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The Barbed One (Nasty Sea Monster)


Barbed One
Huge-Size Magical Beast (Aquatic)
HD: 12d10+36 (96 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft. (6 squares)
AC: 19 (+2 Dex, +10 natural, -3 size), touch 9, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+32
Attacks: 8 tentacle rakes +20 melee (1d6+9 plus poison) and bite +15 melee (2d6+4)
Face/Reach: 10ft./20ft. (10ft. with bite attack)
Special Attacks: Constrict, Improved Grab, Poison
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Ink Cloud, Ink Sight, Jet, Low-light Vision, Telepathy
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +5
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 3
Skills: Listen +7, Spot +7
Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Extended Reach, Greater Multigrab, Improved Grapple (B), Multigrab, Virulent Poison

Climate/Terrain: Any Aquatic
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Pack (4-6)
Challenge rating: 13
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Huge-size); 25-36 HD (Gargantuan-size)

Barbed One
Barbed ones are aggressive territorial hunters that will attack anything that looks like food. They appear to be monstrously huge octopi with black rubbery skin (sometimes with white speckles or stripes), white eyes with no pupils, and 15-foot long tentacles studded with sharp poisonous barbs covering nearly every inch of their length. Unlike real octopi, barbed ones have barbs on their tentacles rather than suction cups and mouths filled with rows of needle-like teeth instead of a beak.

Barbed ones prefer to hunt in small packs using their limited telepathic abilities to coordinate ambushes. They prefer to rush out from hiding and use their poisonous barbed tentacles to constrict and weaken their prey until it either drowns, cannot fight back any longer for lack of strength, or both. Barbed ones always fight to the death.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the barbed one must hit a large-size or smaller opponent with a tentacle rake attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A barbed one deals 2d8+9 points of bludgeoning damage plus poison (from the barbs) with a successful grapple check against large-size or smaller creatures.

Ink Cloud (Ex): A barbed one can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 40 feet high by 40 feet wide by 40 feet long once each minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the barbed one normally uses to gain an advantage against sighted creatures. Creatures within the cloud suffer the effects of total darkness. Once created, the cloud is stationary and lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1d4 + the barbed one’s Constitution Score Modifier (to a maximum of 8 consecutive rounds).

Ink Sight (Su): A barbed one can automatically sense the location of anything in contact of its ink cloud. This is a function of its unusual eyes, so if the barbed one is somehow permanently blinded, such as by cutting out its eyes or using the blind function of the blindness/deafness spell, it cannot make use of this ability until his eyes are somehow restored. This works just like the tremorsense ability in the Monster Manual, except that the barbed one and anything to be sensed must be in contact with the ink cloud, not the ground.

Jet (Ex): A barbed one can jet backward once each round as a double move action, at a speed of 240 feet. Since barbed ones always fight to the death, they usually use this ability to close in and surround their prey quickly.

Poison (Ex): Anyone struck by a tentacle rake attack or constricted for damage must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 23) or immediately lose 1d6 points of Strength as the primary damage and again 1 minute later as secondary damage.

Telepathy (Su): A barbed one can communicate telepathically with all creatures within 100 feet that have a language and to other barbed ones. Even so, their communication skills are limited by their animalistic intelligence, so true communication is non-existent. Barbed ones primarily use this ability to communicate with their own kind and to coordinate rudimentary ambushes.

So what do you think of this tough sea beast I created? Please take note of its multigrab and greater multigrab feats. They allow the barbed one to grapple opponents and not be considered grappled itself (it can still move and fight among other things). I created it mostly to try and see how balanced the new 3.5 feats would be (most of those shown above are from Savage Species) and how well the new statblock works on a home brew creation(as well as to give a nasty surprise to my players next game).
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