The AFK Thread


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In a complete lack of surprise to anyone, I'm not getting better at finding posting availability. I can't promise when things are going to get better, I'm afraid. I'm slogging through to get my game finished, but I won't blame anyone who wants to write out any of my characters given my unreliability. :(

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As much as I don't want to say it I grudgingly have to admit that I no longer have the ability to post on any kind of regular schedule. I've taken on additional responsibilities at work that now follow me into my weekends more often than not, hence my lack of posting for 2+ weeks. I want to apologize to those whose games I'm running, and playing in, some of whom have been exceedingly patient. Thanks for the fun times. I hope I can recover some of my "me time" in the coming months when things calm down.

Best of luck everybody, may the dice favor you!

Satin Knights

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A power outage has taken me and the maps in my games off the net for the moment. The 79 volts the power company is providing is not enough for the computer systems. 8 hours and counting so far. My laptop is too bulky to camp out in a coffee shop long.


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I owe an apology to everyone who is in a game with me. As of late I have been neglecting my games due to my College having started it's courses on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The course I am taking is a Monday Course, so because of the day on which courses began, we missed a single course and as such are essentially a week behind the rest of the college. As such I have a ton of make-up work that I need to get done and am kind of overwhelmed at the moment. I am trying to catch up with all of my game threads. However I may be here some days, or not here other days. It will be a bit touch and go for a while as my Professor wants us to read several very heavy books for the course as well as us having to write a course paper for him and do a couple projects.

I am also celebrating my Birthday this week so I may be a little tied up in that regard as well. Again everyone that is in my games, you have my apologies.


My posting may be erratic for the next week or so. A family member is dealing with a serious health issue, and I may be traveling to help. GMs, if I do not post reasonably promptly, please NPC me.


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