Templates for PC

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I just wanted to know if anyone could point me in the direction of the rules for applying templates to PCs.

There are no rules for applying templates to PCs. Some templates - like vampires - might be best represented by a feat chain. Others - like liches - are probably best saved for paragon paths.

More worryingly, there's no hard-and-fast rule for applying templates to solo creatures, so as yet there's no way to make a dragon wizard.
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More worrying, there's no hard-and-fast rule for applying templates to solo creatures, so as yet there's no way to make a dragon wizard.

Add 1 level. Giving a dragon more options doesn't make it much harder. That is my hard and fast rule, at least until further notice.


Considering 4E design's philosophy so far, I doubt we will ever see rules for PC templates.

* As a DM if you want vampire and lich PCs players n such, for example, you will have to do it yourself (easy, just give the PCs the template's powers but not the HPs, saves n action points) knowing you will screw up the game's balance. And there is no such thing as a werewolf template because they are a born race and not the result of a curse or disease. If you want PCs like that I suggest you just create a new werewolf PC race or vampire PC race instead. The rest of the templates are role based and are kind of "NPC classes" and PCs have no business being liches (although you can apply the above suggestion if you really insist).

* As a player, you would be asking the DM to make yourself more powerful than other players by having a template like those in the DMG.

In short : templates are for NPCs only and will probably always be. If you want wonky PCs create new races instead.


Solo Elite templates

My way was as follows, since it simply says "monster" not "standard monster"

Treat "Counts as 2 monsters for XP and encounter building purposes" as "Counts as 1 extra monster for XP and building purposes"

Treat "1 Action point" as "1 extra action point"

Apply powers, save bonuses, hp bonuses, exactly as stated.

So an Elite solo monster counts as 6 monsters, has a +2 save bonus over a normal solo, more hit points, more powers.

It seemed like the simplest way, and allows for monsters of a high coolness. Might also recommend removing some prerequisites from templates, like Humanoid. In order to allow:

Vampire dragons. So, when Silver dragon comes out, (or a decent homebrew) you can stat out a 4th ed version of Lashonna.

How does this sound?


Solo dragon modifications :

If it suits your style (vampire dragons that is, for example) they are better covered as unique monsters (just like the dracoliches were treated) than trying to apply a template to the normal dragon.

Templates :

Trying to apply templates to everything you want to modify is a 3Eism that you don't need in 4E. This is both true for solo and for PCs. Templates are not to be used in 4E the same way they were in 3E.

Design new solos based on the original (easy) and new PC/NPC races instead of trying to apply templates to them.


main reason for doing it that way

its quick and easy way of getting a wizard dragon, or a dracolich that actually feels like the dragon it was originally created from.

That said, i wouldn't apply templates all the time, but it was quickest way to get some of the old 3.5 ed dragons.

What if the templates were made into paragon paths?

Paragon Path: Lich
Pre: Any Arcane/Divine?
Necrotic Master (lvl 11)- You can change a power's energy keyword to necrotic, or add necrotic energy to an attack power that doesn't normally deal energy damage.

Necromantic Action (lvl 11): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you gain an Aura 5 that deals 5 Necrotic energy damage until the end of the encounter.

Regeneration (lvl 16): When you become bloodied, you gain Regeneration 10. Any radiant damage you take causes your regeneration to cease functioning

And maybe gain Spellmaster as a new power?

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