The area of radius spells centred on target?


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When the area of a spell is x-ft. radius emanation from touched creature do you select a point to place the effect? (pg. 175 phb Regardless of the shape of the area, you select the point where the spell originates, ... . The point of origin of a spell is always a grid intersection)

Does this mean that parts of large creatures could be outside the effect of such spells even if they are centred on them?

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First Post
I'd say, that if the center of the creature is a grid intersection (as it is with large creatures), then you have to choose that point of origin. If the center of the creature is a space (as with medium-sized creatures), then you choose one corner of that square as the point of origin.

In general (especially with larger creatures, like gargantuan or colossal), it's easily possible to have them only partially covered by such a spell effect, but the spell affects them nonetheless. They are inside the spell's area, after all.

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Gorgon said:
Does this mean that parts of large creatures could be outside the effect of such spells even if they are centred on them?
Certainly. This would generally not be relevant unless the body part in question, or something located on it, had its damage tracked separately for some reason.


Starglim said:
Certainly. This would generally not be relevant unless the body part in question, or something located on it, had its damage tracked separately for some reason.

as in a stegosaurus, which has a brain in both it's head...and it's tail.

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