• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Band of Four (The Village of Oester)


Hairy Minotaur said:
Yes, the sad thing though is that after Oester my group will only have two more sessions and then it'll be caput. 3 relocations and 1 marriage (to someone who can't stand DnD) so this'll be the last hurrah for the forseable future. :(
:( I guess we are coming up on April...

As an aside I really appreciate the aside with Loki. Do you ban your players from the SH? or are you well past this point?

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pogre said:
:( I guess we are coming up on April...

As an aside I really appreciate the aside with Loki. Do you ban your players from the SH? or are you well past this point?

The short answer is no. But that's because when I started we were about 4-5 sessions ahead of the story hour, now I've caught up to about only 2 behind the game. So in the beginning they had learned most of what was in the story hour, the asides are in there now so as to explain things they won't get a chance to explore behind the scenes (more like reading a narrative after the fact) so I'll intentionally be including these as the story wraps up, so that most of the character's motivations and plots lines get tied.

Jon Potter

First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
Yes, the sad thing though is that after Oester my group will only have two more sessions and then it'll be caput. 3 relocations and 1 marriage (to someone who can't stand DnD) so this'll be the last hurrah for the forseable future. :(

Well, that's bad news! (Not the marriage, mind you.)

But I really enjoy this story hour and the characters. Well... I guess I'll just enjoy it while it lasts.

Sidis Leads Tharhack into the temple proper, where a furnitureless room with a thick layer of rugs covers the floor.

"Are you weavers?" Tharhack asks, hoping the answer is no since the rugs are ratty and poorly sewn.

"No, we are travelers and in order for the initiates to get used to resting anywhere, we start them off on these." Sidis answers kicking into the rugs in front of him, and hitting what sounded like a rock.

Sidis leads Tharhack into a small reception room off to the left, and them into a prayer area where a lone priest is kneeled beneath a lone candle set in an alcove, that somehow manages to illuminate the entire room.

"Master, we have a weary traveler come seeking help." Sidis tells the kneeling man

The man stands and turns to face Tharhack offering his hand in greeting. "Greetings, I am Ianver Karda Owen Laranderson. I felt your weary steps along the road as your entered this fine city." Ianver says smiling and shaking Tharhack's hand.

"Not very impressive, seeing as how I walked into town. Would've been more impressive if I had flown in." Tharhack retorts

"It matters not how you arrived, only that you did. I would've known if you had teleported into the middle of the sewers, Tharhack." Ianver replies

"How do you know my name?" Tharhack asks

"You are wanderer, you seek something but know not what. It is my purpose to help those find the direction they need to travel, I can help you find yours." Ianver responds

"What I seek is healing, which I was told you have. Do you plan for me to perform some trick for you in order to get my friends healed?" Tharhack inquires impatiently

"Are you in a hurry? What destination is in pressing need of your services?" Ianver asks

"Does it matter? If you're incapable of healing my friends I shall bid you good day." Tharhack says as he turns to leave.

"Your faith wanders, it wasn't there when you lost each of your friends to death's cold hand. It wasn't there when these two lost their wits at the voice of a wraith, and it won't be there when you try to heal them yourself." Ianver tells Tharhack in a voice that seems to vibrate the very air around Tharhack

"What are you insinuating? Kord is all powerful, it is I who is not strong enough. You waste my time and you're creepy, not a good combination." Tharhack replies

"Kord tests his subjects incessantly, all the time. Why it wouldn't surprise me if he's testing you this very moment. Do you feel tested?" Ianver asks

"No, I feel cheated." Tharhack responds

"Try to call his power now, show me your faith has not faltered, let's see the great power of Kord" Ianver says waving his hands in front of him.

His button pushed, Tharhack charges at Ianver, who dimension doors just as Tharhack reaches him. Tharhack pulls up and spins around looking for Ianver, finding him standing with Sidis next to Gothmog and Charekyal.

"Tsk, Tsk. Such rage, your predictability has cost you the only possessions of any worth you had left." Ianver tells Tharhack as Sidis places a hand on Gothmog and Charekyal and the three of them disappear.

"You inbred pile of jackal *dung* I will rip your arms off and use them to beat you into hell." Tharhack advances on Ianver again, only to have Ianver put his hand up in a gesture to stop.

With the utterance of one word, Tharhack freezes in place, paralyzed.

"Don't worry half-breed, you'll get your chance to have your luggage returned. After I get what I want of course." Ianver says "I want you to bring me the body of a creature that did not exist yesterday, and before you think it's a baby, this creature's race did not exist yesterday. Dead or alive it makes no difference to me, I'll find you once you've completed this task."

Ianver walks out of the room, and all is quiet. Tharhack remains paralyzed for a few more minuets, Tharhack falls face first to the floor and quickly scrambles to the front door. Peering thru the open door frame, Tharhack only finds empty steps and no priests in sight. Tharhack hails a passing man.

"Excuse me sir, did you see which way the priests from this temple went?" Tharhack asks

"Huh? They left two days ago." The man says giving Tharhack an odd look as he continues down the street.

Unsure of what just happened, Tharhack reenters the temple hoping that he'll find Gothmog and Charekyal safe inside. Tharhack searches every room, but finds nothing. Turning to leave, Tharhack is confronted by some of the town guard.

"What business do you have here?" A guardsman asks

Thinking quickly, Tharhack goes with the first thing that pops in his head, "My brother told me these guys book great vacations."

"Well, unless you are a member of this church, we ask that you leave it be." The guardsman replies

"Sure, no problem. Do you by chance know how long they'll be gone?" Tharhack asks

"I do not know, they went to investigate what's been going on up in Oester. Hopefully they'll be back soon." Came the reply

Tharhack thanks the man and exits the temple, "Excuse me sir, but could you recommend a good bar for someone of modest wealth?" Tharhack asks the guardsman

"For you, I'd recommend the Iron Hill Tavern, it's just down that street there, second building on the left." The guardsman replies pointing to his left.

Tharhack thanks him again and heads off to the bar, to do some thinking, half-orc style.


"Ha, ha, ha. Did you see the big oaf? What a moron, I even gave him a hint at my name and he couldn't get it." Loki says wiping the tears of laughter from his cheek

"Aren't you afraid he'll go to Oester?" A fiendish giantess asks

"Either way, who cares? I'll get what I want, and so will a lot of other people." Loki says stroking the bony chin of the giantess

"Your foreplay is so subtle." The giantess responds

"Ha! Wait until I create my own breeding mountains, That's going to be the talk of the millennium." Loki rambles, "Wenches" Loki claps, "Bring me....... oh..... whatever is in the hearth."


"Appears Loki has played his hand my lord."

"Yes, it does, I've been waiting for him to decide how he wishes to play this game." Prometheus answers

"Don't you fear, he'll gain the new one?"

"That's why I always play one step ahead of the raving lunatics. Better to have them trying to catch you, than the other way around." Prometheus responds

"I see your level of interest has not waned from him yet. That gelatinous ooze you sprang on the lich Emthur, I'm sure cause Loki to accelerate his plan."

"As long as he is reacting to me, then I control the game." Prometheus answers, "And my next move is sure to raise his ire once again."


Rebrey hikes out of the shadow of Emthur's tower, heading in the direction Tharhack said he would take. Turning back towards the tower, Rebrey says a small prayer to the memory of Alriand before continuing.

Unbeknownst to Rebrey, he was blessing an empty grave.

Tharhack walks down the street and up to a dull gray stone building. The smell of cooked ham fills the air, walking up to the double doors, Tharhack gets a strong whiff of ale coming from the building as well as the sounds of a great many voices. Looking up, Tharhack sees the sign post of the Iron Hill Tavern, two patrons pass him on their way into the establishment.

Tharhack opens the double doors and heads inside and is greeted to a packed great room, eight tables surrounded by six chairs apiece are filled with customers, a cramped bar rests at the back of the room manned by a middle-aged human male. The bar is flanked to either side with a flight of stairs, one leading up to wear the rooms are and the other leading to the kitchen. Tharhack was so lost in the atmosphere, that he failed to notice the raven haired serving girl approach.

"Hello there! What can I get ya?" The woman shouts to Tharhack over the din.

"Oh, uh. I'll take a pint of Rhal'tak ale." Tharhack replies

"I'm not familiar with that, is that a regional drink?" The woman asks

"No, it's an or.. nevermind. How about two pints of whatever you've got that'll take varnish off a table?" Tharhack responds

"Sure thing." The woman says with a smile, and leaves Tharhack to go retrieve the drink.

Tharhack wanders over to the table to his left, where six scrawny middle-aged gentlemen are enjoying some ale.

"I couldn't believe me eyes! There I was fishin' by the lake when I saw the monster. It's terrible head came out of the water and lunged at me. If I wasn't so quick with me feet, I'd be monster meat by now." A man says

"Here you go sir. That'll be two silvers." The serving wench sad returned with two pints that smelled like shellac.

Tharhack thanks the woman and gives her three silvers for the drinks.

"Thank you sir! My name's Elessa, whatever you need you just let me know. What's your name big guy?" Elessa asks

"Tharhack. Where did you find this stuff?" Tharhack replies holding up the two pints

"Gully found it in cellar, said some adventures brought it back from wiping out a lizardmen tribe. He calls it 'No taker ale' since there's no takers to drink it." Elessa replies

Tharhack laughs and promptly downs one of the pints, and hands the empty mug back to Elessa.

"Wow, you're the first one to ever accomplish that. Even the dwarves couldn't do that." Elessa says pointing to a group of dwarves who have put two tables together and have taken over a good part of the back right corner.

Tharhack bids Elessa good-bye, and wanders up to the bar. A man in full plate is entertaining a group of four other human men near the center of the bar. Tharhack wades through the patrons and takes a spot behind the man.

"..and remember, if we show no mercy, we are no better than savages." The man says as his audience resumes their drinking.

The man turns around to face his beverage and notices Tharhack behind him.

"Hold there friend, I did not see you approach." The man starts, "I am Sir Owain, how fortunate for you that you have met my acquaintance."

Tharhack studies the man as he spouts his accomplishments, and notices a holy symbol to Apollo emblazoned on his left breast plate.

"Are you a paladin?" Tharhack interrupts the man

"Why yes, how is it you have not heard of me? I have saved many a life in these parts." Sir Owain starts

"Quite the ego you've got there Waino, I need some information, and I'm sure you could enlighten me." Tharhack mixes praise and contempt

"I'm sorry, I did not catch your name odiferous one." Sir Owain replies

"Tharhack, and I need to know all that you can tell me about that traveler cult down the block." Tharhack asks pointing up the street.

"Bah, you have struck a nerve with Sir Owain, I detected evil there just before they fled to that curse town up north, Oester. I bet they started that mess." Sir Owain says

"Evil? Why didn't you report that to the town guard!" Tharhack demands

"I did! They said they would take care of it. One day later they're packing up and they left. I heard today, that they were headed up north to Oester." Sir Owain responds

"Would you care to join me in wiping them from the face of the earth?" Tharhack asks

"I would love to, but alas I have promised to meet my soulmate by the end of the week. Going with you would not allow me to see her, therefore I must decline. I can however say a prayer for you." Sir Owain offers

"No thanks, I'm covered." Tharhack says walking away from the bar.

Tharhack spies an emptying table near the dwarves and decides to take a seat and rest his weary feet, unfortunately his ears won't get rested, as Sir Owain follows him to the table. The dwarves give both Tharhack and Sir Owain a long glance before resuming their talks which are too low for Tharhack to hear over the rest of the room's conversations.

"Ah the dwarves, stout fellows. Long in heart, short in jump. You should speak to them, I'm sure they'll have a story or two about the cult." Sir Owain offers

Tharhack gets up from his seat, and stands next to the dwarves table. The dwarves all stop their drinking or talking and stare at Tharhack, who looks back at Sir Owain.

"That's how you get people's attention." Tharhack tells Sir Owain

pogre said:
Is Sir Owain the alt.lowcharisma paladin? :D

No, just a holier than thou complex. He's a deus ex machina, and I wanted him to rub Tharhack the wrong way, just in case Sir Owain got used in that fashion.

Next up is the dwarven caravan which by far was the best (read: laughter) time we had in this adventure. :)

Jon Potter

First Post
I have a genral question, HM.

I've noticed that a lot of your game seems to be solo (or one or two characters) rather than the usual group dynamic that is the hallmark of standard D&D. I think that's great, but it's been my experience that it's exponentially more work for the DM when a party split happens.

How do you guys handle it?

For instance, was Tharhack's journey to civilization played out with just you and his player? Or was time split between separate plot lines (and separate characters) during the group sessions?

Jon Potter said:
I have a genral question, HM.

I've noticed that a lot of your game seems to be solo (or one or two characters) rather than the usual group dynamic that is the hallmark of standard D&D. I think that's great, but it's been my experience that it's exponentially more work for the DM when a party split happens.

How do you guys handle it?

For instance, was Tharhack's journey to civilization played out with just you and his player? Or was time split between separate plot lines (and separate characters) during the group sessions?

Well, when Alriand's player moved, the first couple of sessions he played via chat room and micro phone. Then he started skipping sessions as he settled into his new home. The player who had the lap top is the player whose fiance' doesn't enjoy DnD. So he started missing sessions as the wedding draws closer. Which meant that whether or not the other guy "showed up" he couldn't play. So a lot of these sessions were just with 2 people.

Rebrey's player helps out with NPCs when the action is focused on Tharhack, and vise versa Tharhack's player does some of them when it's Rebrey's "turn".

With the campaign ending however, everyone made an effort and the last couple of sessions everyone has made it.

It makes it more work if they were in a dungeon or something along those lines (like Emthur's tower) as the encounters would kill a lone PC. Luckily that never came up, and the few wilderness encounters Tharhack had, weren't going to be too much trouble.

"What?" One of the older dwarves asks Tharhack.

"I need some information, I was told you might have it." Tharhack replies

"Really? And just what sort of information couldn't wait until I was finished drinking with my brothers?" The dwarf responds

"The cult the resides in the church up the street, if I wanted to wipe them out of existence how would I do that?" Tharhack asks

"Um, I cannot condone the killing of innocents. I'm afraid this goes against all that is righteous." Sir Owain pipes up

"Shut up, drink your elf watered ale and be merry." Tharhack quips

Tharhack's response gets a good round of laughter out of the dwarves, who delight in the embarrassed look upon Sir Owain's face.

"Ho, I think the half-orc needs a good dwarven mead! Wench! Another keg, and double time it!" The dwarf shouts out to Elessa.

"Name's Larnegin, what were you drinking before I got you a real man's drink?" Larnegin asks

"The local paint thinner." Tharhack responds

"Hah!" Larnegin answers with a slap to Tharhack's back

Elessa shows up with a keg, Larnegin throws her a pouch of coins and pries off the lid of the keg. Taken a tankard from the table, Larnegin dunks it into the keg and hands Tharhack the full dripping tankard.

"This'll put a beard on ya!" Larnegin says

"That'll put a beard on your mother too." A young dwarf tells Tharhack

Tharhack downs the whole mug, and can feel his liver cringe at the strong alcohol. The dwarves give a cheer. Sir Owain tries to down his ale in one gulp as well, but only succeeds in gagging himself and he stumbles off gasping and choking. This elicits another round of laughter from the caravan.

"What is it about this cult that has you so riled up?" The eldest dwarf, who sits in front of some burning incense asks

Tharhack proceeds to retell his story, he is greeted by all fourteen dwarves at the table, and promptly forgets all but four of their names. Tharhack is told the caravan recently passed the cult on the road to Oester.

"Very rude, and delusional. Kept saying the had to get to Vernest, and everybody knows he's been dead for near one hundred years now." Oben, the eldest dwarf, tells Tharhack

"Maybe them priests is what caused all the people to flee Oester?" Geli, a young dwarf, chimes in.

"I heard about the refugees from there, seems to be a problem for the gate guards." Tharhack interjects

"Soon they'll have to shut the gates completely, just about every resident from there has fled here. Some are screaming about a plague, some about dead men walking, others say some people just went mad and started killing folks." Larnegin responds

"I don't think those priest went up there to help people, I detected evil in every single one of them." Oben tells Tharhack

"Bah! good for nothin's, I say it's time for round six!" Larnegin announces to cheers of delight from the rest of the dwarves

Looking back at the entry doors, Tharhack can see the sun has gone down and night has settled in.

"I must get going, I need to find my friends." Tharhack states, "You've all been very generous I will mention you in my devotions."

"Devote yer time to another round Tharhack." Larnegin says

"I really must get going." Tharhack replies

"Tell you what, share this last round with us and I'll give you a sweet deal of some nice items I was saving for Calas our next stop." Larnegin offers Tharhack

After considering the deal for a split second, Tharhack agrees and sits back down, and enjoys the dwarven company for another hour.

"...so there we were, Heli and me, stuck in the canyon. The shadow of a giant bird was circling over us, ready to swoop down the second we got out into the open. Undaunted my brother Geli reaches back and pulls his crossbow out, he points is at the bird very carefully. Then, Wham! He lets the bolt fly, and oh it was a great shot. That night we ate like kings." Heli tells the table

"Yeah, too bad it was a sparrow! Harharharhar!" Geli announces

"You know the king once asked me what I would do if I were not so rich and powerful. I told him I imagine it would be like being an elf. Harharharhar!" Larnegin says

As the dwarves continue laughing, a young dwarf who had kept to himself the whole night, works his way to Tharhack's side and gets Tharhack's attention.

"I didn't want to say this in front of the others, but when we passed the priests of that traveler god, they had a large covered wagon. When I walked passed it, I heard someone inside yell 'Ah she burned me again' you telling us about your fire friend got me thinking maybe it was her?" The dwarf says

"Impossible, how could you meet her two days before she was kidnapped?" Tharhack asks

"Maybe someone's playing a trick on you?" The dwarf says and then returns to his original seat.

Tharhack goes over the head priest's words, and finally gets to his name. Taking the acronym and forming Loki. Tharhack slams his fist into the table, getting the attention of all the dwarves.

"I fear I have been played for a fool. The god of mischief aims to have me play his game, well from now on, it'll be by my rules." Tharhack announces

"If that is the case, then Moradin will surely bless your journey." Oben tells Tharhack

"Why so serious? We need a good drinking song! Bebin, Filgar, how about bury me in my own mead?" Larnegin shouts

Although unable to follow the words, Tharhack, half drunk found the beat intoxicating and was soon joining in on beating the table to a rhythm with his tankard.

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