Testing a Battle Frame (of Sorts)


Testing a Battle Frame

Sidhe Li

Sidhe Li ducks and weaves dramatically! He punches, kicks, flips, turns and otherwise impresses the socks off of the judges!
[size="2.5"]The Vine slashes the valley, parts the drive of the wyrm[/size]

[size="2.99"]Sidhe Li: Son of Wicht
Master of the Vine and the Blizzard
Green Belt 0, 6-7 (dojo 2-2); (6 yen)
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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Interesting; seems quite successful to me. :)

Still, let's hope that HTML can be enabled again, eh? ;)


First Post
Darkness said:
Interesting; seems quite successful to me. :)

Still, let's hope that HTML can be enabled again, eh? ;)

Yes, let's hope.

Actually, the method Wicht and I are currently using seems to be working perfectly. I never used battleframes all that much, and I might limit my use even further, even if HTML is turned back on.


Yes, if I have to I can live without html, but I had got really used to it on the old board. Funny since I knew nothing about it until just a couple of months ago when I started YBA.

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