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The Ardick Campaign - Chapter One: Repentance

The Wilted Lands of Zacknef, Pt II - The Tower

Our story continues . . .


“Zacknef, are you down there?” chirped a high voice. “Why did you lock us out of the tower?”

Mhoram looked down the expansive corridor and carefully eyed the stone-carved staircase that led upwards. Nothing immediately descended upon them, but he did not hesitate to summon a wall of pure Force and dimensionally lock the area around it.

Darsint walked back from the praying Saint Simon to join him. “They will not be held at bay for long. Once they see the damage we’ve done they will be all over us!”

Mhoram returned his gaze calmly. “Whether we are successful or not, we will know more about this land Ardick before we die. That, alone, is a reason to fight for both of us. Gherrick, get over here.”

Gherrick, deadly Initiate of the Bow, left Zacknef’s harem and headed out to meet them now that he’d finished scouring the dead Succubi. He felt very small; walking through the massive tunnels of Zacknef’s lower lair brought unforgiving thoughts of how large their adversary could be.

“Gherrick, we need to you cover Saint Simon at all times. He is possessed with hatred for our foes and he is unlikely to restrain himself if Zacknef is truly what we suspect. Keep your arrows pointed at any who would harm him.”

“Yes,” shot Darsint, “but keep those arrows away from me! We have seen amazing things from you and I don’t want to find out that it was all just luck. And you, out of all of us, have the worst luck today!”

“I am fine . . . now. I think H.A.L. cured me.”

“Hmmph. I find it hard to believe that a simple abjuration could rid you of an addiction that has plagued these people for centuries!” The image of their descent through the top of the tower flashed into Darsint’s mind. The top entrance consisted of a long drop through a garden of Hell’s Weed. It grew on vines that reached over 200 feet in height. They were being tended to by a young girl, floating half way up and idly trimming her plants.

Darsint’s gem, when pressed to his eye, revealed her to be six-armed and snake-tailed Demon known as a Marilith. Her immediate action was to set the garden ablaze by means of a magic rod on her belt. They had taken her down after some trouble and only Gherrick seemed affected by the fumes. He was, however, very deeply entranced with the feelings Hell’s Weed gave him.
Gherrick refused to move, fight, or do anything besides reach out for the burning plants around them. Darsint restrained him and H.A.L did indeed break the enchantment upon their archer and he returned to them, though a bit groggy.

“I’m OK,” answered Gherrick. “I am with you in this. Aegle and I will not let you down.”

“That is correct,” pronounced Aegle. “My light will guide us to victory, just as it guides our way through these dark tunnels.”

Footsteps arose behind them and they turned to see H.A.L. and Simon coming towards them. The Planetar had a look of serenity and joy on his face that sharply contrasted with the many scars stitched across his green, lanky body.

“My friends, thank you so much for coming with me in this,” spoke Saint Simon. “We have come to the final step in our mission here. My divinations have revealed to me that our enemy sits within the chamber that rests behind those golden doors that block our path.” His gaze went downwards and his expression changed to one of loving concern.

“If Zacknef is what we think he is, I must say that it is unlikely that we will all survive. This does not affect my desire to see Zacknef slain, but I will not speak for all of you. If you have the means and are so inclined, now is the time to leave; you will always have my respect for coming this far. For those of you who would stay and fight with me, I offer you this: you are more courageous and daring than any other mortals I have ever met! Our Lord has willed us to this point in time for a reason, and that reason is a final victory over the one who casts his misery across this land! With His help, I shall remove this final obstacle in our path and Zacknef will finally know the true strength of Good.”

“We are with you, Simon,” responded Darsint. “Let us attack with care, though, and do not take unnecessary risks with yourself. We will need your healing powers once the battle is done.”

“Our Lord will protect me, if it is His Will that I survive this,” Simon countered. A single holy word from his lips resulted in a flash of energy, emanating from the Angel, and they were all surrounded by a golden aura. “Let this protect you, as well. My prayer will only take a short while, but this should be enough for you to cast protections of your own. Now, ready yourselves!” He knelt before the golden door and began praying in a low, powerful voice.

The Travelers did so with rapid speed. Mhoram warded them all against fire; he and Darsint were completely immune to flame. H.A.L. empowered Darsint, Saint Simon, and himself with a valence that increased the flexibility of their arms to the point that they could extend them an extra five feet. He also energized his and Darsint’s swords with the power of pure sound, making them even more lethal. Mhoram and H.A.L. then cast a spell common to both to them and their exteriors became as hard as stone, though with no loss of movement.

The prayer continued, giving Mhoram enough time to ponder the many mistakes they’d made during their attack. If nothing else, he thought, we should have been hastier in making our way down here.

After descending through the burning garden up top, the Travelers opened the hatch in the floor and found themselves in a pitch black living quarters/laboratory that housed two casters of incredible arcane power. (Mhoram guessed them to be sorcerers based on their lack of spellbooks.) They moved quickly after overcoming their surprise, but not before one of the black robed figures nearly imprisoned Darsint miles beneath the earth. The other blew a hole in Mhoram’s leg, roughly double in size as a common coin. Saint Simon was there immediately to patch him up while Darsint, H.A.L., and Gherrick finished off their adversaries by means of several telling blows.

They picked through the lab, the fallen sorcerers, and the many chests in front of dozens of beds. The delay cost them dearly.

They walked into two traps, one on each level as the descended through the tower. The floor immediately beneath the lab consisted of a large, foul smelling nest filled with nearly 20 large bird-men, known as Vrocks. Four groups, five in each, danced in a deadly circle, seemingly in celebration of their arrival. The Travelers rushed the room just as four large blasts of energy lanced their bodies, and set four of the Vrocks ablaze. Gherrick and Aegle proved their worth by killing nearly two-thirds of them, while Saint Simon’s holy prayers obliterated the rest.

Again, they took time to search for clues. This time, the danger below would not wait for them.

Simon had just finished healing them and they were preparing themselves to open the next trapdoor. Suddenly, the door flew open and ten balls of green, crackling energy burst upon them, impacting H.A.L. and Gherrick in equal number. They were sent by more black-robed figures that lined the staircase beneath them. Mhoram annihilated them with deadly explosions of fire and a lightning bolt that arched its way through each of their foes. When the dust finally settled, H.A.L.’s mithrial plating was badly scorched and Gherrick chest was a gaping, bloody hole. Simon healed him with one quick prayer before Gherrick succumbed to the damage inflicted upon him.

Once thoroughly searched, the bodies were discarded and the Traveler made their way through the unholy chapel that housed these evil Warlocks. Fresh blood was smeared across a well-used alter, though no victim could be found. Saint Simon ordered them all to stop so he could consecrate the grounds. He would not listen to them when they begged for him to follow them downwards.

He returned to them shortly as they explored an empty parlor area, presumably the ground level of Zacknef’s tower. A few thin beams of light penetrated the room through cracks in a set of large double doors, making this the only inner level that wasn’t pitch black. The walls were lined with carvings of demonic creatures killing and torturing terrified villagers. One panel consisted of a large, winged demon, wreathed in fire. Its head pointed downward and its outstretched hands each held a head lined with Angelic features. The prominence of this panel suggested that they were looking at the lord of the tower.

Darsint warily opened the door while the others, save Saint Simon (who was tearing away at the carving of the winged fiend), searched for another exit from the parlor. Darsint returned as Mhoram found a final door hidden beneath a well-crafted rug. He reported that a large, moving black cloud was on the horizon. It appeared that Zacknef’s followers were returning. Mhoram used his magicks to lock the door and block it with a Force wall. The quickly hurried down the secret door and descended for a long, long time.

The underground level brought them to where they were now. The tunnel branched off in two directions. One led them to Zacknef’s harem. Four Succubi greeted them, one holding two new-born babies. Mhoram transformed himself into what he hoped looked like Zacknef and attempted to order the release of the prisoner. His disguise was apparently not good enough, and the Succubi attempted to charm them with their lovely demonic forms. They failed and all, save one that vanished, were quickly slain without harm to the babes.

Darsint, reasoning that she had escaped into the Ethereal Plane, quickly activated his enchanted breastplate armor and followed her. He caught sight of her as she ran past him and down the other branch of the corridor. He gave chase until he came up against a multi-dimensional barrier that forbade his further progress. Mhoram, once alerted to the problem, quickly used one of his most powerful incantations to disjoin its magic. A short walk brought them to the looming golden door at which Saint Simon now prayed.

Yes, we should have been quicker, concluded Mhoram, but I have a feeling that this fight will not last long. Let Zacknef’s followers come, for if we can defeat Zacknef, we can wipe them all out at the same time!

A flash of pure sunlight attracted his attention and he noticed that Simon was no longer kneeling. The doors in front of them miraculously melted away, revealing a sight that they all had hoped not to see.


Thanks for reading! Any guesses as to the identity of Zacknef? How about Simon's prediction of likely slaughter. Will it come true and, if so, for whom?!?

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The Wilted Lands of Zacknef, Pt III - Zacknef Remembers

Greetings everyone. Thanks for waiting a bit for this one and I am definately sensing another update in the not-to-far future . . .

Thanks a ton, TrexMaster, for reading and guessing about the fate of our Travelers. Oh, thanks to for mentioning The Ardick Campaign as one of your favorite SHs. Didn't mean to pay back your kind words with an extra long wait.

Well, without futher rambling . . .


Zacknef, Lord of the Wilted Lands, scratched a sharp nail upon the nameless white dome that nestled itself within his Skull Throne. He stroked it carelessly before tapping the nail against another skull in an aimless fashion. His fanged and hideous visage stared forward blankly, as though contemplating something far away, and he thrust his scaly wings outward so he could slouch better upon his throne. His other hand gently held the pommel of a large, menacing sword to his right, and he leisurely maneuvered it in and out of the scabbard.

The Balor Zacknef, destroyer of many Angels, enslaver of countless Mortals, gazed downward for the moment, eventually spitting his fiery saliva upon the ground. Everything given to him at the end of the Last Great War, from his beautiful, once impenetrable tower, to his the hundreds of thralls, to the vast Wilted Lands he ruled, could no longer be considered a boon to him.

This was a conclusion he reach over 99,999 years ago.

Indeed, he saw these fanciful trappings as they truly were: a cage. For all of this was designed by his great master, Shoal, to keep him here in a state of total complacence. Lord Zacknef no longer feared, nor prepared for, enemy attacks now that his borders were established. He was given free reign to rule within them as his black heart desired, never once having to answer for his crimes.

However, no matter how much he pleaded, plotted, or planned, he could never leave his borders and infect other lands with his cruel misery, lest Shoal hand him a fate worse than death.

Of all the things in the world that Zacknef hated most, this pervasive adversary remained undefeatable and untouchable to him, given his current position. He hated this foe more than any Angel he’d ever extinguished, yet he could not strike at it, lest he tempt fate by venturing beyond his defined boundaries.

This hated enemy, this most dreaded of foes, was Boredom. Utter and unending Boredom.

Zacknef yearned for change, but would never get it in these severely tamed lands.

Over 100,000 years ago he led his master’s forces on a victorious, blood soaked journey that scarred these lands forever. He savored those long battles that ushered in the dark cloud of evil upon this land and rejoiced when a new order that was his to choose spread from his vile heart and corrupted the weak minds of his once noble populace. He celebrated every destroyed hope, every crushed dream, and every Good creature murdered by his minions with a malicious joy that was unrivaled amongst his kin.

Over 96,789 years passed since his last ‘conflict’ with the humans he so easily enslaved. Zacknef remembered the event as underwhelming at best. His slaves were far too brittle and ill-equipped to put up an interesting attack or defense and, due to the complete hold of Hell’s Weed upon them, they would never even summon the motivation to try again.

Over 79,675 years passed since he ventured outside of his tower to torture someone. He bemoaned that a disappointing 20,000 years of constant torturing could exhaust his many innovative methods. The repetitious screams of helpless, terrified mortals no longer moved him.

Over 57,893 years passed since one of his underlings attempted to overthrow him in any meaningful way and was broken, in every sense of the word, in front of his fellow lackeys. He wished that they didn’t have such long memories, as he hoped everyday that one would have brutal ambition to attack him again, perhaps even best him.

Over 45,666 years passed since Zacknef last killed something out of spite, hatred, jealousy, or any other toxic emotion that plagued him so fitfully during the Last Great War. It was a fateful moment, as Zacknef realized there was nothing left in his realm that would ever excite, or enrage, him in any encouraging way.

He sequestered himself in the lower level of his tower, only occasionally engaging his henchmen to see if things remained the same. They always did. A trip to the harem was about the only enjoyment he took of late, though his despicable need to humiliate and hurt his concubines, bending them unwillingly to his sickest desires, was 34,571 years past.

Day and night, Zacknef cried out to the darkest of powers in desperation, begging for any meaningful event would that would challenge him in some small way, perhaps even cause him to loose his temper and rediscover the impulse to inflict pain.

Pathetically, it never came.

Yet, when the Succubus Armirz appeared uninvited in his throne room, an act punishable only by the most wretched tortures in his arsenal, Zacknef felt a surge of hope run through him. Today would be different, if for no other reason than it would be his first violent provocation in oh-so-many tedious years.


The Travelers and their friends watched the doors in front of them melt away and reveal a grotesque throne room that smelled of bitter stagnation. The creature they had feared to find, Zacknef the Balor, Lord of the Wilted Lands, stood in front of a large throne composed entirely of skulls. His blackened demonic form, towering nearly 15 feet high, was wreathed flames hot enough to sear their souls. A huge sword shaped like a lightning bolt, also wreathed in fire, lay at Zacknef’s side and was eagerly clutched by his slimy black fingers.

The natural stone room was a large oval, approximately 100 feet across and 70 feet deep, with Zacknef’s Skull Throne occupying the prominent place in the center. Two large metal and spiked screens, maybe 20 feet in both dimensions, flanked the throne roughly 5 feet to the front. An excited Marilith stood in front of one to their left, smiling cruelly in hopes of stroking Zacknef’s anger. She bristled with an obscene amount of weaponry.

The Succubus they’d encountered earlier lay prostrated at Zacknef’s feet, attempting in vain to soothe his worsening mood.


In one swiftly brutal motion, Zacknef raised his lightning sword above his horned head and brought it down upon Armirz’s neck, decapitating the Succubus in a bloody exclamation point. The head towards the Travelers at a rapid pace, eventually resting at Darsint’s feet.

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The Wilted Lands of Zacknef IV - Confrontation

OK, so it took a bit longer to turn this update out, but I'm pleased with it and hopefully you will find it worth the wait. This brings about the end of our second (final???) gaming session and fufilled my need to give Mhoram, Zacknef, and Gherrick (the PCs) a fight worthy of their potent skills.

Enjoy! :D


Zacknef surged forward, shaking the chamber around them with his mighty footsteps, each long stride consuming the space between himself and the Travelers. Gherrick loosened five quick shots at him, only to have the arrows burned away by Zacknef’s black, fiery aura.

Zacknef retorted by telekinetically grabbing Aegle from Gherrick’s strong grasp, tossing her at the feet of his Marilith. His left hand arm extended itself and he made a slow, crushing motion with his hand whilst looking directly at Saint Simon.


The loud echo of Saint Simon’s bones crushing in on themselves pierced their ears and his form suddenly collapsed into a compact package surrounded by a rapidly growing blood pool.


“Gherrick, come to me!” cried Aegle. “Do not let Saint Simon die in vain!”

“Don’t just stand there gaping!” shot Darsint. “We don’t stand a chance without your marksmanship!”

Darsint and the seven rotating images around him charged Zacknef with sword in hand, landing a blow with swift precision. Zacknef quickly retrieved a long, sinewy barbed whip at his side. Its tail danced wickedly in the air before entangling Darsint, pulsing with a life of its own. Zacknef pulled him forward into his burning form with an abrupt snap of the whip.

Mhoram and H.A.L. acted in concert, unleashing a series of electrical and sonic invocations at the Balor. Their energies raced forward in rapid succession, creating blinding fireworks in the darkness around them. The results were unimpressive, never giving Zacknef reason to give up Darsint.

Gherrick tumbled his way toward the Marilith on Zacknef’s right, dodging its blows masterfully and avoiding its enchanting gaze. He ran and dove for Aegle who eagerly returned to his needy hands. Two shots were fired while on his back, aimed directly for her head, only to see his missiles pass through the Demon in front of him.

Gherrick’s true adversary slid out of the darkness from behind the throne. She wasted little time and followed Zacknef’s lead by ripping Aegle from Gherrick. Aegle flew forward and impacted the Skull Throne at high speed, ricocheting behind it. Her hands immediately grabbed the six blades at her side and she slithered forward, ready to slice Gherrick open.

Darsint wailed on Zacknef with his large metal fists, desperately trying to free himself from the Balor’s painful grasp. He managed to push himself away, giving the combatants space to trade sword blows. Zacknef punished him with two telling blows, forcing the lightning-shaped, adamantine weapon deep inside Darsint’s hardened body, never mistaking Darsint’s illusionary replicas for the real thing. Darsint returned with four quick slashes and grimaced when they rang off Zacknef’s flaming skin.

“STUPID, PATHETIC MORTALS!’ taunted Zacknef. “I WILL SEND YOUR WEAK SOUL TO THE ABYSS SO YOU CAN ENJOY A LEVEL OF SUFFERING THAT I COULD ONLY HOPE TO INFLICT UPON YOU!” His whip stretched out again and ensnared Darsint a second time, lifting him off his feet and into the flames.

Mhoram and H.A.L. watched helplessly as more and more of their magicks were extinguished by Zacknef’s horrible aura. Their own auras, provided by the mauled Saint Simon, did not seem to slow their boastful foe.

“H.A.L.,” cried Mhoram, “maximize all of your damaging spells upon our foe! We can only hope one of our more potent valences will get through this Demon’s defenses and do some meaningful damage!”

H.A.L. responded with a cone of scintillating rainbow beams, aimed carefully as to not catch Darsint. It was but a small annoyance to Zacknef. Mhoram breathed in and concentrated on his enemy. A small cylinder of force flew towards Zacknef and exploded through his right leg. A geyser of black flames erupted from the wound.

Zacknef turned his attention away from the entangled Darsint and gazed upon the bone-robed wizard still standing at the entrance to his lair. “YOU CANNOT HOPE TO HURT ME WITH YOUR SILLY SPELL, MAGE! LET ME FINISH WITH YOUR GOLEM AND I’LL SHOW YOU A DAMNATION THAT WILL BE YOUR ETERNITY!!!”

His voice rattled the chamber and a boulder shook free from the ceiling, dropping between Zacknef and his quarry. The rock snapped the whip from his hand and forced Darsint away from him. Darsint did not miss this opportunity, casting his own spell and then flinging his greatsword at the prone monstrosity in front of him. It slashed a deep wound across Zacknef’s shoulder, creating a large gash that breathed more fire, before returning to Darsint’s hands.

Gherrick desperately tried to distance himself from the six-bladed Marilith, whose swords repeatedly cut him. He managed to fend off enough abuse to get away and retrieve Aegle, easily spotting her shinning glow in the darkness. They turned to face their charging foe and embedded four arrows in her long tail and muscular torso.

She was now on top of him and the two then began the deadly dance of Bow against Sword. Gherrick could not recall the last time he’d practiced this routine, but it came with instinctive speed.

Gherrick dodged left, then right, before stutter-stepping to evade all but one of the Marilith’s attacks, slightly wounding his arrow arm but never slowing him. He and Aegle fired arrow after arrow from seemingly impossible positions; at times shooting blindly as they tumbled back and forth, each arrow scoring a bloody victory.

The Marilith now realized that Gherrick could not be allowed to use his weapon so freely and grappled him with her long, reptilian tail. The force of her strength bore down upon him and he felt consciousness slipping away.

“Fight, Gherrick, fight!” a desperate Aegle called out. “Do not allow yourself to leave your friends without killing this beast!”

Gherrick felt his rib cage start to crack, bringing a blood into his mouth and out onto his lips. Aegle restored some of his strength immediately, giving him a few more precious seconds of consciousness.

Zacknef never stopped the brutal offensive he’d begun against Darsint. Flecks of Greenstar metal flew in all direction each time the jagged blade hit home. H.A.L. rushed forward with greatsword drawn, hoping to intervene. He found his metal frame thrown aside by a powerful punch from the Demon that threw him up against a spiked screen that stood in front of the throne. Prying himself off, he charged back, diving out with a repairing spell charged on his hand.

H.A.L. flew past Darsint and touched his back, magically closing some of the cracks now stitched across the Greenstar Adept’s frame. H.A.L. tumbled expertly to an abrupt stop and reentered the fight.


“You will not take that pleasure, Demon!” exclaimed Darsint. “It will be you who looses your soul today, if there is anything still left of it!”

Sword strokes exchanged themselves amongst the three combatants, their weapons clashing in a flurry of deadly violence. The Sucubus’ head remained near the entrance, a reminder of Zacknef’s deadly prowess. His sword, bristling with evil, chaotic fire was something to be feared in its own right.

Zacknef was a consummate tactician. He moved easily from side to side, never letting his foes get behind him and while trying to use them as cover from Mhoram’s magical attacks. He ignored damage from the few valences that penetrated his innate resistance to mortal magic and further pressed his attack. Mhoram now realized, through trial and error of all too many of his spells, that electrical attacks would not harm this Balor. Likewise, Zacknef’s fiery blood burned too hot for any fire-based incantations to succeed.

H.A.L. feinted to his left, provoking an attack from Zacknef, but leaving open a small window for Darsint to strike. Darsint swung again and again, absorbing Zacknef’s black, fiery aura harmlessly by way of the wards provided to him by Mhoram, H.A.L., and the extinguished Simon. His own attack did little harm and two blows returned by Zacknef erased all of H.A.L.’s repairs.

“You will not take me, Demon whore,” gasped Gherrick, still struggling to break free of the Marilith’s squeeze. He found a dagger strapped behind his right shoulder and pressed it deep into the Demon, causing her to scream loudly. She released her grasp just enough for Gherrick to spurt free and turn his bow back upon her. He danced between her blows and kept firing, always firing no matter where she forced him. His foes now sported a dozen arrows on her foul frame.

The Marilith pressed forward, trying to yank away Aegle, before raining down six strikes too fast for Gherrick’s keen eyes. His breastplate adequately protected his vitals, but the foul energies in her strikes shocked him to the core. He fired desperately, trying to seek cover behind a spiked screen, then the throne. She pursued him mercilessly. Two more arrows found their target, one flying wide and another deflected by a sword. Each retreated to opposite sides of the Skull Throne to take count of their many wounds.

The Marilith stopped, taking a defensive posture on the opposite side of the throne and weighed her options. She was bleeding from too many wounds, and the nimble archer was too fast for this engagement to work out in her favor. Even if Zacknef did win, he would probably rape her in a fit of mad glee to celebrate his victory.

“F&(# you, Zacknef!” she spat at him. “I will not sacrifice my life for the miserable likes of you!” She vanished from view with a pop that echoed throughout the chamber.

“WHAT IS THIS?” snarled Zacknef, his face twisting in unfortunate surprise. “YOU STUPID BITCH! I WILL CHASE YOU DOWN AND RIP EVERY LAST INCH OF SKIN FROM YOUR BODY!”

H.A.L. and Darsint seized the moment to strike together, their greatswords a whirlwind of menacing steel. Only Darsint’s blows landed successfully and more fiery wounds erupted along Zacknef’s black skin. He glared at Darsint and shouted, “COME, LITTLE ONE! LET ME PUT THE SWEET WARMTH OF LIFE BEHIND YOU! I WILL SEND YOUR SOUL TO MY LAIR IN THE ABYSS AND YOU WILL FOREVER BE MY THRALL!!!”

Zacknef’s sword came around from above his head and brought the pommel down atop Darsint’s head, sending him to his knees. His eyes were forced downward so that he never saw the death blow coming.

Zacknef’s muscular arm descended as his lightning-bolt sword swept across Darsint’s torso in a blur of flaming metal, splitting him in two. His heavy body landed with successive thuds, and the Traveler’s dead face was pasted with a look of horrific confusion.


“Darsint!!!” cried Gherrick, finally able to find his words through the rising lump in his throat. His fingers acted instinctively and Zacknef soon wore a circle of arrows upon his winged back, each one planted with precise accuracy.

“Here you die, Demon,” replied Mhoram coolly. “We will fight you to the very last; there will be no mercy for you. None shall ever feel your tyranny past this day!”


Mhoram wasted no time during Zacknef’s tirade to act decisively. He concentrated all of his power into a dark cloud that puffed out around the Demon’s, sucking away any moisture residing in his fiery frame. It took hold with deadly potency and all watched Zacknef’s skin wilted before them. He cried loudly, spitting fire upon the ground at his feet and taking three thundering steps backwards. A fireball exploded upon Mhoram, but it was skillfully evaded by the Incantrix.

“FOOLS!’ proclaimed the ailing Balor, showing his first signs of weakness during their fight. “YOU WILL JOIN ME IN THE ABYSS! KILL ME! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE COURAGE! TO DO SO MEANS YOUR OWN DEATHS! DO IT, FOOLS! I DARE YOU!!!!!”

Fire spurted from Zacknef’s wounded, dried skin and he shook with an agitated energy that reminded Mhoram of a stopped-up, full beaker held up to a very hot flame.

A cone of ice issued from Mhoram’s hands, maximized with all his remaining power. It impacted Zacknef squarely in the chest. Frost overran the Demon’s torso and his form rapidly stiffened as the cold overtook him. His cruel face contorted into a crazed, evil smile, just before he exploded in a flash of searing destruction.

The explosion rolled over the room, lifting man and object off the floor. It threw them backwards against the wall and they lost sight of each other in the blinding flash of energy. A loud crack issued forth from the ceiling and rubble descended up them, threatening to celebrate their victory by burying any potential survivors alive. . .

Harris finally sat down at his small, nearly broken table and desperately fought to keeps his emotions together. He’d paced relentlessly throughout the day until he saw the sun rise to its zenith in the sky. He reminded himself then that this could be the last time he had to fake his allergy to Hell’s Weed and that nothing, absolutely nothing, could tip Zacknef’s men to the insidious plot that was now underway to bring about his demise.

He composed himself and took his daily dose, barely managing to hold the Hell’s Weed down until after Zacknef’s men left. His daughters did well by doing the same. They quickly wandered off before their captors could take their pleasures.

They returned to their ‘house’ (he didn’t know why that word came to him, as no one around them really had one) and paced some more, trying not give into the hope that the Travelers would succeed. Even if they did return victorious, Harris did not know where his people would go. Their newly gained freedom would evaporate soon after it was granted, exhausted by the harsh lands around them.

Feelings of panic surged through him and he forced himself to sit back down. It would all end today, one way or another. Looked at his daughters playing quietly in the corner and prayed to Saint Simon that they would not seek Zacknef before they died.

His door flew open and three figures appeared, their features blacked out by the sun behind them. Harris threw himself over his daughters and bade them to close their eyes.

“Hush, you two,” Harris pleaded over their cries. “It is time that we leave this place; we will be free very soon.”

“It is done,” said a familiar voice. “He is no more.”

A shocked Harris turned around and saw the three of them in his room. Mhoram looked completely drained, his tanned completion a noticeable shade lighter and he breathed heavily. Gherrick stood his right, holding the crushed body of Saint Simon and covered in his angelic blood. Electrical sparks shot out from H.A.L.’s various extremities, and his normally upright posture was a bit hunched over. All were covered in brownish dust.

“Do you speak truthfully?” pleaded Harris as he advanced towards them, his eyes starting to water. “Are we free of him for good?”

“Yes,” replied Mhoram.

Harris flung himself onto his knees and a pair of emaciated arms wrapped around Mhoram’s legs. A wailing sob, full of thankfulness and relief, resounded throughout the house.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you . . .,” whispered Harris, over and over. He stayed on his knees, holding Mhoram and crying until his eyes ran dry.


The remaining two Travelers slept until sunrise, surrounded by every remaining ward Mhoram possessed. Both awoke and made their way towards their fallen warriors.

Mhoram looked over their dead while Gherrick silently observed. The Initiate of the Bow looked over Darsint, cleaved into two chunks and lined with uncountable chips and cracks. Saint Simon was a mauled effigy of himself, squished into a diminished stature that reeked of heavenly blood.

Fortunately, killing Zacknef hadn’t caused their demise. The ceiling threatened to collapse upon them, but H.A.L. reacted first. He protected them inside a large hemisphere of pure Force, invisible yet unmovable, leaving them enough time to collect their dead and acquire Zacknef’s riches.

Mhoram pulled out a slender grey libram from his angel-skeleton robe and thought of Darsint. Alas, he mused, the living construct that was Darsint would have enjoyed this tome. Creating a Stone Golem, especially one as outlined here, was certainly a challenge worthy of the Adept’s skills.

I must choose, thought Mhoram, between a link to the past and one to the present. Simon is our only true key to temporary immortality. His prayers will bring us back to this place no matter how we are destroyed. Moreover, he knows at least something of this time and place, though a 100,000 years or so removed from the present day. But Darsint, he does not deserve this. He is too proud and powerful to make his end in such a manner. I would hate to loose him; he feels like a good friend that I’ve never met.

“Which one should I choose, Gherrick?” inquired Mhoram. “I can only bring back one of them, for certain. I can’t be positive, but I feel that Simon’s prayers won’t be strong enough to return Darsint to us. I may be wrong, but it is unlikely. Darsint is no longer a man now that his ascendance is complete, and Angels only hold sway over those with defined mortalities. Speak now, Gherrick, and tell me: which one?”

“Darsint, I think,” he whispered in a low voice, “but don’t ask me. Simon is a great asset for us, though Darsint came here with us, and I think he would do the same for either of us, given a change in our positions.”

“It is settled then. I will bring Darsint back to us.”

The loud, thumping gait of H.A.L, Warforged Eldritch Knight, issued from behind them. H.A.L. approached and addressed Mhoram. “Master Program, I request permission to examine the remains of Sub-Programmer Darsint.”


H.A.L. dropped to his knee and spent several minutes assessing the situation.

“With your permission, Master Programmer, I will return Darsint to a limited level of functionality. From there I may attempt to fully restore his systems.”

“Say true? Can you do the same for Saint Simon?”

“Negative. Darsint and I share certain commonalities. My restorative processes will only aid him.”

“Do so then, at your earliest possibility.”

“I will need to refresh my arcane subroutines. Earliest execution of said programs will occur tomorrow morning.”

“Well, I guess that makes your choice easy,” muttered Gherrick.

“Yes, you must surely restore Saint Simon,” offered Aegle. “He is a kind and just creature. Our newfound flock will need his spiritual guidance in such a harrowing place as this.”

Guidance indeed, thought Mhoram. Surely, the positive must far outweigh the negatives for bringing Simon back to us. Perhaps these newly freed prisoners could use his preaching. I cannot see a denial of our responsibility here, but all the better if they rely on him more than us. Our path may be too treacherous to bring them along


A column of heavenly light issued forth from above at the conclusion of Mhoram’s words. There was a bright flash, and then Saint Simon stood before them, restored to his full vigor. His formerly gaunt frame boasted thick muscle and he appeared straighter and taller. The dozens of Aag-inflicted wounds were replaced by smooth and supple green skin. He was a wonder to behold in his new state of being, coursing with holy energy and smiling contently.

“Thank you, Mhoram. I owe you much for this grand favor. I cannot restore the losses you received from casting such a taxing valence, but I will work everyday to repay you, knowing that the sum of my works will never truly equal what you have done for me. Now, tell me, is Zacknef no more?”

Mhoram returned his smile and the joy of their accomplishment radiated throughout his posture. “Yes, it is done Simon. The tyrant is dead, and his prisoners are now free. What we will do with them is something we must consult on once Darsint is restored.”

Saint Simon rushed towards them and they were soon caught in the long arms of his loving embrace.

“Merciful Lord, he was the last one who should have met this fate. You followed me into Zacknef’s quarters, both of you, because the goodness in your hearts persuaded you. I fear Darsint followed out of mere loyalty to you, despite his inner objections. I wish I could have died twice, once for both of us.”

“Don’t worry about him,” advised Gherrick. “H.A.L. will restore him in the morning. Now, what about these people? Harris is off cooking up a possible cure from the Marilith’s corpse we brought back. If he succeeds, what shall we do?” Agitation permeated his normally cool exterior.

“The answer lies with your heart, good Archer. We must help them, whatever the cost. As to how, it is something I must meditate on. Please, let me tend to your wounds and we will discuss the matter in the morning. We should all be here for that conversation.”

“Agreed,” said Mhoram. “Rest well, Saint Simon. We will talk in the morning.”


They all gathered around to watch H.A.L. begin his work an hour after daybreak. He carefully pieced each severed bit of Darsint back together in an efficient and knowledgeable manner. When completed, H.A.L. stepped back a few pace and cast his spell. A white ray sped forth from this right finger and a violent spasm rippled through his patient. Darsint convulsed, contorted, and opened his eyes.

Darsint was speechless at first. He couldn’t stop looking at the hundreds of cracks that coursed through his mighty frame. Something told him that he had never been hurt this badly in the past. When his senses coalesced, he turned to them and asked: “Did we do it? Did we kill that foul bastard?”

“Yes, it is done,” replied Mhoram. “Now lay still whilst H.A.L. repairs you. Then we shall all talk.”

“Yes, do as Mhoram asks,” included Saint Simon. “For now, can I offer you a bite of food from my backpack?”

“I don’t need food,” retorted Darsint. “And, moreover, where did you get such a useful item at such an opportune time?”

“The Lord,” he answered succinctly.


Their meeting took place during the early afternoon. Harris had not returned to them and his missing presence remained in the back of their minds. Soon, the sun would climb to its zenith and nearly a thousand poor souls would be missing out on their daily dose of Hell’s Weed.

Darsint appeared fully restored, from every crack in his body to the tight scowl that pursed his lips. H.A.L. did an extraordinary job repairing Darsint, and Mhoram let the Warforged know it.

“Thank you, Master Programmer Mhoram. Your approval makes me . . . happy.”

Mhoram recounted their narrow escaped to his revived companions. They listed intently as he described how H.A.L. stabilize the falling ceiling long enough to gather them up and give the room a quick search. Zacknef hid a small chest, filled to the brim with valuable coins and an important gem: diamonds. Mhoram handed the Golem tome to Darsint, and imparted several other treasures on Saint Simon. None claimed the fiery-red and bejeweled headband that could shoot searing balls of flame at one’s enemies. Such a refusal clearly demonstrated their current equipment was far more favorable.

“Now, what will we do with these refugees?” broached Saint Simon. “We must take them with us. Surely they will die if let out here, whether from addiction or the inherent hostility of the land.”

“We are going to Redshores, a town none save you have ever visited,” countered Darsint. “Will they greet a thousand poor and needy with open arms, or stow away their wares and turn a cold shoulder to them, and to us? We do not know what laws or customs we might violate by bringing them along.”

“There are laws and then there is what is right and what is wrong,” Simon responded. “Those in Redshores are surely still good folk Karlissina bade you to find them.”

“We do not know if Harris will complete their cure, or come back empty-handed,” Mhoram interjected. “If he is unsuccessful, we must have a plan as well. I agree with both of you, to some extent. Simon, there is what is right and what is wrong. Whether they are cured or not, we must arrange for basic provisions for them and allow them to make a meaningful start. Darsint, you are wise to understand the reaction of the residents of Redshores to these people, and towards us, could be hostile. If these refugees of Zacknef’s Wilted Lands can sustain themselves out here, we will give them everything they need then travel on.”

“Mhoram, you cannot be entertaining such thoughts!” cried Simon. “Look deep inside; what would you want them to do for you, if your positions were reversed? That answer is the duty that you will owe them, what it is you decide for yourself and them.”

“Ha, Simon, you are so merciful when you would seek to drag others down with you!” shot Darsint. “You appeal to our good nature while you thrust us in front of the will of your God! We do not have any codes of conduct or written proclamations declaring that we need to be this kind. We have done enough for them, more than anyone else, including your God. Their responsibility is not mine, and I have never said so.”

“You accuse the Lord and I of bending your actions to suit our desires?” shouted Simon. “You want me with you just as much as these people want you to help them escape the curse of their mere existence. Deliver them, Darsint, from that which you have freed them.”

“I am disinclined to do so at the moment, and I will not talk further with you on this until Harris returns with word of his success. Mhoram, come with me. We need to talk in private.”

“Look into your heart, Darsint, lest you loose your moral footing inside the cold metal frame you possess,” answered Simon. “You must remember that we owe it to those less fortunate than us to use our powers . . .”

“Enough, Angel!” screamed Darsint. “You tell me to think with my heart? Think with your head! Your last bold foray for the sake of others left you crushed by Zacknef’s mere whim. Do not make the same mistake twice. I don’t think Mhoram will be so eager to return one who cannot manage to merely stay alive.”

“Zacknef was merely lucky when he squelched me,” returned Simon. “Every evil fiend may carry victory in the short run, but his very pride (by your account Mhoram) is what cost him his life. He stayed to berate you and taunt you with answers. He was killed for the privilege. I may have met an early end, but it was the Lord’s lesson that he was given on that date, and it was the final lesson of he ever had. I lived just long enough to deliver the message.”

“Good! Though, I wouldn’t say it was your Lord that decided your fate. It was you, wise Saint Simon, who threw caution to the wind and put yourself in front of a charging Demon. Next time, try to remember your wits long enough to recall that we need you. The outcome could have been different for both of us if you had lasted longer. Now, Mhoram, I must talk with you . . . alone.”

A slight commotion arose from the south and they were distracted from their verbal sparring. It was Harris, running towards them at great pace. He carried a large beaker of a foul looking concoction.

“We’ve done it!” shouted Harris in between gulps of air. He stopped in front on them, caught his breath, and continued.

“I think we have a cure to the Hell’s Weed. The beast’s heart was the key . . . I don’t have a lot, though, but it’s a start. Can you help us again . . . with your magicks? Can you help me make more of it?”

“Your prayers will certainly be answered,” Saint Simon assured him. The Planetar shot Darsint a contemptuous look. “I will aid you for now, but perhaps others will feel inclined to do so later. Yes, Darsint, go and discuss their fate. Trust whatever organ in your steely body that will let you judge the truth of this matter.”


“What is it you wish to discuss?”

Darsint’s gaze went downward and he considered his words. Mhoram was definitely of a similar moral bent to Saint Simon. But, realities were realities, not the pleasant situations that all hoped for. Darsint knew he would need to be very appealing to have Mhoram’s support.

“I feel uneasy about these refugees,” began Darsint, shifting his posture to be more upright and powerful, while adopting a stance of openness and sincerity. “We are thrust into this by fate and nothing else. Regardless, I think this is more than a subtle poke. We are being shoved into this relationship and I would not be surprised if this was all part of a greater design. If it is a design by those who sent us here, I’m inclined to let these people fend for themselves.”

“What will happen to these folk if we walk away?” Mhoram asked rhetorically. “Will they settle down somewhere near, perhaps lead quiet agrarian lives of peace and prosperity?”

“Why do you bother to ask? It shouldn’t be our concern. We need to reach Redshores with as little delay as possible. Our immediate actions must yield us more information about ourselves and this world, or we will die ignorant and alone!”

“Simmer down, Darsint. I hate this lack of knowledge as much as you. We will find the answers, and I think these people may lead us to more. We can transport ourselves instantaneously to Redshores with but one word from my lips. This ‘guide’ of ours, this Karlissina, asked us to walk the land and see what has become of it. She also spoke of repentance. Why haven’t you considered this? We should not let this opportunity to pass us by, for she also said that we would be here until this repentance was accomplished.”

“I don’t like being cornered like this!” growled Darsint. “Even if Harris can save them, who is to say that we can? This is a harsh land and we cannot protect all of them at once. They will slow us down when we may need speed. Further, we do not owe them anything. Nothing, I say! We have done enough for them and it is time they did for themselves.”

“They will take their chances with us, for they have no choice,” replied Mhoram in a calm and soothing voice. “We cannot abandon them and doing so would loose us Saint Simon. You may not need him, but Gherrick and I do. Simon will not be persuaded to let these people be and his fate will be the same as theirs, or worse. How do you think Simon will do out here, Darsint? Will he be a shining beacon to those who . . .”

“Enough! I can see that your kind nature is truly the force behind this. Knowledge, I can understand that. But you chain yourself to a sinking man in the midst of a tumultuous sea. Idiotic in every sense! They will weigh us down, not to mention the dangers of bringing such rabble into a civilized place like Redshores. You want my help, but your offer is not sincere. You know I must stay with you and my arguments are immediately dismissed. You do what you want and expect me to follow. How did that fare for me in Zacknef’s Lair, Mhoram? Not so well, remember? The path I see for us this time is very different . . .”

“Thank you, Darsint. You will not regret this. These folk will sing many songs about you once we lead them to safety. Come. Let us see if Harris created an antidote.”

“I care very little for them or their cure,” he muttered. “The ones who survive may stay with us, but they are not my charge.”

They walked back into the town and easily spotted Simon doling out spoonfuls of the dirty grime inside Harris’ beaker to the many, many addicts around them. There were now three more beakers next to him and he’d dispatched Harris to tend those who’d already receive their dose.

The cure was far worse than the disease, causing fits of nausea that lasted tens of minutes at a time. Several minutes after receiving a dose the patient buckled over with violent burst of blackened vomit. It was as though every cell in their body was cleansing itself from the taint of the Weed. Apparently the taint ran very, very deep. The heaves would last for tens of minutes, subside briefly, and then resume with renewed vigor. The Travelers could not work fast enough, nor employ enough magicks, to keep the area clean for long.

Within a few hours everyone had received their medicine and the entire town, nearly 946 people to Mhoram’s count, heaved and hurled in agonized unison.


The next day was spent helping them regain some of their newfound strength. Saint Simon moved about them constantly and tended to their injuries and appetites as best as he could. They slept again that night, this time without Mhoram’s wards against mental influence.

Mhoram and Gherrick shared a similar dream of the beautiful, scintillating orb that pulsed with life and energy. An elven female, made out of water and shifting forms violently screamed in pain. She cried out to them, at once begging them to help her, and them commanding them to leave.

They awoke bathed in sweat and immediately shared their experiences with the others. Darsint was reached as well during his extended meditation. He would wait until later in their journey to tell of his revelations.

The Travelers awoke their flock early and whipped them into marching order. The folk reacted with surprising speed and formed several columns ten abreast and twenty deep.

With Saint Simon flying above, shouting out commands and scripture, the Travelers continued the walk northward along the ominous Road of Bone. . . .
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