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The after-action report from last night's 4E game


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Hi all,

I give a player an extra 100xp for being the scribe and here's how the report from last night, the official kick-off, of our 4e campaign turned out.

To Hi Majesty King Latham Misnomer, I do present this report, by your faithful servant Enibinsanes of the Guild of Scribes, Engravers, and Printers (Excluding Movable Print, which is an Abomination Unto the Gods). This is an account of a most wondorus tale of monsters and derring-do overhead in a local hostelry in Fallcrest, where i did encounter a most intriguing group tonight:

Two of this group appeared to be adherants of Bahamut, one a priestess and one a warrior, although one hailed from the dwarven nations, whilst the other was a child of dragonkind. The warrior was called Vivex, and although he wore no rank he did have the bearing of an elite solider, possibly a paladin. The mineborn was called Copper, although i heard a surname of Alehouse (possibly a literal translation of na'krek tacht, dwarven for Temple of Water). They were accompanied by a large warrior clad in the garments of one who spends much time in the wilds, possibly of northern stock, who gave the name Jarlson and told a tale of woe about his people. Next was a huge warrior called Oloryn (my page tells my a famous gladiator once went by that name, I will check records.) Another named Kincaid was with them, whether a sorcerer or warlock i could not say, but like others in this group he seemed touched by a dark sadness. The final member of this group seemed more touched by madness, a loud brash knave who gave his name as Baltahzar Jack, Jack Hopfinger, Dagger Jack, Stan Levitan, and Paul Hogan all in the space of one conversation, and who seemed to have no problems finding coin with which to buy drinks.

This group had been hired by a Mr. Goldcap to recover some valuables that had been looted by kobolds in a raid on the open road.

They located the kobolds' assumed lair, and bravely entered. Within the lair a single guard seemed to wait for them, along in the darkness. Immediately Sigaurd charged, leaping deftly over the large pit of mud that split the room. The others moved in behind him, only to find a hallway blocked by a portcullis, with more kobolds beyond preparing slings to deadly effect. To make matters worse, more kobolds face Siguard from behind the lone guard, and horrible creature made of living mud oozed forth from the pit.

Much of this first pitched battle seemed to pass quickly for the group. Sigaurd waded into his foes, Vivex spewed flame through the iron bars onto his enemies, and the one called Kincaid began hurling eldrich energies at the creatures. Jack and Oloryn began facing off with the mud creature as Alehouse backed them up. The mudman was worn down and eventually finished by a bolt from Kincaid. The heroic Vivex managed to lift the portcullis and allow his allies to pass (by this time Siguard had finished the kobolds he was fighting, apparently using a double weapon technique designed to turn kobolds into, i believe the term used was "a fine red paste".) The group by now had finished all the kobolds, save one who had fled when the portcullis came up.

Now the heroes followed a passage to another branch of the foul lair. (At this point a mention was made of an attempt to breach this lair by stealth, although at this mention none of the group was able to keep a straight face and much time was spent guffawing and spilling ale.)

A sarcophgi filled chamber was found, with the Kobolds arranged amongst the dead ready for battle. Again Vivex's fiery breath took the life of one of the monsters as he and Siguard led a charge into the ominous room. And indeed, the air of finality the sarcophagi lent to the room was well founded, as Copper and Vivex soon found themselves rooted in place by deadly traps hidden cunningly in the room.

Even so, Copper managed to send healing energies to Siguard, who was outnumbered and hurt despite the carnage he inflicted upon the kobolds. Kincaid began blasting the fiends with his dark energies as Oloryn fought a holding action. Jack managed to move one of the beasts away from Siguard, and into the fatal range of Alehouse's magicks. He and Siguard then finished their opponents and joined Vivex in a charge against the monsters facing brave Oloryn. In moments the monsters were slain, by blade or eldritch fire, and the group pressed on.

Now, your majesty, by this point there had been much quaffing of ale in the tavern as this tael was being told. Already there was some discrepancies in the story, notably disagreements about how many kobolds there were, and at one point a disagreement about how many minotaurs there were. Captain Jack also seemed to continously disagree that any monetary treasure was found at all.

Even so, this next portion of their story made many an eyebrow raise in skepticism. But, I shall tell it as i heard it. (Although I am going to leave out the part about the 15 leprechauns singing a song of questionable morality.)

Apparently, the next chamber was again meant to house the dead, but as per their twisted nature the kobolds had not only infested it, but were using the sacred tombs of the dead to play a greusome game in which a large rock on a rope was swung purposely from a ledge at the far end of the room at skulls that had been placed on the tombs. The goal apparently being to knock the skulls away and score points. (I am told a simulacrum of this game was set up in the town square the next morning, but using overripe melons, thankfully.)

At this point, the one called Jack (or Stan) ran into the room with Siguard. The huge warrior bodily rushed the balcony where the kobolds stood to play their lugubrious game, and leaped bodily upon it into their midst. The one called Jack actually ran out, jumped up over another pit of mud, grabbed the rope used in the game, and swung himself up onto the ledge as well (apparently yelling an odd warcry of "You owe me 5 gold pieces mate!").

They were followed by a devastating spell from Kincaid that immediately destroyed several of the monsters. Jack drove one of the kobolds off the ledge, although when he followed him to the floor below his landing was much more graceful. Vivex moved quickly to the entrace to the terrace, turning the locked door that blocked his way into splinters as he did so. After killing the monster he pushed over the edge, Jack followed Vivex into the hallway beyond just in time to see the paladin spew fire onto two huge drakes.

Meanwhile, Siguard battled the kobolds surrounding him, aided by blasts from Kincaid. Alehouse and Oloryn however found themselves confronting another hideous mudman. Oloryn quickly put the mudman on the defensive while Kincaid began blasting kobolds off the terrace. The drakes however, where taking their toll, and although blinded by a blast of kunai knives from Jack and bearing numerous wounds and searmarks from Vivex, they still began to take a heavy toll on the two heroes (well, one hero and Jack). Seeing that Kincaid and Siguard were quickly taking down the kobolds (Siguard had found their leader and was rapidly teaching him fear) and that Oloryn had the mudman trapped, Alehouse moved to help jack and Vivex. At once she healed Jack, and with a lance of holy light destroyed one of the drakes. Kincaid blasted more kobolds off the ledge, and the kobold leader fell before Siguard's onslaught. Vivex caught the drake with a vicious swordstroke, and another blast from Alehouse finished it. Through this Oloryn staunchly kept the mudman occupied, taking hits himself but giving as good as he got. Vivex joined him in whittling the creature down, and Siguard moved in for the kill.

After but a short rest, the party moved on, and came to a strange and terrifying sight. A large room, with a huge channel dug in a path around a central chamber. In this path rolled a giant stone ball, which, as Alehouse immediately found out, was not particular about what was in its path. The room quickly filled with kobolds (one of which Copper took out before she was ignominiously trod upon by the ball, and even more ignominiously pulled to safety by Jack Hopfinger.) Once the great ball made its first pass the party charged into the room. Siguard felled one monster before it could even raise a defense, and Oloryn killed two more in succession. The horrible monsters were joined by another larger drake, as well as a wyrmpreist and several dragonshield kobold warriors (ah yes, and a smattering of slingers, or as i am reminded "rock throwin' buggers"). The fiends began throwing pots of flame and even a strange glue-like substance at the charging heroes. Oloryn used a move called Spinning Sweep to bring the drake to the ground, where Kincaid used a dark spell of Hellish Rebuke to finish it off.

Meanwhile Siguard had once again strode bodily into the thick of monsters, followed closely by Vivex and eventually Oloryn. Vivex called upon his god to keep Siguard alive, but even still his wounds were terrible to behold. Again Kincaid turned kobolds to ash as the warriors brought down the dragonshields, and Copper Alehoues brought down the wyrmpreist with her holy arsenal. (Jack insisted he was trying to use his weapons from a distance on the kobolds, and Alehouse confirmed he did kill one of the slingers ["MY bloody slinger, you twit!"] however at the end of the battle it was odd that he was the closest to the door where the treasure was.)

So at this point the party has been victorious. They have claimed a wondrous rod of magical prowess that enhances Kincaid's dark abilities. The warrior Oloryn found a magical shield, and Alehouse claimed a hammer of great power. Some gold was also found, although the one called Jack claims he never got a share, that Alehouse still owes him money for the stupid rope trick, and that he has no idea how he ended up with my coin purse.)

The warriors brace themselves with ale and hot food as they rest and prepare to once again venture into the lair in search of Mr. Goldcap's goods. As i speak Oloryn and Siguard are sharpening their swords and preparing their minds for battle (although i notice they did wander outside when someone said there was a Punch and Judy show). The priestess and the paladin both are meditating quietly and comparing notes on the battle. Dagger Jack is teaching some locals a game called 3 card monty. Soon they will venture forth, and i will report to you again.

Yours, etc.

Enibinsanes, Scribe, GoSE&P(EMPwiaAUtG)

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First Post
Yes, it was great! We played for five hours and got through four encounters, but that included eating and talking. Not much looking stuff up in books so I think the "hour per encounter" time frame is definitely do-able for most encounters. The fight that included the drakes got close to seeing us go down and the giant ball of death was a bit less climactic than I thought it would be.

Next time, we're off to the conclusion of this adventure and then we get into the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh for 4E.


On Puget Sound

First Post
Thanks much for posting this! Tomorrow I'm running this for 7 players, some brand new to D&D. I think I will steal your mudman addition.

Seems to me the ball is supposed to be hidden until the PCs come into the room, then drops out of the ceiling as the kobolds trigger it.

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