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The Adventuring Circus!


It's starting to look like a circus when my PCs roll into town.

It doesn't start out too bad. There is your typical ranger with his long cloak and hanging back in the shadows. The elven bard and elven druid both wearing shiny new armor made from their first red dragon. The Dwarven monk wearing the typical loose beer-stained robes of the "devout", and the elven princess, who gave up her fruffy dresses when they were ripped by an imp, so now she wears exclusively slinky dresses (stolen from a poor tiefling who died in her dungeon home before she could even turn around and see who was at her door.) Following her is the skeleton (did I mention the princess is also a necromancer?) wearing magical armour made out of the carapace of a giant beetle with an ever burning torch lodged inside his ribcage.

Then come the animals. A wolf for the ranger, a panther for the druid, four giant riding toads with flame tatoos stolen from some hobgoblin mercs, and the most recent addition, a hippogriff (the ranger is just too cool to ride a toad)

I crack a smile every time I try and picture these guys hopping into town on their giant flaming toads with their glowing skeleton saying "We want to help!"

How do your PCs roll?

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Sounds like a great group!

Our group is much more low-key. My character (Elf Cleric) has two outfits - one for city and formal occassions, and a normal one for adventuring. The city outfit includes several thousand gps worth of jewelry, like 2000 gp ruby ring (that's gotta be pretty hefty), 1000 gp belt buckle (diamond encrusted with my PCs initials), 1000 gp jewelled longsword, 1000 gp bracelets x2, and for those really crazy parties a 5000 gp crown, looted from an ancient tomb.

Some people spend their money on magic items. I go for 'bling' :cool:

Strangest members of the group have been (in different campaigns) a minotaur with two scimitars or maybe a half-ogre. And then there was the evil group with a tribal grey orc, drow with double scimitar, arctic dwarf with two daggers, deep gnome archer and a half-ogre. Too bad it died before we could inflict ourselves upon the civilization :heh:

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