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The 88th Floor: Episode 1 - Tesla's Radio (9/22)


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The Auction

(( I'm going to try this a little differently for this part ... and describe a scene like a script for a comic book panel.))

==Cut Scene==

A ruined, black sedan - front end crumpled against an unyeilding brick wall. Through a shattered window we see a brochure, spotted with wetness from the constant, drizzling rain. The brochure is for a place called "Loveless and Kline", an auction house. The appearance suggested is one of culture, luxury, and expense: Entirely out of place with the dirty, blood-stained interrior of the gangsters' car. One thing stands out in particular on the brochure, circled in a single bold streak from a red marker - an auction of personal items once owned by Nikola Tesla.


Doc swept grandly into the main auction theater of the Loveless and Kline house on Mordecai's arm. Of the four, they were the two who fit most easily into the role as members of Port Marlowe's cultural elite, so they had been chosen to "get all gussied up" and infiltrate the interior of the auctionhouse. Doc Marten looked quite striking in a long, full lapeled faux-mink coat and black evening dress. Her shoulder-length hair had been waved and styled all out of proportion to her usual hat-bedraggled, oil-streaked mop and expertly colored to a deep and burnished auburn. Mordecai was no less resplendant in a very modern-cut, tailed tuxedo complete with hat and pristine white gloves, all of which fit his every proportion perfectly. The completeness of their finery was in no small amount surprising, as Mordecai hadn't worn a tuxedo in several years, and hadn't seen a tailor's tape since before that; and Marten had been quite vocal that she had never, in her days, been under a hairdresser's ministrations ... and would never be so again.

Their evening wear was thanks entirely to their enigmatic butler, Maxwel, who hadn't so much as raised an eyebrow when they asked if he could make them ready for a visit to the haute Loveless and Kline house ... in under twenty-four hours. Maxwell seemed iminently capable of performing minor miracles of logistics and cultural commerce, and had so far never once failed to come through on any request put to him, no matter how rushed or strange it seemed, in the year they had known him ... ...


For, you see, Maxwell was central to how and why the four found themselves working together, as they were, toward common goals. Each had been approached by the liveried spokesman not long after some incident in their lives that evidenced, individually, their extraordinary personal talents and their best intentions toward the citizens of Port Marlowe and the interests of equity and justice within that fine harbor city. Maxwell appeared on those occassions, out of the rainy Marlowe evening, bearing an envelope for each. Within each envelope was an address, a key, a check, and a letter. The letter itself explained that the check, key, and address were an offer of employment or, more exactly, patronage, and was signed only with an ornate calligraphic letter. The address, written on a white business card in the same handwriting, stated "The 88th Floor, Imperial Building". The check was for ten thousand dollars, drawn on a Swiss numbered account. That envelope was how each of them came to find themselves in the foyer of the suite of offices and adjoining penthouse apartment that made up the entirety of the 88th floor of Port Marlowe's most expensive office skyscraper, the surprisingly modern art deco Imperial Building, where they were greeted by the inscrutable Maxwell ... and welcomed "home".


John stood across the street from Loveless and Kline, secreted in an alley, out of the worst of the steadily hissing rain. He had to admit, as far as alleys went, it was a rather nice one. Apparently everything was better on the nice side of town. He smoked a cigarette, leaning back under an small overhang to protect it from the rain, water spattering on his brown leather shoes. He kept one eye on the auction house. He didn't envy Mordecai and Marten at all, as this was wholley his element, and he was having fun.

A little less pleased, perhaps, Yan crouched on a rooftop across from the rear of the auction place. He had opted to watch the back entrance, and was quite glad he'd accepted Max's offer of a shiny, deeply-cowled rain coat with a hood. Between its dark olivey color, and the general graying effect of the rain, he was totally invisible on his perch high above his watch.

Inside, Mordecai scanned the crowd for Little Micky Neskovska. They were all quite sure he would be there, or at least some of his flunkies, based on the brochure they had found in the car the night before, and some rumors coming in off the Riverfront. Unfortunately, as far as Mordecai could see, Micky didn't seem to be in the crowd, nor were any obvious Nasa Stvar goons.

"Not seeing the mouse." Doc said under her breath.

"Me either." Mordecai replied.

They had been given dispensation to use up to ten thousand dollars of their patron's funds, according to Max, to purchase items to keep their cover, decorate the penthouse and, if they thought it necessary, to out-bid Micky for any of Tesla's possessions. Not, really, that any of them seemed particularly valuable. The most interesting pieces of the lot were a few journals (having nothing to do with any of Tesla's scientific research, and being concerned mostly with letters to friends and family), an old radio, and a pair of ragged leather shoes. Mordecai's money was on the shoes ... Doc, as a scientist, figured that if Tesla had hidden anything of importance among his possessions, he would have secreted it within the workings of the tall, wooden-facade radio.

The night wore on, items of luxury and richness, and occassionally dubious value, changing hands with the quiet, arcane flickering of formalized auction. Doc found nothing horribly interesting among the other items up for auction, but Mordecai bid on a handful of obscure art pieces and even won a handful rare, exceedingly old books. Finally, though, the Tesla lot was wheeled from the cages in the back room and onto the auction stage; the next lot up for auction. It was as two uniformed guards were wheeling the carts onto the stage that Mordecai happened to notice Little Micky Neskovska a few rows over and two in front of them. They hadn't noticed him enter. Mordecai nodded slightly.

"The mouse." He said, simply.

"Indeed." Doc replied ... but she was looking at the guards. They looked enough alike to be brothers. And they were Serbs.


Outside, John turned his head slightly to peer out at the street from under his hat. The only things about him visible from the sidwalk were the tips of his shoes and the cherry of his cigarette. A van had pulled up on his side of the street across from Loveless and Kline, a florist's van with "Ed's Roses" on the side. He grunted under his breath and dropped his cigarette to hiss itself out in a puddle. The van's sudden appearance was suspicious, to say the least. He turned his mouth toward the tiny mic bud under one lapel.

"Yan. Got a florist van in the front, here, just showed up. Keep an eye on the rear. If this is a move, they may hit both sides at once." He whispered.

"I see." Replied Yan.

Just then the rear doors of the van swung open and two men stepped out. John's eyes widened under the brim of his fedora: One of the men swung a portable rocket launcher tube onto his shoulder and went to one knee in a fluid movement.

"Holy sh ..." His words were drowned out as the rocket ignited and roared toward the brick front of Loveless and Kline.


The front of the building collapsed in on itself; bricks, dust, and glass spraying everywhere.

Inside, the whole room shuddered with the impact of the rocket outside, and the lights flickered and died. Immediately, people began to scream and stand up in their seats. At the same time the guards on the dias began firing their submachine guns in the air, further whipping the crowd into a blind panic. Mordecai stood and began fighting his way against the press, TOWARD the stage. He quickly lost sight of Doc Marten, and so it was that he didn't notice her coat and dress collapse into themselves ... empty!

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Ok, so on one side we have a ragtag band of misfits with unclear goals, and o the other, we have Serbs with heavy ordnance.

It's going to be a close call. :)


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Yan was in motion before the rocketeer had even pressed the trigger. With a single bound he was speeding through the air, raindrops shattering against his face and coat like glass beads on marble. He touched lightly upon the roof of the auction house, and within three strides was airborne again, even as the rocket struck the stone facade of the building. He could feel the overpressure from the blast bouy him upward, billowing his rain gear out. In reality, the blast knocked him slightly off his intended course ... but the gunmen below would never know that.

He thundered in, coat fluttering behind him like the ribbon off the hilt of a Chinese broadsword. His foot struck the edge of the smoking launcher barrel, sending it spearing backward into one of the men, who had moved in after the backblast cleared. It took the goon in the face, dropping him in a clatter of fiberglass and steel. Yan landed with graceful ease behind the other hitter, who was still on one knee, and back-kicked him between the shoulder blades, knocking him prone. With a start and a yell, the other men pawed for their weapons, small submachine guns appearing from under coats. Yan dove to one side, rolled, and leapt, as leaden fire erupted on his heels. He vaulted UP, onto the criminals' van, and rolled as bullets tore with screaming fluidity through the thin metal of its panels. Several scored red heat along Yan's arm and flank, and he bit back a hiss of pain.

John Arm stalked forward as the firefight flared to life. None of the combatants registered his presence, and he walked up and tapped one of the machine-gun weilding thugs on the shoulder, casually taking his hands out of his pockets. As the thug turned, John laid a meaty, heavy-boned fist along his cheek with a dull thwock. The Serb fell like a cut marionette. One of the other gunmen turned, and John liften one eyebrow, fishing around in his coat pocket.

"Hey, buddy, got a light?"

The thug blinked, looked down at his partner, then back at John with confusion. It was the moment John needed, and his arm uncoiled like a serpent, steely death in his fist. His .44 reported like a cannon. The mafia-man squeezed his own trigger convulsivly, for the bullet had taken him in the throat, and John dodged clumisly to the side as slugs chewed the asphault and punched several holes in his trenchcoat. As the last slug whirled on him to draw a bead, John saw Yan illuminated in a burst of lightning, standing on the roof of the van. Even as death stared him in the face from behind the barrel of a gun, John smiled grimly.

Drawing on that secret training of the Tibetan monks, Yan directed his chi with infinite carefullness along particular meridians and energy lines of his body. With muscle-straining focus, his inner energies became manifest in the mystical Seven Dragon, Screaming Eagle Technique, which he released with a scream and a directive motion. His power struck from a full twenty feet away, like a sledgehammer blow to the mafia hit-man's skull, bursting certain blood vessels and disrupting the bio-electric flow of life. The Serbian criminal gurgled and blood rivuleted from his nose, and then collapsed to the ground ... stone dead.

"It does not please me that these individuals force me to utilize such skills." Yan said, slipping down from the van.

"Neat trick, though." John grunted, and levered himself to his feet.

"Occassionally useful." Yan said. They looked toward the crumbling Loveless and Kline.


Mordecai shifted around, kept low behind the table. He'd gotten to the dais, eventually, but had left all of his weapons at the Imperial Building. Lucky for him, the lot before Tesla's items had included an antique cricket bat, which had come in quite handy, but was now lying broken beside the inert form of the first guard. The second was, himself, hunkered down behind another overturned table, occassionally popping up to spray bullets in the Mordecai's general direction.

In truth, neither of them could see a whole lot. The room was dark, and neither had a strong idea of where the other was. Mordecai had stolen the first guard's submachinegun, and occassionally stuck it over the edge of his cover to blast a few blind rounds downrange. Mostly, he hoped he could keep the other guy pinned down long enough for someone to turn the lights back on.


Holy crap, Heap(XXX)! You blew the lid off of super story hours with your very first post. Haven't read it yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Nice touch telling the backstory in newspaper headlines. Freakin' masterful, actually.

Edit - Excellent! I didn't care for the earlier 'panel' style, but it's recovered and very visual. I like the bolded actions. Very comic script/screenplay and effective.
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Honestly I did the "Panel" because I wanted to move the story along to the next, more interesting part, and that particular visual seemed to do it best. Unfortunately I can't DRAW the visual (being unable to draw a straight line with a ruler) so I decided to try that.

Honestly I'd love the synergy of drawings/text for this SH, but my utter lack of ability with one leaves me at the tender mercies of the other. Didn't work out quite as well as I'd have hoped.

Now ... for the unveiling of Doc Marten's secret, dear readers! Tune in: same pulp time, same pulp channel...



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Nature of the Beast

Doc had slunk, snuck, and generally stealthed her way to the dais and, from there, onto the cart with Nikola Tesla's personal effects. It had been rather easy to avoid the people stampeding toward the exits, and even the guards and Mordecai, owing to her much-superior night vision.

Now she lay in wait, knowing that eventually one or more of Little Mickey's thugs would have to make a move on the Tesla artifacts. When they did, she'd be ready for them.

Sure enough, within seconds a man crept out from the back-stage area and groped his way toward the cart. Doc watched him come with smug satisfaction, and nestled deeper into her hunting blind. The thug grabbed the cart with one hand and began dragging it, crawling, back toward the rear. He was as disadvantaged as Mordecai and the guard, and the bullets whizzing back and forth through the darkness kept him timid and low to the ground. Doc waited patiently for him to drag her and the items into the back room, drumming her nails on soft leather.

Finally the time to strike drew nigh. The mafioso drew a flashlight and began playing it over the objects on the cart, obviously looking for one in particular. Suddenly, he drew back with an oath as, from an old pair of boots, a furred form darted out at his hand. He yelped as small, razor-sharp teeth pierced his skin and drew blood. In the flailing light of his torch he could see that his attacker ... was a ferret!

He mumbled something in his native tongue and laughed at himself; scared, of a ferret? Casually he backhanded the little terror off of the cart, fully expecting it to run for cover the first chance it got. He turned his back and returned to looking for his prize.

A hiss behind him was his first inkling of a mistake.

He whirled in time to see the ferret double ... tripple ... quadruple in size in the space of two breaths. The fearsome beast grew so quickly that, under its deepening rumble, he could hear the wet crackling sounds of unnaturally expanding skin and tendon. Like a half-remembered bogart from a nightmare, the grotesque thing rose on two legs, all silken fur and teeth and claws. His last human instinct was to scream in confused, primal terror ... a reaction cut short as Doc Marten's claws tore his throat to bloody ribbons of flesh.

Doc's darker side exulted only a moment over her kill, her prey, before she turned toward the stage. Another prey animal lay beyond the door, and she would kill it, bite its vulnerable neck with her her razor teeth ...

Unfortunately she missed the first thug's partner ... and his taser.


She heard something in Serbian as the darkness swirled in ...

"What the hell was THAT?"

deranged DM

First Post
Doc Marten?

I see that at least one of your players is an inveterate punster (for those of you in the peanut gallery, a marten is a variety of weasel - as are ferrets).


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I've been intending to update this SH for a while. I've got final seminar papers for this semester left to write, but should have some free time after the 19th of this month.

I've got several adventures stored up for SH, but the game ended several months ago because of players lost to work needs on the game day. I hope to round out this adventure arc before I officially retire it, though.


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