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D&D 5E Test of High Level 5E: Design 4 or 5 lvl 13 PCs for 6 to 8 encounter adventuring day

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Jubali: Half-elf female Lore Bard 10/warlock (Fey Pact) 3
(Stat Points: 27, Half-elf racial bonuses: +1 dex, +1 Con, +2 Cha)
Medium Female Humanoid
Armor Class 14 (studded leather armor)
Hit Points 107 (13d8+39)
Speed 30 ft.
Senses Darkvision 60ft.
Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 19 (+4)
Alignment chaotic neutral
Languages common, elvish, draconic, sylvan.

Proficiency (+5)
Saving Throws: Wis, Cha, Con
Darkvision (60 feet)
Keen Senses
Fey Ancestry
Skill Versatility (Perception, Acrobatics)
Bardic Inspiration (4/short rest; d10)
Son of Rest (d8)
Jack of All Trades (+2; includes initiative)
Bard College (Lore)
Expertise (Stealth, Perception, Acrobatics, Persuasion)
Font of Inspiration
Magical Secrets (10th, Circle of Power, counterspell)
Bonus Proficiencies (College of Lore: Investigation, Arcana, Performance)
Cutting Words (60 feet, creatures immune to charm are immune, uses inspiration)
Additional Magical Secrets (+2 spells any class: wall of stone, banishment
Pact Magic (Pact of the Chain: Sprite, cast find familiar as ritual)
Eldritch Invocations (Agonizing Blast, Devil Sight)
Fey Presence [10 foot cube, Frightened or Charm until end of next turn, Wis Save]

SKILLS (Passive Perception 21)
History +5, Persuasion +14, Perception +11, Acrobatics +12, Insight +6, Athletics +4, Stealth +12, Investigation +5, Arcana +5, Performance +9
TOOLS: Lute, Flute, Harp.

LEVEL BONUSES: +2 Charisma, Resilient: Con

ACTIONS (Initiative +4)
Melee Attacks— Dagger (2): +7/+7 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Hit: 1d6+2/1d4+2 piercing damage
Ranged Attack—Dagger: +7 to hit (range 20/60 ft; one creature).
Hit: 1d4+2 piercing damage
Ranged Attack—Eldritch Blast: +9 to hit (range 120 ft; 3 beams)
Hit: 1d10+4

Arcane Focus (bard and warlock), dungeoneer's pack, studded leather armor.

Background -Noble (Daughter of human king of a small kingdom that married an elf woman)
Feature: Position of Privilege
Skill Proficiencies-History (Int), Persuasion (Cha)
Tool Proficiencies: Cards (She enjoys card games that are a mix of chance and skill)
Languages: Sylvan
Appearance: A strikingly beautiful, silvery blond-haired woman with a lithe, voluptuous build and vibrant sky-blue eyes filled with whimsy. Her voice is flirtatious and musical.
Traits: I am always in motion like the wind dancing across the world.
Ideals: Independence (I am beholden to no one and refuse to be confined by the world of human nobility)
Bond: My loyalty to my mother is unwavering.
Flaw: In fact, the world does revolve around me.

BARD SPELL SLOTS: 4/3/3/3/2 (+9 spell attack, DC 17 save)
BARD SPELLS KNOWN: 14 (+2 magical secrets Lore Bard; up to lvl 5)
Cantrips (4): vicious mockery, mage hand, prestidigitation, minor illusion,
1st: healing word, silent image,thunderwave
2nd: see invisibility, suggestion, heat metal
3rd: hypnotic pattern, dispel magic, counterspell
4th: dimension door, greater invisibility, banishment
5th: greater restoration, hold monster, circle of power, wall of force

WARLOCK SPELLS KNOWN (2 cantrips, 4 spells known up to 2nd level)
Cantrips: eldritch blast, chill touch
1st: faerie fire, sleep, hex
2nd: darkness,

Character Building Notes
1. I'm going Fey Pact instead of Fiend for a change. I've always wanted to try it. I'm making it so lvl 1 warlock was the first one taken to gain Wisdom and Charisma as base saves and would have provided primary offense early.

Cool. Im seeeing wall of stone in there as a magical secret but not as a spell known. Did you swap it out for something?

I think elven chain is thematically appropriate. Lets throw in Boots of speed and a Gem of seeing and 2 potions of greater healing (similar to the other PCs). All should be useful with kiting and scouting.

For what its worth, I feel that this character will excell in this adventure with a few of the options youve presented above.


Thomas Bushbriar
[/B]Halfling/Lightfoot,Rogue/Thief 13
Folk Hero,Neutral Good
Armor Class17
Hit Points83
Speed25 ft.
Personality trait
I'm confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others.
Fairness. No one should get preferential treatment before the law, and no one is above the law. (Lawful)
I stood alone against a terrible monster.
Suffers from kleptomania for magic items, Occasionally gets lost in internal monologues
8 (-1)
20 (+5)
12 (+1)
11 (0)
14 (+2)
14 (+2)
Proficiency Bonus+5
Animal Handling +12(expertise)
Investigation 10(expertise)
Perception +7,
Sleight of Hand +15(expertise)
Stealth +15(expertise)
Survival +7
Sensespassive Perception 17
Rapier.Melee +10 rHit: 1d8 -1 (STR) or 1d8 +5 (DEX - finesse) piercing damage.

Dagger.Melee +10 range 20/60 ft. 1d4+5piercing damage.

Crossbow +10 range 80/320 ft. Hit: 1d8 +5 piercing damage.
Sharpshooter.You know
Racial Abilitys
Halfling Nimbleness.
Naturally Stealthy

Rogue Abilitys

Sneak Attack.7d6
Thieves' Cant
Cunning Action.
Uncanny Dodge.
Reliable Talent.
Fast Hands.
Second-Story Work.
Supreme Sneak
Use Magic Device.


Studded leather Armour
Light Crossbow
Thieves tools
5bags of caltrops
5sticks of chalk
Climbers kit
10flasks of oil
Hooded lantern
1000 ball bearings
2smoke sticks

Short even for a halfling very slight of build long brown hair pulled into a nice neat pony tail

Thomas Bushbriar is the hero of the halfling village of Clear Water that became under the influence of a cult of the Nerul. Thomas saved the village by stealing the powerfull enchanted ring from the high priest of nerul and turning its power upon the worshipers themselves with no ill effects to himself(or so he thinks he now has the undying urge to steal anything that emits even slightest magical energy oh and the voice in his head that urges him to kill, he nearly never listens...)

Hope its easy enough to understand and make out.
For magic items i was wondering about some goggles which granted him the ability to see magic or some way of detecting magic. Would be cool if he stole an alchemists stone from some one aswell but ill let you decied


Dragon Lord
Cool. Im seeeing wall of stone in there as a magical secret but not as a spell known. Did you swap it out for something?

I think elven chain is thematically appropriate. Lets throw in Boots of speed and a Gem of seeing and 2 potions of greater healing (similar to the other PCs). All should be useful with kiting and scouting.

For what its worth, I feel that this character will excell in this adventure with a few of the options youve presented above.

Yes. I had a duh moment and remembered I could get wall of force. So I changed it for that. I'll update.

Thomas Bushbriar
[/B]Halfling/Lightfoot,Rogue/Thief 13
Folk Hero,Neutral Good
Armor Class17
Hit Points83
Speed25 ft.
Personality trait
I'm confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others.
Fairness. No one should get preferential treatment before the law, and no one is above the law. (Lawful)
I stood alone against a terrible monster.
Suffers from kleptomania for magic items, Occasionally gets lost in internal monologues
8 (-1)
20 (+5)
12 (+1)
11 (0)
14 (+2)
14 (+2)
Proficiency Bonus+5
Animal Handling +12(expertise)
Investigation 10(expertise)
Perception +7,
Sleight of Hand +15(expertise)
Stealth +15(expertise)
Survival +7
Sensespassive Perception 17
Rapier.Melee +10 rHit: 1d8 -1 (STR) or 1d8 +5 (DEX - finesse) piercing damage.

Dagger.Melee +10 range 20/60 ft. 1d4+5piercing damage.

Crossbow +10 range 80/320 ft. Hit: 1d8 +5 piercing damage.
Sharpshooter.You know
Racial Abilitys
Halfling Nimbleness.
Naturally Stealthy

Rogue Abilitys

Sneak Attack.7d6
Thieves' Cant
Cunning Action.
Uncanny Dodge.
Reliable Talent.
Fast Hands.
Second-Story Work.
Supreme Sneak
Use Magic Device.


Studded leather Armour
Light Crossbow
Thieves tools
5bags of caltrops
5sticks of chalk
Climbers kit
10flasks of oil
Hooded lantern
1000 ball bearings
2smoke sticks

Short even for a halfling very slight of build long brown hair pulled into a nice neat pony tail

Thomas Bushbriar is the hero of the halfling village of Clear Water that became under the influence of a cult of the Nerul. Thomas saved the village by stealing the powerfull enchanted ring from the high priest of nerul and turning its power upon the worshipers themselves with no ill effects to himself(or so he thinks he now has the undying urge to steal anything that emits even slightest magical energy oh and the voice in his head that urges him to kill, he nearly never listens...)

Hope its easy enough to understand and make out.
For magic items i was wondering about some goggles which granted him the ability to see magic or some way of detecting magic. Would be cool if he stole an alchemists stone from some one aswell but ill let you decied

A NG Kleptomaniac who hears voices urging him to murder. Nice :)

You can have a set of googles that require attunement, but allow you to cast detect magic 2/short rest. You also have a dagger of venom (looted from the temple to Nerul), glamored studded leather armor, 10 x crossbow bolts +1, 2 x potions of greater healing, and a bag of holding.


A NG Kleptomaniac who hears voices urging him to murder. Nice :)

You can have a set of googles that require attunement, but allow you to cast detect magic 2/short rest. You also have a dagger of venom (looted from the temple to Nerul), glamored studded leather armor, 10 x crossbow bolts +1, 2 x potions of greater healing, and a bag of holding.
Swish ill add them in when I return from this family outing I'm about to embark on. He is good really just sometimes the voice can get really loud and compelling you can only stave off the command of a deity for so long


First Post
  • Bedrock has a +1 longsword and a spell guard shield. You've also been lucky enough to read a manual of bodily health on your journeys to date; add +2 to your Con score. He carries 2 potions of greater healing in addition to his standard adventuring gear, and all reasonable costly components for his spells.
  • Edward has a staff +1 that also doubles as a wand of the war mage +1, and a ring of evasion. He carries 2 potions of greater healing and all reasonable costly components for spells.
Thanks. I'll update their summaries. :)

This should be good. In some ways, [MENTION=5834]Celtavian[/MENTION] and I are at opposite ends of the "how we play the game" spectrum; he is more interested in the mechanics and I'm more interested in the narrative. If we were all sitting around a table playing it conventionally this might be source of friction but the way we are going to do it here, presenting encounters and talking through how we with our characters would handle it, we avoid that and what we will get will be more representative of a wider population of players. Everything is good :)


Dragon Lord
Both the paladin and rogue are in easy power word: kill range which is unusual for an min-maxed character. Poison and cold damage are nasty with weak cons and concentration saves will be difficult to make at times. So a fairly optimized bard with a suboptimal paladin, wizard, and rogue. It will be interesting to see how optimized Flamestrike's encounters are. If they are built for a highly optimized group, this might be a slaughter. We shall see.


Both the paladin and rogue are in easy power word: kill range which is unusual for an min-maxed character. Poison and cold damage are nasty with weak cons and concentration saves will be difficult to make at times. So a fairly optimized bard with a suboptimal paladin, wizard, and rogue. It will be interesting to see how optimized Flamestrike's encounters are. If they are built for a highly optimized group, this might be a slaughter. We shall see.
Never had power word kill happen before, so didnt plan for it. Wasn't worrying to much about his defences was going pew pew. We should be able to evaporate casters during suprise provided we do our sscouting correctly.

If its an issue I can go back and run a full op. At some point today I didn't want to go to far


Dragon Lord
Thanks. I'll update their summaries. :)

This should be good. In some ways, [MENTION=5834]Celtavian[/MENTION] and I are at opposite ends of the "how we play the game" spectrum; he is more interested in the mechanics and I'm more interested in the narrative. If we were all sitting around a table playing it conventionally this might be source of friction but the way we are going to do it here, presenting encounters and talking through how we with our characters would handle it, we avoid that and what we will get will be more representative of a wider population of players. Everything is good :)

If I were DM, I would adjust for a less min-maxed character and focus more on story.

As far as a player, I focus heavily on narrative and mechanics. I don't think one need take a back seat to the other in actual play. My characters always have a theme. Even these quickly thrown together characters had a theme with clear personalities for each one. I do build mechanically to be dominant. I would definitely have built the paladin, wizard, and rogue differently. You have very easy to exploit weaknesses in the Con area which is absolutely a vital stat given the concentration mechanic and the saves like petrification and poisoned conditions that seem highly prevalent in the game.

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