The AFK Thread


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A bit blindsided 'round these parts since Friday. Not really time for updates today, but wanted to give a heads up and apologies to all for delays. It'll likely be Monday late(r) in the day before I have time.

Also, apparently I wasn't maintaining my PM box and it filled up. Fixed that for the folks who were trying to send me messages.

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First Post
Not a lot of time tonight, but: while the tracks make it look like Isaac proper will probably swing wide of us, we're likely to still get some nasty storm action, which may or may not affect power in the early part of the week. Fingers crossed it's just a rainy mess and nothing more, but I figured it was worth posting a warning just in case. :)


First Post

Apologies for my longer-than-anticipated absence. Isaac derailed my travel plans early on in the week, and I was left in limbo until yesterday evening. I am back home now, though, and slowly working my way back into life's routine. Posting may be spotty in the coming week, but just know that I intend to catch up!

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
good news, i am back quickly! I caught the complication early and dealt with it first hand well enough, that they weren't going to give me a new hole in my belly!

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
You'd need that like you'd need another hole in the head, eh, Scotty? :p

Anyway. Just wanted to drop a line I may be scarce some next week. Finally found a room, going to finalize today and will start moving in when the principle (person who has name on the lease) is there.

Also, as of the 24th there will be a change in my posting schedule, I will no longer be able to post from work (changing jobs, won't have the time. Woo!) so I will be switching to an evenings Eastern time posting schedule and will try to find time on the weekends so I don't bring everything to a...pun intended....crawl.

Not gonna make faces at a $5k a year pay increase.

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Yeah, looks like next week or so might be a bit rough too. If they get the extra mattresses and stuff out of the room in the basement, I have a room (made deposit last night) and it's a house of part-time gamers (and Best Buy employees), so...

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