• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Adventurer's Guild

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I ponder how we might find the spirits or get their attention again.
GM: Nothing comes to your mind at the moment...except for the fact that the dragonborn you killed earlier mentioned that the spirits don't come to the tower. Perhaps more exploration of the area outside this floating tower is in order?


You leave the tower, and carefully descend the "steps" of floating rubble until you are once again standing on solid ground. The last time you were here, you were in the heat of battle and didn't have time to look around. Now, however, you can see the quiet beauty of the area. You are in the heart of the valley, and the peaceful wonder of the floating debris is marred only by the multiple bodies of the slain dragonborn you encountered earlier.

You spread out and begin your search of the area. Before an hour is done, Mallick has spotted something curious amongst a large pile of stones. Several marks upon the ground suggest that this area has been recently well-travelled, and rocks strewn about to cover up the tracks. It isn't long before you find what you are looking for - pushing a boulder aside, there is a rope ladder descending into a hole in the ground.

Peering over the edge, all you can see is darkness. Sledge lights a torch, and you all begin your climb down into the passageway.

After a descent of about 50 ft. or so, you drop quietly onto a 20ft. by 20ft. dais in the middle of a small room. Your single torch illuminates the area well, but you can see nothing other than the room itself, and a wide passageway leading to the north.

You are standing on top of this raised dais. It looks like it could have held some sort of statue or other artifact at one time, but is bare now. It's only about 3ft. high, and you can step down easily.
GM: At this point, let's go into "exploration" mode. Here is your initiative order, please go in order, state what you would like to do, and allow me to respond before the next person goes.


Also, if anyone else wants to light a torch, feel free. Nicodemus and Mallick use both hands for weapons and shields, though, so keep that in mind.
[sblock=Initiative roll]Initiative rolls for Nicodemus, Mallick, Sledge, & Brocc (1d20+6=11, 1d20+4=6, 1d20+2=10, 1d20+2=5)[/sblock][sblock=map]


First Post
Looks like we have a hidey hole here, brothers. Don't step on any halflings! Haha!

Move to Y7, readying twin strike for any sudden surprises.


GM: It's Jonathan's turn, so Mark stay where you are for the moment.

Jonathan, tell me exactly what you want Nicodemus to do. If moving, tell me which square to move to.


First Post
OOC: I actually read it wrong anyway.

Move: z8

"Let's light it up." My sword ignites into flame giving some light as I walk down the hallway.

I stop and try to peer further down the hallway.


Nicodemus - as you step down onto the tile floor, you hear a clinking sound for a moment, then a whooshing sound as a green cloud envelops you. It's poison chokes you, and you are momentarily immobilized (save ends).[sblock=Map]The green cloud is a poison mist trap. You take 5 poison damage by entering the squares filled by the gas or starting your turn there.

The mist provides concealment and blocks line of sight for creatures inside it.

If you are on the raised dais, jumping over the cloud requires a DC 12 Athletics check. (You will land in row AA.)

[/sblock]The sound of the trap triggering echoes through the chambers ahead of you, and in answer, you hear a loud, deep voice..."Welcome lost children! You chose the perfect time to visit my domain. Spirits of this ruin lend their ghostly might to my cause. Of course, you can no more see them than you can me. Indeed, my servants have already surrounded your position. But don't fret. The darkness of Zehir will fall upon you soon enough!"[sblock=Rolls]Poison Mist trap vs. Nic (1d20+7=23) Hit (Nic)
Poison Damage, (1d6+4=6) 6 poison damage, Immobilized (save ends)[/sblock]
GM: Sledge is up next.

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