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The Art of Eberron: AWESOME new WOTC Update!

Hand of Evil

Dragonblade said:
Snapdragyn is right on.

The culture that invented gunpowder didn't ever really use it as a weapon and the culture that did turn it into a weapon, didn't invent it.

As things go technology gets a boost from accidents. Gunpowder myth states that it was created as a medicine, it just took time to apply it to other fields, Teflon the same way. It is in the applying of knowledge that advances science, technology and science gets surpressed if it goes against current beliefs and ideaology. Examples: Levy and his comets, the bird and dino debate, and Tesla.

Gunpowder was seen as a weapon because there was a need of it in Europe.

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frankthedm said:
The level of technology in ebberon sure as heck seems to go past what the contest rules called for. Just calling it magic instead of technology was a poor sidestep IMHO.
Can you show me where it actually says this in the rules given out for the setting contest? I've read them over several times and I must be mising something, or the piece I have is incomplete in some way.

From what I'm reading - and again, I may have an incomplete document - no mention whatsoever was made about what they were looking for in the 'level of technology' or indeed level of magic or anything else, at all. The proposal framework simply states 'what's what' about the world.

Now, assumption may have been made about what WOTC wanted from the setting search, and Dacey had an excellent post about how to go about such a thing, but I see nothing at all in the rules about what will and will not be considered.


First Post
I was going to post, but you guys suitably put Triumph's argument to rest for me. Don't you find it amusing how many of those who insist on having 'reality' in their (fantasy!) games often have a poor, simplistic understanding of the history they call on as authority?

Kai Lord

Hellcow said:
Does that address the issue more directly, or am I still being to oblique? :)
No, you addressed the issue quite nicely thanks. And I just want to take the time to offer up my own congratulations for winning the Setting Search. It really does look like Eberron will be an awesome world. I wonder, are the Warforged in any way Miyazaki inspired?

As a participant in the contest, a part of me wonders whether or not its bad form to ask the winner to step up and explain some of his choices in the chosen setting. Don't take it negatively, the reason for the probing questions is largely just due to the fact that I'm so enthusiastic about what's been revealed so far. Very cool, and thanks for participating in the discussion.


First Post
Don't you find it amusing how many of those who insist on having 'reality' in their (fantasy!) games often have a poor, simplistic understanding of the history they call on as authority?
In case that refers to me, I'm not pointing to reality at all. Reality never had magic wands...mythology might have though.


First Post
Hellcow said:
So I'm afraid that in this case, Eberron simply may not be the world for you. Sorry!

Well. While that was written in reply to you of sorts. It was not written TO you, or with the idea you'd see it. I was e-mailed your response to someone who'd had expressed similar questions I'd had. And I replied to that person who'd emailed me.

But what the hell right?

Obviously, I haven't done very well explaining my point. And other forums members thoughts on my "limited understanding of history aside", I'll give it another shot, this time free from examples. (Which only seem to cause the conversation to diverge.)

Essentially my question/critisism is this: What are the limitations that keep the world in check?

In Lord of The Rings, at least as far as the Hobbit, and The Lord of The Rings are concerned, Gandalf and Orcs had "gunpowder". Rider's of the Mark didn't have a written language, so they had no ability to pass such information on but from one person to another. The Hobbits didn't care, and frowned on such pursuits if not results. The men of Gondor didn't even know what they did know, having fought in a long crippeling war that stretched beyond living memory and suffered the dark designes of Sauron. The Orcs had something pretty similar, obviously, but were wholly bound to their masters will. The elves were unchanging, and little was known about what the dwarves new. And even if the other races did know, they wouldn't share it freely. Significant limitations. Tolkien explains, and explains well, why such things had not come to pass. Particularly when it comes to the appendexies and the fate that befell the men of the West. This is not, "lazy." It is quite thorough. Your world should have similar devices to explain why what is is, and why what might have been isn't.

I for my part, wondered, but planned to wait and see, given responses in other forums, and understanding the limitiations of NDA's in light of future releases such as issues of Dragon. The Dinosaurs, the Lightning Rail, and the abscense of useful "technology" in an economically powerful, once united, empire, populated with assumably clever people, that hasn't suffered a major catastrophy that took much of the know how out of the world lead one to certain inevitable questions. The friend I was conversing with actually came up with a very inventive explaination that would satisfy me. I would be inclined to assume (and we know what that means) he posted my reply in an effort to test this hypothesis.

But you might be right. If your most immediate answer to "Why and why not?" is "Because that's not what I wrote." Eberron probably isn't for me. Odd that another poster mentions Miyazaki, since that's inline with what I would hope for.

As an addendum to s/LaSH et al:
The Chinese are KNOWN to have invented gunpowder by the 8th century, and at the latest 13th centuries for handguns and shrapnel filled rockets. Hardly, A) a 1000 year gap, or B) precludes the inventions of either elsewhere and even many times but not "catching on." Europeans adopted rifling by the 16th century IIRC to collect the soot that fouled the cannon (the frequent need to reduce fortifications made these sorts of endevours frequent). By a quirk of serendipity it was discovered that the right kind of rifling induced a stabilizing amount of spin. Exploding artillary loaded with shot appeared not long after rifling. There is a reason the events happen in the sequence they did, it's not a coincidence. And there is a reason the chinese are credited with the invention of gun powder as well as most of it's first military uses. And there is a reason why these inventions were so improved by the europeans who didn't invent them and not so refined in the nation of their birth. There are consequences to having a rich powerful nation like china, or the US, some of them are good, like pure science and scholarship, some are bad like the inertia of a huge infrastructure. Eberron, being made up of people will have similar inevitable consequences. HAND.


Been here a while...
Insancipitory said:
As an addendum to s/LaSH et al:
The Chinese are KNOWN to have invented gunpowder by the 8th century, and at the latest 13th centuries for handguns and shrapnel filled rockets. Hardly, A) a 1000 year gap, or B) precludes the inventions of either elsewhere and even many times but not "catching on."

A) 1000 years, no. 400-500 years, yes. That's still roughly twice the age of the U.S. A considerably long time if you're not a dwarf or an elf. :)

B) Who's to say (apart from Hellcow) gunpowder was invented in Eberron and just never "caught on". If it's reasonable enough for the real world, why not here? Maybe they knew how to make it 2,000 years ago and forgot. It's not all that unreasonable when you consider we're still not exactly sure how the ancients made Greek fire, another D&D staple.


First Post
Greatwyrm said:
Who's to say (apart from Hellcow) gunpowder was invented in Eberron and just never "caught on".
Who's to say it didn't catch on? In your Eberron, of course.

Hey, if I'm allowed to posit a Europe where all the Germans have pointy ears, then you're allowed to posit an imaginary world where things make sense to you.

I might not agree with the concept, but you don't have to get my signature to roll a d20...


Allanon said:
Um, is that a Dual Bladed Light Saber? the warforged is holding on the right side of the picture :confused:.

Is it me, or does that picture have the right proportions to be a DM Screen?

And were they planning to introduce a DM Screen for Eberron?
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