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The Avatar Dweomer Master-A Human only epic level PrC


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This is an epic level Prestige Class for D&D, when i say epic level, i mean for levels 21+. I did not create this PrC, that honor goes to Silmarien Aldalome at the Wizards of The Coast boards. It is also a Human only PrC. It is also for Forgotten Realms mainly. It is also not meant to be restricted by the books.

Avatar Dweomer Master

Humans who have an excessive burning ambition and drive towards mastery occasionally create a Destiny for themselves that surpasses all knowledge, convention, expectation and known limits. This Journey of Emergence is a profound expression of human potential - and is neither straight-forward, easy, and certainly not without great risk, and pain.

All matter of the Universe is manufactured in stars. Stars begin the creation of matter with basic elements and by way of Fusion, create heavier elements - and so planetary matter, cosmic dust, and all the building blocks of life come from stars.

An Avatar Dweomer Master has discovered and learned mastery over the very forces of matter and nature. That is, you recognise how to "manifest the energy of stardust" that is locked deeply within every human body. This mastery resides in the space between Magical Energy and the Energy of Matter. Together, these two basic forces of life are unlocked by the Avatar Dweomer Master who has learned to control these wild forces of nature.

A human being of very high level, who is protected by the highest level Abjurations known to mages, and whose very body has collided with basic forces of nature - produces a Synergy Effect that results in the Annihilation of Body and the Immersion of Mind into the very Essence of the Universe. This is a collision of Law, Chaos, Evil, Good, Transformation, Transmutation, Evocation and Abjuration, results in a giant explosion that opens a trans-temporal portal - into the Space beyond Space, and Time Beyond Time.

This experience to the human cannot be characterised by word, voice, or phrase, but the expression "to be blasted into annihilation with Mind in-tact" partially describes the process.

In the No-Sphere of No-Time and No-Space, the Human is transformed. And if she chooses, she may re-corporate and return to the material plane, but she is forever irrevocably altered.


1. Any spell caster who can cast at least 9thlevel Abjuration.
2. Wisdom of 22 or higher.
3. An outstanding experience which challenged a characters core beliefs about absolutism and black and white thinking. To even begin to glean the mysteries of the universe, a person must be able to think outside of all learned convention and learned knowledge. Thus, the Human must have had a very serious challenge to their existing belief system before they can access Avatar statsu.
4. Maturity. Characters must be out of their young adulthood.
5. At least two Wisdom based Feats.
6. At least four Metamagic Feats.

Class Skills
Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (the Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Arcana), Concentration, Spellcraft, Alchemy.

Skill Points
4+Intelligence Modifier (i.e. as per Wizard)

Class Features
Weapon & Armour Proficiency as per parent Class

At every level, the character gains spell slots as if she had gained a level in the spellcasting/ranger class she belonged to.

However, she does not gain any other benefits of the parent class that would have been gained with level advancement (feats, special abilities). If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Freewalker, she must decide which class to add the new Prestige Class to for the purposes of determining spells per day.

The following table applies, even though this is an Epic Level PrC.

Avatar Dweomer Master Statistics

code:---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Lvl BAB Fort Ref Will
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Avatar Dweomer Adept
2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Avatar Dweomer Principle
3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Avatar Dweomer Kindler
4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Avatar Dweomer Ascendant
5 +5 +4 +2 +4 Avatar Dweomer Master--------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------

Avatar Dweomer Adept
1. At first level, you may Counter-Magic as a free action, and without need or recourse to spells. You are so in touch with Native Magical Energy that it is yours to command freely.
2. You also learn to command the basic forces of nature: air, fire, water and earth - but in Epic proportions. This enables you, for example, to create storms, deserts, hurricanes, earthquakes, tidal waves, create fires over vast areas of land, or alternatively, you may stop these same effects. Any force of nature is yours to command. There is a DC check associated with use of this function

code:---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Proportion of Event
Small effect 15
Small-Moderate effect 20
Moderate effect 25
Moderate-large effect 30
Large effect 35
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

Your DM will moderate these effects, and she will determine what is "small" versus "large". But, this is a Wisdom Based ability - and involves the interaction of Existential Energy (created by the Mind) with the forces of Nature. The Avatar adds their Wisdom Bonus to dice roll, and adds 5 per PrC Level (so a Large Effect has a 50-50 chance of success at maximum PrC level on a D-20 roll unmodified by Wisdom).
3. Weaveless Casting. You may cast all your spells without drawing on the Weave.

Avatar Dweomer Principle
1. You may create a Weaveless Mythallar. These effects are to be moderated by your DM, but may include basic Mythallar functions, such as Float City.
2. Alter Season. You may actually shift the Plantary Axis (the Procession of the planetary orbit) to literally change the current season.
3. Deepen Seasonal Effects. You may add degrees or subtract degrees of tilt to the Planetary Axis. If 'more tilt' was introduced, you could make both summers and winters more severe. Days would lengthen and shorten between solstices and equinoxes appropriately.

Avatar Dweomer Kindler

Change Sun's Energy. This function may make change the actual colour of a sun. So, you might change a yellow sun to a hotter sun (a blue sun) or to a cooler sun (a red sun).

Avatar Dweomer Ascendent

1. Explode or Create Sun/Planet: Your power has increased to such an extent that you can actually destroy or create a sun. The former disperses the sun's elements into space, the latter coalesces matter (Hydrogen).
2. Rip Space: this is a rending of "space". The effect is to disrupt all things in the Prime Material Plane inside the area of effect. It is a rending of the actual substance of the prime material plane - and the creation of Dark Matter or Dark Energy from Space. Dark Matter cannot be seen, measured or felt and neither can Dark Energy. These "zones" are not noticed as one passes through them (after the effect). They are in Unspace or Non-Space. But this effect causes Shar to accummulate Power into the Shadow Weave and disrupts the balances between deities.
3. Create Life: You are so in tune with Life Force that you can reverse entropy and create Life from Lifelessness.
4. Shift Planetary Orbit: you learn how to shift the obit of a planet either more close to the sun, or further away.

Avatar Dweomer Master

1. Avatar Status: this spell is akin to Karsus' Avatar - it permits you to subsume another Deity into your "portfolio" thereby increasing your power. But, when you interfere with Deific boundary-space, you will attract the attention of several deities.
2. Life-Extension: you glean mastery over flesh to such extent that your body becomes Timeless.

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Gellion said:

Personally, I don't like it on several levels.

My first beef is that it ignores epic rule conventions. Why should it alone of all epic classes gain bab and save progression? No reason that I can think of.

Skill points are listed as 4+int as wizard, but wizards have 2+

The entry requirements are not difficult... any 21st level cleric could concievably enter the class, though it feels more aimed at human wizards.

No HD.

The class abilities are waaaaaay out of wack for non-diety level (or at least non-40th plus level). Tilt the planet? Destroy a sun? Figure up the epic DC of attempting to do that, and then decide if you think a character of under 50th should even dream of such things.

25th level, we can subsume a diety... an event that, back in second edition, Karsus had to be 41st level to attempt and nearly destroyed his world.

So, no, I don't really like it.


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Xiryc said:
So, instead of responding to criticism, you just bump your thread?

Well i did not make it, so i am not going to change it in any way. I just wanted to see what people though about it. :)


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I'm with Tywyll on this one. Whilst I suppose in the epic context DMs have some more flexibility vis-a-vis non-epic play, it's clearly out of line with all of the canon epic material. Indeed, one could even qualify at 17th level- and the nebulous 'thinking outside convention' requirement does not preclude non-epic characters taking this.

In essence, a 20th level character, say, Abj17/DweomerMaster3, could wipe out a planet (by making the Sun hotter or cooler hence making life untenable), whilst his mundane compatriots (Abj20) are flinging around Meteor Swarms...32d6 damage pales in comparison to destroying planets, no?

Even if explicitly restricted to epic levels, the ability to wipe out planets and systems is patently superior to anything in the ELH. Even the notorious Vengeful Gaze of God with its 405d6 damage could only take out, say, a smallish mountain...not blow up stars and subsume deities.

Voidrunner's Codex

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