection – 15,000gp
Bedroll 1gp
Waterskin 1gp
50 ft. silk rope 10gp
Tent 10gp
Trail rations (20 days worth) 10gp
10 doses of diamond dust for restoration – 1,000gp


Appearance: Diamond is a dark gray dwarf, massive and solid as a boulder, with a fall of iron-gray hair. Her heavy build and luxurious locks make it clear she is no duegar, but few would know of her true race, the urdunnir. She wears heavy iron armor tinged with red, that seems to emit a faint heat even during cold days, and bears a shining copper shield engraved with the symbol of Dumathion, set with precious stones. A massive platinum warhammer swings at her side, and a golden holy symbol lies on her breast.

Personality: Diamond is rather stoic, choosing only to speak when she had something of import to say. Her people are so close-knit that they know each other’s mind; sitting in companionable silence is not uncommon, though it often seems strange to surface-dwellers. She is a keen appreciator of beauty, particularly that of metal and stone, and is willing to pay an artisan of such very handsomely. Above all, she is protective of the hidden places of the earth, though she has a wider view than most of her kind. She feels that basements, tunnels, crypts, and even sewers can offer the comfort of deep earth, and makes it her duty to rid such places of dangerous and vile creatures.

Background: Diamond was born in Oldonnar, and from a young age found herself not just drawn to the beautiful places of the deep earth, but the sheltering places nearer to the earth’s surface. She found Dumathion’s voice guiding her to unusual veins of metals, not only to appreciate their beauty, but to use them for a purpose as well. She learned the craft of her people, in stone and metal, but soon departed for the Lands Above.

The caverns of the earth had always been a sheltering place for her, and she was horrified when she discovered creatures of evil and vile intent inhabiting places where there should be nothing but safety. Though Dumathion was not a vengeful god, Diamond felt His presence in her as she swung her hammer through many kobolds, orcs, and other even stranger creatures of the Underdark.

Her calling had been set in her heart, to find the caverns of the earth, whether entirely natural or carved by the work of intelligent hands, and make sure they were safe. It was this that had drawn her to the east, to the city of Waterdeep, where rumors flew thickly that terrible things dwelt in the darkness below the surface… [/sblock]
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First Post
Bryna Mc'Haven [sblock]
Name: Bryna Mc'Haven
Race: Human
Class: 3 - Cleric/ 3 - Fighter/ 7 - War Priestess
Hit Dice: 3d8 (8+5+5), 3d10 (6+6+6), 7d10 (6+6+6+6+6+6+6) = 78 + Con (26) = 104 hp's
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft
Alignment: NG
Home Region: Tethyr
Patron Deity: Torm
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 20
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +9
Special Abilities: Turn Undead [cleric], Haste, Heroes' Feast, Inflame +6, Fear Aura, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Rally [War Priestess]

Armor Class: 20 (10 base/ +3 chainmail/ +5 shield/ + 2 ring) flat footed: 19 Touch: 10
Base Attack: 12
Grapple: 13
Full Attack: Sunblade ( +2 bastard sword) +15 melee/ +10/ +5 (1d10+3 19-20/X2)
Special Qualities: +4 vs evil/ Double damage vs negative plane creatures & undead - X3 crit
Full Attack: Crossbow +13/+8/+3

Skills: Diplomacy(cha) 8+3=11, Heal(wis) 8+3=11, Concentration (wis) 3+3=6, Intimidate(cha) 3+3=6, Ride(dex) 4+0=4, Sense Motive(wis) 5+3=8
Feats: Blooded [Regional], Intimidating Strike [PHB2], Close Quarter's Fighting [Complete Warrior], Power Critical [Com. Warrior], Sacred Healing [Complete Divine], Combat Intuition [Complete Adventurer], Goad [Com. Adventurer], Exotic Weapon Prof. [PHB], Weapon Focus [PHB].

Languages: Common and Chondathan.

Spells: (TBA)
Domains: Glory, Strength, Healing.
Five - 0 level
4+1 - 1st level
4+1 - 2nd level
2+1 - 3rd level

Sunblade (50,335)
Celestial Armor (22,400)
+5 Shield (25,000)
Cloak of Charisma (16,000)
Ring of Protection +2 (8,000)
Bag of Holding +1 (2,500)
Periapt of Wisdom (4000)
Scrolls of Aid and Lesser Restoration (regional items).

Bedroll (1 sp)
Holy Symbol (25gp)
Flint n Steel (1gp)
Hooden Latern (7gp)
Soap (5 sp)
Healer's Kit (50gp)
Bottle of wine (2gp)
Glasses (2gp)
Holy Text (10gp)
Lt. Warhorse (150gp)
Military saddle (20gp)
Saddlebags (4gp)
Rations (1 week 3gp 5sp)
Horse Feed (1 week 1gp)
Crossbow (Masterwork - 335)

Gold: 3158

Description: [sblock]
Bryna was truly beautiful inside and out. The many dedicated years to her training both religiously and on the battle field, aided the girl to grow into the exotic War Priestess of Torm she was today. Fiery locks fall about her face and shoulders, blending wonderfully with her sun-kisses flesh. Her coppery orbs match the golden blade she weilds - intoxicating as the rising sun, and just as bright. [/sblock]

Background and spells to be announced. I will work out a backgroun upon getting chosen, the same for the spells. As a cleric's spells change daily.. I didn't want to put up the entire list of possible spells. :)


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First Post
Alrighty, heres my character.

Name: Delvar Lyren

Physical Description:
Race: Human, Alignment: NG, Deity: None, Size: M, Age: 17, Gender: M, Height: 5', Weight: 124 lbs, Eyes: Green, Hair: Red, Skin: White

Levels: 4 Wizard, 4 Master of the Unseen Hand, 1 Wild Mage, 4 Incantrix (Page 61 of Players Guide to Feurun)

Str: 12 (12 Base)
Dex: 14 (14 Base)
Con: 16 (14 Base + 2 Enhancement)
Int: 24 (15 Base +3 Level + 6 Enhancement)
Wis: 14 (14 Base)
Cha: 10 (10 Base)

HP: 82
BAB: +8/+3
Grapple: +9
Fort: +9 = +3 Base +3 Con + 4 Resistance
Ref: +9 = +3 Base +2 Dex + 4 Resistance
Will: +22 = +14 Base + 2 Wis + 4 Resistance + 2 Unnamed
AC: 21 = 10 Base + 2 Dex + 6 Armor + 3 Shield
Touch AC: 12 = 10 Base + 2 Dex
Flat Footed AC: 19 = 10 Base + 6 Armor + 3 Shield
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft
Languages: Common, Draconic, Celestial, Undercommon

Feats: Twin Spell, Chain Spell, Reach Spell, Practiced Spellcaster, Magical Aptitude, Iron Will, Arcane Thesis (Telekinesis), Extend Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spellwise

Special Abilities: Wild Magic, Summon Familiar, Focused Studies (Enchantment), Cooperative Metamagic, Metamagic Effect, Improved Caster Level, Versatile Telekinesis, Telekinetic Wielder, Sustained Concentration, Full Attack Telekinesis, Improved Violent Thrust, Telekinetic Flight,

Concentration: +18 = 16 Ranks + 2 Con
Spellcraft: +29 = 16 Ranks + 7 Int + 2 Synergy + 2 Unnamed + 2 Unnamed
Knowledge Arcana: +29 = 16 Ranks + 7 Int + 2 Synergy + 2 Unnamed + 2 Unnamed
Spot: +9 = 7.5 Ranks + 2 Wis
Use Magic Device: +9 = 7.5 Ranks + 0 Cha + 2 Unnamed
Tumble: +9 = 7.5 Ranks + 2 Dex
Balance: +4 = 0 Ranks + 2 Dex + 2 Synergy
Jump: +3 = 0 Ranks + 1 Str + 2 Synergy

Spells Known:
1st (8): Mage Armor, True Strike, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, Lesser Orb of Acid, Fist of Stone, Lesser Deflection, Comprehend Languages,
2nd (4): Mirror Image, Blur, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility
3rd (4): Greater Mage Armor, Flame Arrow, Haste, Fly
4th (4): Dimension Door, Ottiluke's Resilient Sphere, Greater Invisibility, Orb of Force
5th (2): Telekinesis, Greater Blink

Spells Prepared:
0 (4): Light x2, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1st (6): True Strike, Fist of Stone, Lesser Deflection x2, Lesser Orb of Acid
2nd (6): See Invisibility, Mirror Image, Blur, Comprehend Languages, Magic Weapon (Extend Spell), Scorching Ray
3rd (5): Fly, Haste, Flame Arrow x2, Scorching Ray
4th (3): Ottiluke's Resilient Sphere, Greater Invisibility, Greater Mage Armor (Extend Spell)
5th (2): Telekinesis x2 (Extend Spell)

Buffs Cast: Greater Mage Armor (Extend Spell)

Greatsword (Telekinetically Wielded): +22/+17/+12, 3d6+7 Damage, 19-20x2 Critical
(Note* The swords base attack is based off of caster level. Due to the Wild Magic feature of the Wild Mage class, his caster level for this spell can be anywhere between 15-18. The extra base attack can add another attack if it raises to 16 or higher. Thus, the max this feature can increase the attack is to +25/+20/+15/+10)

Daggers: +10/+5, 1d4+1 damage, 19-20 x2 Critical

Sling: +10/+5, 1d4 damage, x2 Critical, Range 50ft [/sblock]

Item/Weight/Cost/Total Cost/Total Weight
Rod of Quicken (Minor) (5 lbs) = 35,000 gp (35,000 gp) (5 lbs)
Headband of Intellect +6 (0 lbs) = 36,000 gp (71,000 gp) (5 lbs)
Cloak of Resistance +4 (1 lbs) = 16,000 gp (87,000 gp) (5 lbs)
Amulet of Health +2 (0 lbs) = 4,000 gp (91,000 gp) (5 lbs)
Glove of Storing (0 lbs) = 10,000 gp (101,000 gp) (5 lbs)
Heward's Handy Haversack (5 lbs) = 2,000 gp (103,000 gp) (10 lbs)
Ring of Sustenance (0 lbs) = 2,500 gp (105,500 gp) (10 lbs)
Boccob's Blessed Book (1 lbs) = 12,500 gp (118,000 gp) (11 lbs)
Adamantine Greatsword (Oversized Once) (18 lbs) = 3100 gp (121,100 gp) (29 lbs)
Masterworked Cold Iron Dagger (1 lbs) = 304 gp (121,404 gp) (30 lbs)
Silver Dagger (1 lbs) = 304 gp (121,410 gp) (31 lbs)
+2 Mithril Buckler (2.5 lbs) = 5015 gp (126,410 gp) (33.5 lbs)
Bag of Holding 1 (15 lbs) = 2500 gp (128,910 gp) (48.5 lbs)
18 Quivers of Arrows (54 lbs) = 18 gp (128,928 gp) (102.5 lbs)
3 Quivers of Adamantine Arrows (9 lbs) = 183 gp (129,141 gp) (111.5 lbs)
3 Quivers of Silver Arrows (9 lbs) = 9 gp (129,120 gp) (120.5 lbs)
3 Quivers of Cold Iron Arrows (9 lbs) = 6 gp (129,126 gp) (129.5 lbs)
(Note* 6 of the arrow quivers are bound by rope and carried the gloves of storing)
Sling (0 lbs) = 0 gp (129,126 gp) (129.5 lbs)
20 Bullets (10 lbs) = 2 sp (129,126.2 gp) (139.5 lbs)
50 ft Silk Rope (5 lbs) = 10 gp (129,136.2 gp) (154.5 lbs)
Shovel (8 lbs) = 2 gp (129,138.2 gp) (162.5 lbs)
Heavy Wooden Shield (10 lbs) = 7 gp (129,145.2 gp) (172.5 lbs)
Waterskin (4 lbs) = 1 gp (129,146.2 gp) (176.5 lbs)
4 Days Trail Rations (4 lbs) = 2 gp (129,148.2 gp) (180.5 lbs)
Spell Component Pouch (2 lbs) = 5 gp (129,153.2 gp) (182.5 lbs)
4 Bells (0 lbs) = 4 gp (129,157.2 gp) (182.5 lbs)
100 Candles (0 lbs) = 1 gp (129,158.2 gp) (182.5 lbs)
Flint + Steel (0 lbs) = 1 gp (129,159.2 gp) (182.5 lbs)
Grappling Hook (4 lbs) = 1 gp (129,160.2 gp) (186.5 lbs)
10 Sunrods (10lbs) = 20 gp (129,180.2 gp) (196.5 lbs)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 Charges)(0 lbs) = 750 gp (129,930.2 gp) (196.5 lbs)
69 gp
8 sp

[sblock] Delvar Lyren was born into a wandering band of mercenaries. One of eight children in the warrior family, he was the one that showed the least combat ability, making him the black sheep. As he grew up, he was the smallest, the weakest, and the clumsiest out of all the children in their band. And so it came to pass that he would be left behind at camp while the other kids of his generation grew into warriors and headed out to fight and die in battle. Delvar spent all his free on intense physical training, but he still lacked the combat ability to go to battle. And so he switched from trying to strengthen his body to strengthening his mind. He dove into arcane teachings, and through them, found a strength no normal human could match. In order to complete his studies, he found the need to travel, and left his family and friends behind for the pursuit of strength. His travels took him to many places throughout the land, from the Underdark, to Waterdeep, but at least he attained the power he had longed for his entire life. Now, all he had to do was make a name for himself. He travels from place to place, taking jobs, yet caring less for the money and more for the chance to flex his newfound muscle. One day, he plans track his family down, returning with fame and glory so that prove that he is no longer the weakling that stayed behind with the women and children while the men went off to war. He wants to be a hero. [/sblock]

[sblock] Delvar is small for a human, weighing in at only 124 lbs, and being only 5' tall. His face even retains his childhood features, making him look much younger than he actually is. He prefers plain and simple looking clothing, and puts on a cheerful, innocent persona that would make others think of him as harmless if not for the comically oversized greatsword strapped to his back.. However, at times when he fights a battle he feels he has the edge in, he will whip out the sword keep hold of it while telekinetically wielding it just to give the illusion he actually has immense strength and giving an intimidating display to his opponent. He never misses a chance to show off, and will gladly put himself in harms way in order to do so. While most of his garments are a dull green or brownish color, he does allow himself the luxury of a black, studded leather glove on his right hand which also happens to be his glove of storing. On the back of the glove, his crest is engraved in silver, and portrays a seed falling onto and splitting an oak tree. [/sblock]
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First Post
Inquisitor Caladan of the Radaint Order

[sblock=Stat Block]
[B]Name[/B]:  Inquisitor Caladan of the Radiant Order
[B]Class[/B]: Cleric 6 / RS of Lathander 7       [B]Age[/B]: 26
[B]Race[/B]:  Human                              [B]Height[/B]: 6' 1"
[B]Size[/B]:  Medium                             [B]Weight[/B]: 190 lbs
[B]Gender[/B]: Male                              [B]Eyes[/B]: Blue
[B]Alignment[/B]: Neutral Good                   [B]Hair[/B]: Short & Red
[B]Deity[/B]: Lathander                          [B]Skin[/B]: Weathered

[B]Class & Racial Traits:
Cleric                            Character Level[/B]
Turn Undead (12)                  1 Feat at First, Third, Sixth, Ninth, Twelfth
Divine Spell Casting              +1 Ability Modifier (x3)                                          
[B]Radiant Servant of Lathander           Human[/B]                         
Extra Greater Turning (8)              +1 Skill point at each additional level       
Radiance (+2 Will - 10ft Radius)       1 Free Feat at 1st Level               
Turn Undead (See Cleric)               +4 Skills points at 1st Level 
Divine Health (Immune to all Disease)
Maximize Healing
Bonus Domain (Glory)               

[B]Str[/B]: 14 (+2)      [B]Level[/B]: 13       [B]XP[/B]: 83000
[B]Dex[/B]: 10 (+0)      [B]BAB[/B]: +9/+4      [B]HP[/B]: 80  (6d8+6 + 7d6+7)
[B]Con[/B]: 12 (+1)      [B]Grapple[/B]: +11    [B]Dmg Red[/B]: -/-
[B]Int[/B]: 10 (+0)      [B]Speed[/B]: 20'      [B]Spell Res[/B]: -
[B]Wis[/B]: 20 (+5)      [B]Init[/B]: +1        [B]Spell Save[/B]: - 
[B]Cha[/B]: 20 (+5)      [B]ACP[/B]: -6         [B]Arcane Spell Fail[/B]: 40%

         [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor[/B]:   10     +11   +5    +0    +0    +0    +0    26
[B]Touch[/B]: 15      [B]Flat-Footed[/B]: 21

              [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort[/B]:          10    +1    +3   +14
[B]Ref[/B]:            4    +0    +3   +7
[B]Will[/B]:          10    +5    +5   +20

[B]Armor                    Bonus   Dex   ACP   ASF  Weight    Cost[/B]
Mithreal Full Plate +3   +11     +1     -4   25%   25lbs    19500gp
Large Shield, Steal +3    +5     -      -2   15%   15lb      9170gp

[B]Weapon                          Attack   Damage  Critical   Range   Weight  Cost [/B] 
*Mace, Heavy of Disrupting +3   +14/+9   1d8+5      x2        -      8 lbs  8312gp
      *Includes casting of Greater Magical Weapon (+3)

		          [B]Turning Check     Turning Damage     Caster Level[/B]
Turning & Greater Turning	+9          (3d6+18) x1.5          +1
Can turn as free action

[B]Equipment                Cost / Weight[/B]		[B]Total Gold Spent[/B]: 109,979
Explorers outfit x3      (20 gp / 0 lb)		[B]Total Gold Remaining[/B]: 21
Flint & Steel            (1 gp / 0 lb)
Holy Symbol (Silver)     (25 gp / 0 lb)
Belt Pouch               (1 gp / .5 lb)
Healers Kit              (50 gp / 1 lb)
Rod of Empowering        (9,000 gp / 0 lb) (3x Per Day)
Wand of Cure Moderate    (4,500 gp / 0 lb)
Cloak of Charisma +4     (16,000 gp / 2 lb
Periapt of Wisdom +4     (16,000 gp / 0 lb
Boots of Speed           (12,000 gp / 1 lb)
Vest of Resistance +3    (9,000 gp / 0 lb)
Helm of Comprehend       (5,200 gp / 3 lb)
Languages & Read Magic
Potion, Pro. From Evil x3(150 gp / 0 lb)
Potion, Remove Fear x1   (50 gp / 0 lb)
Hide from Undead  x2     (100 gp / 0 lb)
Invisible, Potion  x2    (600 gp / 0 lb)
Spell Components  x3     (300 gp / 0 lb) [I][Stoneskin][/I]

[B]Current Capacity[/B]: Light (56)
[B]Carry Capacity[/B]:  Light: 0 – 58 Med.: 59 – 116 Heavy: 117 – 175 
                             Lift: 350 Drag: 875

[B]Languages[/B]: All  

[B]Feats[/B]: (6)
Empowered Turning, Improved Turning, Quick Turning, Extra Turning, Cosmopolitan,
Domain Spell Spontaneity (Strength), Divine Spell Power (+12 Turning Check) 

[B]Skill Points[/B]: 48    [B]Max Ranks[/B]: 16/8
[B]Skills                      Abil Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Appraise                    Int    0     0    0      0
Balance                     Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Bluff                       Cha    0    +5    +2     7
Climb                       Str    0    +2   -6     -4
[U]Concentration[/U]               Con   11    +1          12
[U]Craft[/U]                       Int    0     0           0
Decipher Script             Int    0     0           0 
[U]Diplomacy[/U]                   Cha    1    +5           6
Disable Device              Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Disguise                    Cha    0    +5           5
Escape Artist               Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Forgery                     Int    0     0           0
Gather Information          Cha    0    +5    +2     7
Handle Animal               Cha    0    +5           5
[U]Heal[/U]                        Wis    5    +5   +2      12
Hide                        Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Intimidate                  Cha    0    +5           3
Jump                        Str    0    +2   -6     -4
[U]Knowledge (Religion)[/U]        Int    12    0           12
[U]Knowledge (Planes)[/U]          Int    5     0           5
Listen                      Wis    2    +5           7
Move Silently               Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Open Lock                   Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Perform                     Cha    0    +5           5
[U]Profession [/U]                 Wis    0    +5           5  
Ride                        Dex    0     0           0 
Search                      Int    5     0           5
[U]Sense Motive[/U]                Wis    0    +5    +2     7
Sleight of Hand             Dex    0     0           0
[U]Spellcraft[/U]                  Int    0     0           0
Spot                        Wis    2    +5           7
Survival                    Wis    0    +5   +4       9
Swim                        Str    0    +2   -12    -10
Tumble                      Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Use Magic Device            Cha    0    +5           5
Use Rope                    Dex    0     0           0
[U]Denotes Class Skill[/U]

[B]Domains[/B]: Sun, Strength, Glory   [B]Base DC[/B]: 15 + Spell Level  [B]Bonus Spells[/B]: +5

[B]0 Level[/B] (10+1)    [B]1st Level [/B] (10+1)    [B]2nd Level[/B] (9+1)           [B]3rd Level[/B] (9+1) 
Detect Magic  3   Bless      	   2   Iron Silence (CoA)    2   Wrack (CoD)   1
Mending       2   Resurgance (CoD) 2   Curse ill Fortune(CoD)1   Prayer        2      
P. Food/Drink 1   Divine Favor     2   Hold Person           2   Create Food & Water   1 
Guidance      1   Doom      	   2   Silence      	     2   Magic Circle vs Evil  2
Light         2   Hide From Undead 2   Aid      	     2   Daylight      1
Resistance    1   [U]Disrupt Undead[/U]   1   [U]Heat Metal[/U]            2   Dispel Magic  2
 	 	 	 	 	   	                 [U]Searing Light[/U] (CoD)   1

[B]4th Level[/B] (8+1)      [B]5th Level[/B] (8+1)        [B]6th Level[/B] (7+1)      [B]7th Level [/B] (6+1) 
Shape Metal(RoF)  1  Earth Hammer(RoS)   1  Undeath to Dead  2   Holly Word       1
Gr Magical Weapon 1  [U]Flame Strike[/U]        2  Wind Walk        1   Slime Wave (CoD) 1
Holly Smite       2  Divine Agility(CoD) 1  Banishment       2   Destruction      1
Divine Power      1  True Seeing         1  Gr Dispel Magic  1   Summon Monster 7 2
Free Movement     2  Break Enchantment   1  Stone Body (PgF) 1   Ethereal Jaunt   1
Restoration       2  Battletide (MoF)    1  [U]Bolt of Glory[/U]    1   [U]Sunbeam[/U]          1
[U]Fire Shield[/U]	  1  Monstrous Regeneration (PgF) 1	 	 	 
 	 	     Blistering Radiance (CoAr)1	 

[U]Denotes Domain Spell[/U]

[B]Spontaneous Spells[/B]	 	 	 	 	 	 
[B]Level 1      	 	Level 2      	 	Level 3     	 	Level 4[/B]
Cure Light Wounds 	Cure Moderate	 	Cure Serious	 	Cure Critical 
[I]Enlarge Person	 	Bull's Strength	 	Magic Vestment	 	Spell Immunity[/I]
[B]Level 5       	 	Level 6       	 	Level 7[/B]	 	 
Cure Light, Mass	Cure Moderate, Mass	Cure Serious, Mass	 	 
[I]Righteous Might	 	StoneSkin	 	Bigby's Grasping Hand[/I]	 

[I]Denotes Requirement of 1 Regular Turning Attempt to Cast[/I]

Caladan stands at about 6’1” and has short fiery red hair with piercing blue eyes. His skin has a deep weathered tan to it, and he has a facial tattoo that slightly covers the left side of his face and runs down the side of his neck. His equipment, though noticeably used, is kept in the best of condition. Caladan hardly talks and when he does its more often than not five words or less. However, when it comes to cleansing a crypt of a foul presence or putting the restless souls back at ease, no one does it better than him. Caladan is a man of action and has little time for holding hands and warming up to the masses. He is more at home out under the heavens and the gaze of his lord with his fellow adventures than he ever will be in town or city.

He was once a resident of Neverwinter. That was before a mysterious and deadly plague had swept across the city. The plaque took all of those that he loved and turned them against him and the rest of the city as mindless corpses. The city would soon send out a call for help as the dead began to attack the entire city. Caladan, for he dearly wished to put an end to the suffering of his loved ones, would answer the call. With the help fellow adventures, Caladan would rid the city of the vile plague and bury his loved ones for good. It was during this crusade that Caladan first came across the Sun God, Lathander and his teachings. With his determination to put his loved ones at rest and to route out the cause of their unrest, Caladan quickly became a devoted follower of Lathander and his teachings.

Later after his fellow adventures returned peace and order to the city, and Caladan finally went home. He realized that he had nothing to go home to. The plague and those behind it had taken everything from him and in return gave him a huge whole in his already heavy heart. With nothing left but his faith in Lathander and his new found friends. He left Neverwinter with his new Religion and set out across the region in hopes to prevent others from having to go through the same pain and anguish that he had too.

Eventually his exploits would catch the attention of those within the Radiant Order and after passing a serious and rugged tribunal he joined their ranks. He would spend many months training and studying within the order before heading back out in the region. Over time his name would become widely known within the order. He would travel across the realm with the Blessings of Lathander, but now a call of aid has brought him to the gates of Waterdeep.
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First Post
Circumspect Paladin

Perviles Mergiborr
Male Human (Chondathan) Paladin 13
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Perviles stands just shy of six feet, and weighs in the vicinity of 14 stone. Rawboned and rugged, his face is not beautiful, but his deepset eyes glitter with intelligence and intensity. His brown hair and full mustache are well barbered, and his clothes are well made, though they betray no fondness for oppulence.

When armed and armored, Perviles is a feasome sight. His heavy armor is superbly crafted and the device of Torm's gauntlet is worked in gold on his fine purple tabbard.

As with most of his faith and vocation, Perviles' primary failing is the sin of Pride. What differentiates him from the majority of his brothers and sisters is that he is aware of it and struggles against it. Weathered by a dozen years in the service of Torm - years full of the moral quandries and quagmires which paladins are heir to - Perviles has become somewhat more sanguine than he was in his youth. He knows that he cannot raise his sword and charge into the gates of hell. He cannot rid the world of evil by frittering away his energies smiting every deciever and philanderer unfortunate enough to cross his path. He must marshall his forces and strike when there is the best chance of a telling victory. It is a dangerous path to tread: Torm is not known for his fondness for compromise. Perviles must be ever vigilant against both his prideful impulse to root out evil and destroy it wherever it may be found, and against the danger that, as a consequence of his restraint, he will stay his hand when he should not. It is a constant and telling lesson in humility.

The son of a Waterdeep shopkeeper, Perviles was early in his apprenticeship when it became apparent to everyone that it was not his true vocation. With no patience for the petty deceptions required of any good merchant, he made a very poor haggler indeed. After much deliberation, his father was prevailed upon to allow Perviles to join his uncle in service to Torm, and he was sent to the temple to take up the purple frock of the novice.

He has spent his life as a champion of the Loyal Fury, delivering justice wherever he was called upon to do so. It has not been an easy life, and Perviles has faced many challenges, both within and without.

HD 13d10+26 (hp 108)
Init +1
Spd 20 ft/x3
AC 28 (+11 armor, +6 shield, +1 dex), touch 11, flat-footed 27
Base Atk/Grapple +13/+17
Full Atk
+21/+16/+11 One-handed (1d10+7;19-20/x2, +3 Holy Bastard Sword)
-- +2d6 vs. evil aligned
+17/+12/+7 One-handed (1d3+4;20/x2, Unarmed Strike)

SA&SQ Turn Undead(Su), Code of Conduct, Aura of Good(Ex), Detect Evil(Sp), Smite Evil(Su), Divine Grace(Su), Lay on Hands(Su), Aura of Courage(Su), Divine Health(Ex), Spells, Special Mount(Sp), Remove Disease(Sp)

Saves Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +9
Abilities Str 18(+4), Dex 12(+1), Con 14(+2), Int 14(+2), Wis 15(+2), Cha 16(+3)
Region Waterdeep
Deity Torm
Alignment LG

Bluff +5 (0 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 Feat)
Concentration +8 (6 ranks, +2 Wis)
Diplomacy +22 (15 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 Sense Motive, +2 Feat)
Handle Animal +12 (9 ranks, +3 Cha)
Knowledge (nobility) +7 (5 ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (religion) +12 (10 ranks, +2 Int)
Ride +18 (15 ranks, +1 Dex, +2 Handle Animal)
Sense Motive +19 (15 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 Feat)

Feats: Combat Expertise, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), Improved Smiting, Cosmopolitan.

Turn Undead(Su): Can turn undead 6 times per day. A turning check is made on 1d20+5; turning damage is equal to 2d6+13 on a successful check.
Code of Conduct: You must remain Lawful Good. You must respect legitimate authority, act with honor, help those in need, and punish those that harm or threaten innocents. You must never knowingly associate with evil characters, or those that consistently offend your moral code.
Aura of Good(Ex): You have a overwhelming aura of Good.
Detect Evil(Sp): At will, as the spell.
Smite Evil(Su): 3 time(s) per day, you can add +3 to your attack roll; if the creature you strike is evil, you inflict an extra 13 points of damage.
Divine Grace(Su): Add +3 to all saves.
Lay on Hands(Su): As a standard action, you can heal yourself or someone else. You can cure a total of 39 points of damage per day. These points can also be used to harm undead.
Aura of Courage(Su): You are immune to fear. All allies within 10 feet of you gain a +4 morale bonus to save against fear effects.
Divine Health(Ex): You are immune to all diseases, including magical diseases such as mummy rot and lycanthropy.
Spells: You can now cast spells. Your caster level is 6.
Special Mount(Sp): You can now call an especially intelligent, strong, and loyal steed to serve you.
Remove Disease(Sp): You can cast remove disease 3 time(s) per week, as the spell.

Spells: (caster level 6)
1 (DC 13): Divine Favor, Protection from Evil
2 (DC 14): Shield Other, Zeal
3 (DC 15): Prayer

37,650 +3 Full Plate, Moderate Fortification
17,170 +4 Shield
50,335 +3 Holy Bastard Sword
16,000 Belt of Giant Strength
4,000 +2 Cloak of Charisma

4,845 gp unspent


Alise Goodfire

Alise Goodfire
Halfling Cleric 6/Radiant Servant of Lathandar 6/Contemplative 1

The Numbers:
32 point buy
STR: 8 (10 Base - 2 Racial) 2 points
DEX: 14 (12 Base + 2 Racial) 4 points
CON: 10 (10 Base) 2 points
INT : 16 (14 Base + 2 Enhancement) 6 points
WIS: 22 (16 Base + 4 Enhancement + 2 LVL) 10 points
CHA: 22 (15 Base + 6 Enhancement + 1 LVL) 8 points

B.A.B: +8/+3 Ranged: +11 Melee: 8 Grapple: +3

Fort: + 16 (10 Base + 1 Con + 3 Resistance + 1 Racial + 1 Luck)
Ref: + 11 (4 Base + 2 Dex + 3 Resistance + 1 Racial + 1 Luck)
Will: + 25 (12 Base + 6 Will + 3 Resistance + 2 Morale + 1 Racial + 1 Luck)

Armour Class: 24 (10 base + 2 Dex + 5 Wis + 1 Monk + 2 Nat. Armour + 2 Deflection + 1 Size + 1 Luck)
Flatfooted AC: 22 (10 base + 5 Wis + 1 Monk + 2 Nat. Armour + 2 Deflection + 1 Size + 1 Luck)
Touch AC: 22 (10 base + 2 Dex + 5 Wis + 1 Monk + 2 Deflection + 1 Size + 1 Luck)
HD: 6d8+7d6 = X HP
INIT: +2
Speed: 30

Feats : (5)
Extra Turning, Quicken Spell, Divine Metamagic(Quicken), Twin Spell, Divine Metamagic(Twin)
Regional: Luck of Heroes

Concentration (+16/16 Ranks), Heal (+21/5 Ranks), Spellcraft (+21/16 Ranks), Knowledge:Religion (+21/13 Ranks), Use Magic Device (+13/7 Ranks)

Special Abilities(Racial/class):
Domains: Heal, Sun, Glory (Bonus Lathandar) Fire(Bonus Contemplative)
Spontaneous Domain casting (1st lvl Cleric, PHB 2, replaces Spontaneous Cure)
Radiance, Empower Healing, Maximize Healing, Aura of Warding, 2 Bonus Domains,
Extra Greater Turning

Turning Abilites: Can turn Undead, turn Greater Undead, and Turn Water creatures each 12 times per day
Turning level = 12
Turn Check: 1d20 + 8
Turn Damage: 3d6+ 18

Constant Buffs:
All allies in 10 feet gain +2 morale to Will Saves (Su)
**More coming soon**



Equipment: 130,000 gp

Monk's Belt (13,000 gp)
Ring of Protection + 2 (8,000 gp)
Vest of Nat Armour + 2 (8,000 gp)
Cloak of Cha + 6 (36,000 gp)
Amulet of Wisdom + 4 (16,000 gp)
Circlet of Int + 2 (4,000 gp)
Robe of Resistance + 3 (9,000 gp)
Boots of Striding + Springing (5,500)

30,500 gp


[sblock]still writing, wanted to post the raw numbers.[/sblock]
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First Post
Storm Hammerfall

Looks like Marv from Sin City, and the Thing from Fantastic 4
Height: 4'10
Weight: 206
Brown Eyes
Hair: N/A

Dwarf Barbarian1/Fighter4*/Battlerager5/Deepwarden2
HD 9d12+90 plus 3d10+30 (201 hp) DR 8/Adamantine
Init +1
Spd 30ft. base, 60 with haste boots active/15ft. burrow speed
AC 40 = 10base, +9armor, +4shield +10con, +5nat +2deflection, Touch 22, FF 28
Base Atk/Grapple: +17
Full Atk
Greataxe +19/+14/+9 1d12+8 x3
+2d6 vs. evil aligned opponents, +2d6+2 vs. undead

Improved Unarmed Strike +17/+12/+7 1d4+5 x2

+1 Maul +18 1d10 1d10+8 x2

Saves Fort: +24 = +11base +10con +3resistance
Ref +6 = 2base +1dex +3resistance
Will +18 = +5base +10con(from Steadfast determination) +3resistance

Abilities Str 16 (+3) 20(+5) 6pts, +2template, +4 enhancement bonus
Dex 12 (+1) 4pts,
Con 26(+8) 30(+10) 16pts, +2dwarf, +4template, +2ability points, +4enhancement bonus
Int 13(+1) 6pts, -2template +1ability point
Wis 8(-2) 0pts, -2template
Cha 4(-3) 0pts, -2dwarf, -2template
Region Silverymoon
Deity Tempus
Alignment CG

Climb +5 = +5str, +5ranks, -5check
Heal +3 = -2wis, +5ranks
Intimidate +14 = -3cha, +15ranks +2gruff
Jump +5(+17) = +5str, +5ranks, -5check(+12 while haste)
Knowledge: Religion +16 = +1int +15ranks
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +16 = +1int +15ranks
Perform: Sing -5 = -3cha +2ranks -4gruff
Survival -3 = -2wis +5ranks

1 - Power Attack
Regional - Foe Hunter(Orcs)
F1 - Axe Focus*
F2 - Cleave
3 - Endurance
F4 - Improved Buckler Defense
6- Enduring Life
9 - Improved Sunder
12 - Steadfast Determination


--Improved Unarmed Strike
--Close-Quarters Combat
--Great Cleave
--Reckless Offensive

Class Abilities:
-Rage 4/day: +4str/con for 16 rounds, -2 AC, +2 to will saves
-Fast movement: Storm moves at 30' per round

-Gruff: -2 to all charisma skill checks, but +2 to Intimidate
-Rock Gut: Your dwarven bonus against poisons increases to +4
-Natural Armor: Gains +2 nat armor

-Track: Storm has the track feat for free
-Stonewarden: Storm can apply his Con mod to AC instead of Dex if higher. In a situation where he'd lose his dex mod, he loses this modifier too. In that situation he is considered flat footed.


+1 Full-plate of Deathward 10,650
+4 Belt of Giant Str 16,000
+4 Periapt of Constitution 16,000
+2 Ring of protection 8,000
+1 Holy Adamantine Greataxe of Undead-bane 35,320
+3 Cloak of resistance 9,000
+1 Dwarven Waraxe 2,400
+3 buckler 9,165
+1 armor spikes 2,300
Boots of Speed 12,000
Potion of Restoration, Lesser x4 1,200
Sustaning Spoon 5,400
Bag of Holding I 2,500

65gp left

*took Dwarf Fighter Substitution level 1

Edit: I just accidently deleted the backstory I wrote out. Was several paragraphs long. Ugh.

Originally from Citadel Adbar, Storm has never had a real place in the dwarven society. It all started before he was born. You see, his mother Laila Goldenaxe, a former priestess of Haela Brightaxe was part of an adventuring company in the Western Heartlands/Sword Coast area. They took a job that required them to explore the Wood of Sharp Teeth. This would be the companies last adventure. She knew she was with child and had plans to raise a family with her husband.

The adventure would prove ill-fated, for they were attacked by a Night Hag. In the battle, Laila was driven mad via an insanity spell. Only she and another member survived. Laila would soon die in childbirth, and Storm's birth came with ill-omens. The insanity effect that burned up Laila's mind, took a toll on Storm's. However the effects were less severe.

Storm's affliction manifests itself in an irrational paranoia of non-threatening things. And other wild beliefs. Which is ironic given that he is a battlerager. Storm was wild, to the extreme. He even made other battleragers look tame. He was a loose cannon, so to protect their society, Storm was sent on many adventures far flung from his home in the Silver Marches. On one such adventure he went deeper into the Underdark to bring back an ancient dwarven relic. He was captured, tortured and eventually magically transformed into the monster he is now. His new masters were a cabal of vampires, who used him for many things. Light feeding, as they called it(where vampires only take small amounts of blood, enabling the victim to stay alive long) in addition to the standard violent fare.

Eventually Storm was able to break free from his servitude, and destroy his former masters. He travels Faerun now, as a sell-sword garbed in heavy robes to mask his grotesque appearance. He has recently come to Waterdeep hearing rumors of dark creatures in the background.
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He's not done yet, but you get the gist of it.

[Sblock=Naz Roth]
Naz Roth
Description: Dressed in the greens and browns of the forest.
Gender: Male, Race: Tiefling (LA Buyback)
Sizecategory: Medium, 5'5" tall, 115 lbs, 135 yrs old
Brown hair; Brown eyes; Tanned skin
Alignment: Chaotic Good, XP: 81,000, Next Level: 91,000
Speaks Common, Infernal, Draconic, Goblin, and Orc
Class: Barbarian Variant 2nd / Psion(Egoist) 2nd / Fighter 1st / Slayer 8rd

Str 18 (+4 Mod) = 14 ( 6 pts) (+4 Enh)
Dex 24 (+7 Mod) = 16 (10 pts) (+2 Race, +2 Lvl, +4 Enh)
Con 16 (+3 Mod) = 14 ( 6 pts) (+2 Enh)
Int 18 (+4 Mod) = 15 ( 8 pts) (+2 Race, +1 Lvl
Wis 10 (+0 Mod) = 10 ( 2 pts)
Cha 6 (-2 Mod) = 8 ( 0 pts) (-2 Race)

Hit Points 97 = 12 + 7 + (3 *2) + 6 + (5*8) + (13*3 CON) (-1*13 Trait)
AC 23 (10 Base, +6 Armor, +6 DEX, +1 Deflection)
• Touch 17 (10 Base, +6 DEX, +1 Deflection)
• Flat 17 (10 Base, +6 Armor, +1 Deflection)
• Both 11 (10 Base, +1 Deflection)
Init +7 (+7 DEX)
BAB +12/+7/+2; Grap +16 (+4 STR, +12 BAB)
Speed: 85' (base 30' +10' Brb +10' Fleet of Foot, +10' Quick Trait, +10 SoT Feat, +15' Boots, Light Armor)
Capacity: 100/200/300
Weight Carried: 37 lbs

Fort +14 (+7 base, +3 CON, +4 Cloak)
Refl +13 (+2 base, +7 DEX, +4 Cloak)
Will +13 (+9 base, +0 WIS, +4 Cloak)
[+2 vs Enchantment, +4 vs Mind Affecting]

+20/+20/+20/+20/+15/+15/+10/+10 Ranged, Elvencraft Deep Crystal Composite[+4] Splitting Longbow +1, 1d8+5, 20/x3, 110'r
• To Hit: (+12/+7/+2 BAB, +7 DEX, +1 Enhancement, +1 Bracers)
• Damage: (+4 STR, +2 Enhancement, +4d6 Feat, +2d6 per 2 pp) [+6 vs Illithids]
+20/+20/+7 Ranged, Elvencraft Serren Composite[+4] Longbow +1, 1d8+5, 20/x3, 110'r
• To Hit: (+12/+7/+2 BAB, +7 DEX, +1 Enhancement, +1 Bracers)
+17/+12/+7 Melee, Greatsword +1, 2d6+6, 19-20/x2 [+6 vs Illithids]
• To Hit: (+12/+7/+2 BAB, +4 STR)
+16/+11/+6 Melee, Elvencraft Composite[+4] Longbow , 1d8+6, 19-20/x2 [+6 vs Illithids]
• To Hit: (+12/+7/+2 BAB, +4 STR)

Skills: (28 Barbarian, 6 Fighter, 10 Psi, 64 Slr)
+9 Listen = (5 Brb, 3 Slr) [+6 vs Illithids]
+6 Spot = (4/2 Brb) [+6 vs Illithids]
+5 Survival = (5 Brb) (+0 WIS)
+11 Concentration = (4 Brb, 3 Psi, 3 Slr) (+1 CON)
+8 Knowledge(Dungeoneering) (4/2 Brb, 2 Psi) (+4 INT)
+4 Handle Animal = (2 Rng) (+2 Tool)
+2 Spellcraft = (4/2 Brb) (+4 INT)
+4 Psicraft = (2 Psi) (+2 INT)
+4 Tumble = (2/2 Slr) (+7 DEX)
+3 Hide = (0 Brb) (+7 DEX)
+4 Move Silently = (1 Rng) (+7 DEX)

Regional - Fleet of Foot
Lvl I - Track
Brb II (Bonus) - Rapid Shot
Psi I (Bonus) - Speed of Thought
Ftr I (Bonus) - Point Blank Shot
Lvl III - Practiced Manifester
Lvl VI - Precise Shot
Lvl IX - Manyshot
Lvl XII - Improved Rapid Shot

Tiefling Racial Traits:
• +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.
• Darkvision out to 60 feet.
• Racial Skills: Tieflings have a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Hide checks.
• Racial Feats: A tiefling gains feats according to its class levels.
• Special Attacks: Darkness (1/Day).
• Special Qualities: Resistance to cold 5, electricity 5, and fire 5.

Barbarian Variant Class Abilities:
• Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons.
• Proficient with Light and Medium Armor and all Shields except Tower Shields.
• Fast Movement (Ex): +10'
• Combat Style: Rapid Shot
• Uncanny Dodge

Fighter Class Abilities:
• Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons.
• Proficient with all Armor and shields (including tower shields).
• Bonus Feats.

Slayer Class Abilities:
• Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons.
• Proficient with all types of Armor.
• Favored Enemy (Ex): Illithids, +6 to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, and Damage.
• Enemy Sense (Su): Can sense presence of an Illithid within 60 feet, even if they are hidden by darkness or walls, but cannot discern exact location.
• Brain Nausea: To eat slayer’s brain, must succeed on a Will save (DC 15 + slayer’s class level) or become disinclined to do so for 24 hours. Active even if unconscious, stunned, or otherwise helpless.
• Lucid Buffer: +4 competence bonus on saving throws against all compulsions and mind-affecting effects even if unconscious, stunned, or otherwise helpless.
• Cerebral Blind (Su): Protected from all devices, powers, and spells that reveal location including information gathering by clairsentience powers, effects that reveal location, bend reality, limited wish, miracle, reality revision, and wish when they are used to gain information about the slayer’s location (however, metafaculty can pierce this protective barrier). In the case of remote viewing or scrying that scans an area a slayer is in, the effect works, but the slayer simply isn’t detected. Remote viewing or scrying attempts that are targeted specifically at a slayer do not work. This ability is active as long as the slayer is psionically focused.
• Breach Power Resistance (Su): Each successful melee attack (or ranged attack if the target is within 30 feet temporarily reduces power/spell resistance by 1. It returns in 12 hours. Must be psionically focused.

Powers Known (Total PP: 23 = 17 Base, +6 Bonus) Per Fight: 8 pp
1st: Force Screen, Offensive Precognition, Crystal Shard, Vigor, Defensive Precognition
2nd: Specified Energy Adaptation, x, x, x
3rd: x, x, x, x
4th: x, x, x, x
5th: Psionic True Seeing, x

• Gain Psionic Focus

Equipment: [78,700 gp]
Traveler's outfit (Worn, 0 lbs)
Mithral Chain Shirt of Landing +2 (Worn, 15 lbs) 9,200 gp
• Ysgardian Heartwire (+1,500 gp) [+2 AC vs confirming criticals]
Gloves of Dexterity +4 (Worn, 0 lbs) 16,000 gp
Belt of Strength +4 (Worn, 0 lbs) 16,000 gp
Amulet of Health +2 (Worn, 0 lbs) 4,000 gp
Cloak of Resistance +4 (Worn, 0 lbs) 16,000 gp
Ring of Protection +1 (Worn, 0 lbs) 2,000 gp
Lesser Bracers of Archery (Worn, ) 5,000 gp
Crystal Mask of Mindarmor (Worn, 1/2 lb) 10,667 gp [+4 Will Saves]
Boots of Skating (Worn) 7,000 gp
Heward's Handy Haversack (Worn, ? lbs) 2,000 gp

Weapons: [45,690 gp]
Elvencraft Deep Crystal Composite[+4] Splitting Longbow +1 (Quiver, 0[3] lbs) 33,800 gp
Elvencraft Serren Composite[+4] Longbow +1 (Quiver, 0[3] lbs) 7,100 gp
60 arrows (Quiver, 0[9] lbs) 3 gp
60 Silver arrows (Quiver, 0[9] lbs) 123 gp
60 Cold Iron arrows (Quiver, 0[9] lbs) 6 gp
Greatsword +1 (Back, 8 lbs) 2,350 gp
Kukri +1 (Belt[Front], 2 lbs) 2,308 gp

Potions: [150 gp]
Protection from Evil: 50 gp

Dorjes: [1,500 gp]

Synesthete: 100 gp [Feel Light]

Power Stones:
Enlarged Extended Entangling Ectoplasm(ML 3): 75 gp [Entangle Medium, 10 rounds, 65 ft]
Enlarged Extended Entangling Ectoplasm(ML 5): 125 gp [Entangle Large, 10 rounds, 75 ft]

Other Possessions: [667 gp]

Total Gold Used: 110,907 gp out of 130,000
Total Gold Left: 4,355 gp
Total XP Spent: 3,000 XP on LA Buyback.


It seems like a dark cloud is always hanging over Naz's head. This is because of his guilt about his ancestry that he is continuously working to overcome. That's all he'll tell anyone about his dark past. No one is sure What his ancestry could be, though a few have speculated. Many would say that all the good he has done would more than outweigh any deeds done by his forefathers, but the cloud persists and he continues his endeavors.
He has trouble controlling his tongue and his temper, but he is embarrased about this fact. Those that know him well, though, know that he is a very kind and caring man who is dedicated to his real friends and would do most anything for them.
Naz is a pale skinned man with jet black hair. He usually has a grim expression on his face but is otherwise an ordinary looking person. He dresses in blacks and greys that seem to fit his demeanor, but is not opposed to dressing up in colorful outfits for special occasions.
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First Post
Heres a second character concept.

Name: Melfina

Physical Description:
Race: Human with Feral template (+1 LA, pg 115 Savage Species), Alignment: CG, Deity: Chauntea, Size: M, Age: 16, Gender: F, Height: 5'1, Weight: 103 lbs, Eyes: Green, Hair: Blue, Skin: White

Levels: 3 Cleric, 4 Sorcerer, 2 Geomancer, 3 Mystic Theurge

Str: 24 (14 Base +4 Racial +6 Enhancement)
Dex: 14 (12 Base -2 Racial +4 Enhancement)
Con: 14 (12 Base + 2 Racial)
Int: 10 (14 Base -4 Racial)
Wis: 20 (14 Base +2 Racial +4 Enhancement)
Cha: 23 (14 Base +3 Level +6 Enhancement)

HP: 71
BAB: +6/+1 (+12/+7/+2 Buffed)
Grapple: +10 (+19 Buffed)
Fort: +13 = +8 Base +2 Con +3 Resistance
Ref: +8 = +3 Base +2 Dex +3 Resistance
Will: +20 = +13 Base +4 Wis +3 Resistance
AC: 40 = 10 Base +2 Dex +9 Armor +6 Natural Armor +6 Shield +4 Wis +1 Monk +1 Dodge +1 Deflection
Touch AC: 25 = 10 Base + 2 Dex + 6 Shield +4 Wis +1 Monk +1 Dodge +1 Deflection
Flat Footed AC: 38 = 10 Base +9 Armor +6 Natural Armor +6 Shield +4 Wis +1 Monk +1 Dodge +1 Deflection
Initiative: +2
Speed: 80 ft (90 ft Fly Good)
Languages: Common

Feats: Extend Spell, Persistant Spell, Divine Metamagic (Persistant Spell), Divine Might, Extra Turning x2, Fleet of Foot

Special Abilities: Drifts (Cat's Tail, Leapard Spots), Spell Versatility 1, Ley Lines +1 (Forest), Animal Domain, Plant Domain, Turn Undead, Metamagic Specialist

Knowledge Arcana: +6 = 6 Ranks +0 Int
Knowledge Religion: +6 = 6 Ranks +0 Int
Knowledge Nature: +6 = 6 Ranks +0 Int
Concentration: +14 = 12 Ranks +2 Con
Tumble: +2 = 1/2 Ranks +2 Dex
Spot: +11 = 6 Ranks +5 Wis

Spells Known (Sorcerer):
0 (7): Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash, Ray of Frost, Dancing Lights
1st (5): True Strike, Magic Missile, Wraithstrike, Comprehend Languages, Shield
2nd (3): Melf's Acid Arrow, See Invisibility, Invisibility
3rd (2): Haste, Fly

Spells Per Day (Sorcerer):
0 (6), 1st (8), 2nd (7), 3rd (5)

Spells Prepared (Cleric):
0 (6): Light x2, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1st (7): Ebon Eyes, Comprehend Languages x2, Divine Favor x2, Summon Monster I x2, Entangle
2nd (5): Cloud Wings x2, Undetectable Alignment, Lesser Restoration x2, Barkskin
3rd (5): Meld Into Stone, Stoneshape, Waterbreathing, Daylight, Deeper Darkness, Dominate Animal
4th (4): Divine Power, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Magic Vestements (Extend Spell), Summon Natures Ally IV

Buffs Cast: Divine Power (Persistant Spell), Shield (Persistant Spell), Magic Vestiments (Extend Spell), Wraithstrike (Persistant Spell), Haste (Persistant Spell), Fly (Persistant Spell)

Attacks: (Attacks assume the use of Divine Might)
Claws: +21/+21/+21 (Touch), 1d8 +14, x2 Critical
Rake: +21/+21 (Touch), 1d8 +10, x2 Critical
Rend: 2d8 +28 [/sblock]

+6 Cloak of Charisma 36,000gp
Heward's Handy Haversack 2,000gp
+4 Mithril Breastplate 17,200gp
+4 Gloves of Dex 16,000gp
+4 Periapt of Wisdom 16,000gp
Monk's Belt 13,000gp
Necklace of Natural Weapons 5,200gp
+1 Ring of Deflection 4,000gp
Ring of Sustanance 2,500gp
Boots of Striding and Springing 5,500gp
+3 Vest of Resistance 9,000gp
Bag of Holding I 2,500gp
50 ft Silk Rope 10 gp
Shovel 2 gp
Heavy Wooden Shield 7 gp
Waterskin 1 gp
4 Days Trail Rations 2 gp
4 Bells 4 gp
100 Candles 1 gp
Flint + Steel 1 gp
Grappling Hook 1
71 gp [/sblock]

Melfina was born and raised as an Archmage's pet. Crafted in a bizarre arcane experiment by her master, Helmer Bearn, she possessed an animals simplemindedness and contentment, while at the same time had a humanoids capicity to learn. It was soon discovered as she was growing up that she had a strong aptitude for magic, and Helmer gladly tought her how to use it. Many years of isolation left the caster lonely and depressed, his research progressing too slowly to cure him of his need for companionship. Melfina filled this void, and in return he poured years into her, teaching her as much as she could learn. While she had an innate talent for magic, she did not possess the intelligence for complicated thought, and cast more with her heart than with her head. When she grew old enough, she explored outside the secure walls of her masters home into the surrounding wilderness, and came across sevral peasant farming communities. The people were scared at first of the odd looking girl, but soon recognised her friendly nature and befriended her. Melfina took an interest in a small group of Clerics of Chauntea. Like her master Helmer, these clerics tried to instil their knowledge into Melfina. She became skilled at their rituals and spells over time, but could not grasp the complexity of religeous thought. Still, she helped the clerics with their work in aiding the peasant farmers of the area, if not just for the chance to be useful. When Melfina was entering her late teens, Helmer got into a fued with another Archmage, and lost in a spellduel the subsequently cost him his life. Before he died, he told Melfina he had wanted her to go see the rest of the world, to experience things she never could staying around her home. He couldn't bring himself to part with her company before, but the fact that he was dying gave oppertunity for him to ask her to go. After his funeral, she packed up what little belongings she had and set off to see the world. [/sblock]

Melfina's cat-like appearance makes her an unusual sight to behold, and she turns more than a few heads when she walks through a city street. Her ragged look and ferocious claws make her seem wild and dangerous, though her bright eyes and innocent expression reveal her to be a, for the most part, friendly creature. Despite her years of interaction with humaniods, Melfina was never able to fully grasp the art of social interaction, lacking any form of tact, class, or manners. She is a very trusting creature, and good natued, though she does not take well to betrayal, and when she is angered tends to go a little out of control. She has a fascination with the color blue, and wears as much of it as possible. She is also known to stare when she notices something blue, and spends many an hour staring off into the sky. Her most notable feature though is her curiosity. She loves to see and experience new things, and her lack of restraint in that regard has gotten her in to trouble on more than one occasion. [/sblock]
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