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Tests and Trials (Manzanita Judging)


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Devlin Magruder, human rogue 3

Devlin likes the enthusiasm of the half-orc and the pragmatism of the dwarf. He approaches Luthial. "Don't worry about your usefullness. Surely these capable warriors will appreciate our 'talents' in stealthily scouting ahead to locate doomed creatures."

ooc: option A works for me as well.

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Luthiel Faradar Elven Rogue1

Luthiel brightens a bit at therse words. He nods, as if to himself, and asks "Well, I can see that perhaps you are right, Devlin. Should we perhaps scout a little while our friends gird themselves for the coming fights? For, if this clearing is warded, and our companions are here waiting for us, we know we have a safe place to run should we find more trouble than we can handle alone. We could even plan an ambush of some sorts for our first meeting with these creatures; it might pay to be smart about these things, for we don't know their strength." This is the longest speech Luthiel has made in quite some time, and he looks a little surprised that he has done so.

ooc: I did as you suggested, Rae, but it didn't really improve things to my eye. I don't know how the code works, so I don't know what's wrong with it.

Rae ArdGaoth

The apprentice looks relieved that the adventurer's he brought aren't asking him any more questions. "Well then! I guess that's all! I'll be off now, the master and I will wait in the tower. If you have any more questions, come calling, I'm not sure if the master will be able to talk to you, he's... he's really busy, being a wizard and all. His experiments, y'know. Anyway! If you need food, or something, the tower's basement has some storage space we use for keeping food, so I'll bring some out to you if you want. Until tonight, then, brave sirs! Good luck on your test! Not... not that you need luck to do well, I just, eh... yes. Good bye." He trails off and then turns around to run off, quickly disappears into the tower.

OOC to All: Option A is official. If you ever want to know exactly what you rolled, just ask, and I will probably ask you to check my math sometimes.

OOC to scout989: I sent you an email. Did you receive it?
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Malen, Dwarf Wiz1

"Either that boy's been knocked about the head one too many times or..." Malen pauses for a moment and scratches at his discolored pate. "Anyone else get the feeling not all's the way it should be?" With that, the dwarf heads toward the fallen tower cap to get a closer look.

OOC: [sblock]Usng stonecunning/alchemy/what have you, search for signs that this accident happened more than about 3 hours ago or so, the time required to get to the inn and back. Don't know where you stand on searches and taking 10/20, but take 20 if given the time.[/sblock]


First Post
Luthiel Faradar Elven Rogue1

Luthiel nods his agreement with Malen, but doesn't actually say anything. He looks around the clearing, searching for anything that could give him a starting place on where to look. Assuming that he doesn't see anything unusual, beyond what's already been described, he'll walk about 60 feet around the edge of the clearing in a random direction, looking into the woods as he goes.

ooc: both should probably be spot checks at +5


Cryndo, Level 1 Human Cleric of Hyrag

The Forest! Beasts! 3 Days! I've got to get a hold of myself! Cryndo looks around at those around him. He eyes each member of the group individually. I know Garrit is not afraid. He's not afraid of anything. The dwarf certainly doesn't seem fazed. Jasper looks excited. Devlin's been through these situations before. Even the elf looks confident. I can't let them see how I feel inside.

Cryndo's voice cracks as he says, "We will be fine with Hyrag's blessing upon us. I look forward to vanquishing the evil beasts that lie in that forest." And with that a drop of sweat falls off Cryndo's face. "Is it warm to anyone else or is it just me?" says a flushed Cryndo.


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Devlin Magruder, human rogue 3

Devlin watches as Malen heads one direction and Luthiel another. "Hold, people. If we're going to be out here for three days, don't you think we should set up a base camp? Preferably here in this protected clearing?"

With that, Devlin begins unpacking a tent and bedroll from his donkey. The astute observer will also note he quickly removes and loads a crossbow before returning it to a much more accessible place on the beast of burden.

Rae ArdGaoth

Malen walks over to the upside-down roof top, embedded in the grass a short distance away. He searches for a few minutes, crawling up and inside the tower cap and even jumping on it, testing for its stability. After a short while, he comes to the conclusion that:
[sblock]at first glance, the roof top seemed fresh in the ground. There was no growth of any kind inside the the tower and the earth was freshly churned up from the ground. But after taking more than a cursory examination, the dwarf in him noticed that the stone on the inside of the tower was almost too clean and even bore marks of a hard scrubbing tool. Here and there he did indeed find bits of moss growing in inaccessible nooks and crannies of the ceiling (which is now like a floor). Also, the absence of cobwebs and other such things normally found on the inside of an old tower were oddly missing. When jumping on the structure, he discovered that it was firmly embedded in the ground, though exactly what that means, he doesn't know. The vines that crawl up the sides of the roof seem to have been cut cleanly off rather than been ripped apart.[/sblock]

Luthiel glances over the clearing. He sees nothing new, just the tower base about 60 feet ahead and off to the right a bit and the tower roof near the center of the clearing, about 30 feet from the tower base. After taking his cursory look, he walks around the perimeter of the clearing. He sees nothing definitive, though... [sblock]he believes he caught a glimpse of something or a small group of somethings moving about through the brush at the far end of the clearing.[/sblock]

OOC to Tassadar: Jasper's sheet is the other that is formatted funkily. If you need help, email me, but otherwise, please fix it. The skills are really annoying to work through and other parts just aren't aesthetically pleasing.

Rae ArdGaoth

OOC to Dungannon: Loading a crossbow and leaving it unattended (or even slinging over your back) gives it a chance of randomly firing. Just warning you, in case you didn't know.


First Post
Luthiel Faradar Elven Rogue1

When Luthiel gets some way around the clearing, he exclaims in surprise "What the frell was that? Hey, come back!" He takes a few steps into the woods,[sblock] trying to keep the creatures in sight. He will be alert to any motions or sounds from any direction, and he will not move more than 15 feet from the clearing on this round. (Not trying to start combat or anything, just trying to make sure I can make quick reactions). He will also draw his rapier as part of his move action.[/sblock]
Anyone who sees him step into the woods sees him draw his rapier as he does so.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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