Tempest Fugit


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"Gur, good to have you along with me." Devlin eyes the dog and slowly holds out his hand for it to sniff. "Wow, that name's quite a mouthful. Mind if I just call him Grue?"

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The red-haired halfling introduces himself "Hiya all!! For those who haven't heared of me: my name is Talbin! At your service. I must say i'm really excited about all this! Hidden shards... ressurected dragons.. hidden cults! Can't wait to get topt he bottem of this! Anyway.. is there something to eat around here? Some stew maybe?"


First Post
Devlin turns to Tor. "Tor...why does that sound familiar? Oh, yes, I believe I heard some people mention you in the Red Dragon. Some rumor about you being some sort of dragonkin or something."


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The grey elf clad in robes nods to all present and introduces himself.

"I'm Almayce, nice to meet you and so on.", he says.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: And since everyone is here)

*Rayne arrives to give the group any remaining pointers she has.*

"The Tempest Shard apparently lies somewhere in the deserts surrounding the Tower of Wind. There are two areas of the desert known as Djinn's Lament and Griffon's Claw, both of which are nestled around strong ley lines of wind energy. It is likely that the shard will be somewhere in that region. However, it is incredibly vast. Finding the shard would be like finding a needle in the proverbial haystack, if the haystack was also covered with many tons of sand."


Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: And since everyone is here)

*Rayne arrives to give the group any remaining pointers she has.*

"The Tempest Shard apparently lies somewhere in the deserts surrounding the Tower of Wind. There are two areas of the desert known as Djinn's Lament and Griffon's Claw, both of which are nestled around strong ley lines of wind energy. It is likely that the shard will be somewhere in that region. However, it is incredibly vast. Finding the shard would be like finding a needle in the proverbial haystack, if the haystack was also covered with many tons of sand."

"How big is this shard? Is it a giant shard? Like say, fourty feet tall? Cause, ya know, I'm good at finding giants. It's no problem at all for me, see, I can spot a giant a mile away. Well... I guess everyone can. Either way, if your crystal is giant, I'm your man."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Unfortunately, though the shards vary in size, the long side would be about a foot or two at most. Still, when you think about putting them all together, that's one enormous gem."


Dungannon said:
Devlin turns to Tor. "Tor...why does that sound familiar? Oh, yes, I believe I heard some people mention you in the Red Dragon. Some rumor about you being some sort of dragonkin or something."

"Rumors are odd things, don't you think? Everything from the most prosaic comments to the most wild. They're often at odds with the truth, in my experience."

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