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D&D 5E Test of High Level 5E: Design 4 or 5 lvl 13 PCs for 6 to 8 encounter adventuring day


Dragon Lord

Did you give the cleric magic items?

Questions for Myrken?

Do you have a way to transport us to the location quickly, so we don't have to waste time with travel? Do you have any idea of the defenses of the place? Have you divined the location of the objects or are they defended against scrying? Any scouting reports from adventurers that failed but returned? Do you have any additional equipment you can supply to ensure success given the nature of the world being destroyed?

What is the particular event we must stop to prevent the destruction of the world? Are the items being used in some ritual to accomplish this effect? If we recover a single item, can we break the ritual? As in can we go after the easiest to recover artifact and halt the magic that is going to destroy the world?

OOC: Utilize Insight. Is Myrken perhaps Keraptis in disguise seeking to trick us into his lair for his entertainment?
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First Post

There is a problem. I haven't seen the cleric. Is it male or female? Human or some other race? Does it have wings? Does it speak Common? Is it 8-legged Cleric of Lolth? Does it even fit in the room? This isn't my character asking, it's me.
[MENTION=5834]Celtavian[/MENTION] - would you mind posting your cleric's character sheet? Or at least tell me what race and gender it is? Even a name would help.

I'm okay with redesigning my characters Celtavian's way, spells, equipment and so on, but remember the characters have never been to White Plume Mountain before, so they would have no idea how to optimize themselves retrospectively against it (even if they understood the concept). Even, as we have seen, something as simple as "is it dark in this dungeon?"

I'm happy to withdraw and let this revert to Celtavian v. Flamestike as originally intended. It's not too late, we haven't started yet. It might be simpler, though, if we at least use all five of Celtavians's original characters, because he's gone to a lot of trouble to optimize them to a satisfactory standard and mine are a poor substitute.

I get that we're not doing this for fun. I get that this is a bit of mental arm-wrestling and the world will end if we don't get the metagaming right. But now we've got a situation where the guy who didn't want to play the adventure has come back and is telling the other players how to play their characters?

This is turning into a stress test, but not the kind you thought you were running.

Now, back to the un-game. Yes, I do want to cast Rary's as a ritual, now that everyone is present. If only because it's the only way my characters can communicate with the 7-legged blob of invisible plastic called "cleric". With Rary's, you don't need to speak the same language! And also because it will allow them to ask questions of Myrkyn for the first hour while they are traveling to the dungeon and getting started. Because although it takes ten precious minutes, it's more optimal to make that arrangement to save time in the long run, rather than sitting in the tavern trying to second-guess the adventure while the clock ticks away.

Sheesh, do I have to explain everything?

According to the scenario as I've seen it, the demon has escaped from the sword, so the sword no longer exists. Presumably its erstwhile owner regrets this. I'm planning to rescue Keraptis (if he's still alive) and join forces with him to banish the demon. So I need the cleric to be capable of doing that.



Generally speaking:

Passive perception is required to spot something is amiss or detect the presence of a trap. Generally only the front rank get a check. Unless moving at a slow pace (or you have the Dungeon Delver feat) you incur a -5 to your passive perception score.

Investigation is used to figure out how a trap works, what it does if you set it off, and how to disarm it. If you want to search a specific object to determine if its trapped, or has a secret compartment, generally you're using investigation.

Theives tools proficiency disarms traps, and open locks.

All three are not always needed. Often only one check will suffice. If you can figure out how a trap works with an investigation check, you can generally simply avoid the trap, or spring it from saftey. If you spot a hidden pit or tripwire with perception, you can usually just jump over it. Etc.

From a 3.5 perspective think of Perception as
[Listen/spot] and investigation as [Search] and theives tools proficiency as [Disable device/ pick locks]
Ill flip my sleight of hand and investigation expertise to tools and perception if its cool.


Dragon Lord

There is a problem. I haven't seen the cleric. Is it male or female? Human or some other race? Does it have wings? Does it speak Common? Is it 8-legged Cleric of Lolth? Does it even fit in the room? This isn't my character asking, it's me.

[MENTION=5834]Celtavian[/MENTION] - would you mind posting your cleric's character sheet? Or at least tell me what race and gender it is? Even a name would help.

I'm okay with redesigning my characters Celtavian's way, spells, equipment and so on, but remember the characters have never been to White Plume Mountain before, so they would have no idea how to optimize themselves retrospectively against it (even if they understood the concept). Even, as we have seen, something as simple as "is it dark in this dungeon?"

I'm happy to withdraw and let this revert to Celtavian v. Flamestike as originally intended. It's not too late, we haven't started yet. It might be simpler, though, if we at least use all five of Celtavians's original characters, because he's gone to a lot of trouble to optimize them to a satisfactory standard and mine are a poor substitute.

I get that we're not doing this for fun. I get that this is a bit of mental arm-wrestling and the world will end if we don't get the metagaming right. But now we've got a situation where the guy who didn't want to play the adventure has come back and is telling the other players how to play their characters?

This is turning into a stress test, but not the kind you thought you were running.

Now, back to the un-game. Yes, I do want to cast Rary's as a ritual, now that everyone is present. If only because it's the only way my characters can communicate with the 7-legged blob of invisible plastic called "cleric". With Rary's, you don't need to speak the same language! And also because it will allow them to ask questions of Myrkyn for the first hour while they are traveling to the dungeon and getting started. Because although it takes ten precious minutes, it's more optimal to make that arrangement to save time in the long run, rather than sitting in the tavern trying to second-guess the adventure while the clock ticks away.

Sheesh, do I have to explain everything?

According to the scenario as I've seen it, the demon has escaped from the sword, so the sword no longer exists. Presumably its erstwhile owner regrets this. I'm planning to rescue Keraptis (if he's still alive) and join forces with him to banish the demon. So I need the cleric to be capable of doing that.


We'll go as is. I've already told Flamestrike I'll check some things later. He's aware.

The cleric is posted back on page 4. His name is Dom. He is a hill dwarf cleric.

I don't intend to role-play much. This is a metagame exercise as far as I'm concerned. The goal is to see how well a group fares against the challenges of a 6 to 8 encounter day. I don't think Flamestrike signed up for a play by post. This is more analysis. As Iserith stated, it would take months to run this as an actual game. We want a discussion of mechanics.


We'll go as is. I've already told Flamestrike I'll check some things later. He's aware.

The cleric is posted back on page 4. His name is Dom. He is a hill dwarf cleric.

I don't intend to role-play much. This is a metagame exercise as far as I'm concerned. The goal is to see how well a group fares against the challenges of a 6 to 8 encounter day, Role-playing is irrelevant. I don't Flamestrike signed up for a play by post. This is more analysis. As Iserith, it would take months to run this as an actual game. We want a discussion of mechanics.
I think the rp was just a way to pass some time while waiting for specifics to be hammered out


Dragon Lord
Dom: Hill Dwarf Cleric of Life 13
(Stat Points: 27, Hill Dwarf racial bonuses: +2 Con, +1 wis)
Medium Female Humanoid
Armor Class 21 (+1 plate armor, shield)
Hit Points 133 (13d8+65)
Speed 30 ft.
Senses Darkvision 60ft.
Str 19 [11] (+4) Dex 10 (+0) Con 18 (+4)
Int 10 (+1) Wis 20 (+5) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment neutral
Languages common, elvish, dwarven.

Proficiency (+5)
Saving Throws: Wis, Cha, Con.
Dwarven Resilience
Dwarven Combat Training
Tool Training (Mason's tools)
Dwarven Toughness (+13 hit points)
Ritual Casting
Channel Divinity (2/short rest)
Destroy Undead (CR 2)
Divine Intervention
Disciple of Life
Channel Divinity: Preserve Life
Blessed Healer
Divine Strike (+ 1d8 radiant)

SKILLS Insight +10, Persuasion +5, Medicine +10, Religion +5.

LEVEL BONUSES: Res: Con, +2 Wis, +2 Wis.

Melee Attacks— Warhammer: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Hit: 1d8+0 bludgeoning damage
Melee Attacks-Mace of Disruption: +9 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature)
Damage: 1d8+4 plus 1d8 radiant (+2d6 radiant to fiend or undead-If 25 hit points or fewer after taking this damage, it must succeed on a DC 15 wisdom save or be destroyed-on a success the creature is frightened until the end of my next turn; sheds bright light 20 feet and dim light additional 20 feet)
Ranged Attack—Dagger: +5 to hit (range 20/60 ft; one creature).
Hit: 1d4+0 piercing damage
Ranged Attack—Spell: +10 spell attack roll.

EQUIPMENT holy symbol, explorer's pack, permanent components for spells, 2: uses of consumable spells, 5: uses greater restoration, 2: healing potions, gauntlets of ogre power.

SPELLS (4/3/3/3/2/1/1 plus 5 cantrips-DC 18 spell saves; +10 spell attack roll)
Cantrips: sacred flame, resistance, guidance, mending, spare they dying
[Spells known: 18 plus domain]
1st bless-D, cure wounds-D, healing word, protection from evil and good
2nd: lesser restoration-D, spiritual weapon-D, aid, prayer of healing
3rd: beacon of hope-D, revivify-D, dispel magic, protection from energy, water walk, spiritual guardians.
4th: death ward-D, guardian of faith-D, banishment, freedom of movement, divination.
5th: mass cure wounds-D, raise dead-D, greater restoration, flame strike
6th: heal, blade barrier, harm, true seeing
7th: divine word

Background -Guild Artisan (Dom is a dwarf merchant that buys and sells items recovered from adventuring)
Feature: Guild Membership
Skill Proficiencies-Insight (Wis), Persuasion (Cha)
Tool Proficiencies: Miners' Tools
Languages: Elvish
Appearance: A handsome blonde dwarf with a well-groomed beard and friendly blue eyes. He has a disarming demeanor and is friendly for a dwarf.
Traits: I find wealth is often buried in dangerous and hidden places. Finding and extracting that wealth is profitable.
Ideals: Profit (I like money. What dwarf doesn't?)
Bond: Friendship is valuable. Never leave a friend to die or they might do the same to you. It is better to die with friends than alone.
Flaw: I'll do anything to get my hands on something rare or priceless.
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Dragon Lord
Jubali the Bard

Jubali: Half-elf female Lore Bard 10/warlock (Fey Pact) 3
(Stat Points: 27, Half-elf racial bonuses: +1 dex, +1 Con, +2 Cha)
Medium Female Humanoid
Armor Class 15 (elven chain, dex)
Hit Points 107 (13d8+39)
Speed 30 ft.
Senses Darkvision 60ft.
Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 19 (+4)
Alignment chaotic neutral
Languages common, elvish, draconic, sylvan.

Proficiency (+5)
Saving Throws: Wis, Cha, Con
Darkvision (60 feet)
Keen Senses
Fey Ancestry
Skill Versatility (Perception, Acrobatics)
Bardic Inspiration (4/short rest; d10)
Son of Rest (d8)
Jack of All Trades (+2; includes initiative)
Bard College (Lore)
Expertise (Stealth, Perception, Acrobatics, Persuasion)
Font of Inspiration
Magical Secrets (10th, Circle of Power, wall of force)
Bonus Proficiencies (College of Lore: Investigation, Arcana, Performance)
Cutting Words (60 feet, creatures immune to charm are immune, uses inspiration)
Additional Magical Secrets (+2 spells any class: counterspell, absorb elements
Pact Magic (Pact of the Chain: Sprite, cast find familiar as ritual)
Eldritch Invocations (Agonizing Blast, Devil Sight)
Fey Presence [10 foot cube, Frightened or Charm until end of next turn, Wis Save]

SKILLS (Passive Perception 21)
History +5, Persuasion +14, Perception +11, Acrobatics +12, Insight +6, Athletics +4, Stealth +12, Investigation +5, Arcana +5, Performance +9
TOOLS: Lute, Flute, Harp.

LEVEL BONUSES: +2 Charisma, Resilient: Con

ACTIONS (Initiative +4)
Melee Attacks— Dagger (2): +7/+7 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Hit: 1d6+2/1d4+2 piercing damage
Ranged Attack—Dagger: +7 to hit (range 20/60 ft; one creature).
Hit: 1d4+2 piercing damage
Ranged Attack—Eldritch Blast: +9 to hit (range 120 ft; 3 beams)
Hit: 1d10+4

EQUIPMENT Arcane Focus (bard and warlock), dungeoneer's pack, studded leather armor. gem of seeing, boots of speed, 2 :potions of greater healing, permanent components for spells, 2: uses of consumable components per spell, 5: uses of greater restoration.

Background -Noble (Daughter of human king of a small kingdom that married an elf woman)
Feature: Position of Privilege
Skill Proficiencies-History (Int), Persuasion (Cha)
Tool Proficiencies: Cards (She enjoys card games that are a mix of chance and skill)
Languages: Sylvan
Appearance: A strikingly beautiful, silvery blond-haired woman with a lithe, voluptuous build and vibrant sky-blue eyes filled with whimsy. Her voice is flirtatious and musical.
Traits: I am always in motion like the wind dancing across the world.
Ideals: Independence (I am beholden to no one and refuse to be confined by the world of human nobility)
Bond: My loyalty to my mother is unwavering.
Flaw: In fact, the world does revolve around me.

BARD SPELL SLOTS: 4/3/3/3/2 (+9 spell attack, DC 17 save)
BARD SPELLS KNOWN: 14 (+2 magical secrets Lore Bard; up to lvl 5)
Cantrips (4): vicious mockery, mage hand, prestidigitation, minor illusion,
1st: healing word, silent image,thunderwave, absorb elements
2nd: see invisibility, suggestion, heat metal
3rd: hypnotic pattern, dispel magic, counterspell
4th: dimension door, greater invisibility.
5th: greater restoration, hold monster, circle of power, wall of force

WARLOCK SPELLS KNOWN (2 cantrips, 4 spells known up to 2nd level)
Cantrips: eldritch blast, chill touch
1st: faerie fire, sleep, hex
2nd: darkness

Voidrunner's Codex

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